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Chapter 454

Chapter 454

After Wang Hua finished his confession, he immediately left Qinzhou without any delay.

If others are worried, can Da Song be worried?
This is the time when I crossed over and brought the knowledge and vision of future generations.If Da Song experienced this experience in later generations, I don't know what changes can be made in Da Tang.

Song Jing only heard about the scene when Wang Hua left Bianzhou and Huazhou, but did not see it.This time I finally saw it, and heard that Wang Hua was leaving. Before dawn, they lined up from the city to the port. I don't know how many people came densely.

Watching Wang Hua, a dozen masters, and the guards who came, slowly set off for the port, and some shouted: "Wang Shijun, go all the way."

Some fell to the ground and wept bitterly.

Some Dong people didn't know etiquette. Although it was said that the later officials were also good officials, Wang Hua's kindness to them was too great.Not only crying, but also beating his chest and stamping his feet, just like the death of his parents, even their parents died, they were not so sad.

It made Wang Hua feel his nose sour, and regretted not sneaking away at night.

In fact, it was not that serious. In the next few years, Qinzhou and other states were governed by the Song Dynasty, and they had been transitioning smoothly. After he left, they almost occupied the same status as Guangzhou in Lingnan, and even the same wealth.

All the while watching Wang Hua's shining golden ships sailing away, all the common people were still standing at the port, as if they had lost their souls.Only Da Song, if he were any other official, would feel the huge pressure on his shoulders facing this scene.

After Wang Hua left, another incident in Qinzhou attracted everyone's attention.

Shibajia, the Taiyuan Wang family and the Persians initiated it, and of course there is Wang Hua behind it.But Wang Hua is an official, so it's not easy to stand directly on the stage.

This activity is to organize a sea friendship meeting. In order to ensure the smooth existence and development of this meeting, Wang Hua donated the mansion where he used to live for his servants and princes as the meeting place.

At the end of the year, this meeting was a start-up. In addition to these twenty families, there were also major families such as the Lu family and Gu family in Suzhou, the whole family in Hangzhou, the Xiao family in Lanling, the Ji family in Runzhou, and the merchants of the Shu family from all over the Tang Dynasty. , reaching more than 100 in total.

At this time, I saw Song Jing's role.

If there is no Da Song, if it is replaced by other officials, half of the people may not be interested in Qinzhou.Moreover, Da Song and Wang Hua had a very good personal relationship, and Wang Hua would not harm Da Song.In fact, materials worth 30 yuan were left to Da Song, and it is also a proof that Da Song continued to build water conservancy.

Moreover, Wang Hua asked his counselor, or Zhu Dian, the counselor of the Wang family in Taiyuan, to stay and preside over the meeting in person.Anyway, everyone doesn't know Zhu Ting's current identity.The parties also kept silent on the matter.

Zhu Dian also brought Da Song over.

Song Jing was a little curious. Wang Hua only said that he would host two meetings at the end of the year and next spring in March, and that the establishment of a maritime fellowship would play an important role in the future development of Qinzhou. He didn't mention anything else.

Zhu Ting was the first to speak.

It directly talked about the development of the sea, that is, the past few years.Originally, it had little relationship with the people of the Tang Dynasty, but it has developed rapidly in recent years.

However, Zhu Ting changed the subject and immediately asked a question sharply. Because there was no organization, many people traded very little in order to increase profits, and directly robbed them.The land they passed was like a plague of locusts, where property was robbed and people were also robbed.

It used to be small and invisible, but now the number is large, and the Yi people along the coast can hardly be seen. Even if there are a few large tribes, they are powerful and take up arms to resist.

The result has deteriorated. To sail far away, there must be a supply point. Now the supply point has been lost, making it difficult for ships to supply.Because of this, even Dashi and the sea merchants in the South China Sea complained very much.It doesn't matter if you say that people from Tang Dynasty are not good, if they are not of my race, their hearts must be different.It doesn't necessarily need to be good to these barbarians.If Guan Jian goes on for a long time, all the people along the coast will be plundered, and then what should we do?Right now, because wherever they go, nine out of ten indigenous people will rebel, and a large number of weapons and guards must be equipped on board, which will undoubtedly increase the cost.

After this question was raised, everyone was silent.

I don't know who brought it up, and finally we asked Zhu Dian what to do.There are still many people who don't know Zhu Dian's wisdom, but since Wang Hua kept him, he must have made careful arrangements.

Zhu Ting did not answer directly, but asked: "Everyone has also seen the current situation in Qinzhou, and also knows the previous situation in Qinzhou. Wang Shilang invested a lot of money, but everyone can think about how much money Wang Shilang invested from the beginning. Was it sent directly to the common people? Later, with Her Royal Highness, Taiyuan Royal Family, Persians, Eighteen Families and businessmen, they invested more than 600 million yuan. Why did they spend the most money on farm tools and equipment? Building schools and teaching farming techniques?"

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject and said: "In fact, the profit is astonishing in terms of trading alone. Some can exchange a dozen ordinary porcelain bowls for an ivory. It's just that the number of transactions is not large, so in order to obtain more All kinds of bad things happen because of huge profits. But it is not possible to change the way of thinking. These indigenous people are uncivilized, and they don’t even know how to calculate basic accounts. If we let them farm, can we use very little We can get a large amount of sugar cane and even let them plant spices. After all, even if many spices are shipped back to the Central Plains, they will lose their local fragrance. If we persist for a few years, the number of our transactions will increase greatly, and the profit margin will increase. In fact These aborigines are tantamount to a part of us in disguise, and they are not as complaining as they are now."

Hearing this, everyone understood what Zhu Dian meant.

But it was not so easy, Zhu Dian then told his plan, or Wang Hua's plan.

First of all, organize a fraternity association to divide the regions along the coast and take responsibility for each.If someone continued to plunder this area, the members of the fraternity would join hands and snipe him at sea.When the aborigines in the divided area appeased and dissatisfied, they also jointly suppressed it.

At the same time intelligence sharing, resource sharing.Not only enjoy the news of the production in each region, even the domestic sales, we also work together to obtain the maximum profit.At the beginning, there are more than 100 people, and a group will be absorbed in the spring. Once they are united, what effect will it have?
Song Jing smiled wryly.

But without binding everyone together like this, this fraternity is still a dead letter.

Moreover, in order to show publicity, the eighteen families first provided some information, but the information was not theirs, but a gift from Wang Hua.Anyway, there was not enough manpower, so with a big wave of his hand, they gave way from Kalimantan Island to the west, all the way to the east coast of Africa.However, the Luzon Islands were preserved, and this was not mentioned, but everyone knew that Wang Hua had given up so many benefits, and he had to keep some of them.

In fact, this is a disguised form of encouraging the major families of the Tang Dynasty to open overseas colonies.

You don't know much about the truth, but you can tell at a glance how many benefits this division will bring, and even have nothing to do, just like the legendary Zhang Zhongjian, who became an overseas king.

All moved.

Moreover, the eighteen families also proudly said that as long as they belong to the fraternity, they will give priority to building sea-going ships for them and enjoy a [-]% discount.

The Wei family covered their heads when they heard this.

As a result, there is no [-]% discount, and several maritime merchants come to their house to buy ships.And because of Wang Hua, the Wei family was excluded from the association.It was not until some big figures oppressed that the Wei family joined them, but the share they got was already a very small part, and it was still a very bad part.

But it's not over yet, Zhu Tong spoke again, and he said another thing.

That was the Suez Canal. Wang Huazheng sent people to Dashi to negotiate with the Emperor Dashi.The whole canal is very long, more than 120 kilometers, but it is not useless.There are several lakes from north to south, saving the construction date.In addition, the tonnage of ships is now small, and the largest is only about a thousand tons. It is estimated that no matter how large it is, it will not be built in 100 or 200 years.The deepest draft is less than six meters, unlike later ships, some have a draft of more than 20 meters.So there is no need to dig that deep.

The excavation of the Grand Canal is still fresh in everyone's memory. Yang Guang just dug a Grand Canal, which destroyed the country and benefited the water transportation of the Tang Dynasty.What are the benefits of digging the Grand Canal?
Zhu Ting gave them the answer, and he took out a large map. Except for Africa, Wang Hua finally shyly showed some situations in Europe.

The most important country is Dashi, and now Dashi is a very scary country.At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Muhammad was still in the Saudi area of ​​Yemen, Abu Bak (632-634) spread to the entire Arabian Peninsula, Omar (634-644) expanded to Iraq, Egypt and Libya, Osman and Ali (644) ——661) Arrived in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Persia, Umako (661—750) conquered the entire Persia and bordered the Tang Dynasty.Later, it also occupied the entire North Africa and Spain, making the Byzantine Empire powerless to fight back.

But this has nothing to do with Wang Hua for the time being, at least for the time being it has nothing to do with the Tang Dynasty. They are still expanding, and they will not be able to think of dealing with the Tang Dynasty for a while.

What Wang Hua values ​​is the Mediterranean Sea, and there are many other countries. Some countries and tribes of the Berbers in Northwest Africa have not been occupied by Dashi.The Visigothic kingdom in Europe will be occupied by the Arabs in a few years, and it will not become independent as Spain until a few hundred years later.Kingdom of Franks, King of Byzantium, that is, the Eastern Roman Empire, known as Fufu by Tang Dynasty people.I really can't remember the detailed Wang paintings, but I can remember some general ones.

There are many other small principalities.

Once the Persian Gulf is opened, it will be able to conduct business with the countries along the Mediterranean Sea.

But this is a bit difficult to handle, because the territory belongs to others, will the big cannibal agree.After the completion, whether Wang Hua can let the people of Tang Dynasty participate in the management will take some direct benefits, or it will not take any benefits at all.That is, when it was built, the big cannibals must be the main force, especially the labor must be let them out.But how much money Wang Hua needs to support needs to be negotiated.Moreover, it was a very difficult negotiation. The only basis for Wang Hua now is that there were many big food merchants in the Tang Dynasty, and he could only ask them for help.

Of course, after it is completed, it will have many benefits for the big cannibals, but the most important commodity economy, the world center is still in the Tang Dynasty, and it will benefit the Tang Dynasty even more, and it will broaden the thinking of the Tang people.Don't close the customs gate in the future, we are the largest and strongest country.

And in this process, these businessmen do not need to pay a penny, as long as the canal is completed, they can enjoy the achievements.But only the merchants of the fraternity can pass through the canal, and other merchants don't even think about it.

The news finally moved everyone's heart.

If others don’t believe it, Wang Hua and the others believe it, just like he mentioned many times that there is a continent in such and such a place, or there are some products and climate, and when the results arrive, they are all verified.Even after the imperial court heard about the Mayan country, they sent a troop of warriors to the north in winter to find that powerful and civilized country.

Da Song was dumbfounded at first, far beyond the scope of his knowledge.Then he frowned, the whole meeting was talking about profit, but if he didn't talk about profit, would the businessman be tempted?
But knowing that there is one advantage, the establishment of this fraternity is unstoppable, and the headquarters is located in Qinzhou, which will be of great help to the development of Qinzhou in the future.No wonder Wang Hua finally said that as long as this matter is done well, it will play an important role.Among other things, the shipbuilding volume of Shibajia's shipyard will increase, which will directly contribute to Qinzhou.

After Zhu Ting finished explaining, he said: "But this piece of cake is too big. No matter what, everyone here can't swallow it. Therefore, we need to contact more aristocratic families to join in. That is to say, we will gather again next spring to share this cake." The matter will be settled. After you go back, you can recommend families with good morals to join in. It will be settled in March."

After finishing speaking, he collected all the information and maps, rolled them up, and handed them to the representatives sent by the eighteen families.

The meeting is over.

After coming out, almost everyone's eyes were blank, excited and dazed.Don't be in a hurry to have fun, how to allocate resources in the future, how to divide them up, and there will be quarrels.But one thing, some noise is definitely better than no noise.

Only then did Zhu Dian return to the Central Plains.Before leaving, Da Song even gave it away, which was not a good feeling.Now Qinzhou doesn't have to worry, but what can he do?It seems that Wang Hua has arranged everything for him, and he dares to come here to support the elderly.

Otherwise, how could Wang Hua say that he is the Truman?

Wang Hua didn't worry about Qinzhou on the boat. With Da Song and his own trick-by-trick arrangement, it's hard for Qinzhou to think badly.

It's just that a few princes got seasick, so they let the boat go north at the fastest speed.But on the boat, Mu Zili actually gave birth.Fortunately, there was no major problem, just in the middle of the sea, Wang Hua took the name Wang Hao (it had nothing to do with someone).Very loud name.

This finally made the Wang family more alive like Qinzhou.

The eldest son had nothing to do, so he took Wang Ting to climb on the deck like a boss.

Li Gu'er was very proud.

Mu Zili and Li Hong had no choice but to despise her pride in their hearts.

But there was one person who was very unhappy. Xiao Jincheng cried and cried every day, and when he saw Suzhou, his face was even more frowning.After entering the Yangtze River, she asked Wang Hua for money.

Seeing her pitiful, Wang Hua asked, "How much do you want?"

"Ten thousand wires."

Ten thousand strings?Wang Hua was taken aback, but finally gave it to her.But the little thing was playing with his mind, the ship relied on Suzhou Port to replenish supplies, a group of princes also disembarked, and the little thing also disembarked.But she was not cunning, took the opportunity to slip away with two personal maidservants, and wanted to escape.

Wang Hua could tell when she asked for money, and before she ran out of the city, Wang Hua sent someone to arrest her.

He looked at Wang Hua angrily.

Wang Hua is depressed. I didn't let you marry a Tibetan. You can only blame your adoptive father.And if I don't arrest you, your adoptive father will arrest me.

He didn't explain, but asked: "Your Highness, where are you going to escape? If you escape again, it will still be in the Tang Dynasty. Besides, you brought two maidservants with you, and you have [-] cash in your pocket. It's like putting hundreds of coins on a fire pit Jin of explosives, you are still sitting on this fire pit and refuse to get up."

If the two little girls who don't understand the world don't have the guards to protect them, if they have so much money in their arms and show their whiteness, they may be robbed at least, or they may be murdered for money.

"Anyway, I won't marry."

"You said you won't marry if you don't marry? At the beginning, Princess Anle didn't want to marry, but what happened? And your father promised, if you go back on your word now, the two countries will fight each other, can you afford the consequences?"

"Don't you want to push me into the fire pit too?"

"That's not necessarily the case. When Princess Wencheng married Tubo, the Tubo people respected her so much. Besides, you are the real daughter of the imperial family." At this point, Wang Hua was a little embarrassed. She was only a young child, but she was bullied when she married. Not to mention, in the end even the child was almost lost.So I thought about it, and said, "But there is one thing, I can assure you, if the Tibetans treat you badly, I will give you justice in the future and lead the soldiers to rescue you."

Why take the Tubo people for nothing? It's nothing more than an altitude sickness.

Not everyone has it, even Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng can bear it, let alone ordinary men.As long as you choose suitable candidates, pick out soldiers who are not suitable for altitude sickness, wear more clothes to prevent colds, and eat more rhodiola ten days in advance, it may not be impossible to attack the inland of Tubo.

Moreover, Tubo was also an important target that Wang Hua wanted to deal with.It's just that the opportunity has not come now.Once the little Tubo kid doesn't hear about it, Wang Hua will definitely send troops to Luoxi City in person to teach this little kid a lesson.

But he didn't expect that Princess Jincheng would take his words to heart and cause trouble immediately after arriving in Tubo.

After comforting Xiao Jincheng, the ship also arrived in Yangzhou.Now that it is severe winter, many rivers are frozen over. The river boats are better, breaking through the ice and sailing slowly. The five Anle ships do not want to sail.

A group of people got off the warship and began to return to Chang'an by land.

But Wang Hua looked to the northwest and remained silent.Da Song lived in the Trumen world he had arranged, and at the beginning he had nothing to contend with, but he was about to fall into this whirlpool again.

(End of this chapter)

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