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Chapter 450 Big Delivery

Chapter 450 Big Delivery

This time, the separation and reunion of Wang Hua and the Wei family was not on the table after all, so not many people knew about it.Even Li Bao'er didn't know that he was in Qinzhou.

July is fading away and August is approaching.

As the temperature improved, a group of princesses came out of their nests one by one like hibernating animals.

It's not that there are no activities in July, Wang Hua knows how important the cultural significance of a place is.So I sorted out some local landscapes, built some pavilions and stone steps and small pagodas, and then asked the local aborigines to think of stories.It is whether there are any legends in this place, and the stone becomes a monument.Originally, the scenic spots in the territory were the famous Xiling Mountain, Anjing Mountain, and Luosanling Mountain, not to mention the Liuwanda Mountain, Luoyang Mountain, and a part of the Northwest Shiwanda Mountain.

There are also dozens of large and small rivers.There are always some places with strange shapes. Wang Hua sent people to find out these places one by one, and then invited the common people to "think about legends" and invited literati to travel and write poems and Fu.And not only build some buildings, but also roads, and deliberately transport some strange-colored stones along the way.

The cost is not small, and the fabricated legends are a bit shameless.But immediately with the Princess Tower as the head forms a tourist area.Of course, everyone's goal is the Princess Tower, which has a higher height. In the Luoyang Palace, the Mingtang of Lao Wu.But ordinary people are not qualified to go in and watch.After the princess tower came out, there is still a long queue every day.But after reading it, tourists cannot be allowed to leave, and these attached tourist attractions have played a role.Some tourists still come from the Central Plains, so take a look at other scenery by the way.

The state capital did not get money, but the common people and merchants in the state got money.Especially those who come from long distances are all rich young masters, as long as they have money, they are willing to spend it.The accumulation of these changes makes the development of Qinzhou continue to run like a high-speed train.

It's just that another change has a weak effect on Qinzhou.Because of the construction of a dock for river boats in Yongzhou, Wang Hua accelerated the construction of the road, and it was also repaired, which also brought some slight changes to the people on both sides of the road.But it was too far away from Qinzhou, and the two docks in the south and the north were not closely connected, which made Wang Hua a little disappointed.

There are also some problems on the road. Although people have been sent to investigate, there are still negligence.Due to torrential rain, landslides occurred in two places and the road was blocked again.Wang Hua was very worried. After he left Qinzhou, the local officials behind him would not reorganize after they were blocked because they didn't pay attention to it, making the road with huge investment become a desolate road again.

Another scenic spot is the beach. Wang Hua tidied up a beach at the entrance of Qinzhou Bay, removed the stones, and left only fine sand.This is also the favorite of the princes, and they went to the beach to swim many times in July.A few of them were landlubbers at all, but the beach was flat, so they stayed in the waist-deep waters, shouting cool.

In August, you can hunt and catch fish again.

If Qinzhou had been the way it was before, this group of princes and buddies would have left long ago.But now Qinzhou is far smaller than Luoyang Chang'an in scale, but it also has a big appearance, plus so many interesting things.It is a hot spot, but there are air-conditioned rooms at night.There is ice in Luoyang and Chang'an, but they are all in the palace. How many ice cubes are needed in the tall palace to lower the temperature of the room.I have this condition, but I dare not be so extravagant.Ministers will speak out.

Therefore, staying in Qinzhou makes me happy to miss Shu.

Even the eunuch who delivered the decree kept silent for a long time after seeing their lives.Apart from the small size of the building, Ganqing has a better life than Li Xian.

However, Wang Hua has another habit that many of them cannot accept, that is, eating fish crazily.

It's cheap, a big lobster weighing about two kilograms is only worth [-] yuan, the price of a bucket of rice.A pure wild soft-shelled turtle weighing more than ten catties costs less than twenty Wen.Compared with the price of his previous life, it's like picking it up for nothing.As for soft-shelled turtles under [-] grams, Wang Hua never saw them. Even if some people caught them, they put them back because they couldn't be sold.

After a businessman from the Three Gorges heard of his hobby, he actually brought a wild old soft-shelled turtle weighing more than 60 jin from his hometown, which would weigh nearly [-] jin in later generations.After Wang Hua saw it, he was speechless.

Not only these, but also many rare extra-large conch shells and sea squids that are rarely seen in later generations are now almost sold as mutton.Some are even less expensive than mutton.

Wang Hua feasted wildly, but he liked it, and some of these princes frowned.

Wang Hua not only ate it himself, but also persuaded the dozen or so masters to eat it: "Look, are you as smart as I am? The reason why I am so smart is that when I was young, my family was poor and I was so hungry that I couldn't help it, so I caught fish and prawns to supplement my family's food." food."

Li Hong grabbed his hand with a bit of heartache, now the Wang family top is full of fire and oil, and the flowers are blooming.But this is the world that Wang Hua single-handedly won, that is, when she arrived at the Wang family, the conditions of the Wang family were not very good.

Wang Hua not only persuaded, but also peeled off the tender meat of the soft-shelled turtle's legs and the shrimp meat of the big lobster, and fed them to Wang Zhaolang.

Probably thought that Wang Hua would not harm his son, so he hesitated one by one, enduring his nausea, and started to move his chopsticks.The taste is really good, but everyone's heart is always fuzzy after eating it.This made Wang Hua sigh.

Now the common people do not welcome fishery products, otherwise it will provide a dirty opportunity and create countless job opportunities.Not only seafood, but shark's fin, prawns, abalone and sea cucumber, etc. belong to the category of delicacies from mountains and seas, and no one cares about other sea fish.

It will take a while to change this concept.

Just like river prawns, not each one weighing more than 4450 grams is worthless at all.Those millet shrimps that cost [-] yuan a catty later can’t even be sold for the money of tofu dregs.Or the tortoise is used for divination, and the price is a little more reasonable.But it has nothing to do with eating.

August is here, and so is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Wang Hua had another whim to make moon cakes.There is such a thing now, it is a kind of Hubing.At first, when Li Jing came back from victory, the people of Tulufan presented it. The packaging was very exquisite. Li Yuan took the mustard cakes and pointed to the bright moon in the sky, saying, "You should invite the toads with the mustard cakes."But no one thought of the meaning of it.Later, it became popular at the end of the Tang Dynasty, and it was popularized in the Song Dynasty. It was made by steaming, but the king's painting is not very clear.

But food has a shelf life, and it is not considered a secret recipe. A skilled chef will know how to make it after eating it.Notified the Shibajia and Wang's families, as well as the main businessmen who came to Qinzhou to do business, and gave them the first business opportunity.

Wang Hua taught them how to make some mooncakes with fruit, red bean paste and ginkgo filling by himself.In fact, Wang Hua doesn't understand much, but as long as he speaks out this idea, a skilled chef will make it immediately.

Beginning in August, people in Qinzhou began to eat moon cakes.

That is to say, in Qinzhou, there are not many people in other states and counties who eat it. After all, sugar is too expensive now.

Li Gu'er went to Xiling Mountain to hunt, but overdid it and ran to Hengzhou.Of course, it doesn't matter, she is now on the job of inspecting Lingnan, and the entire Lingnan is within her inspection range.But everyone knew that this was just an eyes and ears, and no one took it seriously.

The only thing he did was to bring some supplies from the imperial court, which were originally intended to be placed in Qinzhou.Dissuaded by Wang Hua, well, the people of Qinzhou don't need subsidies now, so let's put them in other counties.I have never been to other prefectures and counties, but I have only been to Yazhou once, so all these materials were placed on Hainan Island, making Ruoda a poor Hainanese with only three or four thousand people happy as if they were celebrating the New Year.

But Wang Hua didn't agree with Li Gu'er's behavior, because it was giving fish, not teaching fish.It did not bring them a way out, and the people in the five states of Hainan will continue to live that kind of impoverished life in the future.

When Li Bao'er came to Hengzhou, he couldn't see the moon cakes.He ran far away again, and when he came back, he said to Wang Hua, "Erlang, except for Qinzhou, other places are still suffering."

Wang Hua hummed, but said nothing else.How big did Li Gu'er see it?
Driven by Qinzhou, Hengzhou has become better than before.Including Hengzhou, due to the increase in population and income in several states, the imperial court is also planning to upgrade to Zhongzhou.Going east or north, running through Yushui, where the life of the people is more miserable.If you go west and enter the junction of Yunnan and Guizhou, it can't be described as unbearable.Don't say that you can only eat two meals a day, and you don't even have clothes to cover your body.It was the same thing when Qinzhou himself came here.Many people look like monkeys, but climbing is easy, because they are "slim" and very flexible.

Li Gu'er said again: "Erlang, I will give out 100 million yuan to buy moon cakes for them to eat."

Wang Hua almost fell down, 100 million yuan to buy moon cakes?How is this different from when Emperor Hui of Jin asked why the common people didn't eat meat?
Now many places in Lingnan lack many things, such as advanced culture, farming techniques and tools, rugged roads, and even a completely closed state.The common people lacked food, seeds, technology and clothing, and could not even afford salt.The only thing missing is the moon cakes.

But Li Bao'er's intentions are commendable.

At least now Wang Hua is not worried at all that Li Gu'er will be like the Li Gu'er in history, selling his official position for money, and feeding his mother poisonous pancakes for Li Xian to eat for power and position.

But it is obviously extravagant to pay 100 million yuan to buy moon cakes, and it will make people laugh when it is spread.Since Li Bao'er had such intentions, Wang Hua immediately called several members of his family, Zhu Dian, Li Hong and Mu Zili, to discuss.If you can't send moon cakes, the ministers will impeach.You can give it away, one piece per household, and five catties (two catties and two taels) will do.Other money was exchanged for clothes, seeds, and iron tools, including shovels, hoes, plow ears, axes, machetes, saws, chisels, hammers, planes, hammers, iron pots, etc. Only weapons were not in the plan.The most important thing is that the imperial court is not only short of copper, but also short of iron.Therefore, Oceania mined a lot of iron ore and exported a large amount of pig iron to the Central Plains.There is no iron ore, mainly because it is rich in iron ore, which is not worth calculating according to the ore.

There is even a lack of iron utensils in these ethnic minority areas. The appearance of these iron utensils will be of great help to the production in Lingnan.

But in this way, 100 million yuan is not enough. It is better for the two sides of Yushui, even Jiaozhou can use sea transportation to save costs.But Yunnan, Guizhou and other places can only go over mountains and mountains.With the 100 million invested by Li Gu'er, it would be considered good if he could get 50 supplies in the hands of the common people, and at least 50 would be spent on halfway freight.

Wang Hua took out another 100 million coins for icing on the cake.

It doesn't need so much money. The iron tools were originally produced by Wang Hua, but it cannot be said that they were produced by himself.Also pretending, have you seen the sum of money I spent?To save some people from thinking about his wealth all day long.The first is moon cakes. The huge order makes all the food workshops in Qinzhou happy.Fortunately, I am a little clear-headed. This is Wang Hua and the princess's money, and I still do good deeds. I am sorry to earn too much.

This must be put in the first place, after all, the Mid-Autumn Festival is here in the blink of an eye.

As soon as the front is done, the back will be sent away with a fast horse.In order to deliver these mooncakes, Wang Hua borrowed almost all the horses from seven or eight nearby states.But this is the first step. When the goods are transported to the local area, local officials cannot distribute them. If half of the goods can go to the people, then Amitabha.Therefore, some reliable people and subordinates in Qinzhou were hired to supervise this huge delivery plan.

The implementation starts in remote areas first, so that every household has mooncakes to eat before the Mid-Autumn Festival comes.

Then came cloth and seed, and finally iron tools.But there is no need to worry. Those who can use ships try to use ships, and those who can use horse-drawn carriages try to use horse-drawn carriages to save transportation costs.

The young couple had a lot of money and it hurt. Although it was a good thing, they mostly played with loose money at first.But this money is too much, 200 million money, how many people are there in Lingnan?Except for a very few states in Guangzhou that have good taxation, other states can hardly even pay their taxes, and the imperial court does not count on their taxes. The big deal is like Qinzhou. Paying a little tribute proves that it is still under my jurisdiction, and it is even possible. A third of the states and counties also subsidize the salaries of officers and soldiers.Even if the entire Lingnan tax revenue is added together, it will not be 200 million a year.Bringing Qinzhou now can't afford this amount.

Once the moon cakes are delivered in front, the world knows about the latter.

But the matter is not over. First, the Taiyuan Wang family got too much money this time. Some people were also jealous, so they also took out 100 million yuan to do good deeds.Li Xuejun's father heard about it, so he also took out 100 million yuan.

Shibajia is currently living a tight life. Although the cement has started to be sold and the fireworks have brought in profits, the shipyard has invested heavily and has not returned any profits yet.The loss in front is too heavy, and the vitality has not been relieved yet.But after hearing about this, he also gritted his teeth and took out 100 million yuan, all of which was given away for free for the technology of the later shipyard.Even various businessmen who invested in Qinzhou donated nearly 60 yuan in miscellaneous things.

Putting this money in the densely populated Guanzhong and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River may not play a big role.It can be placed in the sparsely populated Lingnan, and the impact it brings is immeasurable.First they sent cloth and iron utensils, then they sent salt, grain and marinated fish, and later they simply built a school and sent them to teachers.Wang Hua was worried that there would be changes after leaving, and she had to pay her full salary at one time. She has been a professor for five years, and what should you do after five years.But in the past five years, there is no way to calculate how many people in Lingnan know some basic Chinese characters.They even sent experienced old farmers, and they hired a three-year system to teach them three years of farming experience in the local area before they could leave.

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Wang Hua felt sorry for herself.Because I took 100 million in my name, and the food was shipped by myself. Of course, there is not much profit in this.But the iron tools are very profitable, and even the rock sugar and granulated sugar used in the moon cakes are all produced by the family. Even the cane sugar has a lot of sugar cane grown by the family on the islands in the South China Sea, but no one has noticed the source of this batch of sugar cane.

Therefore, an additional 100 million yuan was added in the later period.

If this batch of money is spent, if the city is built, it is estimated that two Qinzhou cities can be built, but it is doubtful whether there will be people living there.The apportionment to the common people, the current statistical data is less than 200 million people, escape and concealment, and other Dongxi that cannot be counted, add up to only about 300 million people.One person can share two pennies.

For poor areas, this amount of money is enough to keep them alive for a long time.

The impact of this distribution can be imagined.

Especially a large number of advanced farm tools, and the advice of some old farmers in the past, this is far better than sending moon cakes and food.

The court officials were dumbfounded when they heard this.

Now if you choose the most accomplished governor in history, Wang Hua can undoubtedly be the first.Even Huang Ba, the most famous competent official who governed the region in the Western Han Dynasty, seems to be incomparable with Wang Hua.

However, both have similarities. Huang Ba also attaches great importance to people's livelihood, letting officials take the lead in raising pigs and chickens, promoting the development of farming and breeding industries, and even taking care of such trivial and complicated things as firewood, rice, oil and salt.History books say that he ruled by doing nothing.pull!If we really rule by doing nothing, the state capital will be finished.What other people do is the real thing, for the people, not for the political power.

But Wang's paintings are even bigger.

The minister couldn't say a word after hearing this.Wang Hua is rich, so he plays like this.But the imperial court can’t play like this. If you put three or four million coins in one dao, the imperial court can afford it. The Guanjian imperial court has a total of ten daos, some of which have a population of seventy-eight million people. kick in.

Wang Hua, the governor of Qinzhou, went to the task of pulling the whole of Lingnan with Qinzhou, and he did not exceed the limit or go too far.

But the imperial court can't treat one more favorably than another. Once a huge amount of money is used to forcibly boost the economy, the imperial court will not have that money.Moreover, Wang Hua's personal money was turned into goods with one hand, and he even sent people to supervise.If the imperial court does it and let various officials preside over it, everyone will know the consequences, but they just don't want to talk about it.In the end, if one-third of it can be implemented, the court will die of laughter.

But the funds were too large, and this huge delivery lasted for nearly four months. Even when Wang Hua left office, a batch of ships entered the port without stopping.

The most beneficiary is Qinzhou itself.At one time, the number and tonnage of ships parked at Qinzhou Port exceeded that of Guangzhou.

The money was turned into goods, which not only stimulated the transportation industry, but many of them were purchased from Qinzhou itself.This undoubtedly pushed the development of Qinzhou to the apex.

It’s just that Pu Mojiao, the county magistrate of Qinjiang County, looked at Qinzhou City glowing with countless vitality and said to Zhu Dian: “Mr. Zhu, I have been dreaming for more than a year. I deserve the respect the people have for me. I’m just worried that this dream will wake up sooner or later.”

He didn't go on to say that Wang Hua would be transferred back to the capital sooner or later, and when he came, he said that he would only stay for more than a year, and now a year has passed.Maybe on a certain day, the imperial court issued an edict to transfer Wang Hua back to Beijing.If another official is changed, will he be like Wang Hua?Even if he has the character of Wang Hua, he doesn't have the management ability of Wang Hua.

He sighed again: "It's just that the people in Qinzhou don't know about it now. They only know that they are dreaming, a good dream. In this dream, the young master and the princess have spoiled the people. They don't know how to wake up from the dream." After that, how will they feel?"

Speaking of this, my eyes are a little wet, really spoiled.Now the common people are the sky and the earth.Can the people of that state live like the people of Qinzhou?
Zhu Dian remained silent, even if Wang Hua wanted to stay in Qinzhou, he would not be able to stay. Some people in the court were not afraid that Wang Hua would manage to the end and change Lingnan into the Wang family's backyard?
(End of this chapter)

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