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Chapter 447

Chapter 447 Fighting Back
If the imperial court was really interested in Yizhou or Xiaoliuqiu, Wang Hua would warmly welcome them with their hands up.

No, even the court of Linyi Kingdom in the south of Jiaozhou was not interested, let alone Yizhou.The reason why the eunuch asked this question was not that the imperial court wanted to run the business, but that some people had certain ideas.Not about Yizhou, but about his shipyard.

So who would have an idea for his shipyard?
It can't be the imperial court either. The ancient Chinese dynasties have never been interested in the sea.Fortunately, the Song Dynasty was a little bit better, because the private merchants sailed spontaneously, especially in the Southern Song Dynasty, the scale was quite large.It has nothing to do with the court.After arriving in the Ming Dynasty, Zheng He went to the West, and wherever he went, gold, silver, tea, silk and silk were moved out, as long as he sincerely obeyed the Ming Dynasty.After moving seven times, the country was emptied, and Liu Daxia had to burn the drawings.Then all the sea gates were closed.It became the world of Japanese pirates.As for the current ocean, the Tang Dynasty didn't even have a decent navy.

How can it be possible to become interested in sea-going ships and shipyards?

Only the Wei family was the first family to participate in the great voyage because of their own wooing.

Times have changed, because of Webster's favor, the Wei family is no longer the original Wei family.

This made Wang Hua feel even more chilled, how could he say that he was still her son-in-law, let alone the economy, how much did he subsidize the Tang Dynasty.Not to mention this, but this time the food, although it was for the people and for the plan, but because I took the initiative to reduce the price, more than 7000 million shi was lost, and more than 700 million yuan was lost.

More than 700 million crowns. In the entire Tang Dynasty, even if all the land properties were sold, there would be no more than ten houses that could be sold, and there might not even be five houses.Although the Wei family was not involved in this operation, there were many reasons why the Wei family could not participate.What's more, Ming is cooperating with Baolinzhai, but actually cooperating with the Wei family, and how much benefit has it brought to the Wei family?
Wang Hua expected this day, but did not expect it to come so early.

Fortunately, Wang Hua had already made preparations. The core personnel were evacuating Xiaoliuqiu, and the focus began to shift to Oceania.

Therefore, when the soldiers came to block and the water came to Tutun, Wang Hua was not angry. He said slowly: "This servant, I am also preparing to write a memorial to the court to state this matter. It will be divided into two parts. The first part is Xiaoliuqiu, or Soochow. Speaking of Yizhou. It is difficult for the imperial court to govern this place. Because the people here are very closed. Even if it is across a river, as long as they are not a tribe, they will not communicate with each other unless they meet each other. And the people are fierce. I am in this place The dock was set up with this in mind. Because of this closed environment, there is no tribal emphasis on the territory. I also let my subordinates cooperate with them and get along with each other. If the court governs, everything must be regulated by the king’s law Next, command them. I am afraid it will be very difficult, so Soochow and the Sui Dynasty sent troops to this place, and in the end, in desperation, they had to take some of the people back. It is also because it is very difficult to control them. Of course, if the court will This place is well managed, it is rich in fruits, and there are many places suitable for growing rice, which is also a good place. But there are still a few points to pay attention to, there are many earthquakes in the central mountainous area, and there are frequent storms throughout the year, so we must take precautions in advance.”

The eunuch listened silently. He was in his 40s and looked very happy. Nothing could be seen from his expression.But since Webster asked him to bring the message, it might be Webster's confidant.

Wang Hua continued: "However, there are a few advantages. My subordinates have been here for several years and have some contacts with the original residents in the north. If the imperial court wants to manage this place, it can use this to open the gap. But don't act too hastily. Suppressed by force. And in the north, in order to supply, I also asked my subordinates to teach the aborigines some advanced farming and weaving techniques, and the residents of many tribes began to civilize. Also, that is my dock.”

"I'm afraid the imperial court still doesn't know the origin of the minister's dock. This minister is also preparing to report to the imperial court. It just so happens that the servant came here to convey the information. At the beginning, I searched through the historical records and some people's notes, and came up with some imaginary topographical maps of the South China Sea. .Because the money came from foreign countries, so I made a plan to build a fleet, hoping to get some money and save more poor people. At the beginning, I hired some big cannibals and Persians, or used some means to get the shipbuilding Drawings, this is the earliest sailing ship with a single main mast and multiple slaves. It was also built in Raozhou. Many people in the court should know."

Half-truth said, apart from those who participated, no outsider knew about it very well.Even the Wei family didn't know.

"Later, when the imperial court was short of food, I withdrew the fleet from the cooperation with Baolinzhai and prepared to mobilize food from overseas. And there are many food-producing places overseas, but there is a shortage of seagoing ships. At this time, my men were lucky enough to meet at sea. I saw a fleet, they looked very similar to our Tang people, with black eyes, black hair and yellow skin. They claimed to be Mayan people and were very proud. Even our Tang Dynasty looked down on them. It turned out that they were planning to trade grain from the Tang Dynasty. Unexpectedly Our Tang Dynasty was also short of food. It happened that my subordinates heard about this and saw their shipbuilding technology, so I negotiated with them and exchanged food with them for shipbuilding technology and ships.”

"Oh, where is this Mayan country that even Tang Dynasty looks down upon?"

Wang Hua took out his pen and drew the topography of North and South America, but from Luzon to the east, all the islands were not drawn, and it became a vacuum.After finishing the painting, he said: "If the imperial court is interested, they can cross the Bering Strait in winter to reach this continent. But I heard from them that this continent is very large, and it may be the area actually controlled by our Tang Dynasty. To eight times. They didn’t say where this country is. But I believe there are other people. But if we go by sea, we don’t have nautical charts. You have seen maps for this sea area. way to get there."

"But this place is also sea water, how can we get there?" the eunuch asked puzzled.

"Fortunately, it's very cold here in winter. Although it's a strait, it's also frozen. The ice is so thick that it doesn't matter if you run a horse on it. But you need to equip more clothes and food to keep out the cold, and in winter, there is a polar day and polar night here. You have probably heard the story of the Scarlet Camp. In winter, it is dark from morning to night. But in summer, it is a dim day, and there is no sunset or sunrise.”

The eunuch didn't say a word, Wang Hua guessed that when he went back to report, the imperial court might not be tempted by this continent.But the Wei family will definitely be tempted, just like the food this time, Lu Ergou and the others found the Wei family fleet in Tianzhu, but they went around and calculated it, that is, they exchanged it with the goods from the Central Plains. The cost of each bucket of rice was more than [-] yuan, so other goods were traded.

Wang Hua had no choice but to use the Mayan country as an excuse. This technology had to be handed over. The two-masted ship had to be handed over, and the three-masted ship had to be handed over to the semi-steel keel.It's nothing more than technology, where does Guan Jian's steel come from.There will be many series of questions that will be raised, and if there are more questions, some people will have greater doubts in the end.

Therefore, many things cannot be said, and only part of them can be said.

Besides, Wang Hua didn't want the Wei family to get more benefits.

This is dissatisfaction, bear with it now, and it may make them look good in the future.

As for the Wei family really going there, let's go, more than 4000 million square kilometers, and slowly find this Mayan country.It is estimated that before going to Wudadanwuhu, I withdrew back because I saw patches of ice and snow.

He continued: "Moreover, the strait is not wide, only a hundred miles wide, and the main reason is severe cold. How to overcome it, my manpower is too small, and all of them are concentrated on food, so I didn't try to check it out. But this Maya The situation in China is somewhat similar to that of our Tang Dynasty. Because of the lack of arable land, natural disasters have continued in recent years, and there have been serious locust plagues in the past two years, so we are looking for food everywhere. But this country is rich in steel, and the steel smelting technology is more developed than our Tang Dynasty. Because of the distance, they are short of manpower, and it is not easy to transfer the exchanged materials. They happened to bump into my subordinates, and the two sides cooperated. I taught the brigantine technology, and because I got a large number of ships, I dared to boast to Your Majesty. Provide 3000 million stones of food. But in order to save costs, I captured a large number of slaves, but there are very few real subordinates, and I am afraid that they will rebel, so I said that as long as I help for one year, I can let them return home. Now the Mayan people have withdrawn Let’s go, the number of ships owned by my family has increased, so I started to reduce the size of the dock. But the court can use it, I can give it to the court, and pass this technology on to the court’s technicians.”

Turn around and make arrangements immediately, and all technicians on the island will be evacuated.Only a few confidantes with tight mouths were left, checked the facts, and left immediately after imparting some skills.

Although the eunuch was very deep in the city and had no expression on his face, he listened very carefully.He asked, "Then why didn't they teach that three-masted ship?"

"I think so too, but they said that it was passed on. Our Tang Dynasty did not have the technology to smelt steel, let alone so much steel. The court didn't know that these ships used steel keels, so this batch The whole boat was exchanged with them for food."

"Why doesn't such a country let them send envoys to visit our Tang Dynasty?"

"Imperial envoy, don't mention this matter, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."


"One is that this country is advanced in technology, and it doesn't respect etiquette like our Tang Dynasty, so its words are arrogant. It once threatened that if it weren't for the distance, we could take the entire country of our Tang Dynasty with only [-] troops. There are other more ugly words , if you let the envoy go to the capital to meet the emperor and say dirty words, you can afford the consequences, and I can afford it?"

The eunuch was also taken aback.

Now China regards itself as a huge country, and the Japanese wrote a letter, and Yang Guang almost prepared to send troops to the Japanese country, but because of the barrier of the sea, there was nothing he could do.If the envoy went to the capital and asked Li Xian to kneel down to them instead, he would be in big trouble.

Involuntarily nodded.

"And this country's technology is very advanced. Like my explosives, you have heard how powerful it is. The rocks are so strong that a few small packets will explode. Later, I used it to make firecrackers." This is an experiment in Qinzhou City. Wang Hua said again: "This is still a backward technology, so they don't care about it. It's like taking waste paper and handing it over to me. It's just that they are far away from us and there are not enough people. In order to float the grain on the sea, at most, it will be traded at the port in the place where the grain is produced. So after we went around Guangzhou in the Tang Dynasty, we left when we saw the lack of grain. If we lead them to our Central Plains, we The Tang Dynasty has a vast land and abundant resources, and if it really sent [-] troops, what would be the result?"

Anyway, there is nothing, and the Mayans cannot be found. There are tens of thousands of miles of sea in the middle, as if there are more than 8000 nautical miles (more than 5000 kilometers) from Shanghai to San Francisco. For the route, first of all, ocean currents are not allowed, and there is no way to supply it. It must be detoured, which is more than 2 kilometers long.

Let the monarchs and ministers of the Tang Dynasty be nervous, otherwise they would think that they are the sky and the earth.

He had heard about the explosives before. On the way here, the eunuch went to have a look, and when he saw the noise when the mountain was opened, his face changed in fright.Thinking about it, Wang Hua didn't have the ability to create such a thing.

"Your servant must go back immediately." The news was so shocking that he couldn't sit still.

Wang Hua made up this lie mainly because he didn't want the court to be suspicious of him.Or they still think they did it by themselves, but too many things have come out, which is far beyond the recognition of current knowledge, so they will believe their own words in the end.Or it may be that some of the things I made before were taught by this Maya.

There is another one, which is the keel. Li Guer's five boats covered the steel skeletal for the sake of beauty.But there is no such need for other ships, and these ships are public, and many Tang people carry goods up and down, and sooner or later the court will know.Iron and steel are easy to deal with. Now that we have obtained food, we can also obtain steel, but this steel may not be as good as Baisteel, but Baisteel can only be made with a small knife and a small sword. Can such a huge steel skeleton be smelted?Even now the whole world, including Dashi Steel, is well-known, but there is no such technology for smelting.

This made the court even more suspicious.

As soon as this pretense came out, there was no problem at all. Anyway, I will push it to the Maya in the future.I really want an envoy to bring a few civilized and caring natives from Oceania, and a batch of advanced goods to make Li Xian and his wife laugh.

But Wang Hua still ignored the degree of fear of death of Li Xian and his wife. When the eunuch went back and said it, Li Xian immediately summoned all the prime ministers and held a secret meeting.

Are a little confused.
When did such a powerful country emerge in the world?

But it’s hard to say, where Wang Hua left several maps, all of them were drawn to Africa and Eastern Europe, which further proves that the Tang Dynasty was not the only transcendent power.

It really didn't occur to Wang Hua to lie. If there was no such thing, Wang Hua didn't seem to have the guts to tell such a big lie.Moreover, some things in Wang Hua's hands could not be explained.

So he immediately sent someone to inquire about the Mayan country.

Wang Hua wrote back and replied that they were [-] miles away from the Tang Dynasty by sea, and they had no interest in the Tang Dynasty except for the fact that they were interested in food because of the terrain.There is no need to provoke them, let alone make them angry.It is advanced technology, Wang Hua asked his subordinates to establish relationships with them all the time, hoping to get more.

Not to mention, because of the development of steel technology, Wang Hua is preparing to develop some crude artillery with simple and backward technology in Oceania.It may not have much effect, and it is also good to scare the Turks on the battlefield.I am also planning to use some excuse to dedicate it to the court after it is completed.

But there is one thing, because of this reason, the imperial court will not kill him for a while.

But after the father-in-law left, Wang Hua was very angry.

That is the insatiable greed of the Wei family.

In fact, the Wei family has benefited a lot from the Wang family's light.

Painter Wang's porcelain was once due to competition, and profits fell.But later it spread to countries in Southeast Asia and West Asia, and countries named them to ask for the porcelain produced by Wang Painter's porcelain kiln.In turn, the scale began to grow again.However, in the Wang family's current income, porcelain accounted for a very small share.Wang Hua doesn't care anymore.Even because it was agreed at the beginning of the cooperation that the porcelain market should be handed over to Baolinzhai, that is, the Wei family.

Since Lu Ergou went to Tianzhu to trade last year, because of this agreement, he did not bring out porcelain from his own porcelain kiln, but imported goods from others.But the Wei family still paid the Wang family at the original price.In fact, when they trade with big cannibals and Nanyang people, the price is very high.

Wang Hua also wanted to reduce Webster's resentment, and pretended to be deaf and dumb about this matter, pretending not to know.

In addition, because he was the first to engage in sailing and was familiar with terrain and products, Wang Hua also revealed a lot of knowledge for the sake of friendship.Now the scale of the Wei family is second only to Wang Hua in terms of ocean size, far surpassing other families.Not to mention, Wang Hua eliminated a number of ships, some of which were brigs.They were half sold and half given to the Wei family.

This time, the Wei family actually used Webster's idea of ​​their own shipyard. He was really disappointed.

He called Li Xuejun over and asked her to bring a letter to Shibajia in person, it was a matter of the porcelain kiln.The original agreement will not change.But this time it is enamel porcelain. With countless funds and research, enamel technology has begun to achieve great success, but there are still many other technologies that have not been overcome, such as large-scale jade carving technology that has not reached the point of roundness, and bone china and so on.The most important thing is that the purpose of going to Jiuding was to inspire the people of the Tang Dynasty to open up the spirit. Now that Li Xian is like this, he doesn't want to go.Jiuding has been dragging.

However, the enamel technology was transferred to porcelain.In this way, among the four famous porcelains in China, more than half of the types of blue and white porcelain are now mastered by Wang Painter, and the appearance of enamel porcelain is equivalent to mastering the second kind of porcelain.Powder porcelain is also being studied, and people are also sent to Nanyang Dashi to find some glazes.There is not much progress in powder porcelain, but another kind of famous porcelain has begun to make progress.

That is Linglong porcelain. Many regular exquisite eyes are carved out of the porcelain body through the engraving process. After firing, these holes become translucent bright holes, which are very beautiful, and are known as "porcelain with glass". .Because it was mostly matched with blue and white patterns at the beginning, it is also called blue and white exquisite porcelain.

This porcelain has a very long history and appeared in Hongzhou Kiln in Sui and Tang Dynasties.However, the craftsmanship is very rough, and later it developed from a single color to multi-colors such as red, yellow, green, blue, etc., and became a popular colorful exquisite porcelain.But most of them are mechanical poking holes, which loses the fun of manual engraving.Wang Painter Porcelain Kiln has invested a lot of capital in it in recent years, but it has been delayed.Because not only the glaze firing technique is more exquisite, but also the workers' engraving technique is more exquisite.

There is another method of division, saying that the four famous porcelains in Jingdezhen do not include enamel porcelain, but blue and white porcelain, blue and white exquisite porcelain, powder porcelain and high-temperature colored glaze.

High-temperature color glaze is also called living porcelain and bouncing porcelain. (However, Living Porcelain was almost bought by a Taiwanese porcelain merchant, who touted its effectiveness and advertised for them. After reading it, I felt very shameless. In fact, the most famous and earliest successful research was in Jingdezhen, which has nothing to do with Taiwan Relationship) In fact, this division is wrong, and the concept of high-temperature color glazed porcelain is somewhat general.

Porcelain is classified by firing temperature into high temperature color glaze (about 1300 degrees), medium temperature color glaze (about 1200 degrees) and low temperature color glaze (about 1000 degrees). If 1250 degrees is used as the boundary, it can be divided into high and low.However, the glaze produced by high-temperature color release is far better than low-temperature glaze.Among them, there are Jihong, Junhong, Langyaohong, Underglaze Red, Meirenzui, etc., mainly red glaze series with copper as the colorant.There are Tianqing, Longquan, Douqing, Yingqing, etc., mainly using iron as the colorant green glaze series.There are Ji blue, enamel blue, Ji Qing, etc., mainly using cobalt as the colorant blue glaze series.As well as Sanyang Kaitai, Kiln Transformation Glaze, Song Junhua Glaze, Zijin Glaze, Wujin Glaze, etc.Among them, sacrificial red is the most costly. The ancient formula not only contains pearls, agate, jade, etc., but also needs to be mixed with gold. The wide range of ingredients and the high price amazed future generations. The temperature, atmosphere, and time are slightly different, and good finished products are often not produced.Even now, Wang Hua has not made the workers think about it.Later, the high-temperature color glaze of the four famous porcelains in Jingdezhen is a specific high temperature, which is different from ordinary high-temperature glazed porcelain. The temperature must reach 380 degrees, and most of them are green. .The craftsmanship is more exquisite, and Wang Hua didn't even think about it for the time being.If it was like that porcelain competition, Wang Hua might burn two pieces at any cost, but large-scale firing is simply not practical given the current technology and conditions.

Therefore, there are two new types of porcelain that can be introduced to the market, blue and white exquisite porcelain and enamel porcelain.

This has brought the current porcelain to a higher level.

The letter Wang Hua asked Li Xuejun to bring was about these two kinds of porcelain, and asked the eighteen families to let the air out, because Wang Hua needed to get 100 million shi of grain controlled by the eighteen families to stabilize the price of grain in the Tang Dynasty.So we made some concessions, such as direct sales of fireworks to them, and new porcelain joint ventures with them.In fact, the core technology is still in the hands of the Wang family, but the management rights have been transferred to [-] companies.

It is also a considerable profit, not a lot. If it is managed properly, it can bring about [-] yuan in benefits to each family in a year.It is also worth a shot, Guan Jian is other such as seed fireworks cement, which is what the eighteen companies value most.

The reason why Li Xuejun was asked to go in person was because Wang Hua did it on purpose, to show that I was angry.

If this is not angry, then some people will doubt Wang Hua's forbearance.

This is only the first step, and Wang Hua has arranged for the second step.

Zhu Dian disagreed with Wang Hua's arrangement.

Wang Hua replied: "Mr. Zhu, I was wrong. This is not to weaken the power of the Wei family, but to weaken the power of a certain person."

Zhu Dian had no choice but to keep silent, seeing Wang Hua's strength, he didn't worry about Wang Hua either.If he did well in the Tang Dynasty and continued to do so, if he didn't do well in the Tang Dynasty, it doesn't matter if Wang Hua rebelled, but at worst, if he withdrew to Oceania, everyone would just stare blankly.

What kind of aristocratic family, what kind of famous family, in the face of the power that Wang Hua secretly possesses, it is a supernatural horse or a floating cloud.Not worth mentioning.The only thing that can compete with Wang Hua is the current powerful court.

Then Wang Hua asked Mu Lizi to send someone to watch the three people, to see Li Chongjun's performance in Oceania, and what Webster said was that he had colluded with Zhang Yizhi to kill the prince, that is, Webster's biological son Li Chongrun, who moved to Hehe and Junzhou. Li Chongfu, the consul, and Li Chongmao, Li Xian's other son, the little kid.

However, I don’t forget that Li Dan and his son once used the court to pay attention to the affairs of the Maya Kingdom. Wang Hua wrote that the Maya Kingdom is far away from the Tang Dynasty. It is not a hidden danger of the Tang Dynasty, but the biggest immediate danger is the safety of the capital.

Your Majesty, can you remember the defeat of Crown Prince Li Chongjun?

In the past two years, the Habayashi Army had two coups.Is this to protect the safety of the emperor, or is it provided by the country's huge manpower and material resources to seek a coup d'etat?

Therefore, it is necessary to issue an edict that all Yulin soldiers are not allowed to associate with any prince or princess. If there is any, please punish the family with the crime of treason.

As soon as Wang Hua reminded him, Li Xian really took it to heart.After all, the two little kits made him feel like a fairy. Now, every word Wang Hua said, as long as he said it carefully, he had to think about it.Did he hear something?
Immediately check the Habayashi Army.

It’s okay if you don’t check it out, but you’re taken aback when you check it out. The factions in the Habayashi Army are more complicated than the imperial court. Some are loyal to Li Xian himself, some are related to the queen, and some are not clear about Princess Taiping. contact.

Scared to death, deal with it immediately.

Upon hearing this news, Princess Taiping and Li Dan remained silent for a long time.

It was just because Li Longji wasted an hour of happiness that Wang Hua said a word and countless efforts were wasted.

In fact, up to now, Wang Hua cannot decide the direction of the court, but he can influence the situation of the court to some extent.

However, Muzi Li and Li Hong were not reconciled, and they used another 100 million money to Mo Hegan, and secretly used various companies to transport food and weapons to Shannan.

Zhu Tong didn't know yet, Li Xuejun was speechless after hearing this, what are these two girls doing?Could it be that Wang Hua really made rebellion?

(End of this chapter)

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