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Chapter 417

Chapter 417
Because Wang Hua was in a wheelchair, his speed was very slow. When he arrived at Shangyang Palace, Li Xian was talking to Lao Wu.Shangguan Xiaowan heard the wind from nowhere, she was sitting beside Li Xian like a kitten.

Seeing Wang Hua, he just nodded his head and didn't dare to say more, the influence of the list is still there.

Wang Hua saluted, then looked at Lao Wu.The old lady was really dying, her silver hair was like clumps of basil, goose bumps appeared on her face, and her eyes were cloudy.She pressed her hand gesture to signal Wang Hua to sit down.

When Wang Hua sat down, the old lady said: "The story you told Aijia, why Aijia feels more and more like it has a bad ending."

Now it is not Shangguan Xiaowan, but Li Hong and Muzi Li. Wang Hua sometimes speaks a paragraph or two, and they record it. Wang Hua moistens his pen again, so the speed is very slow, but it has reached 95 times. , Yuanchun died.

Because Lao Wu's body was getting worse day by day, every time Wang Hua sorted out a few chapters, he was sent to Shangyang Palace.However, the manuscript has to be reviewed by multiple eunuchs before it can enter Shangyang Palace for Lao Wu's maid to read for Lao Wu.At this point, the story really enters into a thick atmosphere of oppression.

Wang Hua replied: "Your Majesty, I originally thought of two endings for this story, but considering the situation at the beginning, what kind of melons to plant and what beans to get, I chose this ending."

There are dozens of versions of A Dream of Red Mansions, and the Gao'e version is the most recognized.There is also a version that ends with a happy reunion.Although it makes readers happy, it's too ridiculous.Even the high-e version, with a tragic color, is also contrary to the meaning of the original author.According to what appeared in the previous content, Jia Baoyu should be impoverished and have nothing.However, because the high version is the closest to the meaning of the author, later generations have selected forty chapters of the high version plus eighty chapters of the original to form the whole book.

Now this book has also been circulated, and there are also many versions, some were revised by Wang Hua himself, some were recorded by Shangguan Xiaowan, and some were written by Li Hong and Mu Zili.Wang Hua didn't care either.And because of taboos, some love scenes, and some severe blows to society, Wang Hua made a lot of deletions, and because of time and writing skills, this book is much inferior to the original.Although it was still a treasure at this time, Wang Hua was very ashamed and uneasy after seeing it.

Fortunately, he is not a fan of Hongxue, otherwise after seeing this version, he would even have the thought of dying.

"That's right, there are so many perfect things in the world, Wang Hua, please tell Aijia about the following content."

This is the second time she called Aijia, and this time Wang Hua finally noticed the change of the name.It's actually changed from Zhen to Aijia, which shows that she is really disheartened.

Wang Hua replied respectfully: "Observe the order."

Continuing on, the old lady was in a very good spirit today, and even had dinner in Shangyang Palace for lunch.But Wang Hua was not in such a comfortable mood, thinking about messy things, he had to talk for a while, thinking for a while, and spoke very slowly.It was not until the evening when the sky was approaching that I talked about the hundredth chapter, Tanchun Yuanyuan Marriage.

Lao Wu looked at the sky and said, "Go back."

Li Xian originally listened to the story with great interest, but in fact, because he was afraid that Wang Hua would carry information with Lao Wu, Wang Hua's manuscripts were reviewed every time, but the final results of the review were likely to be previewed by Li and Webster.When Wang Hua started speaking, he forgot the business.

When Wu Zetian asked Wang Hua to leave, Li Xian became anxious and said, "Mother Emperor."

Wu Zetian asked him to sit down and said, "My lord, Aijia asks you, how do you plan to treat Sansi?"

Li Xian shook his head blankly.

"You called Wang Hua here today because you wanted Wang Hua to find an accommodating method so that everyone can live in peace. But you are the emperor, if you want him to live, think twice and you can live. If you want him to die, think twice and you will live." Can die. What can Wang Hua do? The choice is in your hands, but remember Wang Hua’s words, you will reap melons if you sow melons, and you will reap beans if you sow beans. You don’t necessarily use knives to kill people, and sometimes coaxing them is also the same Kill. Go."

Li Xian had no choice but to leave in a daze, he couldn't understand what kind of charades this clever mother was playing with him.

But Wang Hua guessed a bit.In Lao Wu's pass, many things have been seen, especially Wu Sansi has almost never been to Shangyang Palace to see Wu Zetian.Maybe he did it to avoid suspicion, but it will inevitably make Lao Wu feel cold.So in the past, she may have created a Wu Li alliance, but now she doesn't care about her mood.

The most important thing is that although Lao Wu is dying, he still has a sliver of wisdom from the past. She may have heard some news and knows that the decision-making power is not in her hands, not in her hands, and probably not in Li Xian's hands, but in Webster's hands .Whether it is Wang Hua or Wu Zetian, talking about it is tantamount to talking about it.It's better to listen to Wang Hua's storytelling.At least you can still listen to it a few more times while you are alive. This is the real thing.

Of course, even Lao Wu didn't know that he had really murdered Wu Sansi.Not to mention Lao Wu who was locked up in Shangyang Palace, even Webster or Li Dan underestimated this point.Wang Huaming's resources are too few, he is only a bachelor, and he is isolated and helpless in the court.

So Lao Wu didn't say anything, not even asking about his marriage with Li Chiying.

But it also proved the bleakness in the old lady's heart now.

Wang Hua felt very heavy when he thought of the heroic queen who was a bit terrified even when she saw it, and now she was reduced to such a situation.

When he returned home, it was completely dark, but to Wang Hua's surprise, Wu Sansi sent an aide to wait at his door.Seeing a group of people approaching, the middle-aged man stopped them, bent down and said, "Little Marquis, this servant was sent by King Dejing to bring a few words."

Although his square face undoubtedly exudes a kind of shrewdness, and the clothes on his body can also see his status in Wu Sansi's residence, but just looking at this young man in the wheelchair, he feels uneasy for no reason, so as not to be afraid The two hands that were on the edge of the wheelchair clenched tightly, and then violently protested.

His waist hangs very low, and his manner of speaking is even more humble, he actually used the word of servant.

But one of the two big hands didn't move, and they rested lightly on the wheelchair. Although the fruits of regular exercise can be seen through some rough skin, the slender fingers remind people of those hands except for the holes. In addition to its military strength, it also created many beautiful utensils.

A face is not full of softness and softness like those handsome disciples of the Wu family, but it has clear lines, thick eyebrows and big eyes, full of strength and vitality.It's just that because I haven't seen the sun for a long time, my skin has become sickly white.

Those eyes stared at him, but just stared at him, nothing else showed.

He couldn't guess if this was the calm before the storm, or a kind of indifference?Therefore, I said more carefully: "My lord sent me a message that this matter is over, and everyone owes nothing to each other. But in the future, we will be friends or enemies, and it depends on the young master's choice."

"What's your name?"

"My servant's name is Pei Ying."

"Pei Ying, I heard a story when I was young. It said that there was a child who liked to play tricks on others. One day when he was grazing cattle, he saw the adults were busy farming, so he called wolf. Hearing this cry, the adults They put down their farm work together and came to rescue. The wolf didn't see it, but saw the child laughing on the ground because of the successful teasing. The adults accused him one after another, but because he was a child, it was not easy to beat and scold him, so He left angrily. But the second time he called wolf again, the adults were tricked by him again. But once the wolf really came, he screamed desperately in fright, but no adult came to save him. Tell this story Bring it to Wu Sansi."

"Then young marquis, is this also your answer?"

"Exactly. I don't know what he thinks about what happened this morning, and I will continue to stay behind closed doors until my injury is really healed, but he wants to continue to play tricks on me, please let go." Yes Wang Hua now understands the essence of Wu Sansi very clearly.Of course, what Wang Hua said when he returned to Luoyang was not the truth either.The real opportunity to work together was at the end of spring, when he was at a loss because of the failure of the Tianjin Bridge, and he hadn't distinguished friend from foe.

But because of Wu Sansi's gaining power, he was arrogant and conceited, and wanted to use marriage to take over the Scarlet Camp, which finally broke Wang Hua's heart.From then on, it was impossible for them to be friends.

I'm afraid Wu Sansi also understands this truth, but now because of the big case of the announcement, when he is in a state of desperation, he is afraid that he will fall into trouble, so he wants to use the method of slowing down to stabilize himself.But what about after that?Will he consider himself a friend?
Okay, I will climb onto Wei Shi's bed right away, and I will be the same person from now on.

But would Wang Hua do this?

Wang Hua resolutely refused, but Pei Ying was not Wu Sansi, and she didn't even dare to say the words of betting hard, so she resigned with courtesy.

Li Bao'er spat hard at his back.Being held back by Wang Hua, a servant, why bother with him?

This was just a small episode, and Wu Sansi would not expect Wang Huazhen to compromise on this.In fact, Wang Hua closed the door again, and he was very satisfied that he did not participate in the Song and Wei investigations.

The real contest lies in the case itself. The two ministers of Wei and Song Dynasty, as well as other Qingliu ministers, hope to further expand the results of the battle and bring down Wu Sansi in one fell swoop on the basis of the witness and material evidence provided by Wang Hua.Wu Sansi is being beaten passively, but he will not surrender just yet.

It's not that there are no countermeasures, and I firmly refuse to admit it.What Wang Hua relies on is the murder of Lai Haier, a member of the Ganyuan-Cambodian family, and Gao Chong, the general of the Yulin Army, as well as Liu Huan, Zong Jinqing's aide, and three cronies from Wu Sansi's house. finalized.

But after the disintegration of the dynasty, when these people discussed, they became Lai Haier, Liu Huan and the three cronies who were the dead men of the Five Kings. They used their deaths to frame Wu Sansi, so they deliberately leaked the news to the ignorant Wang Hua. Only by doing so can Wu Sansi be defeated and the Five Kings be recalled from Lingnan.Fortunately, Wu Sansi was very afraid of Wang Hua's direct participation, so he didn't say that Wang Hua and the five kings were in the same group.Of course, it can't be justified, after all, the spring is full of troubles.Too much involvement, but not convincing.

As for Gao Chong's murder, Gao Chong admitted that he didn't know what connection he had with other people, but he knew that the six soldiers had committed the murder, and in order to clear up military discipline, he personally executed the six soldiers.If there is a violation of discipline, please deal with it by the imperial court.

In fact, it is not difficult to investigate further. Entering these people's houses, investigating their relatives and friends, and the servants they have made friends with, they can immediately find more clues, leaving Wu Sansi and others speechless.But whether it is Zong Jinqing, Wu Sansi, or Gan Yuanjian, they are all the heads of the first prison, or even higher officials, with countless family members, and the house is heavily guarded. When Song and Wei led the officers and soldiers to investigate, they immediately held Mechanical resistance.You can search, bring the imperial decree.

Ask Li Xian for the imperial decree.

The final result can be imagined, and this is also the ending that Li Xianzheng needs.And Wu Sansi's other party members saw the opportunity, and immediately took the opportunity to complain for Wu Sansi.

So Li Xian decreed that the Song brothers and their nephew Song Tan were dismissed from office and exiled to Lingnan again.This was drawn by the King of Peace.But he also did something that made Wang Hua very angry, because they needed to take the initiative to testify, so Wang Hua promised them not to die.

Now after Wu Sansi's counter-fraud, these people not only did not commit crimes and meritorious deeds, but instead participated in the major genocide case, and finally turned against the top officials in the DPRK.Therefore, Li Xian decreed that all of them beheaded for public display, and all relatives within the three clans were exiled.

The only Gao Chong who couldn't get rid of the suspicion was only Li Xian who was convicted of mishandling and exiled to Lingnan, but he was spared the death penalty.At the same time, two other people were dealt with. Gan Yuanjian was demoted to Weizhou, and Zong Jinqing was demoted to Shangzhou as the governor.

Then ordered Wei and Song to close the case immediately.

This is like a metaphor, a thief stole money on the bus, but was caught in plain clothes.This was originally evidenced by physical evidence, and it can be convicted.But I didn't expect that one-third of the passengers on the bus were the accomplices of the thief, and the anti-fraud master and plainclothes deliberately framed the thief.Although some passengers acted bravely and aggrievedly escalated the matter to the police station, the head of the police station was still a relative of the thief.

Fortunately, the bureau chief has a bit of "conscience", he didn't really punish the plainclothes and the victim, and even educated the thief.In the end, Big Boss said, forget it like this.

Once this result came out, naturally everyone would not be convinced.Not only did the ministers dissatisfy, but even Wang Hua, who was planning to "neutralize", was also dissatisfied.Although I said, let your emperor handle it, but you handed over these five people, and I promised them that nothing will happen.But now it's good, not only will they be beheaded, but even their relatives will be exiled.

Sparse, do not report.

As a result, Mu Zili said in Wang Hua's ear again: "Erlang, turn it around."

Wang Hua glared at her, and said in a low voice, "That's enough, what's the difference between some of our current arrangements and rebellion?"

But Li Xian was very satisfied with this verdict. Wu Sansi cannot fall down. This is because his wife repeatedly said in his ear the importance of it. But what Wang Hua said also has some truths. Wu Sansi has too much power now. Therefore, taking the opportunity to deprive some of his henchmen of their rights can also be used to block the mouths of ministers.

But he didn't expect that, he thought that one wave would subside, but another wave started again.His own son, Crown Prince Li Chongjun got the news from nowhere, saying that Wu Sansi and Wu Chongxun wanted to rebel and secretly buried a large number of weapons in the son-in-law's mansion.

But Li Chongjun has no right to enter the consort's mansion to search, and Wei and Song just happened to be investigating the case of Bangwen.Although Li Xian repeatedly ordered them to close the case, these two people must not be reconciled, and they are still working tirelessly to investigate.When they received Li Chongjun's news, the two suddenly believed and doubted.In the end, Li Chongjun became a little anxious, and if he procrastinated, Wu Sansi would not let it go, not only the two direct ministers, but also himself and Wang Hua, would be in great trouble.

So he immediately took the soldiers to cooperate with Wei and Song Dynasty, rushed to open the concubine's mansion, went straight to the horsemen in the back garden, dug up the mud, and soon saw more than 1000 standard weapons below, and they were afraid of rusting. Wrapped in good oil paper.

If you have sophisticated instruments, you may be able to see that some of the surfaces near these weapons are a little different.But now there are no instruments, and Wang Hua's men have re-tamped them up.Or one or two weapons, it can also be said that they were framed by others.But these are more than 1000 weapons, like the Mo Dao, which weighs dozens of catties.If it wasn't buried under Wu Chongxun's own instruction, how could it be brought into the consort's mansion.

Or it could be said that they were left by the people from the previous mansion, but these weapons are still shiny and new. How many years has it been since Wu Chongxun married Li Gu'er?Nor can it be explained.Besides, it was framed by others, but these are all standard weapons.The Tang Dynasty had loose control over weapons, but certain weapons, such as some Mo Dao, military crossbows, etc., were prohibited from private casting.It was Wang Hua who ordered people to forge weapons in Fanmai back then, firstly because of the military life, and secondly because of the old Wu's permission.

Therefore, not to mention the current Wang Hua, Song and Wei may be able to use their rights to produce some standard weapons, but it is extremely difficult to produce more than 1000 standard weapons.

What do you want to do with so many weapons hidden at home?
Wu Sansi was stunned, he didn't even know if his son really did it, because Wu Chongxun immediately let Wei and Song be imprisoned.Not only him, but Li Xian was so angry that he threw the royal porcelain cup burned by the Wang family on the ground, and shouted angrily: "This is reversed, this is reversed."

But at this time he remembered one thing, the Eight Eagles that Wang Hua said, if it wasn't because of something wrong.He even forgot what Wang Hua said about five tigers, five dogs and eight eagles, so he immediately sent someone to investigate, and sure enough, these eight people held important positions in the Habayashi Army.

Thinking of the more than 1000 standard weapons in Wu Chongxun's mansion, and thinking of these people controlling the Habayashi Army.Finally he put Webster's words behind him, and felt a chill in his heart.

After washing his face with cold water, he rubbed his face for a long time without daring to move. At least Wei Wen, Wei Wen's elder brother, and Wei Wen's two sons, Wei Jie and Wei Zhuo, did not move because they belonged to him.But several others, including Wu Yanxiu, who was proud of being favored by Webster, made a transfer.

Then he came to Dali Temple in person to preside over Wu Chongxun.

(End of this chapter)

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