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Chapter 406 A piece of paper on Tianjin Bridge

Chapter 406 A piece of paper on Tianjin Bridge ([-])

Wang Hua said again: "Of course, this may not happen. But there is one more thing, you have to arrange someone to do it, but it must be a [-]% reliable person, and you can't leak a little bit of information."

"what's up?"

Wang Hua whispered in her ear, "You secretly send a few reliable people to spread a prophecy, saying that three people with one arrow will shoot down Muzi. The river of blood will rise again, and the sword will be stopped again."

Three people with one arrow can be said to be a character of Wang, or a character of Feng, or a character of Yisai. Thinking of Wang Hua's assassination some time ago, it is easy to think of shooting Wang Hua. .Then there is Sheluo Muzi, which is the character Li.When the river of blood rises again, the world will be in chaos again, and Ge Zhi will be established again.

Although it may not necessarily put Wu Sansi to death, but after this prophecy is spread, it will have a major impact on the political situation.

Now people don't believe in superstition, but a series of prophecies in history are unbelievable.First of all, the one who died in Qin Dynasty, Hu Ye.It was alchemist Lu Sheng who dedicated it to Qin Shihuang after he returned from "going into the sea to seek immortality". Qin Shihuang thought it was a barbarian from the north, so he spared no effort to build the Great Wall.The result may be that a prophecy made by Lu Sheng became a true story in the end, and the Qin Dynasty mainly died in the hands of Hu Hai.

The second famous prophecy is that during the reign of Emperor Zhaodi of the Han Dynasty, there was a big stone standing up on Mount Tai, and there were willow trees in the forest of the royal garden, which withered and recovered, and insects ate leaves to write: Gongsun's disease has been established.This incident was quite a sensation at the time. Sui Hong, a small official in Ludi, wrote a letter and said: "Your Majesty, now that the big rock on Mount Tai is standing up, it is God's announcement to us that there should be a man as the emperor; the resurrection of the withered willow means that it has been abandoned. The grandson of the family should be revived. After my great Han inherited Yao, I had the destiny to inherit the country, and now the heavens have made it clear, I should ask the sages in the world to give Zen, and my emperor will withdraw the land of Baili, so as to obey the destiny!" From, kill.But five years later, when Emperor Zhao died, Huo Guang made Liu He the king, and because of Liu He's licentiousness, he was deposed again.The person who was re-established later was named Bingji, that is, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty.This prophecy came true again. The so-called public refers to the royal family, and it just so happens that the grandson of the royal family is ill.When the prophecy started, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty was the grandson of the abolished prince Liu Shi. He was only 13 years old, and he was reduced to the common people.

The third prophecy is more accurate. During Wang Mang's new dynasty, when Liu Xiu, who was still a farmer, passed by Cai Shaogong, Cai Shaogong once broke a prophecy, saying that Liu Xiu should be the emperor.At that time, everyone present thought that he was referring to another Liu Xiu, the master of Wang Mang's court, and they all laughed and revealed the matter.Li Shou, the teacher of Wang Mang's Zongqing, said to his son Li Tong that Liu Xiu should be prosperous and Li's should be his assistant.Later, after Wang Mang heard the relevant prophecy, he killed Liu Xiu, the master of the country, but he didn't expect that this Liu Xiu was not that Liu Xiu.In the end, Liu Xiu was indeed the emperor, and Li Tong played an important auxiliary role in helping Liu Xiu win the country.

The fourth prophecy is that the famous peaches and plums will win the world.This prophecy was said by the alchemist An Jiatuo, who advised Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty to punish all people surnamed Li at home and abroad.At this time, the Sui Dynasty was still at its peak.Yang Jian didn't seek meritorious service, but he sought no faults. He set up several key "objects of suspicion" and focused on Li Hun, the important minister.I also talked to him, saying that you can kill yourself, Li Hun pretended to be deaf and dumb.So the favorite minister Yu Wenshu lured Li Hun's daughter-in-law, that is, his daughter, to falsely accuse her husband of treason.Yang Jian killed Li Hun.But after Li Hun's death, the prophecy did not disappear, but became more popular. It was accurate to "Peaches and plums win the world; the queen circles Yangzhou and turns around in the garden. Don't speak loudly, who will promise?" Extremely, it is caused by many people hearing this prophecy and thinking that Li Mi can achieve great things.I didn't expect to kill a Li Shimin halfway.

The fifth prophecy is the famous heroine Chang.It is the result of a divination made by Li Chunfeng for Li Shimin.Li Shimin didn't care either, a woman called the emperor?Does the sun come out from the west?But not long after, he read a secret history from nowhere, which said that after Tang Sanshi, the heroine King Wu ruled the world.Li Shimin hates the three of them.During a palace banquet, there was a drinking order, and all officials were required to call each other by their baby names. When it came to Li Junxian, Li Junxian was nicknamed Wuniang.Li Shimin also joked: "Is there a strong girl like you?" After laughing, Li Shimin suddenly remembered that Li Chunfeng had said "the heroine is prosperous". Li Shimin understood that it should be a man with "female" in his name.Li Junxian's nickname is Wuniang, which proves that "After Tang San, the Wu family will rule the world." Junxian is General Zuowuwei, and he was granted Wulian County. He is from Wuding of Tang Dynasty, and his job is in Xuanwu. Door.Who can be more martial than him?What's more, Junxian is brave and resourceful, and won the support of all the officials.Later, Li Shimin demoted him to be the governor of Huazhou, and later found a reason to kill Li Junxian and his whole family by communicating with demons.Pity the famous founding hero of the Tang Dynasty, he didn't understand what was going on until his death.After Li Junxian's death, Li Shimin asked Li Chunfeng: "Do you believe what is said in "Secret History"?" Stand on your own. The descendants of the Li surname may suffer a great disaster." After hearing Li Chunfeng's words, Li Shimin was terrified.He said: "How about killing all the suspects together?" Li Chunfeng said: "It is the fate of the heavens that the king will not die. His Majesty will force the killing, but only some innocent people will be caught! And 30 years later, he will be old, or There are a few compassionate hearts, and it may be a misfortune. If your Majesty is lucky enough to kill him, God will give birth to a more venomous person, and then there will be no descendants of the Li surname!" Li Shimin could only sigh and give up.Later, Wu Zetian became the first empress in Chinese history, which fulfilled the prophecy: "The heroine prospers." "After the Tang and Three Dynasties, the Wu family will rule the world."

Wang Hua was also ignorant of this, but it was a pity that Li Chunfeng died more than ten years before he was born. At that time, Lao Wu had not yet called himself emperor, so there was no way to investigate this matter.

He didn't ask whether these prophecies were a coincidence, had incredible predictive abilities, or had other unknown backgrounds.But the spread of this prophecy is precisely the influence of these prophecies on the current kings of the Manchu Dynasty.

Many days had passed since I was assassinated, but there was no movement in the hall.It's as if it never happened.But Wang Hua knew that this time it was not as calm as it seemed on the surface, mainly because he said "just words" in order to escape the murder, which made Jinghui and the others feel embarrassed.It's not that these people don't want to make trouble, but mainly they are waiting for an opportunity.

Then I will give them the best opportunity!

The Five Kings Group does not refer to Jinghui, Zhang Jianzhi, Yuan Shuji, Huan Yanfan, and Cui Xuanwei, but includes a series of ministers who participated in the Shenlong coup. In addition to the Five Kings, there are Li Duozuo, Yang Yuanyan, Yao Yuanzhi, Xue Sixing, Wang Ministers related to Jiao Jiao, Li Zhan, etc., generals and many soldiers.These civil servants and military generals included almost all the elites of the Tang Dynasty.So Wang Hua said that Li Xian would feel afraid no matter whether Wang Hua himself changed the wheel of history.

Because these ministers are supporting the orthodoxy, and many ministers, such as Zhang Jianzhi, are also of good character, so history books speak highly of them.Some even put Zhang Jianzhi's contribution above Di Renjie's.Even after arriving in New China, they still sang praises.But in fact, if Li Longji hadn't cleaned up the mess, because of the precedent they created, the Tang Dynasty didn't know how long the chaos would last.

Let's talk about Zhang Jianzhi and others themselves. Yao Yuanzhi shed some tears when he saw Lao Wu being taken to Shangyang Palace.Even Cao Cao, who was not used by the suspect, raised a Xu Shu who was in Cao Gong and his heart was in Han, and let Guan Yu go.Because of Yurang's loyalty, Zhao Xiangzi didn't care about Yurang's assassination several times, but thought he was loyal and wanted to use Yurang, but Yurang committed suicide to thank Zhibo.Guan Yu also buried Pang De generously.This comparison shows the size of Zhang Jianzhi and the others!
Then when they arrived at Jinghui, they actually bought Cui Shi as their eyes and ears to spy on Wu Sansi and Shangguan Xiaowan, but Wu Sansi recruited him for his own use.Because this person is very famous, a well-known corrupt official, and has successively become the boyfriend of Shangguan Xiaowan and Princess Taiping. Li Longji once attracted him as his confidant, but he actually betrayed Li Longji, leaving many ugly marks in history. One touch, that's why the history books recorded this matter.Others have not been put on the table, so there are countless things like takeovers and anti-takeovers that have not been recorded in history.Of course, it may not be wrong. It is possible to expect such cleanliness, is it possible?But it also proves that there is no history book that is as bright and aboveboard as it is written.

Of course, they are not that great, nor are they as bad as Wu Sansi.But now not many people in the court think they are great.It was not until after Li Dan came to power that he cracked down on the vilification of the third brother's reputation, and gradually praised the five kings as saints.It turned out that Wang Hua still had sympathy for them. After all, some of the main figures in this group had to die, and they could be regarded as virtuous men.It was because he had planned to give these people a good end if he succeeded in sending troops to Luoyang.But after seeing through the essence, he didn't care anymore.

And they also have many conflicts, such as Zhang Jianzhi and Yang Yuanyan's retirement, Jing Huan's loyalty to Princess Taiping, Yuan Shuji is still loyal to Li Dan, although they have alienated this relationship because of their forgetfulness after they gained power.Otherwise, even with their current strength, they would not be so passive.So Wang Hua's "fair words" made them feel embarrassed.Perhaps after so many days of unusual peace, they have made many arrangements, and they know that this is an opportunity, but how to use this opportunity, they are all hesitant.

But Li Bao'er's situation is different this time around.He and Li Bao'er wanted to bring down Wu Sansi, and finally moved towards a real marriage. The entire Tang Dynasty knew that their ideas were few and far between. In the eyes of these people, they still believed that Li Bao'er was finally the daughter-in-law of the Wu family and had an affair with Wang Hua. Yes, anyway, the Princess of the Tang Dynasty is not Li Baoer alone to engage in extramarital affairs, but she is always the daughter-in-law of the Wu family.

Now that the gate has been opened and so many beauties have been sent in, including Wu Chongxun's beautiful maid, what will these ministers think?They will inevitably lose their composure, and since they have given them an opportunity, it would be strange if they didn't get into trouble.

Wang Hua only said one sentence, and Mu Zili understood Wang Hua's intentions. She was going down to make arrangements, when suddenly a singing voice came from outside:
The evil!I want to know each other with you, so that my life will never decline.
There are no mausoleums in the mountains, the rivers are exhausted, the thunder in winter shakes, the rain and snow in summer, the heaven and the earth are united, so I dare to say goodbye to you!
The sound was rustling and continuous, and it was very sad and pleasant to hear.At the end of the song, another voice sang:
The Altair is far away, the Han girl of the Jiaojiao River.Slender hands are pulled out, and the sticks are used.All day long, weeping like rain.The Milky Way is clear and shallow, how much is it different?The water is full of water, and the pulse is speechless.

It is a very famous ancient poem written by an unknown person in the Southern and Northern Dynasties.This song is very crisp and sweet.

However, with the use of poems to express the meaning, the first one is to express the love and loyalty to Wang Hua.The second song is to express the psychology of not being able to meet Wang Hua after entering Wang Hua's home.

Wang Ping looked at each other, thought for a while and asked Li Hong to go out and have a look. I am afraid that nine out of ten of these women can play, play and sing. If this happens, there may be a concert at home all day long.

After a while Li Hong came back and replied: "One is sung by Su Yu'er, a popular Qing courtesan in Liucui Pavilion in Luoyang, and the other is sung by Xiao Taonu from Neijiaofang. I tell them to shut up and don't disturb Erlang's rest."

Why shut up?Wang Hua was taken aback for a moment, unable to laugh or cry, but he couldn't be soft-hearted about this matter, and acquiesced to Li Hong's approach.

For this matter, Li Xian is still paying attention to it. In fact, an emperor who does nothing will have a boring time. After the beautiful maidservant was delivered to the Wang family, Li Xian knew about it.He immediately called Li Gu'er over and asked what was going on.

Li Bao'er said confidently: "I dare to give it, and he dares to take it!"

Li Xian thought so too, apart from being with his own daughter, Wang Hua really didn't hear any problems with his style.The servants recruited in the family were also selected from poor families, mainly for practicality, except for the two pungent maidservants, there were really no beautiful maidservants.What's more, Bao'er has sent so many beautiful maidservants there, relying on the house of the Wang family, it's even difficult to settle down.

But after a while, the palace lady came back and reported that Wang Hua had been "kept in custody" on her behalf. Li Gu'er was dumbfounded when she heard that, and gritted her teeth angrily, and said, "Just wait and see!"

Angrily ran away.

Li Xian couldn't say anything, after all, his daughter and Wang Hua were not husband and wife, so he couldn't intervene.But I also wondered in my heart, when did Wang Hua change his temper?

But after a few days, the court finally ceased to be peaceful.

Even Wang Hua himself underestimated the speed at which this prophecy spread.Mainly because Wu Sansi had caused such a disaster, the emperor still reused him.So many days have passed, and there is no news about the investigation of Wang Hua's assassination.The common people were very dissatisfied. In addition, this prophecy started from the assassination of Wang Hua, and it was a river of blood again. How much blood would it take to flow into a river?So disappointment and worry spread very quickly.

A few days later, in the court hall, the prince of Langya County, the right Qianniu general, the son-in-law, the captain, Wang Tongjiao, stood up and said: "I have impeached Zheng Min, the official minister of Dali Temple. Since the assassination of Wang Xueshi, Luoyang has been shocked. Your Majesty ordered this The case was handed over to the Luoyang government and Dali Temple for joint trial, but more than ten days later, the people were furious, but I saw that Dali Qing did nothing, and I didn't even hear that he sent someone to investigate the case."

Zheng Yin was originally Zhang Yizhi's henchman. After Zhang Yizhi was killed, he was demoted to Xuanzhou Sima and fled with stolen goods.In desperation, he went to Wu Sansi, and when he saw Wu Sansi, he cried and then laughed.Wu Sansi and Zhang Yizhi didn't have any conflicts at first, so they attached great importance to Zheng Yin, so they asked the reason strangely.He said: "I cried because I was sad that the king was about to be stabbed to death, and I laughed because the king got my help. Although the king is proud now, but the five kings are in the same rank, they are brave, and the queen mother is abolished." , May I ask how powerful the King and the Queen Mother are? Those five people wish they could eat the King's flesh, and only by destroying the King's family can their ambitions be quickly achieved. My King, if these five people are not eliminated, the King is in danger like the morning dew."

So Wu Sansi was cited as a confidant, and promoted as a scholar of Zhongshu, and moved to Taichang Shaoqing.After the Huazhou major case came, Wu Sansi fell into a predicament.At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there was "Sangtiaoge", and its words contained the sentence "Sangtiaoweiye"; after Ming Wei tried to usurp the throne, he took "Sangtiaoge" as the proof of "accepting orders".In order to cater to Empress Wei's wishes, he contributed ten pieces of "Sang Tiao Le Ci" and was promoted again.However, it is different from history, from the Minister of the Ministry of Officials to the Zhengqing of Dali Temple.

It turned out that Li Xian couldn't let Dali Temple intervene, after all, his relationship with Wu Sansi was well known.Later, after hearing from Wang Hua that it had nothing to do with Wu Sansi, he ordered Dali Temple to be in charge of this major case.After all, it's not easy to start. Today is the minister, will it be his turn tomorrow?

But he could find a few murderers in his mind, and he didn't want to ask who was behind the scenes.But Zheng Yin writes poems and essays, and makes conspiracies and tricks. Investigating cases is not his strong point.Therefore, there has been no news for a long time.In fact, whoever will check, there is no result.

Wang Tongjiao was either not the result, but the significance brought by the case itself.And this is the prelude to the court struggle.

Zheng Yin also replied honestly: "Your Majesty, pardon me, I can't do anything. I sent many people to help solve the case, but I didn't find any clues."

It's not that there was no investigation, but after communicating with Wu Sansi, and with Wang Hua's words, it is certain that it has nothing to do with Wu Sansi.So he finally pointed the finger at Li Dan, but he knew that Li Dan was not that easy to deal with, so he launched a secret investigation.But still no news was found.

Therefore, he did not tell lies, and many officials in Dali Temple can testify.

Wang Tongjiao said again: "Is it true that the case is so difficult to investigate? Cen Lushi, please submit the evidence you have investigated to the emperor."

It is the original Zhongshusheren who is now the Luozhou judicial officer Cen Xi, because he and another Zhongshusheren Bi Gou drafted and read out the declaration of cutting Wu's books, and was demoted by Wu Sansi as a Runzhou governor. A poor judiciary who was demoted to Luoyang joined the military.But there is an advantage, he has the right to intervene in the case.

Cen Xi is also a member of the Five Kings Group, and like Jing Hui, he came from Princess Taiping's sect.Of course, he will not let go of this opportunity.Without evidence, that's easy!After so many "trials", many "witnesses" were found, after seeing the blurred appearance of those assassins that night, and "witnessing" them sneaking into Wu Sansi's mansion at last, there was no trace of them.

Wu Sansi was furious, isn't this a frame-up?Even if I let the assassins assassinate Wang Hua, I won't let them go back to my house immediately. Isn't this a way to talk to others?
But Cen Xi didn't want to use it as evidence in the first place, so he said it vaguely, making Li Xian suspicious and achieved his goal.

Li Xian almost forgot about it, anyway, isn't Wang Hua still alive?At most, he will recuperate for a period of time, and he is still a lively Wang Xiaoer, who is capable but also has the ability to make trouble. Even in his heart, he is not interested in the progress of his daughter and Wang Hua.

He looked at the memorial and said: "Cen recorded the matter, but even Xueshi Wang himself said that it has nothing to do with Wu Sansi."

His voice fell silent, and Jing Hui stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I admit that Bachelor Wang has the ability to solve cases. It is easy to deal with those useless and stupid officials, but he may not have the ability to deal with King Dejing. If you see him slipping It is a mistake to overestimate Wang Xueshi's ability in Bianzhou and Bianzhou. Wang Xueshi is really omnipotent. He was assassinated a few times ago. Why doesn't he know who is responsible for it? He is just an assassin after all. Sentimental young man. From my point of view, King Dejing was deliberately trying to cover up that day, to prevent Wang Xueshi's martial arts skills from being attempted assassination in the future, so as to remove suspicion. With King Dejing's "great wisdom and great wisdom", he wants to play with Wang Xueshi like the palm of his hand. Up, as easy as a backhand."

Jing Hun made it clear that Wu Sansi was not happy anymore, he stood up and said in a deep voice, "Prince Pingyang, what is the evidence? If there is no evidence, I will impeach you today for slandering an important official in the court."

Jing Hun said confidently: "Prince Dejing, please calm down a bit. Let me ask you, and I would like to ask Your Majesty, do you remember the scene that happened outside the Tianjin Bridge? Why did the common people treat you like this! His Majesty is loyal to the Tang Dynasty, but he puts so much effort into it, yet no one in the world knows about it."

Even though he was at odds with Jinghui, Song Jing laughed when he heard it.

Jing Hui continued: "However, I heard a nursery rhyme being sung by many children in Luoyang. I think you will be interested, and so will Your Majesty."

"That's because someone deliberately flattered me." Wu Sansi's face changed when he heard it. He also heard this prophecy these days and knew the serious consequences.

"What nursery rhyme?" Li Xian saw that Wu Sansi's expression was not right, he was not mentally retarded to the point where he didn't ask after seeing this situation.

"Three people with one arrow, shoot down the plums. The river of blood rises again, and Ge Zhi is re-established."

"Who said that!" Li Xian stood up angrily, and threw a memorial to the ground.

Wu Sansi came out and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, don't believe it. It is obvious that someone framed the minister, and even in the case of Wang Hua's assassination, someone deliberately set up a trap to frame me."

But the nature of the prophecy is two different things. Many prophecy rulers also took precautions, but they finally came true.This is the king's greatest fear.Think about it, Zheng Jinxian's more cryptic Sangtiao song made Webster immediately promote him, not to mention such an obvious prophecy.Li Xian's face was as gloomy as the sky with a storm coming in June.

(End of this chapter)

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