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Chapter 356 Liang Zhu

Chapter 356 Liang Zhu
But the matter is more than that, the two pretty girls sat down, and because they were sweating, there was a slight fragrance of powder on their bodies and the unique body fragrance of girls, which spread to everyone's noses, Wang Hua and Li Chongjun were better .

This point made Wang Hua have a new understanding of Li Chongjun.Although he likes to ride horses and raise dogs, he is not very obsessed with women.Although he was used to seeing beautiful maids in the palace, at least the beauty of this jade spirit could enter his eyes.

But he inadvertently looked at the other two jades. Yushan's face was very calm, watching everything that happened in front of her softly, but Yuzhi's eyes showed deep mockery.Could it be that there is something weird in the middle, or is it a third-party force?In addition to the big net that I have set up, there are four forces operating in total?
Wouldn't that be the case?
Wang Hua clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, let's eat."

After lunch, he said, "Everyone, let's eat cold melon."

That is to say, watermelon, now also called cold melon, pickled melon, or watermelon, has been introduced from the Western Regions, but the variety is not very good, mainly because the sweetness cannot keep up.But it's always a bit sweet, anyway, the current material life and spiritual life are not what people in his previous life imagined about history.Very barren.

For example, the average landlord’s family may be considered very happy by many people in previous lives, and they can live a luxurious life without labor, but that’s not the case. For example, where to watch TV now, it’s better in winter, but in summer. Air conditioner fan?What's more, it is impossible for ordinary landlords to eat big fish and meat, and they can't afford it.Of course, there are exceptions for some famous families with surnames, but to enjoy such a life, they are only direct disciples in the family.

Therefore, Wang Hua was obsessed with the taste of this watermelon, but everyone still ate it with gusto.

After eating, Wang Hua said, "Bai Ting, come out with us again this afternoon."

This time Yu Ling was even more disappointed, she looked at Wang Hua with a bit of resentment.

Wang Hua pretended not to see it, and Li Hong hid aside and secretly laughed.

But in the afternoon, it wasn't because Wang Hua didn't understand the style, so he couldn't take her out.In the afternoon, Wang Hua left the city to do business.

Now it is mid-July, and the sun is still very hot. Sitting in the carriage, Li Chongjun was so hot that he kept wiping the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.

Wang Hua said: "Your Highness, this case was about to end, but things have changed again."

When Li Chongjun heard it, he also forgot about the heat, and asked happily, "What did you find?"

"I have some ideas in my mind. If they are verified, I will have to wait until tomorrow. However," Wang Hua said about the expressions of the four young girls during the banquet.

Li Chongjun was also confused when he heard it, is there a second party or even a third party?Could it be that the imperial court also sent someone to secretly investigate this case?But these girls entered Qiufei Baiyufang very early, and the imperial court would not arrange it like this, so the imperial court has not become a Jianghu organization?

Wang Hua said again: "But the drama is getting more and more exciting, and we can catch fish when we get mixed up. And Your Highness, for this case, I arranged more than 100 people to come to Huazhou, and divided them into several parts. investigation."

Li Chongjun opened his mouth wide in surprise.But then he became happy and said, "That's good."

The more people are involved now, even in a brothel, there may be many people involved, and the case becomes complicated, but in turn, it also proves that the case will inevitably involve a lot of people.But the bigger the case, the better, and it is possible for him to make extraordinary achievements.As for whether the case will be cracked, he has never considered it at all.Because too many miracles happened to Wang Hua.

"However, our time is also very tight. I believe that some people have already taken our past and went to Luoyang to investigate our details." At this point, Wang Hua leaned against the wall of the car and fell asleep.

After leaving the city gate, Li Hong rushed to a small market town three miles west of the city, where Li Hong woke Wang Hua up.Wang Hua took them out of the carriage and came to a teahouse. Humul took the lead and had an interview with several local landowners, still talking about the purchase of cotton.

Bai Ting looked at Wang Hua suspiciously, just now Wang Hua said that the time was short, but now it is as if he really came to buy cotton.He didn't know Wang Hua's arrangement, so he didn't dare to ask questions, nor was he qualified to ask.

After talking for a while, we bid farewell to each other and left.

But Wang Hua stopped the carriage, and he led the group of people straight to the northwest.There is a high hill somewhere, and there is a clump of forests on the high hill.But Bai Ting was shocked, Liu's family was not very far from that high hill, Liu Yun and her elder brother and parents were all buried in the tombs on that high hill.

It is only now that I understand that Wang Hua's discussion of cotton with these big families is fake, mainly to cover people's eyes and ears, and come to see the Liu family's tomb.Otherwise, come here deliberately to check, I believe someone is paying attention to Wang Hua now,

At that time, it will inevitably make people more suspicious.

To think so delicately, Bai Ting thought in his heart.It seems to be different from the rumors I heard.

Wang Hua didn't take her feelings into consideration, and it wasn't as simple as she thought.I came to see Liu Yun's grave, even if I talked about it with cotton, I couldn't hide the news.Maybe the driver is someone else's.But with the introduction of discussing cotton, even if some people heard about it, they would think that they had heard that Liu Yun's tomb was in this place by chance, and went to pay homage on a whim.Of course, if he still had doubts, there was nothing he could do.But it was better than letting the enemy think he came on purpose.

There is another intention.

They came to the woods, and there were several people waiting for them in the woods. They were Yan Tingzhi, Wang Hua's prospective brother-in-law.

With Yan Tingzhi, Wang Hua did not seek virtue and avoid relatives.One is that Yan Tingzhi has not let go of his post until now, and he is free to Luoyang.The second Wang Hua knows the history. This person once shined brilliantly. Although there are many accidents and luck in success, but if he doesn't work hard and is not smart, he may do something, but without a strong background, he wants to climb to the top. At the top of the pyramid, that's impossible.Therefore, Wang Hua took the initiative to let him come to Huazhou and gave him an important task.

For Huazhou people, he is a new face and not attractive.

Of course, in Yan Tingzhi's heart, Wang Hua deliberately supported him. If the case is solved, he will be able to rise to the top because of his experience this time.

This was when Wang Hua and Hu Muer went out in the morning, Mu Zili quietly used some special techniques to ask Yan Tingzhi to meet in front of Liu Yun's grave.It's just very secretive, and even Yu Ling, who is traveling with her, doesn't know about it.

After saluting, Yan Tingzhi said: "Scholar Wang, I found some news about Liu Qingdu breaking the embankment, but there are not many."

"It doesn't matter, tell me, what have you found?"

"Liu Qingdu broke the embankment on June 22. At that time, due to the heavy rain for several days, the upstream water was very strong. However, the main defense of the dike was Yu Qi, a competent official from Baima County. Long before the flood came, we organized the work of strengthening the embankment. And regardless of the complaints of the people, we used the clayey soil in the distance to press the catkins and raise the dam. But when the flood came, it was such a preparation work. The embankment still collapsed. Because of his dereliction of duty, he was demoted from his official position and suffered dozens of punishments. But until now he doesn’t understand, nor can he figure out why the embankment collapsed.”

Some of Li Chongjun and Bai Ting that Yan Tingzhi said understand, some don't.Use cattail bags to stuff the soil to increase the overall weight of the soil. After all, if the soil is singled out and not compacted, it will be diluted by the flood.The cohesive soil acts as a solidifying agent.This starts with Zuo Shi, that is, the history of each Cao Shu, which is equivalent to the cadres of the current labor bureau in the county.The polder where Liu Qingdu broke the embankment is also equivalent to the current flood control and danger prevention, and cadres at all levels in the county are responsible for it.It happened that Yu Qi was in charge of this piece.

"Later, I sent someone to investigate quietly. I found a strange place. Of course, where the dike broke, the polder dike was flat and very wide."

Everyone understood this sentence together. The embankment of the Yellow River is not like an ordinary embankment. It must be wide and firm.If it is extra wide, Yan Tingzhi did not describe how wide it is, but everyone can imagine it in their hearts.

"So everyone was negligent. The river swelled that night. If the embankment hadn't been reinforced and raised, it would have overflowed the original embankment."

There is also a reason for this. Although the tall embankment prevents the river from spreading into the polder and low-lying areas, but because of the tall embankment and its own weight, it is also slowly sinking towards the foundation.Therefore, the height of the polder ridge is raised every few years, not because the river bed is raised, and this is the reason.But everyone didn't think about this reason, they just thought about the truth of the river embankment breach.

"After the embankment burst, everyone discovered it. But at that time, the gap was too large to be blocked, and a catastrophic accident occurred in the end. But there were also strange and puzzling places in the middle. When everyone found out, the gap was created from above. The old ridge didn’t move much on the gap. If it wasn’t for the flood, it might have been blocked. But because of this, it won some time for the victims to evacuate in time, otherwise it would be a disaster if the embankment burst from below. 10,000+ people could drown half of them."

Speaking of this, he looked ashamed and said: "I only found these, but because of the strangeness of the embankment, if it is man-made, it may be explained."

He didn't directly say that although Yu Qi used a cattail bag and stuffed it with clay, it was stronger, but it was easier to artificially carry it into the river.Even twenty or thirty people with a shovel can solve this problem.Of course, ordinary people seldom think about this, nor do they believe that human nature is so ugly, nor do they believe that some people are so bold.At the same time, it is not easy to check.

Yan Tingzhi continued: "I also found out where they stored their grain. In the early February of this spring, Chenggong's family began to build a large number of grain cellars. The grain was stored in those cellars. And this time, General Ma Lang gave relief The supplies are also piled in these grain cellars. However, I heard a message that some people seem to be involved in this matter. In particular, there is a wealthy household who brought over 100 million yuan as funds. This finally led to the multi-party Let go of the alliance and secretly stockpile food."

Hearing this, everyone thought of what Wang Hua said about Yuling and Yuxuan in the carriage just now, and couldn't help but become suspicious. Could it be that these parties are now fighting each other?But this does not prove anything, or Yuxuan and Yuling just have a backlog of conflicts, and there is no other complicated background at all.I was thinking again, the one who took out 100 million coins is He Fang Dayao, I am afraid it is seven surnames and ten families, it is a bit difficult to take out so much cash all at once.

Wang Hua said: "You've done a good job, keep checking, but be careful, the other party is a ruthless person."

Yan Tingzhi nodded and said goodbye.

Wang Hua watched the group of them go away, stood there thinking for a while, and then continued into the depths of the woods.

Wang Hua had never been to Liu Yun's cemetery, but he also got the map earlier.So he walked ahead with ease, and arrived at the grave of Liu Yun's family in a while.Although it was July and the vegetation was luxuriant, the new tomb was still a few towering loess, standing in the middle of a group of tomb forests, which was a bit desolate.Everyone felt sad for a while, maybe it will be even more desolate in a few years, the whole family is dead, and there may not even be a single worshiper.

But soon everyone's eyes focused on a young man in a blue gown, with a very haggard face, standing in front of Liu Yun's tomb, with an incomparable sadness on his face.

When they arrived, the young man didn't realize it.

Bai Ting said in a low voice: "He is the Mr. Hua Sanlang that the servant girl talked about."

Wang Hua pressed his hand gesture to let everyone be quiet, turned around and continued to look at the young man, but saw him sitting cross-legged, picked up a Guqin from the side, put it on his knees, and started playing.

Wang Hua was a little surprised when he heard the sound of the music. He was playing the music score "Blessings of Love" written by himself.But I don't know where he got this score, there are many discrepancies.However, he played it very sadly.Hearing the melancholy sound of the piano and thinking about the story between him and Liu Yun, Li Hong, Mu Zili and Bai Ting all took out their handkerchiefs and wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes.

After playing a piece of music, this Hua Sanlang stood up, and Wang Hua faintly saw that his expression was wrong, so he immediately walked over.But it was still a step too late, this Hua Sanlang held the qin and slammed into the stone tablet!

Wang Hua used all his breastfeeding strength, and when he jumped up, he ran over with all his strength.Fortunately, by grabbing his heel, a tragedy was avoided.That's it, this infatuated Hua Saburo hit his head on the stele, dripping with blood.

Regardless of avoiding suspicion, the three women also ran over and bandaged his wound with a handkerchief.

This infatuated young man is still saying: "Who are you? Why are you saving me? I want to return to the same acupoint as Yun."

After finishing speaking, Hao Tao burst into tears.

Wang Hua sighed: "Even if you want to return to the same acupoint, will your parents bury you together? As for the story of turning into a butterfly, it was also made up by Wang Hua of Gong County. Do you believe that?"

Hearing his last sentence, Li Chongjun and Li Hong couldn't help laughing regardless of the current tragedy.

Wang Hua asked again: "Also, if you were Liu Yun, do you wish you happiness after death, or do you hope that you will be so haggard that you don't want to live in the end?"

But the young man didn't listen to a word, just curled up and kept crying.

Wang Hua sighed again and said: "The so-called love for someone is to hope for the other person's happiness, and at the same time, you also want to hope for yourself. Only when you are happy, the other person will feel at ease and will not miss it. This is a relationship that complements each other. Live on your own. To be happy is not to live for yourself, but also to live for the other party.”

Very strange reasoning.

Wang Hua continued, "I'll sing a song for you."

It's a bit funny, a big man sings to another big man.But everyone was in awe, it was Wang Hua's respect for others, and he didn't consider his own noble status.

Wang Hua sang a song, which was also very weird, with a hoarse voice and sad lyrics, which made everyone feel infinitely sentimental after listening to it.This is the song "White Fox".Of course, it also resonated with Hua Saburo's heart, and he cried even more miserably.

Wang Hua stood up, looked at Liu Yun's tombstone, and whispered: "Miss Liu, although you died tragically, it is your happiness to have such an infatuated person like you."

Turning his head again, he said to Hua Sanlang, "Similarly, this Miss Liu Yun is also worthy of your liking."

Speaking of this, he looked at Bai Ting and said: "Liu Yun entered Qiufei Baiyufang, of course it was because her second brother sold her in. But this is also Liu Yun's arrangement, including that she did not insist on being a pure maid. people."

When I heard him say this, I felt weird together.Since Wang Hua told Hua Sanlang that Liu Yun was worthy of his liking, she would voluntarily enter the brothel and accept customers, willing to degrade herself. Isn't this very contradictory?

PS; I was a bit decadent in the past two months, but now I have recovered, and starting tomorrow, I will rise again.I also ask everyone to vote for me tomorrow if you have a guaranteed monthly ticket, and support me for a longer period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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