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Chapter 327 Explosion

Chapter 327 Explosion

Later generations commented on this period of history, saying that after Di Renjie's death in Wu Zhou, Wu Zetian began to become fatuous.

The most important sources are the records and comments of the Old Book of Tang and the New Book of Tang, as well as Zi Zhi Tong Jian.

In fact, this statement is not right.

After Di Renjie's death, there were no important ministers. Er Zhang suppressed Er Zhang, and Er Zhang became arrogant. The main contradiction came from this.Another point is that Wu Zetian's health began to deteriorate in his later years, and he often fell ill. Therefore, many ministers began to want to help a healthier Li Xian to come to power.Of course, except for a very small number of people, most people want to take advantage of this opportunity to gain glory and wealth.

There are also two brothers from the Wu family and Princess Taiping, each of whom is scheming.Under such severe constraints, Wu Zetian could not trust the officials.

The monarch and his ministers couldn't agree with each other, and asked how the country could get on the right track.Even Wang Hua's several advices made Wu Zhou seem to be revitalized for a while, but in the end they were analyzed and used by various forces and lost their original meaning.

The only thing is that because of the sudden rise of the Bloody Battalion, the original defense of the Tang Dynasty was reduced, although the Wuzhou regime was very embarrassed after the leak of the Bloody Battalion last year.A large number of elderly soldiers returned to their villages, some officials were cut down, and some financial income was obtained from business. Although the war continued, the government's finances have never been strained.

Of course, in old age, due to energy, Lao Wu must not have done much in her early years, and her biggest mistake is to defend the Wu family. The palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh.Young people love sex, middle-aged people love money, and old people love children. In old age, Wu Zetian still has the desire to kill, but it is no longer the same as in the early years.

She was correct in two predictions. The first one was that Li's return to the top was the general trend, so she did not reject this general trend. This was also the main reason why she did not investigate and deal with the case of Scarlet Camp in the end, for fear of getting involved too much.

The second item is to judge that after her death, many children of the Wu family will not die well. This is also correct. Several coups took place a few years later, among which the disciples of the Wu family sacrificed the most, even though she took many measures to continue.Therefore, under her leadership, a large number of in-laws of the Wu family and the Li family, including Li Xian's two daughters, married Wu's disciples.Another example is to let the Wu brothers take command many times in person so that they can make contributions.Another example is the installation of these silk screens by Wang Hua to weave all parties together and so on.

It shows her wisdom.

But she shouldn't have dragged Er Zhang into this circle. First, they didn't have noble blood, and second, they were favored by being the most contemptible male favorite, so the officials refused to accept it.Later, when all parties were infighting, she was untrustworthy, so she gave Erzhang more rights step by step, which further expanded the contradiction.

Regarding Zhang Changzong's approach, Wu Ze's reaction was also correct, and Song Jing's approach was also correct.

With the talents of Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong, how can they be capable of being emperors? They may not have the courage to do it for them.

The reason for the current situation is mainly because of fear and the desire to protect myself.If they are really ambitious, they can take advantage of Wu Zetian's critical illness. Only when they are close, they can calmly arrange and take power, and there will definitely be no situation where Song Jing will force them to suffer.

But in other words, Zhang Yizhi and Zhang Changzong did not have this ability either.

The most stupid thing about Erzhang is that he knew this, but did not take measures to help Wu or Li reach the summit alone, but continued to be self-centered, and finally caused a lot of anger and resentment.It also shows their lack of intelligence.

But Song Jing's admonition was not wrong. Zhang Changzong's divination and questioning of Qian Gua this time, no matter whether it was intentional or unintentional, he could indeed be sentenced for treason.

So she had nothing to do with Song Jing, and in the end, in order to quell the matter, she agreed to the advice of Li Qiao and others, and she exempted Zhou Xing and other cruel officials from the "reverse case" judged by all the cruel officials, so as to seek compensation. balance psychology.

This is also Wu Zetian in his later years. If it was placed in the early years, Shunchang was rebellious, who would dare not to do what I wanted, like Song Jing who did not listen to her will, and would have been dragged to the outside of Tianjin Bridge and beheaded.Don't say that Song Jing is loyal, how much worse is Pei Yan than Song Jing?Moreover, Pei Yan's contribution to Wu Zetian far exceeded that of Song Jing.In the end, because of a little bit of displeasure, she was executed.

Wu Zetian's compromise this time did not appease all parties, on the contrary, it made many people see something.

For this historical event, Wang Hua still remembers it clearly, although he doesn't know what role Song Jing played in the middle.But one thing he remembered was that there was no Song Jing among the five kings, and after Li Xian ascended the throne, Song Jing hardly said a word for a long time, as if he had disappeared.

However, when Wang Hua was reading the history books, he didn't look deeply. It wasn't until now that he received the news from the court that he realized that the reason why such a minister disappeared for a long time was probably because he was given some guns by himself and felt confused. Not happy with it.

But Wang Hua finally became alert.

It should be said that he was in Fengzhou, Jiangxia's Jiangxia, but first he reduced the soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion, and then sent Ye Jianjun, then Li Chiying disappeared, and then let himself go to Shanzhou.

what is the reason!He didn't remember the details of the coup, but Zhang Jianzhi forced Li Xian to mount him, and Li Xian was terrified.Therefore, it has little to do with Li Xian, but another master, Li Dan quickly cooperated with Zhang Jianzhi.Who is the mastermind behind the scenes, because Tang Shu's taboo and Sima Guang's orthodoxy, have not been written, but anyone with a discerning eye can know it at a glance.

This happened because Li Dan and Princess Taiping still didn't trust him, and even if he stayed in Fengzhou, he still got in their way.

It's possible that this is just the first step, and it's impossible to attack him directly, after all, his achievements are here.I think erosion is easy. Once Wu Zetian falls, the second step is very likely to transfer himself out of the Scarlet Camp, and then send their cronies to accept or disintegrate the Scarlet Camp. Get back to shape.

It even reached the point where he was not even qualified to be in-laws with Li Chiying.

Facing this crisis, Wang Hua began to prepare.

But public and private are clearly distinguished, and he is still concerned about Li Chiying's safety. In order to prevent his own misjudgment, he launched an investigation into Li Chiying's whereabouts.

Under Wang Hua's tough tactics, Zhaowu's nine surnames succumbed, and after a while, the identities of these dozen people were immediately found out.Sure enough, all of them came from the nine surnames of Zhaowu, and they came from the three surnames of Kang, Shi, and He, and they were all wanderers in the clan.

That is to say, there is no formal occupation, sometimes helping the caravan escort, and sometimes doing some handyman. Or steal or plunder.

To put it bluntly, they are punks.

There are a lot of people like this, almost in every dynasty and place, like Lu Ergou and others are of this type, but now they help Wang Hua to manage the family affairs in the south, and they have a regular job and income, so they change their ways.

But because no one saw them after the incident, they probably ran away.

So Wang Hua finally started to find more clues and vent his anger.Order the army to cooperate with the yamen servants to arrest almost all such wanderers in Liuhu Prefecture, torture and interrogate them one by one.Not only the three surnames, but also several other surnames were also arrested.Not only that, the local Tuyuhun people, Dangxiang people, Turkic people, and Tiele people did not escape either.

Not everyone is convinced. Among the Shi surnames in the southeast of Xiazhou, there is an Aozheng, who is the temple master who manages Zoroastrianism, which is equivalent to the abbot of a temple.

The so-called Zoroastrianism is later known as Zoroastrianism.Among the nine surnames of Zhaowu, and among all the Sogdians, Zoroastrianism (pronunciation, not a jacket) is equal to Catholicism in medieval Europe. Because of its influence among the Sogdians, the Tang Dynasty deliberately taught the Zoroastrian Sabao system , set up several Sabao mansions, and even designated Sabao as an official official product of the seventh to ninth rank according to the size of the Sabao mansion. Shi and other religious officials, among them Zoroastrianism is in charge of the various subordinate Zoroastrian temples.

It should be said that this is a priest and has nothing to do with these wanderers.

However, because Wang Hua interrogated a large number of wanderers and obtained various confessions, he discovered that this man was using the resources in his hands to cover these wanderers and commit many cases.Of course he is beneficial and collects a lot of money from it.

This form is a bit similar to the underworld where officials and gangsters colluded in his previous life.

In fact, human nature is very complicated. It is difficult to say black and white. Members of triads are not necessarily all real bad guys. If they are given a chance, they will also wake up. The so-called white way sometimes does not take the life and death of ordinary people as a thing.Therefore, human nature often wanders between grays.

Wang Hua also has a deep understanding of this point.

In normal times, he wouldn't deliberately ask about this kind of thing.Can I ask you?
But now he is in a rage, so regardless of the reputation of this place, he brought the arrest himself.

After receiving this news, many members of the nine surnames dared not speak out because of the oppression of the Blood Character Camp during this period, but now they are actually arrested by Zoro Zheng, and this Zoro Zheng's confidant stirs up the flames, and finally discusses Enraged, Hu stood in front of the Zoroastrian Temple and began to spontaneously resist the Scarlet Battalion.

Wang Hua looked at it coldly for a while, and finally said: "Take this Zongzheng, and anyone who dares to stop him will be killed."

Originally, the soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion had admiration for Wang Hua, which was unimaginable to outsiders. Coupled with their affection for Li Chiying, after hearing Wang Hua's order, they immediately took up their weapons.If it is an ordinary soldier, these fierce people with the nine surnames of Zhaowu can resist it.But the soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion are almost all one out of a hundred soldiers. After a brutal bloody battle, although the soldiers of this battalion have lost a little bit of actual combat foundation recently, they have trained hard until now.

One charged down and laid down more than 100 civilians, while the others fled in fright.

Wang Hua picked up the 祆zheng, and said coldly: "You think you are an envoy of God, and I heard that you know a set of spells. You can use iron nails to penetrate your forehead and your forehead, and you will immediately feel as light as a Yan, walk like flying. After the operation is completed, the nail is pulled out, and the person is safe. You can't even see the hole. Can you let someone see it today. If you really know this spell, it is for the sake of the gods of your religion to help you Come on, I don't need to pursue your business."

This is the most commonly used "spell" of Zoroastrianism. The most advanced one can penetrate iron nails from under the side, and appear hundreds of miles away in an instant, which is amazing.

Regarding this matter, Wang Hua is skeptical. On the contrary, Li Xuejun's Taoism is more convincing, and he can do things that ordinary people can't do, but it's not the kind of calling the wind and rain.But this form of Zoroastrian magic made him suspicious. For example, if a person can jump three or four meters high, it is the display of the body's potential. In such a short period of time, running hundreds of miles, is it really a rocket possessed?Airplanes aren't that fast either.

This is obviously a combination of qigong and illusion, magic plus juggling and blindfolding.

He came prepared, and he asked someone to take out an iron nail with a length of one and a half feet, and handed it to this right hand.

Then he smiled and said: "What props and time do you need, I can buy them for you, and I can wait for you. But I hope you can give me an answer within an hour."

Looking at Wang Hua's eyes, this Zuozheng knew that since Wang Hua asked this question, he knew that he couldn't hide it from Wang Hua.

Sweat was streaming down his face, and after a while, he knelt down suddenly and said, "Wang Yingdu, please forgive me, although the little one has done some bad things, the matter of the little princess really has nothing to do with the little one."

"I'm not talking about what you've done, but I'm asking you to perform a spell."

"That's a lie, too."

"How to lie, you can tell yourself."

Zuozheng was very displeased, not to mention that his reputation would be ruined, and Sabao would send people to hunt him down when he heard about it later.But seeing the soldiers around Wang Hua grind one by one, and there were still more than 100 corpses on the ground, he dared not say anything.

It turned out that this iron nail was a kind of prop, and it happened to be stuck on the forehead and lower forehead. Using two cronies as cover, the others were far away, so it was difficult to see clearly, as if it would really run through the entire face.

While talking and explaining, after hearing it, there were still many people who were filled with righteous indignation, standing not far away for the dignity of the Guardian Church, and they all burst into a loud commotion.

So Wang Hua started from this Zhengzheng again, implicating more people.

At the same time, this time his iron and blood methods finally made all the Hu people in Liuhu Prefecture silent.

But Wang Hua almost completely "cracked down" Liuhuzhou, but still didn't find any results.

As the New Year was approaching, Wang Hua gave a wry smile. With Xiang Wang Li Dan's method, if he left him with a handle on what he did, he would no longer be Xiang Wang.When it was finally approaching the end of the year, he stopped this vigorous action.

Chief Nine Surnames was overjoyed when he heard the news, the big dark cloud covering his head finally dissipated.

Although Wang Hua surprised them a lot this time, it is not without benefits. After this rectification and arrest, the law and order in Liuhu Prefecture has been greatly improved. The 10,000+ people in Erzhou are very quiet. If there is a social security evaluation now , the law and order of the two states can definitely enter the top five of the hundreds of states in the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, a large amount of stolen goods were seized. Unlike other officials, Wang Hua did not fill them into the treasury, but distributed them all to the poor, or helped the poor people.And there is no partiality, no matter whether they are party members, Sogdians, or Tuyuhun people, they are all distributed fairly.

Therefore, from the very beginning, all the members of the Nine Surnames hated the Bloody Camp, but when the True Bloody Camp stopped, many clansmen began to miss the Bloody Camp instead.

Very contradictory mentality.

But the chiefs of the nine surnames did not dare to be negligent. Although they had been released a long time ago, when they heard the news, they all gathered immediately and rushed to Xiazhou on their own initiative.

Wang Hua was on the battlefield, and when he saw them coming, he said coldly: "This matter is not over yet."

Hearing what Wang Hua said, the nine people glanced at each other, and their faces became restless again.

After Wang Hua finished speaking, he didn't say anything more. He ordered the three archery targets to be placed two hundred paces away.

For an archer, this is already a peak distance, and only some strong crossbows can barely reach it.

Wang Hua raised his iron arm bow, thinking of all the things that happened during this period, he shouted angrily: "Open!"

The iron arm bow was easily pulled away by him, and an arrow flew out like a shooting star.

Then there was a soft sound, the arrow not only hit the archery target, but also pierced the archery target before falling to the ground.

Wang Hua shouted angrily again: "Open!"

The big bow was almost fully drawn by him, as if it would be broken by him at any time, when an arrow was shot, there was a "bang", this time not only the target was pierced, but a small hole was also blasted out. .

Seeing such supernatural power, even though they knew that Wang Hua was despising and protesting, the heads couldn't do anything about it.

Wang Hua pulled the bowstring again. This time, the bowstring made a creaking sound because of the strain on the bowstring, and then the arrow shot out.The strength of this arrow was almost beyond measure. Due to the friction in the air, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder. Before everyone could see clearly, the arrow reached the target.Before the arrow passed through, the target was blown up because of the huge impact force!
There was a sound, and all the arrow targets exploded.

There are legends about the bombing of the target. It is said that Xue Rengui has done such a feat, but no one has seen it.

Seeing how brave Wang Hua was, all the soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion raised their weapons and shouted three times: "Here! Here! Here!"

The nine chiefs were so frightened that their legs were trembling and their faces were ashen.

Wang Hua stroked the big bow and said: "Everyone, go back, I believe you should understand how to do it."

How to do?You made such a big move, but you didn't find anyone, what should we do?
Seeing that they hadn't left yet, Wang Hua became displeased, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that you didn't hear that?"

The nine chiefs had no choice but to resign.There was no other way, Wang Hua withdrew the Blood Character Camp, but they continued to arrange people to investigate the matter.

But this time, the fact that Wang Hua used arrows to blow up the target also began to spread throughout the entire Hetao. Thinking about his previous achievements, and half of the bloody battalion itself had half of the Hu fighters. Start to worship.

Some people actually said that Wang Hua's predecessors had the same blood as Tian Khan Li Shimin, and had the blood of Xianbei people.That's why he is so heroic.

After Wang Hua heard the news, he did not avoid the rumors, which was in his favor.Why the Turkic people didn't even dare to fight after seeing Xue Rengui, they got off their horses and surrendered. The main reason is the record and various legends, which frightened the Turkic people.

Wang Hua's big move is easy to understand.

In the past, because of his fourth sister's disappearance and other things, Wang Hua only tried seven surnames and ten families with his own efforts.

Besides, the little princess accompanied him from Fanyi to the Western Regions, and from the Western Regions to Hetao.

But Wang Hua's next move made people feel puzzled. At the beginning, he transferred more than 1 yuan from his family to add horses and weapons to the Blood Character Camp. Huge sums of money have been spent, one is to provide pensions, and the other is to increase the supply of weapons and enhance combat effectiveness.

However, he added some siege equipment through some irregular routes, and used border stability. The mission of the Scarlet Battalion is to prevent emergencies from happening, so he changed the training plan to siege and street fighting training. .

This reason is obviously unreasonable. Although the Tang Dynasty has some crises, its national strength is generally on the rise.Although it cannot be said that the peace was achieved through singing and dancing, there were no large-scale uprisings and rebellions.Moreover, the goal of the establishment of the Scarlet Battalion was to deal with the Eastern Turks, and of course, it also dealt with other border incidents along the way.

But they were all fighting on the grasslands, plateaus, and Gobi deserts, so the training was also aimed at this kind of terrain. The center of the Eastern Turkic regime was the tooth tent, all of which were in tents on the grasslands, and had nothing to do with the siege.

Wang Hua's change of training plan this time obviously made some smart people in the Scarlet Battalion feel uneasy.

They were all thinking, what does Wang Hua want to do?
Obviously this kind of trouble is very detrimental to the unity of the Scarlet Battalion, and Wang Hua has also noticed this.He gathered all the main generals, and even some generals from the easternmost Shuozhou also called over.

Then get together and hold a meeting.

It was the seventh day of the first lunar month at this time, but under Wang Hua's incomprehensible actions, not only Wang Hua, but also the soldiers of the Blood Character Battalion began to feel a kind of pressure, and this new year was not happy.

Wang Hua cut to the chase and said, "Why did I ask you to train your brothers to attack the city and fight in the streets? Because someone wants to plot a rebellion."

Hearing this, a hundred or so people were all in an uproar.

Wang Hua said again: "Don't ask me who I am? Because I don't have any evidence, otherwise I would have reported it to His Majesty."

I also reported it, and wrote a secret memorial to Wu Zetian, asking Lao Wu to take some precautions.But as he said, there is no evidence. Could it be telling Lao Wu that I traveled over 1000 years later and know all the historical trends?
Therefore, it was vague, and it is estimated that Lao Wu would not value this secret performance, but he wrote another secret letter to the soldiers of the Blood Camp who were defending the capital nearly a thousand times in Luoyang.

In fact, as he guessed, Lao Wu really underestimated these courtiers. After seeing the secret performance, Lao Wu approved three words: I know.

But when Wang Hua received this commentary, great changes had already begun to take place.

Wang Hua made a gesture to make everyone quiet, and then said: "I just want to say a few words now, and it is very likely that these few words will be said to all brothers. Although our Scarlet Battalion is brave and good at fighting and has made many achievements, But if there is no Your Majesty, what will you do?"

From the establishment of the Blood Character Camp to the achievement, there are two people who are indispensable. One is Wang Hua. If there is no Wang Hua, there will be no Blood Character Camp. The second is Wu Zetian. , will not achieve all kinds of records, and morale is not so high.

Looking at the eyes of the crowd, Wang Hua knew the answer in their hearts, and then said: "And if something happens to His Majesty, so will we."

(End of this chapter)

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