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Chapter 315 Two things

Chapter 315 Three Things

In fact, when we entered Shazhou, the climate became warmer because of the terrain of the basin.

There is a large row of green pines, towering like guards. Below the green pines is a sparkling river, like a glass, flowing quietly to the distant Lop Nur.

Of course, at night, it will also become very cold here, but it is still early in the day, and the sun is shining warmly on the vast expanse of deserted and infinite sand, shining a piece of gold.

However, this girl came from a distance, and brought a chilly air from the mountain in the north, and the air suddenly became cold.

But Wang Hua went up to greet her, or he was somewhat looking forward to it from the bottom of his heart, hoping that this ice beauty could bring him good news.

She didn't salute either, and Wang Hua didn't expect her to salute either.

But he opened his mouth to speak, and the sound of ice edges colliding burst out from under the thick raft.Said: "I heard some news, but I can't do anything about it."

"Thank you, Daoist Yunxiu, if you have any news, please tell me."

"The leader of the army that encircled and suppressed the Blood Camp was named Brother Dun. Ever since Xiao Ying led the army to break out of the siege, the other ministries did not go north after learning that the main force of the Blood Camp had gone south. Only then did they prepare to use Ge Luolu's three surnames. A tight siege was set up in the area, and we were about to set up obstacles again. Later, when we learned that Xiao Ying would suddenly divert to the southwest and run towards Tuqishi's belly unexpectedly, Wu Zhile did not dare to let tens of thousands of East Turkic people cooperate with him."

This is also the second key point of this battle.If Xiao Song breaks through the gap unexpectedly and is blocked by Ge Luolu, as long as it doesn't take long, several armies will catch up immediately, even Guo Yuanzhen will be too far behind when he gets the news.The result is still the same, and the entire army may be wiped out.

Wang Hua murmured, "Ge Luolu!"

"However, because of anger, Wu Zhile ordered Brother Dun to wipe out all the hundreds of blood battalion soldiers who left behind the cover. During that time, the hundreds of blood battalion soldiers who stayed behind fought very hard, and repeatedly tried to break out of the encirclement. They were unsuccessful, but pushed towards the northwest step by step, and chased for nearly ten days. Because many places in the terrain were large swamps, the supply was difficult, the place was vast, and the weather was cold. In the end, after Dunge lost more than 2000 soldiers, he was in the On the ninth day of October, they were forced to return."

"Master Yunxiu, wait a moment, let's talk about it when we enter the city." Wang Hua was also confused when he heard that, the place where the battle was originally fought was far away, and if he broke through to the north for ten days, the soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion were not infantry. All are uniform cavalry.How much is ten days.

Yunxiu was not in a hurry, and followed Wang Hua into the city at a leisurely pace. Together with Guo Yuanzhen, after setting up the soldiers of the Seven Thousand Blood Battalion, they entered the Governor's Mansion.

Wang Hua's attitude towards her was mixed, and she didn't know what to say, but after other people knew her identity, they admired her very much, even Guo Yuanzhen secretly admired her, this is the real monk, the wind is calm and the clouds are light , Taishan pressure the top, will not lose color.

Wang Hua asked Guo Yuanzhen to bring a large map of the Western Regions, but Wang Hua laid a larger blank paper on top of this map. Since the Battle of Bangong Mountain, it has exceeded the scope marked on this map.

Wang Hua first marked Bangong Mountain according to Xiao Song's description.But Xiao Song frowned and said: "That grassland is huge, and the scouts explored the terrain, from the grassland to the northwest and north, there are boundless swamps."

After finishing speaking, he looked worried.

Wang Hua also had an anxious expression on his face, which was forced by the Tuqi Shi.In marching combat, there are several terrains that are taboo for marching, and swamp is one of them.The most praiseworthy Long March of the Red Army was not to forcibly cross the Dadu River or the Jinsha River several times, but to cross snow-capped mountains and grasslands.

However, unlike the Zoige grassland mires that the Red Army passed by, the relative density of the Siberian Great Swamp is a little less, and many places are still dry terrain, but there are some places where the mires are dense, and because there are many permafrost, it is harmful to human activities. Sex is relatively weaker.

But a swamp is a swamp after all, no one is willing to enter unless cornered.

Yunxiu said: "They sacrificed a lot, and I don't know how many people are left, but Tuqi Shi once counted their horseshoe marks, and finally there were 240 marks of war horses. Considering that some camel horses were used, it is estimated that now The remaining fighters have been reduced to less than 200. The only thing is that their supply is not a problem."

"Why?" Wang Hua and Guo Yuanzhen both asked strangely.

If it is in the various ministries of the grassland, the supply may not be a problem, but it is difficult to explain the source.But when they got to these places, Yunxiu didn't explain, and knew that they were places where no one would go.The most worrying thing is the supply. Now how does Yunxiu say that the supply is not a problem?
"I don't know, but what I heard is that there are many rivers in the north that have been frozen. Where there are many fish in the rivers, the soldiers in the blood camp rely on ice-breaking fishing to maintain their lives. Tu Qishi Many people have also learned the method of blood battalion soldiers, but there are too many of them. Therefore, it is easier to supply the blood battalion, and it is not good for the army to rush."

The three of them are dragons and phoenixes among people, and they understand it when they think about it.

There are not many fighters left in the blood camp, only a few hundred people. As long as they can hunt and fish in a small area, they can get enough food.However, there may be several thousand or tens of thousands of Tuqi Shi chasers.There is also a way to divide the soldiers into countless groups to capture food, but that may allow the soldiers of the Blood Battalion to stand out and encircle them calmly due to insufficient troops.Once concentrated, the number of people is large, and the source of food is bound to be tense.

But it also proves that in Xiao Song's battle, the attack on Tuqi made Wu Zhile angry and issued strict orders. In this way, regardless of the dangerous terrain, the army ambushing in Bangong Mountain followed the people from the blood camp. wetlands.

Yunxiu said again: "After Brother Dun evacuated, he sent scouts to check, and they were still evacuating to the north. Brother Dun gave up completely and led the army to evacuate quickly. This time Brother Dun lost more than 2000 soldiers, half of which were from African soldiers. Combat attrition, appearing in a swamp."

Wang Hua thought about it, and continued to draw some terrain on the map, including the Arctic Ocean and the Ural Mountains.

Guo Yuanzhen pointed to the Arctic Ocean and asked, "What kind of sea is this?"

Wang Hua smiled wryly and said, "This is the end of the world."

"The end of the world?" Guo Yuanzhen murmured to himself, but looking at this large map with a change of direction, he had never been to many places. relevant historical records.

As for how did Wang Hua know?Now is not the time to ask.

Wang Hua estimated their approximate itinerary again, and drew a thick arrow pointing northwest until they stopped not far from the Arctic Ocean.Standing up, his face became extremely ugly.

In fact, it is possible that nomads reached the Arctic Ocean very early, but not this route. They set off from Lake Baikal in summer, passed through countless mountains, and headed north to the Central Siberian Plateau to reach the Arctic Ocean. In the Jin and Liao dynasties, white bear skins appeared, which were hunted near the Arctic Ocean.However, the record of the first arrival of the army was in the Yuan Dynasty. The mountain on which the sun never sets is recorded in the history books, which is a mountain range in the Arctic Circle during the extreme daylight in summer.

Now history has changed again, but the situation is so sad, and in this season, it is still such a terrain.

Guo Yuanzhen didn't know the situation in the North Pole, but he saw that Wang Hua's expression suddenly turned livid, and he also judged that the terrain there might be worse than the swamp.

Wang Hua paused and said, "I understand their goal."

"What target?" Xiao Song asked with concern.

In fact, for these five hundred soldiers, they are the ones who feel the most apology. Zhang Xiaosong and the others left the chance of life to themselves, but forced themselves and their party to a dead end with no hope at all.

Wang Hua said: "They saw that after the Tuqishi army withdrew, they continued to head north. First, they completely escaped the enemy's pursuit, and second, they took advantage of the cold to go west."

"Taking advantage of the cold?"

"Yes, Governor Guo, although the temperature in Shazhou is very high during the day, it is still very cold at night, right?"

Guo Yuanzhen nodded his head. It is late November, and the temperature in Shazhou at night may reach minus [-] degrees. However, there are no thermometers to accurately measure the specific temperature. A little ditch can freeze to the bottom of the river.

"The temperature there may be ten times lower than here."

Hearing Wang Hua's words, Guo Yuanzhen understood why Wang Hua's worried expression became more serious after hearing that the Blood Camp marched northward for ten days.

"It is possible that the sun cannot be seen in some places, but there is only one advantage. In this extremely cold temperature, whether it is water or soil, it is completely frozen into thick ice, even in the In October, the temperature there is unimaginable. The biggest hazard of the swamp is the mire. Under this extreme temperature, even the mire has formed thick ice. It is so thick that no matter it is a war horse, it is the largest animal from the south. If you step on it, it won't sink. Then cross west, and then south."

Having said that, he drew another arrow on the map.He said sadly: "Crossing the north in this way, going south is still in accordance with the original plan of the Xueziying to reach the Leizhu Sea (Aral Sea). Fortunately, they are not far away, there is a big mountain, along this mountain range, Because the foundations are high, there will be fewer swamps."

What Wang Hua regretted the most was that he didn't draw a detailed map of the north when he left Xueying.He also marked the farthest place to the Aral Sea, the Caspian Sea. For the Aral Sea, the people of the Tang Dynasty once reached here, but they are very unfamiliar. Most people usually call the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Aral Sea the West Sea. It is said that the Aral Sea is called the Leizhu Sea, the Caspian Sea is called the North Sea, and even Atami and Daqing Lake, which are also called Issyk-Kul Lake, are also used to call the Aral Sea.Only one other large lake, Lake Balkhash, has always been called Yibohai.

When Wang Hua was leaving, he left a map for Xiao Song and the others. He was afraid that if something happened, he even marked the Caspian Sea, and even the name was changed to the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea.But the Ural Mountains and the Arctic Ocean are not marked.

Otherwise, Zhang Xiaosong and the others will be given more directions.

But after reaching the Ural Mountains, it does not mean safety.In the extremely cold weather, even Wang Hua didn't know what they used to keep out the cold, and a large number of war horses would inevitably be frostbitten or freeze to death, and they might have to switch to walking in the end.Once this happens, it is dangerous.

Besides, traveling south along the Ural Mountains may not be safe.Not to mention the beasts, some places are blocked by lakes and rivers, detours may encounter damn swamps, that is, bridges over small rivers, if it is normal, it is not difficult, but what tools do they have now?There are also many places that are overgrown with dense vegetation, making it impossible to walk through.

Even when traveling, we have a compass, but the terrain in the places we pass is complicated, and the compass sometimes loses its effect. The longitude of the North Pole is gradually shifted to one point. If the North Pole deviates a little to the south, it may deviate by thousands of miles later.If you are lucky, the south is the Aral Sea. If you are unlucky, you will cross the Caspian Sea.Where are they, there are many backward people, how many people can they have left?If a breakthrough occurs, how can they resist?
Wang Hua expressed the worries in his heart.But it was very euphemistic, and some places were vague. After all, it was too shocking to say it all, and it was impossible to explain the origin of this knowledge.

"Compass?" Guo Yuanzhen said.

Wang Hua took out a compass.

After understanding its function, Guo Yuanzhen began to be amazed, and immediately understood its important function, so he asked Wang Hua for it.

"Guo Dudu, it's very easy to make, so I don't want the enemy to get it, so I kept it a secret. Now I can give you some, but Guo Dudu must promise me one thing."

"Wang Yingdu, please tell me."

"The soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion are still not very familiar with the terrain in the northwest, so I would like to ask Governor Guo to find some reliable scouts, who must also be very familiar with the original terrain of the Western Turks, and conduct detection from here to here."

Speaking of which, he drew a dotted line from the Kazakh hills to the Ural River, and said: "The terrain is roughly like this, but I just analyzed it from some unpopular notes. I don't know the specific terrain, let alone Where is the distribution of tribes. There must be, but they are all very backward, brutal and brutal. Coupled with the cold weather, this business is very risky. They are searching for traces in this area. If they see this group of soldiers, they will be lucky Escape and take them back safely."

"They asked me to lead them. I am very familiar with the Western Regions. I grew up here since I was a child, and I can understand the languages ​​of several races." Yunxiu said.

Wang Hua looked at her, and she was indeed a very good candidate with her elusive skills.For example, the news she brought this time was obtained through some kind of spying, and the time was very short.But being so enthusiastic about her, Wang Hua became suspicious.

Yunxiu said again: "Originally I also planned to go deep into the north, because they are too far away from the Turkic people's place, they are all unfamiliar places, so I gave up, and I also heard that you brought the army of the Scarlet Battalion from Xijing Come here, so return to Shazhou early."

Wang Hua couldn't see her face, and couldn't judge her expression, so he cupped his hands and said, "Then I would like to thank Taoist Priest Yunxiu. Just in time, there are a few things I want to talk to Taoist Priest too."

As he spoke, he gave Guo Yuanzhen and Xiao Song a wink, and the two of them understood, and left with their hands clapped.

Wang Hua said: "Daoist Yunxiu, you are from Fangwai. Even if you take the maidservant's matter seriously, I will not take it seriously. Especially this time, you have helped me a lot, so I dare not use Daoist Being a maid, even if the Daoist doesn't mind, I will also mind in my heart, and make people laugh at me."

This matter is a serious concern to him, and there is not much conflict with Li Dan now, but since he helped Li Xian, the huge wheel of history has not been turned by him, and it must continue to develop on its original track.Then the conflict time is not far away.

With this person with high martial arts skills and elusiveness staying by his side, once it is unfavorable to him, his life will immediately be in danger.

I am also different from those aristocratic families, the aristocratic family lost one Erlang, and there will be Sanlang Shilang, but once I fall, the entire Wang family will fall, and there is not even one person to seek justice and revenge.

"Cultivating the Tao lies in the heart, and I don't mind this identity. And with Jun's current reputation, I'm just an unknown Taoist priest. It doesn't hurt to use me as a maid. Wait for a while, I must finish the three things about Xiang Wang."

This is the second time she mentioned the three things about Li Dan. Wang Hua asked, "What three things?"

Yunxiu said very frankly: "The main reason is that my father is in Tochara, and there is no hope of restoring the country, so I want King Xiang to say a few good words in front of the Holy Master, and take my father back to Xijing or Shendu to spend the rest of his life. In order to Thank you, King Xiang, I took the initiative to promise him to do three things for him. The first thing is to find out the whereabouts of your Scarlet Battalion. The second thing is more difficult, to find out who sold the Bloody Battalion.”

Wang Hua was slightly taken aback when he heard this, what does Li Dan mean by this?
Could it be that Li Dan did not do this, nor did Princess Taiping do it?So he is focusing on state affairs, or he also wants to take the opportunity to attack his opponents, so he takes the initiative to search?Or was he the one who did it in the first place, deliberately asking Yunxiu to look it up as a show for himself?
But after listening to it, I felt relieved.

It is not only more difficult to find out the truth of this matter, but there is no hope at all.Even if Li Dan is sincerely looking for the truth, he probably thinks that the Shangqing sect knows some kind of magic, and uses magic to help him.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that he also knows that he can't find it at all, and what he did was for others to see, to prove his innocence.

But in this way, it is impossible for this ice beauty to be a maid by her side, let alone worry about it.

Another point is that this is repaying kindness, not that the entire Shangqing faction has defected to Li Dan, at most it is friendly to Li Dan, but this way, the Shangqing faction will also have their consideration when they help.Reduce the possibility of them assassinating themselves.

"The third matter has nothing to do with your Scarlet Camp at all. It is related to the disputes of some practitioners of Taoism and Buddhism. They plotted against the king. You don't need to ask about this, and it's useless."

Wang Hua was also very curious about this point. He asked, "To tell the truth, Taoist Master Yunxiu, I don't believe in ghosts and gods, but humans and ghosts are different, and the way of heaven is also more remote and indistinct. It has been proved that they all use sorcery or deception to defraud wealth and wealth. I heard that your master is fighting with others. When the battalion returned, you were attached to the tent, is this a spell?"

Ever since he met the Taoist priest in Wen County, he had his own time travel. He was originally an atheist, but now Wang Hua also had doubts, and it became a small worry for him.

The most important thing is that Wang Hua is not afraid of martial arts, no matter how good his skills are, as long as he is vigilant and protected, these rangers will not pose a real threat to him.But there are really unpredictable Taoism, and I can't guard against it. I have offended many people. When I really make a move in the future, danger can come at any time.

"Possessed on top of the tent, your talent is astonishing to the world, but it's a pity that the things you do are too complicated." Although Yunxiu couldn't see her face, when Yunxiu said this, her tone was much calmer, at least she couldn't hear it. The taste that rejects people thousands of miles away.It seems that hearing the compass drawn by Wang and the huge map with her own eyes just now made her somewhat heartbroken. After all, she saw it with her own eyes: "Otherwise, you can do it too, just watch it."

As he spoke, he untied the long belt, and with a wave of his hand, immediately wrapped it around the roof beam several times.She grabbed the other end of the belt with her hand and swung a few times in the air, like a swallow wearing a beam, grabbing the beam.The whole movement was done in one go, as light as a civet cat, silently.

Jumped down from the roof beam again, tied the belt on the white Taoist robe again, and said: "They are the generals of an army. The tent is tall, supported by iron pillars, and the tent has a strong roof. I wrapped the belt around the roof. , Climb up along the iron pillar, the body is carried on the iron pillar, as long as you keep your movements light and balanced, even if you stay in the tent, it will be difficult to detect."

It was easy for her to say, but Wang Hua knew how difficult it was. There were guards outside the tent to guard the safety, so that the people inside and the guards outside the tent would not notice.At the same time, although there are iron pillars to support them, they are not high-rise buildings. They are called iron pillars, that is, a few foldable thick steel bars. They can't even be called steel bars, they can only be called thick iron bars.For a living person, judging by her figure and clothes, she doesn't have a hundred catties, but at least 90 catties.

This difficulty combines martial arts and acrobatics, and it is even more difficult than walking a tightrope without a balance beam in the sky.

Yunxiu said again: "Your master left you a book on cultivating Taoism. I believe that Wang Duwei is outstanding in martial arts at this age. Although he was taught by General Xue's apprentice, it is more or less similar to this book. Some relationships. If you meditate on Taoism, you will also have such achievements. As for Taoism, it is not my strong point, but I also have some. If you want to see, I can show you."

PS: It’s been a long time since I asked for a monthly pass. It’s doubled in seven days. Dear readers, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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