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Chapter 300 Rain Cloud

Chapter 300 Rain Cloud
But turning around, Wu Zetian looked at the corpses on the ground, as well as some low-level officials trembling with fright, she changed her mind and said, "Go to the palace, and send someone to investigate the origin of this eunuch immediately."

Under the blowing of the wind, the dark clouds in the sky did not decrease. Instead, they blew more and more. Finally, they piled up and became heavy. The color also turned into big black clouds, as if the heavy ones were about to fall off.In the end, the large groups of ink sticks finally began to drop ink, one drop or two, and finally fell down like a torrent, splashing on the ground, making the sound of tears, like a woman in pain howling.

Even though several huge candles were lit in Yanying Hall, it still couldn't break through the deep ink color, it was as dark as night.

Hearing the dense rain outside the hall, Ye Hu felt uneasy. He was only a relatively high-ranking official in Turkic, and he didn't hear much news.But people are not stupid. When Wu Zetian called the Crown Prince, King Xiang, and King Liang, he immediately thought of a deeper level, and his face changed involuntarily.

The faces of several ministers in the DPRK and China were also changing.

If Wang Hua's plan is successful, it will have unimaginable effects.Wu Zhile of Tuqishi is also a figure of great talent and generality. Because of the weakening of the Tang Dynasty, the West Turkic River has declined. .For Wuzhile, although Mochuo was not afraid, he did not dare to attack again easily.

The same is true for Da Zuorong. After defeating Li Kaigu in the battle of Tianmenling, he took the opportunity to annex the rest of the beggars and take in the survivors of Goguryeo. Upstream) area, self-proclaimed the king of Zhen, still called Mohe, but in fact, it has been recognized as the Tang Dynasty's vassal state.However, it also sent envoys to form an alliance with the Turks, and also made good contacts with Silla, skillfully mediating among the powerful neighbors, so within a few years, the power has developed rapidly.Its territory borders Silla in the south, Heishui Mohe in the north, Khitan and Turks in the west, and has tens of thousands of victorious soldiers.

If Wang Hua's strategy is successful, both Da Zuorong and Wu Zhile will respond to the anger of the people, and even ask the Tang Dynasty for help.Cooperating properly, the three sides faced the silent attack, which made the Turks exhausted. Under the poverty of the soldiers, the tribes under the pressure were overwhelmed, and they might be dismembered from the inside to the outside.Even if it is not good, because of the conflicts with Da Zuorong and Wu Zhile, Mochuo will be severely suppressed, and he will not dare to divide the Tang Dynasty.The pressure on the border of the Tang Dynasty will be relieved.

But this important premise is that the three parties cannot find out that it was done by people from the Tang Dynasty.

This is also the most dangerous part.

But now someone actually took the initiative to tell Mo Chuan the news, one can imagine the anger of Wu Zhile and Da Zuorong when they got the news.No one likes being used as a gun, let alone these talented masters.The safety of the [-] soldiers of the Scarlet Battalion was a minor matter, and there was a possibility that the three parties would retaliate immediately. One silent sip would give Tang Chao a headache, plus the other two.Also, these two people still claim to submit to the Tang Dynasty in name, no matter whether they will retaliate, or really retaliate, or make a bluff.These two vassal states are definitely gone.

But this news must have been spread by one of them, after notifying the master, then notifying silently.

Fighting is going to be fighting, but fighting to this point, it has reached the point of madness.

After a while, three people came in. Under the attendant's oilcloth umbrella, the three of them were chatting and laughing, talking about all kinds of exquisite 毹毹 and porcelain today, without knowing that a big thing happened.

Wu Zetian asked him to sit down and said to Tang Xiujing, "Tang Qing, tell them carefully, and explain to them the interests."

The three of them felt that something was wrong, and sat upright, listening to Tang Xiujing explain the ins and outs of the matter one by one, the more they listened, the more serious their expressions became.

Wu Zetian was observing their expressions.Only these three people can do this, and Li Xian is the most likely.In particular, some of his reforms in government affairs in the past few months have received a lot of praise, which makes him farther and farther away from the time of enthronement.But if a huge foreign invasion occurs, in order to cope with the foreign invasion, military service and taxation will all be increased, and the efforts I have made will immediately be in vain.Foreign aggression once again caused internal troubles, the people were outraged, and the ministers complained that their status might be seriously lost, and even the incident of Xuanwumen might happen.At least there will be many ministers who truly believe that once Li Xian ascends the throne, all ethnic groups will submit to him if his name is not right and his words are not right.

Now, this goal can be achieved immediately by reporting a message, and it shouldn't be very difficult for Li Xian to get this news.

But there was one thing that confused her. This son frightened her, and her character was a little cowardly. I am afraid that he held Yuxi in front of him and let him ascend the throne. He did not have the courage to take over Yuxi and dare to do such a disobedient thing. ?
Then there is Li Dan, as long as he does this matter cleanly and makes himself doubt Li Xian, Li Xian's status will not be guaranteed, and he may be reassigned to Fangzhou.Then he will ascend to the position of crown prince, and now his health is getting worse and worse, and he is unwilling to make much changes in the successor. It is possible that he will hand over the power from himself in the end as he wishes.

My own nephew can't be underestimated either. If I do it right, let myself vent my anger on my two sons and re-establish the Wu family as the crown prince, I will also have the last laugh.

It is equally easy for these three people to make a confidant into Zhang Yi's mansion and become a slave.Or just a dead eunuch who was originally their undercover agent in Zhang Wulang's house.

This was her idea. In Zhang Jianzhi's and others' thoughts, Zhang Yizhi was more suspicious.Are thieves shouting "Catch the thief" less?This matter, if Wang Hua hadn’t seen the opportunity early and used a Wuxu son’s almost absurd case to arrest these Turkic people and get this valuable information, the entire 6000 people in the blood camp would have been wiped out. It can be imagined that Wu Zetian was furious at that time, and even Wu Sansi might be angry.Now that Zhang Yizhi has taken advantage of Wu Zetian's favor and won the support of many ministers, and if all three of them are expelled from the capital, anything can happen.

Not only Wu Zetian was watching, but several ministers were also watching who did this kind of ignorant thing, and the four of them were also watching each other, but they could all see it, that's strange.

After the three of them listened, Li Dan looked at Wang Hua and said, "Wang Zhongying, I know that you fought well in the battle at Yangchang Ridge. I have watched the battle carefully. It was not an ambush, but you used No one knows how thousands of troops traveled thousands of miles to reach Yangchang Ridge. And how they stayed in ambush for several days in Yangchang Ridge without the Turks noticing. This is the key to victory in this battle. But But Gu thinks that your actions are too careless this time. You have a set of action planning means, but it does not mean that your subordinates have such means. Even without this matter, it is very likely that your two armies will find out if they go deep behind the enemy lines .”

Very annoyed.

Now after Wei Yuanzhong's incident, although it has hit their strength.But it means one thing, this time my mother doesn't want to do anything ruthless in order to keep the throne like before, that is to say, she doesn't want to move anymore.Now they are in a delicate position.Retiring can wait for the mother to die of old age, and advancing can make careful arrangements again.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

Therefore, I don't want too many accidents to happen in the court.

And if this matter is not resolved properly, it will cause countless changes. The instigator of this matter is precisely my future son-in-law.

Wang Hua looked at Li Dan.Also thinking, this future father-in-law must not be underestimated, and he can recognize the most critical factor in this battle at a glance.Based on this alone, Li Xian is far behind as an older brother.

In fact, in Wang Hua's mind, Li Xian was the first to be ruled out. A person who has seen his wife and daughter behaving badly and has no ability to reverse it, would come up with such a vicious idea?Wu Sansi is ambitious, but this person is not decisive in doing things.The odds of doing this are extremely slim.Even Zhang Yizhi is possible.But Zhang Yizhi did this, but the many changes caused by this incident are not beneficial to him, and it is equivalent to killing one thousand enemies and harming himself by eight hundred. It seems that the reasons for doing it are not sufficient.

Therefore, there are only three people he is most suspicious of, Princess Taiping, this woman has been hiding in the dark, but she will be the most important role in the next few years, her decisiveness is far better than her two brothers, and even Li Dan is far behind.The second is this Li Dan, who also hides his secrets. This is a person who is despised by many people. Even Wu Zetian seriously underestimated him. However, this person finally sat on the real throne.Then there's Webster.

Tang Xiujing replied on his behalf: "His Royal Highness, I have discussed the feasibility of this plan with His Majesty. There are several reasons why the minister and His Majesty finally agreed to this plan. One is that this operation is not a battle, and two It’s a guerrilla. Every time it’s done, it leaves some plausible traces and immediately goes to the second place. The third is time. The bad result is that someone will fall into the hands of the other party, and that’s not a big problem. Wait until The other party reacted, and the army has already withdrawn. Whether it is the Turkic people or the Mohe people, there are us Zhou people living in their area. At that time, we will not admit this, but it will confuse the other party, thinking that it is the Turks or the Mohe people. The slain soldiers carried us Dazhou. This possibility is extremely small, because they are all in their border area, the ethnic groups live together, the situation is complicated, and the garrison is also very small. It is impossible to react so quickly to capture or defeat the soldiers of the blood camp In order to prevent the failure of the operation, we also made strict arrangements to watch their camouflage techniques. If they did not leave the Zhou border, they would be exposed in advance. General Xue Na in the northeast and General Guo Yuanzhen in the northwest would stop them immediately. But On the contrary, the two armies made it all the way to the border without anyone noticing. So that proves the feasibility of the plan in turn.”

Tang Xiujing paused, and said again: "Also, we are negotiating peace with the Turks. This is also a good excuse. And this operation is also completely different from our previous Dazhou army. Although this approach is very Cruel, but it is also the most effective way to anger both parties. Of course, I also thought about the consequences of the matter at the time, but everything has two sides. Everyone is seeing this negative consequence now. Have you ever thought about the consequences of the success of this operation? "

Wang Hua asked strangely, "Why don't I know?"

Tang Xiujing said: "Wang Zhongying, you proposed this plan, but I have to consider more things, and I must minimize the unfavorable factors. If the blood camp does not go out of the Dazhou border, it will expose its whereabouts, let alone the enemy. behind."

Looking at the cold rain outside the hall, Wang Hua sighed, and said, "It's not that I'm gambling my luck with the safety of the country. Although there are two sides to everything, everyone, please wait a moment."

After he finished speaking, he immediately left the hall.

After a while, he came back drenched, holding a cylindrical thing in his hand.Wang Hua said: "Your Majesty, please use this thing to look outside."

When Wu Zetian took it, she let out a surprise, and then asked, "What is this?"

"Your Majesty, it should be called a telescope, and we call it an eye in the Scarlet Battalion. With it in hand, you can see the scenery several miles away. This is what the king said just now. Our army has traveled thousands of miles in the Turkic territory. No one knows the real reason. Similarly, if we did not provide information to the Turks, the two blood battalions would not be able to detect the two blood battalions even if they stayed there for two months, let alone a month. existence of the camp."

At this time, Tang Xiujing also picked it up. He looked outside and let out a cry of surprise, because Wang Hua had already mentioned the telescope, so he was mentally prepared, otherwise he would be shocked by the distant palace wall in front of him. The telescope was thrown away.

"With this thing, why not mass-produce it?" He immediately realized its military value.

Wang Hua said to a soldier standing under the eaves: "Please borrow the horizontal knife."

After satisfying everyone's eyes, he cut open the lens barrel with a knife, took out a few lenses, and said, "This thing is easy to make."

After speaking, in everyone's astonishment, he quickly smashed the lens with a horizontal knife.He added: "That's why I haven't made it public."

While he was talking, he was still smashing those lenses violently with a horizontal knife, venting his inner anger.

Although he knew the darkness of politics, he never thought of the darkness as such.

His people, thousands of his subordinates, are now alive or dead.Thinking of this, Wang Hua even thought of killing someone.

Looking at Wang Hua's distorted face by candlelight, the hearts of the dozen or so people in the hall were like this dark sky, filled with heavy and dark rain clouds, too dense to dissolve.

As evening came, the north wind blew up and whizzed past, the whistling faintly accompanied by thunder.

Silently stood on the top of the slope, watching the subordinates below the slope set up camp, piles of bonfires were lit everywhere, and some soldiers were dancing.

He looked at the northern sky again. The northern sky showed patches of navy blue and crimson purple. Slowly, the crimson purple turned into puddles of blood, which gradually darkened.The navy blue also began to turn into ink, and finally the ink became thicker and thicker, intertwined with the dark red, and finally turned into darkness.

His brow furrowed.

This time the good-looking wolf king was not in the pack, but the pack was still a pack of wolves, and the two little wolf kings were not inferior either.

The two little wolf kings respectively inherited the two extreme characteristics of that wolf king.Xiao Song in the west is cunning and uncertain.Dongfang's own opponent fought fiercely and opened wide.What chilled him the most was the reaction speed of the two people. They had only encircled and suppressed them twice, and they immediately made a verdict.Leading the army just chose to fight the Turkic people, leaving the Tuqishi and Mohe people aside to alleviate their resentment towards the Tang Dynasty.

Sure enough, after a period of time, Da Zuorong and Wu Zhile felt this change, so when they cooperated, they also began to play tricks.

If he hadn't calculated the time accurately and allowed the blood to create too many kills, causing them to also have incomparable hatred for the actions of the blood camp, Mo Sheng might have suspected that they would deliberately leave a gap to let them escape.

Not only the north, but also the dark red in the west completely disappeared, and the night finally fell.

In the whistling wind, pieces of killing intent also came, blowing the weeds all over the ground to lose their last vitality. Under the blowing of the strong wind, these weeds hit Mo Chuai's legs, but they were as weak as a sick man , hardly brought any feeling to Mo Sheng.

It finally cooled down.

Mo Chuai raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.As long as half a month passes and I let go of the net, the two blood battalions will have no choice but to return to their country.

This large-scale operation is not only to annihilate the Six Thousand Blood Battalion, but mainly to destroy the steel gates of the Tang Dynasty army.

Good steel is used on the edge of the knife. Without this layer of good steel, can the Tang Dynasty army stop their Turkic cavalry?Maybe that Wang Hua will organize a blood camp again, but the legendary record of the blood camp is beginning to be shattered. Without psychological advantages, what else can the blood camp do?
He walked down the hillside and gave an order: "Order the battalions to take strict precautions. This is the most important half month."

Listening to the scout's information, Wang Jun frowned.

Wu Keli whispered: "General Wang Ying, they want to lock us up. In half a month, this area will start to snow."

Wang Jun hummed, and said: "Now we only have to see what good news Zhang Bingcao brings us. Another point, let's discuss how to achieve one or two big victories, so that Zhang Bingcao will be able to negotiate with the bone servant Increase the enamel."

Although Zhang Shougui said that the current Turkic people are mainly to prevent them from fleeing south, and they can make a fuss about it, but now the Turkic people and the Mohe people have formed a front line, with tens of thousands of troops defending regionally and setting up obstacles at every level. As soon as there was action, countless armies of horses swarmed from all directions.Even if you have the advantage of eyes, you will still be trapped in the encirclement.

If they fight, they are still doomed to flee in panic again. How can they fight a battle that makes the heart of the servant?
Guo Qianguan looked at the map and said, "I have a stupid idea."

"Tell me."

"We can break out to the south, then wait for an opportunity to come back, find a battalion that is out of touch with other Turks, and strangle them. Then quickly retreat north."

Everyone fell silent.

This plan is easy to say but difficult to implement.Once the team enters the combat state and is in a state of flow, it has the advantage of eyesight, how to judge which team is out of touch.Also, now that they are in the north, they are gradually getting out of the control of the Turks, so silently did not follow up.Of course, there is no need to follow up forcefully, as long as they are blocked, once the heavy snow falls, God will help the Turkic people solve the problem.But once they go south, all the Turkic people on the grassland now know their camouflage team.Even if you have eyes, it is impossible for a thousand people to move without leaving traces.

The last point, after going south, they will inevitably fight, how to return calmly.

Wang Jun took a look at the generals. He seemed to have seen many people fall down again and never return to their homeland.

After these several battles, these soldiers have grown up rapidly. What he saw in this blood battalion was completely different from what he saw in the first battle in Tubo.These people are brought back, no need to practice, and they are also the best of the best.

He couldn't even bear a soldier.

After being silent for a long time, Li Kailuo said: "Let's fight. Time waits for no one."

As he spoke, he picked up a layer of silver frost, and said: "The weather is cold now, brothers can bear it. Once time drags on and the weather really gets cold, it will be impossible for brothers to have the will to fight. That will It's a disaster."

"Then let's fight."

Yi Li Shuipao sat in the mace tent, listened to the report from his subordinates, slapped the table angrily, and said, "Mochuopao is crazy, our bone servant pays him so much livestock, how can our bone servant survive this winter?" .”

Several subordinates were silent.

Li Yi finished his anger and sat in a chair in a daze.He used to hate the people of the Tang Dynasty, especially after Xue Rengui defeated the nine surnames of Tie Le at Tianshankou (not Tianshan, Xinjiang, in Kundu Town, Alu Horqin Banner, west of Tongliao City, the Pugu Department may be the ancestor of the Khitan Xiao surname). Once Xue Rengui mainly fought the three powerful tribes of Huihe, Pugu and Tongluo.After that battle, the Pugu Department went from bad to worse.

Also after that battle, his father, Ge Lubayan, who was once conferred by the Tang Dynasty as the governor of Jinwei, no longer had any ambitions, and often regretted his invasion of the Tang Dynasty this time.Later, his father died, and the Tang Dynasty also lost control of the north after the Khitan World War I. The nine surnames of Tie Le had to accept the slavery of Mochu.

Only then did Pugu know how much happiness it was to live under the rule of the Tang Dynasty.

Silently sipping the cruel military service and paying tribute, they were oppressed until Tie Le's nine surnames couldn't breathe.This is because the Bonggu tribe is relatively large, Mo Chuai doesn't want to turn them back, so there is still a measure of oppression, some tribes can't survive under the oppression of Mu Chuai.

Yi Li thought for a while, and let everyone go out.There is no way, let's squeeze, otherwise Mochuo himself will lead an army of tens of thousands to intercept the Tang Dynasty army not far from the tribe, and wipe out their tribe by the way, it is not impossible.

"Father, why don't you join hands with the Tang Dynasty and other tribes to overthrow them?" A childish voice said.

It was his youngest son who was talking, named Pugu Huai'en. Although he was only a few years old, he had already shown many talents, and his courage was far better than that of children of the same age. This was also one of his favorite sons.

"You don't understand. The people of the Tang Dynasty couldn't even pass the barrier of the Khitan people outside the customs. Now they only want to protect themselves. If they want to join forces with us, they can't say such things to others in the future." Little servant Gu Huai'en nodded head.

Yi Li felt bored, and he also knew the intention of Mochuu. The heavy labor and tribute oppressed the other ministries on the grassland, reducing the living space of the other ministries, so that they would never pose a danger to the Turkic people.

But the Turkic people are too powerful, not only themselves, but people from other tribes also dare not stand up and resist.Yes, it has long since disappeared on the grassland together with the to disappear completely.

He called out, "Linda."

This is one of his favorite concubines, Linda walked over, and Yi Li roughly hugged her to the bed.After a long time, both of them fell asleep.

In his dream, he also dreamed that Mo Shui led a large group of people to kill Pugu, and he led a group of people, fleeing to the south in ragged clothes.However, they fled to the city of the Tang Dynasty people. The Tang Dynasty people were too frightened to open the door. Behind them, Mo Chuai led the men and horses to chase him closer and closer. die."

He was startled awake, with cold sweat dripping from his body, he touched Linda beside him, and then he touched a thick and cold hand.

PS: There are many controversies about the territory of the Tang Dynasty, by the way.Divided into two parts, the actual control area, the central part of Xinjiang at its peak, the Hexi Corridor, to the west of Liaoning, and the central part of Vietnam.The part of Jimi, which is often flowing, is the farthest, between the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea, the southwest is close to the Persian Gulf, the north is the southern part of the Siberian Plain, and the northeast is close to Magadan. When Koryo was at its peak, it was the whole territory. Later, it was rewarded from half of the area. Silla.Some people say that the navy of the Tang Dynasty was invincible. Was there a navy at that time?There is no concept of sea area either.

Regarding the issue of Li Shimin's lineage, it should be said that many ethnic minorities still belong to China's ethnic minorities, and we should not look at the issue with a narrow sense of tradition.Such as Manchu, Xianbei, Khitan, Dangxiang, Hui, Uyghur, Tibetan, and Zhuang.But there is an unavoidable problem, that is, what ethnic minorities bring to the development of Chinese civilization is harm, not progress, and cannot be excluded, but they are not worthy of praise.This is my personal opinion.At least the Ming Dynasty would not do the thing that Emperor Kangxi burned the blueprint of the machine gun.

But if a nation and country are strong and strive for self-sufficiency, only when they are as strong as the Tang Dynasty, will there be no such thing as decades, and there will be no such thing as a few days ago.By the way, today, I mourn for the more than 2000 million comrades who were killed decades ago.

(End of this chapter)

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