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Chapter 286 Battle 3

Chapter 286 Three Battles
Mo Hegan didn't know the danger was coming, he smiled on his forehead.

Wang Hua slammed on the table, and with this force, his body jumped up, like an eagle pounced on him.Before everyone had time to react, he pinched Mo Hegan with one hand and lifted him up.

"When I go back, I will tell you that I will not delay the affairs of the country because of one of my relatives. But if I want to use my relatives to threaten me, tell Zhan Chuan that within ten years, I will definitely kill his family. Kill them all!"

"Wang Zhongying, let him go," Lao Wu said.

Wang Hua put Mo Hegan down bitterly.

Fortunately, Lao Wu gave the order early, otherwise Mo Hegan might have been strangled to death by Wang Hua.Wang Hua sat back to his original position, while Mo Hegan was still slumped on the ground panting.It's also called luck in my heart. This was in the Tang Dynasty. Back then, I sweated a lot and detained and insulted the Tang Dynasty envoys. I was strangled to death by Wang Hua. It is estimated that the female emperor of the Tang Dynasty would not seek justice for herself.This is still a good thing, Da Khan didn't listen to those few Han people fooling around, otherwise he threatened this young man to fight with soldiers, see, that would be a big game.

The ministers in the palace were very happy when they saw his wolfish appearance.This is called brine ordering tofu, one thing is one thing, and the arrogant Turkic has to be dealt with by this stunned young man.did you see?At first, when Wang Hua didn't come, the envoy even talked to the emperor in a fierce tone, but when Wang Hua entered the hall, he calmed down immediately.

Just like another person, Tang Xiujing.Wu Zetian invited Lun Misa to a banquet in Linde Hall, and Tang Tijing, governor of Liangzhou, happened to attend the banquet.On Misa who doesn't eat or drink, he always looks at Old Tang.Wu Zetian was surprised and asked him why.Lun Misa said: "In the battle of Hongyuan, this general was fierce, so I want to see what he looks like." So Wu Zetian immediately appointed Lao Tang as the second general of Youwuwei Jinwuwei.

It's a pity that Wang Hua is still a little younger, otherwise, relying on Mo Hegan's change of attitude, Lao Wu would raise Wang Hua again.

Wu Zetian said again: "Envoy Mo He, please continue."

Seeing Wang Hua staring at him with fierce eyes, like a tiger staring at a sheep, ready to pounce at any time.Mo Hegan said obediently: "Wang Zhongying, I think you have misunderstood. You will understand after I finish speaking."

You have to say it in advance, otherwise he may rush over at any time.

"What happened to Lingmei has nothing to do with our sweat, and it has nothing to do with us Turkic people. You Han people did it yourself. At the end of last autumn, a few Han people came to the Qalun River. When they saw our sweat, they gave us sweat. Jewels and Spices also came up with an idea, let us use Lingmei's news to catch Wangying into the net and kill Wangying. We Khan did not agree. But Lingmei's matter has nothing to do with us. We Turkic people have never even seen Lingmei's face."

When Mo Hegan said these words, Wang Hua kept looking at his expression, and did not see that Mo Hegan seemed to be lying.

He was puzzled, some jewelry and spices, how much is this.Turks now control 40 strings, so the number of people they control must be at least 400 million, and it is not something that ordinary people can see when they want to.This principle is the same as that of Wu Zetian now, let alone an ordinary person, even an ordinary minister may not be able to see it.It must be that these jewels and spices are enough to make even Mo Chuo feel tempted, that's why he met these Han people.

Counting has this ability, the Tang Dynasty has many forces, for example, every big family can come up with this resource.

But the time is wrong. If it is placed now, there is still this possibility.When Sifeng disappeared, he hadn't returned from his study tour, maybe he had just arrived at the Yellow River and hadn't entered Xingyang yet.What was he at that time?A Guozijian student with a little bit of talent, and what's more, he exists under the false name of Di Renjie's student.

If he felt it was necessary, he might as well take the opportunity to kill himself instead of making a move on Sifeng.There is no need to go around in such a big circle.Or this person has sharp eyesight and realizes that he is growing very fast, leaving a foreshadowing, just Sifeng, why did he kidnap Sanfeng or his mother when Qingshangou's family has no strength, so that he can really It's a mess.

Still can't explain.

Thinking of this, he looked at everyone, especially the Wu family, Li Dan, Li Xian, and the Zhang brothers.Seeing their eyes, they were equally dazed. They had also heard about the disappearance of Wang Hua's younger sister, but who did it?

Wang Hua thought again at the end of last autumn, that the Fanzheng War was over.At that time, Er Zhang regarded himself as a potential ally, and they still think this way until now.There is no need to send yourself to death.Not to mention Li Xian and his wife.So Li Dan and Princess Taiping?No, after seeing the results of the First World War in Fanjun, they realized their own growth, and their attitudes have also changed since then.Or seven surnames, it seems possible.

But the reason why the seven surnames are considered to be one is because they are related to each other, just like Er Cui, who married several daughters-in-law of Wang, Zheng, Lu, and Li in his family.It was already very powerful, and with the addition of these alliances, the seven surnames were gradually twisted into a whole, so the power was so powerful that even Wu Zetian dared not move easily.Then analyze the situation when Sifeng disappeared. At that time, at least the Zheng family had already obtained the shares of their own porcelain kiln. If they did such a thing again, it would not be worth it, it would be superfluous.

People often do superfluous things, but don't forget, there are seven surnames, how many capable ministers and advisers, he still remembers that Mr. Zhu.There is no need to do such a thing.

Who is this guy!
Mo Hegan went on to say: "But after the third war, our Great Khan was able to provide some useful information to assist General Wang Ying to find Lingmei's whereabouts."

"Don't even think about it, I can't miss state affairs for family affairs," Wang Hua said, and suddenly stopped.What he said was not wrong, it wasn't that he spoke beautiful words, and the main monarchs and ministers could not agree with him to mess around and bring family affairs into state affairs. Even if he agreed, the result would still be zero, so it is better to say some beautiful words.But it's not right, since the old military general called in himself, he must want to hear his thoughts.So he changed his words and asked, "Excuse me, what are the three battles?"

Even Zhang Jianzhi sighed in his heart.This young man doesn't know good and bad, but his mind is exquisite, even ordinary people can't match it.

"The first two battles were all related to General Wang Ying, which is also Wang Ying's best skill, craftsmanship. Especially in the first battle, our two countries each made three pieces of porcelain, and the winner wins the first round."

Porcelain, Wang Hua finally understood the reason for the minister's strange expression.

What kind of porcelain can the Turks burn, pottery is almost the same.

Even Wang Hua himself had a strange look on his face when he heard this, and he asked, "Then what about the second one?"

"The second thing is what we Turkic people are best at, Miu."

氍毹?It's just a blanket.Is there any mistake, although the Turkic people are good at making blankets, they are not good at blankets, but kneading leather, or tanning leather, making mature hides from animal skins, and then turning the cooked hides into leather clothes.Blankets seem to come from the grasslands and the Western Regions, but now the Tang Dynasty ruled the northwest of Guannei Road, the north of Hedong Road, and the North Court of Anbei, where the felt industry is very developed.But just like diamonds come from South Africa, the best diamond processing technology is not in South Africa, but in the Netherlands. In fact, the best blanket processing industry was introduced from nomads, but it is in Liangzhou and Taiyuan.

There are many silk and felt products in his previous generations' collections, including the precious white felt and scarlet felt from the Tang Dynasty. He also visited Japan and saw a colored felt from the Tang Dynasty in Japan's Shosoin, with two small patterns. Arranged in a row, the left hand in the middle is holding a staff, the end of the staff is like a crescent moon, shaped like a polo ball.The entire carpet is very delicately made.

Needless to say, I came to this world and learned more about felt.It is generally used to make wall coverings, curtains to decorate walls, or simply curtains, Luoman, and floor coverings, that is, carpets.The ones that are a little worse can be used as a saddle or spread on a bed as a quilt.

But according to time, the best blanket production was not in the Tang Dynasty, but in the Ming Dynasty.Calculated geographically, it was not in the Central Plains, but in later Tibet.

Wang Hua couldn't help being stunned again, what the hell did Lao Mo do this time?

After these two competitions, the Turkic people can say that they are sure to lose.He held back his smile and asked, "What about the third one?"


In fact, at this time, Wu Zetian and the others couldn't help laughing, it seemed that they had already laughed once.

Chiju is polo, which was introduced from Persia, and there was polo in China at the end of Han Dynasty.But it was popular in the Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, and then spread from China to Bohai, Korea, Japan, Turkic and other countries.There is also a large polo field in the Hanguang Hall of Daming Palace.Usually, not only warriors play polo, but also court ladies play polo.A total of [-] people were divided into two groups, dressed in narrow-sleeved gowns of various colors, wearing black boots, wearing head coverings, and holding crescent-shaped sticks in their hands. The winner was to hit the ball into the opponent's goal.

In some respects, it is similar to football, and it also pays attention to teamwork, but the degree of danger and intensity is not less than that.The most important thing is riding.Although Mo Chuai is very funny, but in this event, he is the only game that has a chance of winning.But it may not win. Although the Turks are better at riding, can they cooperate?In the hands of Li Shimin, the Tang Dynasty had a contest with the Turks once, and the Tang Dynasty won a big victory.

Wang Hua was also surprised. Could it be that Lao Mo was forced by himself last time, and now he can't think about it, and his mind is starting to get bad?

Wu Zetian waved his hand and said: "Messenger Mo He, you have come from a long way, go down and have a rest first."

Mo Hegan knew that the monarch and his subjects still needed to discuss it, so he left immediately.

Seeing the Turks go down, Wu Zetian asked Wang Hua, "Wang Qing, what do you think?"

There are two of the three items, at least one of which is related to Wang Hua, so Wu Zetian had to follow Wang Hua's suggestion.

"I don't know either," Wang Hua shook his head, this thing is too weird, just like Zhang Fei is holding a piece of embroidery in his hand, while embroidering flowers on it with an embroidery needle in the other hand, when he came to In front of the second brother Guan, he said delicately: "Second brother, how do you see how the little brother embroiders these flowers?"

While talking, there was still a coy look on his face, what do you think Second Brother Guan would think?
If we talk about fighting, I believe it is really weird that Mo Chuai, who likes war and killing people, has come to this move.

Wu Zetian glanced at everyone again and asked: "And he asked the emperor's grandson to marry his daughter, what do you think?"

This is the first premise, whether you win or lose, you have to marry his daughter, if you don't marry, don't compare, just start fighting.The fight may not start right away, but with this excuse, he will hang up the righteousness next time when the fight starts, look, I have endured the humiliation to this point, openly competing, in fact, the competition is the best of the Tang people, just let me have a little But the people of Tang didn't appreciate it. Can you bear this kind of insult?Morale rose.

Wang Hua said at this time: "I am a military commander, I don't know if I should say a word or not."

"Speaking, it has nothing to do with civil and military affairs, even if it is an ordinary citizen, as long as it is helpful to the country, he can report to me."

Wang Hua cupped his hands and said: "A false name hurts people. First of all, the first thing I said, since the founding of the emperor Taizong, until the emperor initiated the Great Zhou Zhongxing, our Great Zhou has a vast land and resources, the country is rich and the people are strong, so all nations come to the court. Good thing. But I would like to ask, how many barbarians are there living in Honglu Temple? These barbarians come from all over the world, some are businessmen, some are wanderers. Hearing that our Great Zhou is rich and strong, and they come to our Great Zhou to make a living, But thousands of miles away, in various small countries and distant states, it is not easy for the imperial court to send people to investigate the real story. So they pretended to be envoys and let Hongnai Temple send them to live and provide them with places to go. But what about them? Continue to do business and start industries to earn money Well, the state has not collected less tax, but still continues to provide for their daily expenses. Even some of the envoys, because they are nostalgic for the wealth of our Great Zhou, refused to return to the country. I am afraid their kings have long forgotten such envoys. The real two However, because these envoys lingered and never returned, they did not take them with them. There are also students from Japan, Koryo and other countries who come to study in Dazhou. It is an apprentice in the countryside who learns from the master. He has to pay tuition fees and help the master. Do three to six years of work. Now the imperial court is good, not only teaching them knowledge, but also providing them with all expenses. Let them learn advanced civilization, and then use these civilizations to make the country strong, and in turn deal with us Great Zhou. Minister I really don't understand."

This is the biggest stupid thing China has done, and it was too much to bear in the Ming Dynasty, so I said, you should come here less often.

Rather than being like this, it’s better not to have these false names and see how beautiful the old is. People see China’s development and build a circle. Not only will they not give you their own core technology, but they will force other countries not to give it to you. At the same time, they will let you appreciate the value of the RMB. Come again, the aircraft carrier will drive to your door together.Don't hate others, this is their reality, who makes you not as strong as others.

It is precisely because of the "selfless dedication" of the Chinese that the world has developed, but the world has come to deal with China.

It's kind of silly.

After letting go of a sentence, the hall was speechless.Anyway, he let it go, Wang Hua simply said it happily, and he said: "Everyone knows to send people to learn from our Great Zhou civilization, why can't we learn from their strengths to make up for our own weaknesses? Everyone or barbarians, what? Fanyi? Confucius also said that if three people walk together, there must be my teacher. Everyone, who has the knowledge of Confucius? Why is the Hu suit popular in the street? Some people say it is not elegant, but have you ever thought about it? , it is convenient for ordinary people to do things. As long as they are good, we will take them over. Women will also take them, as long as they are good for the country.”

Seeing his vulgar words, some ministers all lowered their heads and laughed.

In fact, Wang Hua played a trick at this time, I am afraid that Lao Wu himself does not want to fight anymore, otherwise he would not discuss with everyone and directly blast Mo Hegan away.And Wang Hua himself doesn't want to fight anymore. He has lost too many battles in the past few years, and the people are taking a breath.There are also real fights, the negatives are still in the majority, the blood camp, I am flexible, if I fight head-on, even the blood camp may not get much benefit.Not to mention the other soldiers who lived there.

If you fight with a group of ordinary soldiers, you can't win by yourself, neither can Xue Na, nor can the generals in the blood battalion under him.We have to wait until the Turkic poor soldiers dethrone Wu and they decline. At that time, it is the best time to beat the dog in the water.

"But don't be afraid of being fooled. Once you are fooled, you must learn to be good. This time we can't let the emperor's grandson go to Turkic. If we want to get married, we have to send our daughter to the Central Plains. But I still have a few words, which are also related to false fame." , Now say it. First of all, I would like to ask the emperor, the emperor uses his name to support officials, and hopes that more talents will come out of the country. This intention is good, but I would like to ask, how many officials did the country have in the early years of the Tang Dynasty, and how many officials are there now? The people in the household support one official, the official is simple and smooth, and the people don’t think it is a burden. How about raising ten officials? The order is cumbersome, and the burden on the people is heavy. Or reduce the actual treatment of officials, such as the fiefdoms that officials should have now, there are very few There are officials who implement it. If they fail to implement it, except for a few honest ministers who are not clothed and hungry, most ministers are corrupt and pervert the law, or use their power to set up businesses and compete with the people for profit just like ministers . May I ask how the people fought for the official? I heard some people say that the officials are now in the car, and the amount is measured. May I ask the emperor if this is a good thing?"

This is an unspoken rule, Wang Huapao's beating Laowu doesn't count, so he made this unspoken rule public.

The hall was even more silent.

"Furthermore, at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there were less than 300 million households, but the soldiers were powerful and swept the world. Now under the emperor's rule, there are nearly 500 million households. Five soldiers, not enough to be a burden, can support ten or twenty soldiers, and the common people cannot bear this burden. But the country is still the same country, and the income is still the same. Raising one hundred thousand troops is definitely a good soldier, and raising a million troops is not enough. The armor is a problem, so what about the good soldiers? Why did the blood battalion win? Is it because of the skill of the ministers? No, one is the brave soldiers selected by Jane, and the other is that the imperial court rewards and nourishes the soldiers. Fight in blood."

"So Mochuu is sincerely at peace. There are fewer wars in the country, and the people have less burden, especially the border people are relieved from the dire straits. Does the emperor's grandson not hesitate to marry? Besides, if the emperor's grandson doesn't like it, it's okay. Let some concubines favor you." Tiao Ming said.But at this point, Wang Hua pondered: "I'm not talking about this, but silently swearing that this person is cunning and treacherous. It is possible that a hole will be buried in these three battles, and let our Great Zhou emperors and ministers jump down."

What pitfalls can there be in these three battles?Is it true that the Turkic people fired better porcelain than those porcelain kilns in the Wang family?Really, they will still produce better felt than Taiyuan Liangzhou?
(End of this chapter)

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