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Chapter 261

Chapter 261
When mentioning the warriors of the Tang Dynasty, people will immediately think of the famous Mingguang armored warriors, so they think that the Mingguang armor is the mainstream armor of the Tang Dynasty.

This is a wrong statement. The cost of a bright light armor is expensive, even far exceeding the value of several war horses. If the Tang Dynasty's hundreds of thousands of troops wear this kind of armor, the Tang Dynasty's finances will not be able to keep up.Even if you keep up, the cost of maintenance and repairs will be unbearable.Another point is that it is too heavy for ordinary soldiers to wear.There is also a kind of light blue fish scale steel armor that resembles chicken feathers and is shaped like a fruit that shines with brilliance. Armor is all that is needed. Also because of the cost problem, not many soldiers wear it.There is also the Shanwen armor, the star of Chinese style. The armor is like a bird's body, the bird hammer armor is like a spindle, and the thin scale armor is made of many steel scales.

There is a cost issue.Therefore, the general middle and lower class soldiers had to wear another kind of iron armor, chain mail.Although there are large and small holes, it saves steel and manufacturing costs, and it is light to wear, resulting in a decrease in defense capabilities.After all, it can play some defensive role. The weapon is not a needle, it can be pierced very deep, even if it is pierced in, it will not be fatal because of the obstruction of the iron net.

In addition to these iron armors, leather armor, wooden armor, white cloth, soap juan, and cloth back, among which leather armor Turks and other nomads use the most, and the effect is better. The other types of armor are purely deceptive. Almost no defense.This is the thirteen armors in the arsenal of the Tang Dynasty.

In Wang Hua's business, except for Wang Hua and Kong Heizi who were wearing Mingguang armor, the rest were all chain mail.

From a distance, people were amazed at their blood armor, or rather at the bright light armor on Wang Hua and the others. Under the sunlight, they couldn't see the light, only a ghastly red.The dozens of other soldiers were a little bit better, at most like a red iron cloth shirt, with a large group of green cloth and soap clothes exposed inside.

But when I got closer, I realized it was wrong.Because the chain mail is made of small iron rings hooked together, there are many hooks between the rings.These beard hooks are easier to stick to the enemy's flesh and blood.Look at the dark red pools on their chain mail.Needless to say, I knew what those things were. Some people wanted to vomit, but after a while of malice, they couldn't help but raised their heads again to look at these dozens of soldiers.

How much blood of the enemy does it take to dye this red?

What is a hero, this is a real hero.Looking back at the dawn of that day, when more than 580 soldiers entered the [-] Turkic camp, each of them wanted to cry and shout.

The crowd was silent, this is admiration for the heroes, so they didn't dare to make loud noises.

When he came to the city gate, Wang Hua got off his horse.It's too late if you don't get off the horse, and Lao Wu, with all the civil and military officials, is personally welcoming them at the gate of the city.

All sixty soldiers knelt down on one leg. Some soldiers were a little flustered because they saw such a huge scene for the first time, and their salute movements were a bit awkward.

Look at the armor on them, watch their clumsy movements.Wu Zetian felt miserable, it was this group of soldiers who seemed to have never seen the world, defending the majesty of Da Zhou and her dignity with blood.

She stretched out her hand and said, "Everyone, please get up, please get up."

With a wave of his hand, the eunuch beside him brought over trays with brocade robes on them.Wu Zetian started from Wang Hua and personally put on a brocade robe for him.Wang Ping said calmly, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

I know, Lao Wu is buying people's hearts, and he is also doing it for the soldiers of the world to see.Work hard, I will treat you the same way in the future.There are several sincere friendships in it, Wang Hua is very suspicious.But Lao Wu had nothing to say to him this time, and now he has learned a lot of news, not to mention that he transferred Gongsun and his son's family to cooperate with him.This time, if it weren't for her furious thunder, the soldiers from all walks of life in the east of the river would not be so fast.In another day, whether the city can be defended or not, it is still two different things.That's when it's almost at the limit.

Wu Zetian said again: "In the past, Taizong said that he didn't like Korea, but he liked General Xue, Wang Duwei, and my ambition. I am very happy."

Wang Hua saluted again and said: "The Holy Majesty has shown great favor to me, and I have nothing to repay, but only one life."

"It's a good life, get up." Wu Zetian happily pulled him up.He came to Kong Heizi again and said, "General Kong, in the past, when I appointed you as Captain Guoyi, there were people who strongly opposed it. General Kong, I am very pleased with your performance in the battle of Fanzheng."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Kong Heizi had never met the emperor, and the most important person in his life was Xue Rengui, a very calm Kong Heizi, who was at a loss even now.What's more, he didn't realize that he had already been promoted to the military rank in Lao Wu's words.The generals of the Tang Dynasty were the lowest rank, and the guerrilla generals were also officials from the five senses, but he was not a little Guoyi who went to the government.

Send them out one by one.All the wounded hearts were soothed.Some soldiers were moved because they were the Son of Heaven, and they had seen him several times, not to mention putting on a brocade robe for themselves now, and they were so moved that tears filled their eyes.It was worth the effort.

When she came to Aunt Gongsun's younger brother, Wu Zetian's expression became more serious, and she asked, "How old are you this year?"

"14 years old," said the little Gongsun shyly.

"You're only 14 years old, how did you get the blood on your armor? Could it be that you also went into battle and killed the enemy?"

"Killed, fifteen people. I have killed the fewest enemies among the surviving companions." Little Gongsun didn't know etiquette, and he still used me when he saw the emperor, but Lao Wu was not angry, and listened quietly: "Several officers killed a lot of enemies, especially Captain Wang, who killed the famous Turkic hero Terman in Sanhe. Captain Jing also killed a lot of enemies, at least sixty enemies. The big spear in his hand is blunt .”

"Who is Captain Jing?"

Jing Zhiyang came out in response, Wu Zetian looked at him, there were still two deep scars on his face, the scarred eyes were not healed, the scars were engraved on his face, the red meat was turned over, and a trace of blood oozes from time to time, the scars on his body The armor has many broken and broken places.

She said: "Stand up, take off your armor jacket, and let me see your injuries with my own eyes."

The two were ignorant, mainly because they were nervous, their brains stopped thinking, and they obediently untied their armor and took off their shirts.

Finally, the cry of many women came from the crowd.Jing Zhiyang's upper body was incomplete, and there were scars everywhere, such as knife wounds, arrow wounds, and ax wounds.One after another, each scar or eye injury, whether deep or shallow, because the horse came, and the bump of the horse made the blood stains printed again.

Little Gongsun was a little bit better. He didn't die because he was young and many soldiers caught him in the middle.But there are also many scars, especially his undeveloped and slightly thin body, standing in the cool wind that began in August, is also eye-catching.

What kind of tragic battle has gone through to make the whole body so scarred!
Lao Wu also wiped away his tears, then stretched out his hand, and said to the sky: "So strong, God bless my great Zhou with a long life, so strong, God bless my people in Da Zhou to be loyal and brave!"

Although sentimental, but tragic, without such grandeur, it is impossible to rule the world.

After finishing speaking, he bent down and said: "Soldiers, I will not fail you, and I will not fail you."

This action is regarded as a salute.

Then let the two put on their clothes, and put on brocade robes for them again.

Take them into the palace, set up a banquet here, and Wu Zetian personally entertains them.

At the beginning, officials objected, thinking that Wu Zetian and the others had done too grandly.But now seeing the injuries on the two of them, neither of them said a word.

Not only is there a grand banquet, but there are also singing and dancing, but the sword dance, on such an occasion, it is impossible to have some extravagant music.A group of soldiers ate like chewing wax.From the moment I saw the palace, I was intimidated by the tall Mingtang and Tiantian, especially the Mingtang, which is about [-] meters high.Never once had they seen such a majestic building.

However, Lao Wu waved to Wang Hua during the banquet, summoned him into a side hall alone, and asked, "Wang Xiaoer, I want to ask you a question."

Appellations have different uses in different situations.Such as Lang, people respect each other, even Di Renjie can be called Lang to an ordinary person, but he can't be called in the court, otherwise it is flattery.Lao Wu used to be called Wang Xiaoer, and Wang Hua was younger, but later changed his name to Wang Duwei and Wang Qing, which were the official names.Now restore Wang Xiaoer again, that is love.

Wang Hua replied, "Please, Your Majesty."

"I don't understand. If there is nothing wrong with this government army, they are just a group of ordinary soldiers. You just added some armor and weapons for them. If you say this, isn't my Habayashi Army better than your armor and weapons? , the armor is all Mingguang armor. But why did you show such a strong combat power in your hands? Are there any special training methods?"

Wang Hua said: "I didn't do anything, but really respected them, not only gave them armor, but also taught them some life skills, so that they can make a living. The second kind of situation is a desperate situation. In this desperate situation, it is not necessary. Well, even if the whole army collapsed, if it is used well, the soldiers will be inspired to die instead. I was lucky enough to achieve the last point."

Wang Hua's two points sound simple, but there are a few officials who make decisions for the people, and officials who don't make decisions for the people, it is better to go home and sell sweet potatoes. If you really want to say this, at least two-thirds of the Chinese dynasties Let the officials sell sweet potatoes, this is probably the best data.The same is true for the generals of the Tang Dynasty. How many generals treat soldiers as individuals?As for putting them to death, Xiang Yu and Han Xin have done it, but how many of them succeeded?
Wu Zetian listened for a while and said: "I also know that your subordinates have made great contributions this time, but I also know that this situation would not have happened without you. Now that I have listened to your words, I have strengthened my mind. It is either that I have no good soldiers, or that I have no good generals."

Finally stole, there are quite a few good generals, and you killed them out of fear of their merits.

"So I want to organize a battalion."

"A battalion?"

"Yes, about four to five thousand people. I plan to use the cost of raising an army of two to fifty thousand to build this battalion. This is my idea, and we will continue to discuss the specifics. But the task of this battalion is very important. It is here Deal with silent sipping."

That is, later the special forces, or the most elite forces.But once this battalion is established, the authority of the chief will undoubtedly be very heavy.
Wang Hua raised his head involuntarily and looked at Wu Zetian.

(End of this chapter)

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