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Chapter 256 Blood Armor

Chapter 256 Blood Armor (Angry Old Wu) (Fifth)
The head of the post station is very fast, his family is still in Fanjun County, can you not be in a hurry?Arrived in Luoyang, the military situation ahead, immediately entered the palace.

After Wu Zetian read it, he angrily threw the memorial written by Wang Hua on the ground and called the ministers to enter the palace.

The important ministers of the DPRK and China came in one after another.The old military general Wang Hua handed them the memorial, and after reading them one by one, their faces changed.

Wei Yuanzhong took the map, looked at it, and said, "It's dangerous."

"How can I not know the danger? In a small county with [-] people, there are [-] to [-] Turkic soldiers. But what else did you see?"

What happened in Taiyuan, Wang Hua did not say.It was a personal enmity, and it was a public conspiracy. They knew it was a trap, but they had to drill into it.Forget it, we are willing to give up a daughter and a granddaughter, but you are reluctant to give up this kindness.But Wang Hua explained the governor of Xinzhou, and said, I don't know who to ask for help now, and I can only die in battle to follow His Majesty's kindness.

Even Wei Yuanzhong didn't dare to make a sound.

"Wei Qing, you have repeatedly advised me that peace is the most important thing, and this is the price of peace."

"Your Majesty, please look at the map." Wei Yuanzhong pointed to the map and said boldly: "Your Majesty, you see, it is only one step away from Daizhou to Xinzhou. .If the division of troops is small, it will not be effective. It is normal for Governor Cui to have this concern."

"Wei Qing, could it be that you are also deceiving me? I really don't understand anything, why can't I allocate a part of my troops to garrison Fanzheng before the Turks arrive, so that Fanzheng will not be restricted to the point where it is today. "

Wei Yuanzhong had nothing to say, but he also thought in his heart that what Cui Ban did this time was a bit disgraceful.Family affairs are family affairs, state affairs are state affairs, how can the two be twisted together, especially when the enemy is at hand.Isn't this giving the emperor an excuse?
Especially now that the emperor is getting more and more confused in doing things. If he doesn't get it right, this matter will become a big event.Don't blame Wang Hua, can you be in a hurry?With just such a small number of troops, if the rescue soldiers cannot save them, the entire army may be wiped out at any time.Everyone is in a hurry.But if this matter is not done well, it will give the emperor a big excuse, especially the Er Zhang and Qi surnames have always been at odds.If Er Cui is moved, the seven surnames must be moved, and if the seven surnames are moved, the world may be in chaos again.

Old Wei frowned involuntarily, the foreign enemy has not yet settled down, and there is another internal turmoil, what should be done in this country?

Just as I was talking, another [-] lijia report was sent to the palace outside. This is an express report from the military. A long way to Luoyang.

Wu Zetian wept with joy after reading it, and said again and again: "Wang Qing, how can you report me so fast."

Dare to feel that she also regarded Wang Hua as Yuchi Jingde.

what happened?The ministers looked at Wu Zetian one by one. Wu Zetian sneered and threw the mansion newspaper to them.Xiong Keji told the truth, after all, he stayed at the border all year round and had no enmity with Wang Hua, so he was a tough guy himself.First of all, I said that I was careless. I didn't expect that the Turkic people would attach so much importance to Fanzheng, so they evacuated their troops, leaving only Wang Hua's 580 soldiers.But even in such a bad situation, Wang Hua still achieved a great victory. As for how many people were wiped out, I don't know. The scouts only saw the dead bodies of Turkic soldiers everywhere from the outside of Fanchang City to far away. Because Wang Hua didn't have time to gather his war horses, they scattered all over the mountains and plains.But the situation in Fanjun is very dangerous now. Mo Tiao personally leads an army of [-] to the city of Fanjun. It is possible that because of this Turkic defeat, he will retaliate wildly against Wang Hua and Fanjun's soldiers and civilians.Daizhou's troops were insufficient, so he asked Xinzhou for troops. Cui Xiaobanzi, the governor of Xinzhou, refused to send troops to avenge his personal revenge.Xiong Keji also said that the enemy has lost a new defeat. If the army from all states swarms to pursue the victory, it may inflict a heavy blow on Mo Chuai, and the border will be much more stable in the future.But he couldn't mobilize troops, so he was willing to ask the emperor to send troops.

He also said in the residence newspaper that since the war with the Turks, our dynasty has rarely won a big victory, with five hundred against eight thousand. The auspicious situation of this battle is unknown because all the surrounding people have moved into Fanzhang.But judging from the signs, the eight thousand Turkic troops collapsed.I have added another strong general in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and I implore the emperor to use the urgent report to issue an order for the army of all states to be mobilized urgently to relieve the siege.

Very angry, he directly said Cui Ban's nickname in the memorial, Cui Xiaobanzi.

After reading it, Wu Zetian asked again: "Wei Qing, what else do you have to say?"

Wei Yuanzhong thought, am I wronged?It's not because I want the country to be less turbulent, or to help the seven surnames speak, so I don't say anything.

Wu Zetian stood up angrily: "It's not enough for me to kill one Yan Zhiwei. There are still many people who are still willing to avenge their private revenge and murder the royal family. I don't mind, I really don't mind!"

With an angry face, he shook his sleeves and left the hall.

What does Lao Wu mean by this sentence?At that time, Yan Zhiwei exterminated even the Nine Clans, but now he wants to exterminate the Nine Clans against the Cui family?What happened to the royal family?

Wei Yuanzhong turned to an eunuch, who was also Wu Zetian's personal eunuch, and did not leave.

The old eunuch rolled his eyes and said: "This Cui Xiaoban, didn't he murder the royal family? He knew that the nine princes of Xiangwang were in trouble, and he didn't send a single soldier. His heart is to be punished. But the seven surnames may not be killed. The royal family sees it, isn't it just a short rebellion?"

Wei Yuanzhong was so angry that he was speechless, thinking that you old man should not make trouble.But he was also surprised, Xiang Wang's Nine Princesses?Isn't that the little girl who was engaged to Wang Hua?How did you go to Fanchang?

Cui Ban didn't send troops, at most he said he was afraid of the enemy, and he was dismissed for dereliction of duty.If Lao Wu insisted that he used the hands of the Turks to not only murder Wang Hua, but also the royal disciples, then he would be in big trouble.This Cui Xiaobanzi, even Wei Yuanzhong wanted to strangle him to death.Discuss with everyone and save people immediately.Regardless of whether Fanjun County can be held or not, first rescue Wang Hua and Xiaojunzhu.He also has this right. Now he is the deputy shepherd of Taiyuan. Apart from Prime Minister Li Dan, he has the most right to be in charge of Hedong affairs.

Zhang Yizhi said strangely at the side: "How to save it? How many days have passed since it came and went. Do you really believe that Captain Wang is a god? With just a few soldiers, can a small complication be guarded?"

Wei Yuanzhong is even more ignorant, if Wang Hua dies this time, you will be happy, have something to do, and the country is stable?I guess you don't have that in mind at all.

Several people discussed and immediately used [-] miles to rush, and the governor ordered the states north of Taiyuan to draw out their troops and advance to Daizhou and Fanyi.If anyone uses the lack of military strength as an excuse to refuse, it must be dealt with by military law.

After the order was issued, the ministers put their hands on their chests, hoping that Wang Hua could still hold Fanzhen before the army arrived.

One by one they left in a daze.

Such a big event happened, and I couldn't hide it even if I wanted to.First, Princess Taiping found Li Dan and asked, "Third brother, why did you let Xiaoying'er go to Fanzheng?"

"I didn't let her run away, but she ran away by herself, and she became a little beggar. If the girl is not allowed to stay, what should you do if you call me brother?"

Princess Taiping was very angry, and said: "Your daughter is really not good enough. She is only ten years old, and she faces outsiders."

"I don't care about her, that Wang Xiaoer also wrote a letter back to Beijing, but you also know that last time, my mother suspected that I did it. If I call her back now, my mother will be even more suspicious. So I entrusted Jier to write a letter, asking Xiao Jiu to stay in Fanzhen. At that time, I also thought that Fanzhen is a small place, even if the Turks invaded, they would not pay attention to it, and I also heard that, That Xiao Er got a sum of money from his family and built that army into a very strong army. Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened, why did the Turkic people become interested in a small fan?"

After hearing this, Princess Taiping thought for a while, but she still didn't understand.Maybe it will attack, but it will not send out an army of 2 to attack a small county with a small population of less than [-].What happened in the middle?Something really happened, but Wang Hua didn't say a word, and the Wang family was so impeccable that no one knew about it.

Did not figure it out, Princess Taiping immediately entered the topic, she said: "Third brother, old man Wei is rigid in his work, you should give the order. Shift the focus of troops to Fanzheng. There are thousands of them in Daizhou, and they are not going out of the city. It is not a big problem to attack and defend the city."

Princess Taiping did not have such kindness.Whether Wang Hua is dead or alive, it doesn't matter to her.When it comes to talents, Datang has a lot of talents.The main reason is that now there is a Li Chiying in prosperity, and there are too many things to do, which is very unfavorable to changes in the political situation.

Xiang Wang said nothing.

Princess Taiping said again: "Third brother, talk quickly, if this matter is handled properly, maybe the seven surnames will buy you a favor."

King Xiang nodded helplessly. This little girl has too wild a heart, and sooner or later she will drag her into the water.There is no other way than to do this.

A thousand catties is launched!

It's just that in the process, there is a beautiful side of human nature, and there are also many ugly sides of human nature.What many people see is not the sacrifice of soldiers, but a group of interests.

The news is still spreading.

After hearing this, Li Gu'er became anxious, ran to the palace, summoned a group of eunuchs under her father, and said, "Come with me."

Although she is married now, Wei Shi and Li Xian dote on her very much because of their apologies.An old eunuch hurriedly said: "Your Highness, what are you going to do? Don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry about it, I do things properly. I understand what is important and what is important. Come with me."

Now that she knows how to measure, let's go with her.Starting from Beishi, recently, when they came to Cui's shop, Li Gu'er said, "Smash it!"

"Your Highness, this is not good."

"Smash it on me, whoever doesn't, I'll whip him."

Then smash it, it's a mess, everything is smashed, a few government officials wanted to come over to take care of things, but when they saw a large group of eunuchs, they looked again, and it turned out that Princess An Le took the lead in making trouble, well, shrink your head, how far is it in a hurry How far to run.

In a hurry, Li Bao'er found only three or four Cui's shops, and within half a day they went from North City to South City, and then from South City to West City.

The losses of the Cui family are calculated in tens of thousands.The Cui family was not happy anymore, they didn't dare to resist, but they dared to sue, the lawsuit went directly to the Luozhou government, even though you are a princess, you can't be lawless to this point.

The officials in Luozhou were having headaches, how could they arrest people and take the yamen servants to the palace to arrest Li Bao'er?Even if Di Renjie was alive, he would not do such a stupid thing.So he ran to Lao Wu and cried.As soon as Lao Wu heard this, she said: "Go back and tell the people of the Cui family that my children have become lawless, so let the children of the Cui family be lawless, that's up to you! It seems that their Cui family is really more noble than our royal family! Well smashed, don’t let me see them in the capital, or I will order people to smash them.”

The officials in Luozhou trembled with fright, the Cui family had no choice but to complain that Heitian was wronged.It's not enough for the granddaughter to smash it, and the most awesome grandma has to come forward to smash it.Where to call?

(End of this chapter)

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