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Chapter 224 The beginning of the general trend

Chapter 224 The beginning of the general trend
"Don't think I'm a bad person. I have no bad intentions. It's possible that my uncle did it himself."

"Did Xiang Wang do it?"



"Erlang, don't look at my uncle who doesn't say anything all day long. He is very smart. My mother often praises him." Li Gu'er said.It's not that she's smarter than Wang Hua, but Xiang Wang doubted her, and she got angry, so she thought about Xiang Wang.She said: "Erlang, you go to the front line now. I know what you think, so go hide for a while. Although it is a bit risky, it is a good thing, but Xiang Wang thinks you don't need to take this risk. You don't listen to him, why don't you take the risk?" There is a problem with Jiumei's happiness. So she disappeared, and the wedding cannot be held."

"No, Your Highness, if what you said is true, His Majesty will definitely be angry."

"Erlang, you are usually very smart, why are you confused now? Could it be that you are really caring?" Li Gu'er said sourly.

"what reason?"

"Now that His Majesty has heard it, he must be thinking elsewhere just like you. And for this uncle, we all know his shrewdness in private, but he has always disguised himself very well in front of His Majesty, and His Majesty also thinks he is an honest man. I didn't want to talk about this at first, but it happened, and it's time to tell you. If you underestimate your future father-in-law, you will suffer a lot. Think again, the emperor is so A little doubt, now you still have this marriage. There will be a chance to get married at any time. Will your majesty still doubt it?"

Wang Hua made Li Bao'er's head dizzy, and he whispered: "Go on."

"Erlang, in fact, I don't know too much, but I often hear my mother talking to my father and saying something. She made my father pay attention to me as an uncle. Think again, is the relationship between you and me still a matter of fact?" Secret? Since my brother Longji said that I did it, will His Majesty think so? She will think that I don't care about the importance of things, and I love the house as much as I hate the house. How many things will be affected in the future?"

Wang Hua finally got startled and asked, "Then where did they get Xiao Jiu?"

"Of course, this concubine is guessing. If they did it, it would be too simple. Ask her to come to your house to ask what's the matter? Jiumei will definitely come over. Then halfway, in a quiet place, take her Stopped her, said what happened, and took her away. Is it easy? Although my little sister Jiumei is weird, but she is very young, isn't she? Then quietly transfer her out of the city the next day, isn't it easy? ? There is nothing left. How much property does my uncle have, and where can I find someone?"

"Then why are you so happy?"

"You are stupid again. Now I still have a marriage in name only, which is like a gap in front of me. If you get married again, there will be two gaps. Do you really want us to sneak around for the rest of our lives? One less gap will make it difficult for us It will reduce one point. I believe they will not kill Xiao Jiu, and must be detained somewhere. Your Majesty is old, and once he ascends to heaven, this matter will definitely be made public. At that time, your marriage will still exist, as long as you Make a fuss about this matter casually, in name only. You know the rest."

"I know your size," she was still thinking about this good thing at this time, Wang Hua knocked on her forehead.Then a gloomy look finally appeared in his eyes.

Li Bao'er only gave him a reminder, an idea, but he saw more.

That day Li Dan forced himself to take back his original decision, he only wanted to go to Jiang Xia and didn't think of anything else.This is not to force myself to take back the decision, but a matter of position. Of course, it is also for the sake of Xiaoyu's true happiness.But that reason is only a small part of it.

Maybe he needs to make a statement on his own, maybe he has started to operate now and needs more people to assist him.And he is the best manpower.His resoluteness had given him a view that he would not be used by him because of this marriage.

Not necessarily an enemy, but definitely not a friend.At least as Li Guer said, in the wait-and-see, if I have value in the future, or if I definitely join their camp, this marriage will still exist.If not, then this marriage will never exist, and the only thing that will greet me at that time is the power of thunder!

But this is just the conjecture of myself and Li Bao'er, there are too many unstable factors in this matter.

Li Bao'er looked at the thoughtful look in his eyes, and knew that he already believed his words more than half.This made her feel a little relieved.She said again: "Well, the situation can't be rushed now. After I go back, I will report to my parents and ask them to send some people to inquire about this matter."

Wang Hua was in a cold sweat and said, "Zhou'er, we haven't made this matter public after all. It's not good to tell your parents directly."

"You are stupid again, can't I speak in some vague language? Besides, even Shangguan Zhihao wants to fly with you now, what do I have to do with you, are you not allowed?"

Wang Hua was speechless after hearing this, he was so stupid, he had forgotten how open the Tang Dynasty is now, even more open than the fucking Europeans.If the matter between him and Li Bao'er was placed in the Ming Dynasty, he would be burned to death.Naturally, it wasn't Li Bao'er who was burned, it must be himself.But this was in the Tang Dynasty, and the two of us sneaked around here. After it got out, it wasn't a scandal, it was an elegant thing!

That's the reason.

"Tomorrow afternoon at the beginning of Shen Shi, you wait for me in that room. I will tell you if there are any new developments." Part of the new situation is part of it, and it is also part of doing things along the way. It seems that it doesn't hurt now.

Wang Hua is now in a state of disarray.But looking at her expectant eyes, thinking that she suffered even more to be with him, so he nodded and agreed.

Li Gu'er left in front, and Li Longji came in behind."What's going on?" he asked.

Wang Hua said: "Your Majesty, are we friends who have been drinking?"

Li Longji nodded, this matter must have nothing to do with Wang Hua.

"Do you believe in my character?"

Li Longji nodded again.

"Then son, then you should believe that I have absolutely no malice towards you or Lingmei," Wang Hua said while observing Li Longji.When we met a few years ago, Li Longji might not be comparable to Li Bao'er, but his growth rate is definitely very fast.Like Li Gu'er, the future Lord of Humans may already be arranging some confidantes.But no one knew.Not only Lao Wu, but even his shrewd aunt didn't know this.

But Wang Hua still has this self-confidence, something can be seen from his eyes.

Looking into his eyes, but did not find any pretentious look.I knew it in my heart, even though Li Dan really did it, I didn't discuss it with Li Longji.

Li Dan, Li Dan, Rui!
Only those who are resourceful and intelligent can be called Rui. Can you see how smart he is if he can read history books?It is the same reason that a good fighter has no great military exploits.You don't have to do what Wang Rong said about Li and Cao Chong said something like that to be called smart, it's just a little cleverness!

"I know this, I mainly came to ask if sister Qi did it." Li Longji replied.Not only that, but Wang Hua's uncle, father, and aunt are discussing this matter to see when it will be properly executed.This is a good idea, but the operation must choose a clever time, so that the other party can't really benefit.It's just that Li Longji didn't say anything, and Li Dan didn't know either.Mrs. Taiping, Princess Taiping also praised Li Longji a few words, saying that the Li family has a future.Through this point, Wang Hua is still close to the Li family in his heart.

"Then I can answer you, it definitely wasn't done by Her Royal Highness Princess An Le. Trust me, you can see it."

"Then who could it be, Erlang, it's been two days." Li Longji said anxiously.

"Don't worry, my son," said Wang Hua. He took out a pen and paper, drew the road from Xiang Wang's mansion to this other courtyard, and said, "Look, this is the road that the princess passed by. I forgot to ask a question just now. Something happened. When the princess left the mansion, did he come in a carriage or on foot. "

"In a carriage."

"That's right. It will take about half an hour to arrive at this mansion by carriage, which is enough." Wang Hua is not exaggerating. He will arrive in more than ten minutes at most. He said that half an hour can be arrived on foot: " Because most of the mansions on both sides of this area are rich and powerful families, there are not many tourists and individual tourists, and many places are still very quiet because there are many trees and flowers."

Li Longji nodded.That's what worries him.

"Leaving aside the superficial situation, this is the case. The princess brought a maid and a coachman. There are three people in total. If they block the road and hijack, it is impossible not to resist a little, not too much, just make a cry, What will happen next?"

Li Long was not stupid, he thought it out all at once.Because the mansions on these two sides are rich families, there are few pedestrians on the streets, but there is one thing, and the guards are strict.As long as there is a shout, many guards will immediately check.But in fact, they fought for a long time without hearing any news, as if the three of them disappeared from the world together with the carriage.

"Therefore, this must be an acquaintance who called the princess to leave, and this matter is far more important than coming to me, so it is silent. Look, after passing here, it will be close to Beishi. How many people will there be?" A gorgeous carriage is sandwiched on the street. That one deliberately pays attention to the carriage. Think again that the princess is not very old, and she doesn’t have many friends. But she is usually very smart, and she can be trusted among these few people How many people are there?"

In this way, Er Zhang must be ruled out, even the disciple with the surname Wu may be ruled out.After all, when Wu Zetian imprisoned her family in the deep palace and suffered all kinds of torture, maybe nothing happened to King Xiang.But Li Chiying still remembers it fresh.Well, Li Gu'er became the biggest dislike, but Wang Hua said again, Li Gu'er did not dislike.

So far, everything has been explained.

Just like the fake <Shangshu>, no one believes it, and no one thinks about it. If you think about it, doubts arise!

"You mean?" Li Longji opened his mouth.

"It's still the same sentence. I didn't say anything. Even if there are some guesses, there is no evidence, so I don't count. The prince will go back and continue to investigate to prevent other accidents from happening. After all, the princess, at least in my heart, is also regarded as A lovely little sister. I want her to be safe."

"Then I'll take my leave," Li Longji left in a bad mood.

Looking at his back, Wang Hua had a self-deprecating look on his face, "Old Wu, this is the net you twisted, look, it has already begun to unravel.This is not only on me, many powerful people in the capital may have gradually begun to get involved.

But in the first big play, I can only dodge and dodge, and I am absolutely not qualified to play any role.Maybe in a few years, I also have to go in, but whether I play people or people play me depends on how much power I have accumulated in this Jiangxia.

The next day, some rumors finally began to spread in the capital, and the princess disappeared.

Luoyang City dispatched countless policemen and soldiers to search from house to house.Although it was not stated explicitly, some people already believed this rumor.The gate of the city was even more chaotic, because of the search, many people's goods were messed up.

Wang Hua also left the palace in the afternoon, but instead of using the carriage of the palace, she found an excuse to get out, turned around the street a few times, made sure that no one was following her, got into the carriage, and arrived at this small house.

Li Gu'er was anxiously waiting for him, complaining: "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Don't worry, remember the little poem I gave you before."

A sweet smile bloomed on Li Baoer's face, and said: "I will always remember that it was that little poem that really took my heart away. In recent years, I have also been anxious, but when I think of the two If love lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night, the concubine is full of hope."

As she spoke, she leaned on him and hugged him tightly, as if she was afraid that if she let go, he would fly away and never come back.

Wang Hua said: "That's good, please believe me. Now let's talk about the business. You went back to report yesterday. Did your parents hear any news?"

Li Bao'er sat upright and said: "Father scolded me, but mother pulled me aside and asked me a lot of reasons."

Wang Hua sighed in his heart when he heard this, although this Li Laosan was being released outside, he really scared Lao Wu into a fool.But the more difficult Li Dan was, the more shrewd he became.The dragon gave birth to nine sons, and sincerity did not expect me.

"My mother sent some people to investigate this matter. It is true that Jiumei went out of the Prime Minister's Mansion in a carriage that day. The subsequent incidents have also not been investigated. But before this incident happened, my aunt went to the Prime Minister's Mansion. "Speaking of this, Li Bao'er was a little worried.Now that my grandmother has given my uncle a lot of power, and with the support of Princess Taiping, my father's throne seems to be seriously threatened.

Knowing her mood, Wang Hua said, "Don't worry. Some people like to use strange things, while others like to use them steadily. In the past few years, King Xiang took a step back, not only to recommend your father, but also to preserve Li's blood. But if it is done properly, he still has to take a step back. If he retreats too much, he will not be able to catch up. But you should remember that this matter should not make a big deal. Understand?"

Li Bao'er nodded again, and said, "I just wronged you. I made a pawn in the middle."

"It's okay, I can only be a chess piece now, not only me, but also you. Remember my nine words?"

"Remember, accumulate grain widely, build walls high, and become king slowly."

"That's good," Wang Hua was about to continue, when suddenly the porter spoke loudly: "Young ones, see Your Highness Princess Taiping! It's shabby here, Your Highness can't go in."

Princess Taiping is here!

The porter's loud talk was to inform the two of them, and not letting him in was delaying time.

Li Baoer's face turned pale with fright!

PS: The third is even later, I'm too sleepy these days.Apologies to everyone.But today I had enough rest (hehe, I slept too much this time) and I was in very good condition. I wrote about [-] words in eight hours, and I felt good about myself, not as sloppy as before.Ask for a monthly pass.It will be updated at normal time tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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