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Chapter 114 Surprising Identity

Chapter 114 Surprising Identity

PS: I have been entangled in the past two days, but fortunately there are some manuscripts to survive.I ran to Longkong for a walk and watched the big gods scolding. It was very interesting. They were all people with double-digit and three-digit annual incomes. We dare not intervene in this figure.In fact, the quarrels and quarrels are not just like what Guo Nu said, it is a matter of sharing. If there are no readers to support you, why are you arguing?No god.But seeing a few posts on Longkong, who actually introduced my book, especially a comment from a book friend, made me feel ashamed.

I forgot the name, Khan.But his words were like enlightenment, which made me wake up.All along, I just want to please everyone, but can a book please most readers?For the water of the Canglang, only one scoop ear can be taken.This post finally allowed me to give the protagonist a position.My attitude has been really bad these days, so I apologize.But I really put too much effort into this book, so please understand.

From tomorrow onwards, the third shift will resume again. 40 words are on the shelves, laughing.But in the future, no one is allowed to ask me to fill up the word count. I believe this is enough to compensate for the word count.Laugh again.

But I laughed and cried again. Dozens of chapters of manuscripts, could they all be overthrown, and may they be left behind to make up for the number?cry.

Wang Hua shook her head after hearing this, it was all reasonable.I used to live a good life here, but now that you're here, the whole thing is messed up.Don't talk about entertaining you, don't talk about causing a lot of trouble, but let me thank you instead?

Besides, you took so many calligraphy and paintings from me.

But reasoning with Li Gu'er seems to be in vain.

The family also had good intentions, that is, they took some calligraphy and paintings, and when they came this time, the gifts they brought were not worth much.Just let them knock, at most write two calligraphy and draw two pictures, no, so many calligraphy and paintings were taken away.Therefore, Wang Hua took the initiative to say: "Well, I will play a new song for you tonight."

Li Gu'er's eyes finally lit up, and asked, "Is there any good song "Yangguan Song"?"

Li Longji hid behind, wiped his sweat with his hands, which song "Yangguan Song" is good?Such a piece of music is considered a famous piece even in ancient times, and it was made just as it was said?This seventh sister is too imaginable.

Wang Hua thought for a while and said, "It shouldn't be too bad. But this song is adapted from an old song. But everyone, enjoy the scenery slowly, and I have to make arrangements."

Even Li Longji was surprised when he heard that it was not bad, is it really not bad?Or is it based on an old song, what old song?Wang Hua raised the interest of several people, but ran away.Even Li Longji's good demeanor was the same as Li Bao'er and his ninth younger sister, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.

Since he was leaving, Wang Hua had to make arrangements.First of all, with so many people going, another boat must be hired.In addition, a few short-term laborers will be hired, and a few waterwheels will be prepared.Although coal is produced in Jiaozuo, coal is not seen as soon as the mud is lifted.Of course, this possibility is also possible, but the chance of encountering this kind of extremely shallow open-pit coal is even smaller than picking up gold on the road.Some coal seams are tens of meters deep from the ground, Wang Hua is not interested in giving this kind of coal mines to Wang Hua
The pit needs to be dug seven or eight meters, and it is still dug blindly. Therefore, it is necessary to hire short-term workers to help.

Fortunately, after today's toss, the villagers all know that Wang Hua's fortune can't be more positive. Although the suspicion is even greater, what did Wang Hua do that made the county magistrate so polite, and who else made the county magistrate feel What is the identity of an awe-inspiring boy?When I asked Wang Hua, Wang Hua just smiled and didn't answer. When I was in a hurry, Wang Hua replied that he didn't want to disclose his identity, and he didn't have the courage to say so.It was true at first, but after Wang Hua left, someone remembered again, no, Wang Hua scolded a little girl in the middle during the banquet, why didn't she dare to come out.But a new question arises, even Wang Hua dares to scold, why the county magistrate is afraid of him like a tiger, is Wang Hua more noble than the county magistrate?

One by one gathered at the door and guessed wildly.

In this way, people felt relieved and admired him.Therefore, whether it is hiring a ship or hiring labor, it will be settled soon.

After Wang Hua came back, it was gradually getting late.

Wang Yi and his wife called Wang Hua into the room.What happened today is unbelievable, no matter what reason Wang Hua has, he must ask the matter thoroughly.

Wang Yi asked, "Let me ask you, who are those young men?"

This time Wang Hua answered honestly, and it's okay to be dishonest. It is estimated that after today's banquet spreads, it won't be long before everyone knows his identity.Why don't you just say it directly, he said: "There are some princesses, some are the grandsons of the emperor, and some are the princesses and princes."

My god, although Wang Hua's mother knew that her identity was definitely not simple, she still sat down in a chair with fright after hearing this, her face turned pale.

Wang Yi also wiped off his sweat, princess?The grandson of the emperor?Princess?Prince?How did he come to my house? The most unimaginable thing is that when the banquet was just started, his son scolded the little girl who didn't know if she was a princess or a princess.

He pointed to Wang Hua and said, "Okay, okay, okay, you have the ability."

"Father, what skills do you mean?"

Wang Hua and Li Gu'er couldn't explain clearly, and Wang Yi and his son also couldn't explain clearly. It took him a long time before he said, "Then let me ask you, how do you know them?"

"After arriving in Luoyang, those who knew them only knew three of them. The other three met for the first time today. What's wrong?"

Wang Yi was angry again, "I know you, you are a princess, grandson and grandson of a coachman, you are everywhere on the street, you just know each other?"But the first suspicion was finally resolved.It turned out that the identities of these teenagers were so amazing, no wonder the county magistrate was polite to them, not to mention that these teenagers didn't even look at them, even the servants they brought didn't even glance at the county magistrate.

He collected himself and asked again: "Let me ask you, what did you do in Luoyang?"

"Didn't I tell you that I made a few pieces of lacquerware."

"You kid, who do you think you are? You are that Wang Hua from the White Horse Temple!" Wang Yi immediately became suspicious after saying that.I didn't believe it before, but now the possibility is infinitely magnified.

Wang Hua said: "I don't know who the Wang Hua of the White Horse Temple is, but I made a piece of lacquerware, which was transported to the White Horse Temple for people to visit, and it is still in the White Horse Temple."

This is not nonsense. In this way, what is the difference between the two Wang paintings?
Wang Hua's mother was shocked when she heard this, she came over and said, "My son, when did you learn how to make lacquerware?"

This time Wang Hua didn't answer, Wang Yi answered for him: "He learned it from books."

This is the only way to explain it, otherwise he was born to make such exquisite lacquerware, which caused a sensation in Luoyang city?After Wang Yi finished speaking, he hummed in anger.

Wang Yi's mother didn't even know a few big characters, so she took it seriously, and said with joy and surprise: "My son, you are finally promising, and this time I can feel relieved as a mother."

What a talent, I heard that his son is even appreciated by the emperor.No wonder the sons of the princesses also came to my home, because they admire their son's knowledge.

Wang Yi turned his head and remained silent.If you are angry, don't worry, you can't worry.I have two piccolos at home, but Yaoqin doesn't even have a hair. Where did he learn the piano skills?Oh, forgot, and lacquer art.And this son is so bullish, he just scolded the princess just now, he dared to fight with Taiyuan Wang's family.Killed people in Luoyang and saw the ambassador of Tubo with a knife.

Don't worry, don't worry.

For Wang Yi's psychological activities, Wang Hua also knows a little bit about it. My own father said that he is idle or forbearing, but his character is a bit cowardly.For him to hear his true identity, this reaction was also expected by Wang Hua.

However, it is impossible for Wang Hua to be concerned about his mental activities, and he has his own set of rules for how to behave and do things.Wang Hua said: "Father, Mother, don't reveal the identity of the child. Otherwise, more people will visit the house, and the family will be very troublesome."

"Son, you've grown up, so what can you say?" Wang Yi's mother said lovingly.

But after a while, Wang Yi and his wife had to face another problem. Several teenagers came back.I just don't know the identity, I know, how to salute, what kind of etiquette ordinary people give when they meet the royal family members, no one has heard of it.

What made the two of them feel the most mixed feelings was that when the little girl came over, she took Wang Hua's hand and pulled him away.

What is the relationship between this woman who is more beautiful than the fairy in the painting and her son?The two looked at each other, and like those villagers, they also began to think wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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