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Chapter 105 Clan Assembly

Chapter 105 Clan Assembly
The first purpose of the clan meeting is undoubtedly to have fun, and it also has a purpose. All clan children gather together to increase mutual affection.

There is another intention, posting genealogy.Generally, the genealogy is placed in the incense niche and cannot be flipped at will.Unless there are special circumstances, it is necessary to burn incense and ask for instructions before opening it carefully.But if it is placed in the incense niche for a long time, it will inevitably become moldy, so at the clan meeting, it is opened and placed in the sun to dry the moisture.

The Wang family has fallen, and there has been no clan assembly for many years.Seeing her mother secretly burning incense, Wang Hua took out the genealogy tree and roasted it on the stove, weeping while roasting.Even Wang Hua felt a little bitter watching from the sidelines.

The last intention is to revise the family tree. People in the clan continue to die, and some people are born, which will be noted on the family tree.At the same time, what major events happened in the clan and who took special official positions should be noted.

The last one, it seems that Painter Wang can't do it this time.

When the sun rises three poles, those who should come also come, and those who should not come will never come again.Wang Hua reckoned, but it was more than halfway there.There are many reasons for this. Over the years, Wang Shen's family has been rich and powerful, and they have indeed taken away some people of the same clan, otherwise he would not have the guts to go to Painter Wang to ask for the genealogy.There are also some ethnic groups who lived in remote places and were short of time, so they couldn't find them and didn't come.In addition, there are ethnic minorities who are more miserable than painter Wang, reduced to tenants and so on.The owner was in strict control, but he didn't come.

The main reason is that the Wang family has fallen.If the Du family, or the Yu family, hold a clan meeting, such a big event is more important than the New Year, who dare to stop it!

It is that among the ethnic groups who came, at most half of them came here with sincerity, and they have serious clan concepts.It's not about Wang Yi, but the bloodline of Wang Yi Wang Hua, including the great grandfather who came a few days ago.The other half of the people still came with a wait-and-see attitude, or joined in the fun.

Wang Hua was well aware of this, but he was not in a hurry.People's hearts are gradually won.

Too many things happened in this year, which also made Wang Hua deeply realize that this society is far more cruel than his previous society.Therefore, if you want to protect yourself, you must have strength in your hands.There are not many Wang surnames, and there are not many small ones, and there are about two hundred households.If these people's hearts were all focused on Painter Wang, although this power might not make the Yu and Du families afraid, at least it was true that Hao Lizheng did not dare to think of his family.

Especially when the porcelain kiln was about to open, Wang Hua needed more backup support.Therefore, this is his real intention for holding this clan meeting!
Looking at the sun, it began to emit a hot light. The two old men standing at the door, one is the great grandfather who came a few days ago, and the other is not from Qingshangou, but his generation He is a generation higher than this great grandfather, and is also the elder with the highest seniority in the royal family.The two elders stood at the door, but Wang Yi didn't dare to compete for this prestige.

The wife, grandpa, took a look and saw that no one had come over for a long time. He sighed and said, "People's hearts are not old."

This is talking about those tribesmen who did not come.

Wang Hua comforted: "Grandma, grandpa, it doesn't matter, no matter what mistakes the child makes, his parents will always be willing to forgive him."

Hearing Wang Hua's words, all the clansmen standing beside were taken aback. Although this sentence is easy to understand, it has a lot of meaning.Now it is said that the second child of the Wang family is amazing, some people don't believe it, but after passing this sentence, people have to re-examine it!

Everyone was surprised to see Wang Hua.

The wife's grandfather was surprised at first, then happy, and even said: "The Wang family is hopeful, God is so pitiful, the Wang family is hopeful!"

The old lady's grandfather's shout was enough to add [-] points to Wang Hua!
Wang Hua also said modestly: "Ma'am, grandpa, how dare Xiao Er."

The old lady grandfather happily patted his head, and then said to Wang Yi, "Come here."

Anyway, he is his own son, and the old patriarch praised him, and he also has a good face.He walked over, but he didn't expect the old patriarch to bring up the cane and slap him on the head: "You prodigal son, half as sensible as your son, the Wang family will not be reduced to today!"

Wang Yi covered his head, still unable to attack.What the old great ancestor said was true. This son, a ghost and a spirit, is as ghostly as a little monster, and he is a bit inferior.Moreover, it was only natural for the old patriarch to beat him. He was three generations older than him, and he was nearly 30 years older than him, so he could teach himself a lesson.

After the old Taizu taught Wang Yi a lesson, he said, "Let's begin."

If you wait any longer, you won't be able to wait for anyone.

At this time, there was no gunpowder, let alone firecrackers, but there were explosive poles.It is to burn a long bamboo pole one by one and make a continuous blasting sound, so as to create a lively scene and drive away the plague god.

Several people brought out a large bundle of bamboo poles and started to burn them.There was also a "cracking" sound, and a large group of children of ethnic groups jumped around.Children, it's fun to have fun, even the three phoenixes and four phoenixes are no exception.

Only Wang Hua stood strangely among a group of adults, standing out from the crowd.

After setting up the explosive rod, an important procedure was started, showing the family tree.

First, a pergola was set up outside, and then a large borrowed incense burner was brought in. A row of long low tables was placed in front of the incense burner.The two old ancestors first offered incense, followed by other ethnic groups to respectfully light the incense and put it in the big stove.After burning the incense, the two old ancestors carried the ancestral tablet and the incense altar for the genealogy.The others knelt on the ground well-behaved.

Feeling that the ancestors hadn't seen the sun for several years, the two old ancestors felt guilty, and they were still crying while carrying the incense altar.

For this, Wang Hua still agrees very much. It is also a virtue to respect ancestors and this bloodline born from the same root.

The two old ancestors put the spirit tablet and the incense altar on the incense table behind the incense burner, opened the family tree, put the family tree on the table, and pressed it with a paperweight.This was kept in the sun until the afternoon, when the clan assembly was over, and the family tree was put away again.

Even though the sun was high in the sky, the two old patriarchs were still worried, so they raised their heads and looked at the sky.After completing this procedure, the two old men also knelt down with the support of their children and grandchildren.

After everyone bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, they stood up.

Then came the big tricks and put on a show.

Only then did the feasting begin.

Of course, the cost this time is not huge, but most of the people of the ethnic group paid a share of the money. Those who have money pay more, and those who don’t have money pay less.Xiang Wang Hua, the great grandfather, was happy because he knew Wang Hua's true identity. Even though his family's conditions were not good, he paid [-] yuan.

Therefore, the amount posted in Wang Painter is insignificant.

Here everyone is watching a big show, and over there someone is starting to prepare a banquet. This time Wang Yi bought two pigs, five sheep, and a cow (you can’t kill cows casually at this time, you have to get the approval of the local officials, and you can kill them. It is also a cow that is sick and old and has no farming ability, but this regulation is still a dead letter to some people, unspoken rules can be found everywhere, so don’t take it too seriously), and some aquatic products, as well as some vegetables and fruits.

There are also people who are carrying tables and chairs, wine glasses and dishes, the Wang family does not have enough of these things.But fortunately, there are many families with the surname Wang in Qingshangou Village, and there is no shortage of people surnamed Wang.

The elders of the clan gathered around Wang Hua and talked about the family affairs. I am afraid that most of them came because of Wang Hua's future.As for Wang Yi, he had no choice but to frown and hide aside without saying a word.

At this time, the first batch of uninvited guests arrived.

PS: After reading the book reviews, it turns out that my friends thought the plot during this time was too dull.sweat.Transition a bit to lead to a bigger scene.But now the first ebb of this volume is coming.Xiao Hua and Xiao Bao'er play with flirtatious beauty, attacking her chest or something.Another Niucha's younger sister will also appear.Hands up in favor.Well, let's vote. (I'm shameless now too.)
(End of this chapter)

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