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Chapter 101 The Great God

Chapter 101 The Great God

Wang Hua's method is indeed extremely clever, and now Wang Shen and Zhang Zhi have no time to worry about him.

Just when Wang Shen and Zhang Zhi were overwhelmed with work because of Lu Sanhou's "stealing" and uncovering their accounts, the negotiations between Wang Hua and Huang's family finally entered the main alley.

This time the Huang family lowered their stance, but when the price dropped to 200 million yuan, they never let go.He also has his reasons. Although his family's porcelain kiln is not well managed, it is close to Zhihe and the transportation cost is low.The interior is well-equipped. If it weren't for the technical backwardness, the Huang family would not be willing to let this porcelain kiln be transferred.

After Wang Hua heard it, he went to have a look.As for the equipment, Wang Hua has also been greatly updated, but the terrain of the porcelain kiln of the Huang family is really good.Less than two hundred steps in front of it is Zhihe River, and Zhihe River is gentle in this section, and boats are easy to moor.

The last two made a decision at this price.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hua was in trouble again, and the resale could not be solved by signing a letter and drawing a deposit between the two parties.Although the laws in all aspects of society are immature, there are still some procedures that are necessary.For example, the transfer of the Wang and Huang families must be approved by the government.It doesn't have to be approved by the county magistrate in the county, but at least it needs to be approved by the local Lizheng, and the mutual villages should do justice before the transfer can take effect.

In the most basic administrative unit in the Tang Dynasty, four families were one neighbor, and a neighbor head was elected; five neighbors were one guarantor, and one guarantor was elected;Five miles is a township, producing an old man.Among them, Li is equivalent to the current township head, or brigade secretary, director of the neighborhood committee or something.The elder is equivalent to a town mayor.In fact, starting from the Baochang, they gradually gained some rights.But this is a relative number, and it doesn't have to be a number of five.

Wang Hua was also afraid of trouble, so he asked his father to bring some gifts to visit Li Zheng's house, and give some gifts to buy peace.Moreover, this Hao Lizheng is also from the village of Qingshangou, so Wang Hua would think that there would be no other accidents.

However, another story happened in this link.

After accepting the gift, Hao Li said with a serious face: "This matter is a bit embarrassing."

Wang Yi was taken aback, what's so embarrassing about it, he and the Huang family had a legal transfer, and buying the Huang family's porcelain kilns with real money was much more legitimate than when Wang Shen annexed the three kilns in his hands.Wang Yi asked why.

Hao Lizheng said: "Your transfer is legal this time. But have you figured out the source of the money from your second child?"

Wang Yi really couldn't tell.

But this also needs to be treated differently.As the saying goes, to catch thieves and seize stolen goods, there is no obvious evidence, and even the government dare not arrest people casually.Of course, it is true to say so, but it is another matter to do it. Like Bai Xianwei, he still catches Wang Hua.Besides, a small Lizheng.

Wang Yi was guessing Hao Lizheng's intentions, could it be that he was jealous when he saw that his kid had made a fortune, this gift is not enough?
Hao Lizheng suddenly changed his face at this moment, and said politely: "Anyway, your second child is very promising. There is hope for your Wang family's revival. Come, brother, treat you to a drink."

This wine is not that delicious.But now that Wang Yi asked others to do something, everything was ready, and the only thing he needed was the east wind. He just waited for Hao Lizheng's nod, took over the porcelain kiln for renovation, and then fired new porcelain.

Wang Yi had no choice but to sit down and have a drink with him.

Hao Lizheng's mother-in-law fried a few exquisite dishes and brought them up.

Although the house of the Hao family is not as big as the Wang family, the property of the Hao family is much stronger than that of the Wang family, with more than 100 mu of fertile land and a share in some porcelain kilns.The family income is now among the best in Qingshangou.

After drinking, Hao Lizheng started talking about Wang Hua, and said, "Your second child is only 13 years old, right?"

Wang Yi nodded.

"It's too young to get married now."

Wang Yi nodded again.According to the legal system of the Tang Dynasty, women married when they were fifteen, and men married when they were twenty.But it's not certain, some people don't get married after this age, and some get married before they reach this age.Now with the population growth, the need for the population base is not so urgent, and the law set by Li Shimin has also been relaxed.Generally, men have to be seventeen or eighteen years old to get married, which is too early and rarely.

"Did your little one have sex with that maid?"

Wang Yi was a little annoyed, and now he was asking for help, so he had no choice but to shake his head.

Hao Lizheng had a happy expression on his face when he heard that, he grabbed Wang Yi's hand and said, "Brother, I want to ask you for a favor, okay?"

"What's the matter?" Although Wang Yi was asking, his eyes showed vigilance.

Hao Lizheng said: "My Dalang has taken a fancy to the maid brought by your son, I will give you a hundred coins, you call your Xiaoer, and give that maid to my Dalang as a concubine."

Wang Yi stood up angrily when he heard this, and said, "Hao Lizheng, isn't it too much for you to deceive others?"

Angrily left.

There was no other way for the Du family to withdraw their marriage, besides, they didn't even write down a marriage letter.But this maid was brought back by the son.Although he is a bit clumsy in doing things, he is not lazy and has a good relationship with his son.Although at some point, Wang Yi and this son are still at odds, but he also admires this little red Wang Yi very much.

But the relationship between her and Wang Hua has not been settled, even if it is settled, unless the bright matchmaker is marrying, or she will become Wang Hua's concubine, it is also in accordance with the law for the Hao family to beg her now.How many people take concubines as one thing?Besides, they offered a hundred mins of money.

What he didn't know was that Li Hong was given to Wang Hua by Wu Zetian, otherwise he might not be able to redeem even a thousand strings of cash!
He ran home angrily and even dropped a few teacups.Now that the Wang family has not really reached the point of desperation, everyone is bullying them.

Wang Hua asked what was going on, and Wang Yi explained the matter.

Although he knew that Wang Hua could not give himself to others, Li Hong worriedly grabbed Wang Hua's elbow tightly, with a begging look in his eyes.

Wang Hua was also very angry.But this anger is not the answer, he lowered his head and thought for a while.In fact, Hao Lizheng can be bypassed and directly approved by Bai Xianwei, which is more authoritative than Hao Lizheng's approval.

But Wang Hua didn't want to.

Now Lieutenant Bai doesn't know how deep he is, if he knows that he has no intention of being an official, that is to say, he doesn't want to be an official, then he will immediately change his face.Therefore, Wang Hua did not want to have too much contact with him.Besides, Wang Hua didn't want to associate with these officials.Distance produces beauty, it is better to just look at flowers in the fog like this.

If you don't pass Baixianwei, you have to pass Hao Lizheng.Now that he is constrained everywhere, it also makes him realize that relying on the power of one person and one family is too weak.But this power is accumulated slowly, what should we do now?
Wang Hua thought for a while, looked at the ancestral tablet on the middle hall, and suddenly slapped the table and said, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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