Rural life in America

Chapter 164 Manslaughtering the Mother Beast

Chapter 164 Manslaughtering the Mother Beast
Zhang Hao organized his language a little bit, looked at Mark and said seriously: "I have thought about this matter seriously, and I admit that I am very good to Xixi now, because she is my daughter, and I have no way not to care about her. As for Me and Tina, I think this matter will go with the flow, I never thought that as long as there is one child, I will respect Tina's opinion."

Mark said 'hmm', noncommittal, took a sip of coffee, and continued to listen to what Zhang Hao would say next.

Zhang Hao continued, "If one day I have a child with Tina, it will be difficult for me to tell you which child I love more. All I can do is to be as fair as possible. But you may know that it is difficult, My parents like me more, although they are nice to my brother. Tina also told me that you and Kate like Adrian more. So, I can't guarantee it."

Mark choked, a little embarrassed and a little anxious, "This is a misunderstanding. I have the same love for all children. Whether it's Jaina, Tina or Adrian, I actually have the same love for them."

Zhang Hao rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "I've heard this sentence a lot. According to what my parents said: the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. But I know that the palms of the hands seem to have more flesh. As long as I can accept it if it’s not too partial, because some children seem to be more loving and you have to care. I think Adrian is like this, he is very naughty, you can’t help him.”

Mark thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

He has three children. Generally speaking, he is not eccentric, but sometimes he still shows a little eccentricity.So he actually understood what Zhang Hao said.

We chatted until midnight, and there were many topics about the world, customs, and customs; it was also a rare opportunity for Weng and his son-in-law to have such a space to have a good chat.

Mark went to bed first, and Zhang Hao was going to watch the night; Luo Bo and Huahua were beside Zhang Hao, they were a little unsuited to the wild environment, but as long as they were by Zhang Hao's side, there was not much difference between these two guys. adapt.

It was quite boring, and Zhang Hao was a little drowsy.

It was just that suddenly Zhang Hao felt something was wrong, Luobo kept pushing his head against it, and this guy kept whimpering in a low voice.

Seeing Luobo growling and paying attention to the surrounding environment vigilantly, Zhang Hao quickly took out his gun and reloaded it; although Luobo didn't have much experience in living in the wild, his perception of danger might indeed be better than Zhang Hao's.

"Mark, Mark, there may be something going on."

Zhang Hao was calling for his father-in-law, and turned on the bright flashlight; be careful, there is no big mistake, because it is in the mountains now, which is relatively deep, so there are really likely to be more dangerous beasts around.

Mark got out of the tent and asked anxiously, "Boy, what's the matter?"

Zhang Hao kept looking around with a flashlight, trying to find the root cause of Luobo's uneasiness, "Luobo seems to have found something wrong, it is very uneasy now. We need to be more careful, I am worried that there will be people around. There are beasts."

Mark turned on the safety of the pistol and was also vigilantly watching the movement around him, "Then we really need to be careful, I believe Luobo must have found something. He has been very relaxed since he entered the mountain, this is the first time he looks so disturbed .”

With guns in their hands, the two of them had some guarantees, and since they chose to go hunting in the mountains, they would definitely not be afraid of such a small situation; No larger prey was found, and the two of them were actually a little impatient.

After searching patiently, I finally saw the guy who made Luobo uneasy.

Under the strong light, a 'big cat' standing on a branch showed its sharp teeth; this is a 'big cat' stretching nearly one meter, with light gray fur and black round spots on its body ;Although it is not a standard 'leopard print', it still has a bit of a 'leopard print' meaning.

"Lynx, this is a lynx. It looks fierce, we need to be careful."

Seeing this 'big cat', Zhang Hao also recognized the identity of this big cat, isn't it a lynx.

Lynxes look like cats, but are much larger than cats. They are medium-sized beasts; they are cunning and cautious, but they are actually quite ferocious.They have excellent endurance and can lie quietly in one place for several days and nights. When the prey approaches, they rush out unexpectedly and capture the prey.

In addition to prey such as hares and squirrels, they sometimes attack musk deer, roe deer and deer young, and even domestic animals!
In the Tang Dynasty, lynxes could be said to be the favorite pets of some nobles, except for some noble ladies who treated them as pets.And some people prefer to let lynx to assist them in hunting, because they are agile, even more agile than hunting dogs.

Mark also saw the lynx, and he said in a deep voice, "It should be a red cat, a short-tailed cat, or a red lynx. This guy looks very fierce. I heard that they sometimes hunt livestock and poultry, and even attack humans."

This is really the case, Zhang Hao felt that this bobtail cat seemed to be really fierce; in fact, these bobtail cats were quite strong, maybe it sensed danger, and was full of attacks on Zhang Hao and Mark sex.

Not only was the bobtail cat showing an attacking posture, but also because Zhang Hao could feel that the bobtail cat was full of danger, and the bobtail cat looked like it was going to attack at any moment.

Without saying anything, Zhang Hao and Mark looked at each other and raised their guns; this bobtail cat is very dangerous, although they rarely hunt larger animals, but once they show their intention to attack, they must be killed.

These guys love ambushes, they are natural hunters.

'Bang, bang,'

Two gunshots sounded, and the bobtail cat on the tree fell down; the crisis was resolved, and Mark and Zhang Hao also clapped hands to celebrate.

There are still some gains, although I didn't hit wild boars or mountain lions, but it's not bad to be able to hit a short-tailed cat; this is known as the largest 'cat', and it is also a medium-sized beast. A guy as dangerous as a wolf.

The two are satisfied, and now they can sleep soundly; as for this bobtail cat, such a prey must be brought back, and it will be made into a specimen.

"My game is getting richer, I have a collection of wild boar teeth, stuffed mountain lions, and now I have a bobtail cat, which is really good. When my study is completed, I will move them Come into my study."

Mark laughed and said encouragingly, "Then you need to hunt down a big deer and hang the antlers on the fireplace, so that you will be more in line with your status as a hunter."

The two people in a very happy mood continued to rest after the crisis was resolved, and nothing happened this night.

Zhang Hao woke up after a little sleep. Mark had already boiled water and simply baked some potatoes and meat. Looking at the dead bobtail cat beside him, both of them were very satisfied.

It weighs at least fifteen catties and is seventy centimeters long. Compared to those bobtail cats with a body length of more than one meter, it may be a bit insufficient, but such a bobtail cat is not bad, not too small.

The two were discussing whether to "return with a full load" when they suddenly heard a little movement, which made people uneasy.

The milky sound, a bit like a kitten meowing, came from the place where the bobtail cat was found earlier.

Zhang Hao and Mark's complexion changed a bit, and when they looked at the bobtail cat that was killed, it was a female cat!

The faces of both of them were a bit ugly, and they trotted quickly towards the place where the bobtail cat was found earlier; sure enough, they saw some small tree holes under the tree, and a round head poked out of the tree hole , and quickly shrank back!
Little lynx, it's a little lynx!

Generally speaking, the young lynx will emerge from the tree hole in about a month, and will go out with the female cat in three to five months.But now think about it, isn't the fleeting little lynx just now the size of a newborn kitten?

This time Zhang Hao and Mark couldn't laugh anymore, because they were hunters with a little bottom line.

Normally hunters don't kill females with cubs, but this time they didn't notice it at all. They thought that the bobcat was trying to attack them, but who would have thought that this bobcat was feeling When it came to Zhang Hao, they threatened its children.

It’s too late to say these things now, Zhang Hao and Mark don’t feel so guilty, but they feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts, and now they don’t have the heart to say that they are satisfied with this hunting, because such a prey is simply in the wild. Slap them in the face.

"Hao, we seem to have made some mistakes. It seems that we need to make some remedies. Although it seems too late, we can't pretend that nothing happened."

Mark sighed, looked at Zhang Hao and said.

Zhang Hao nodded, and he also felt that he needed to make amends, so what Mark said was within Zhang Hao's expectation, "I can take it back, but I can't just let it die on its own. In fact, many people will Lynx is a pet, I should be able to take care of it, I have a little experience."

This time Mark breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a relaxed tone, "That's really good news. I believe you will be able to handle this. I believe you will not do something you are not sure about."

This is indeed the case. Since Zhang Hao said that he would take this little lynx back to raise, he must have a certain degree of self-confidence. He knows that he really has such abilities.

It's just a lynx. Although it is dangerous to a certain extent, it is indeed a relatively ferocious beast; it's just that Zhang Hao can handle such an animal, and he knows how to domesticate it.Compared to a wolf like Luobo, a little lynx is really not that difficult.

What else is there to say, quickly take out this little lynx and take it home!
(End of this chapter)

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