Rural life in America

Chapter 157 Steady Development

Chapter 157 Steady Development
Christina was elated, because she caught a salmon weighing about five catties; although Zhang Hao also helped a lot here, it must be admitted that her credit was greater, at least she was responsible for pulling the line. .

I want to show off when I have gained something. Sometimes Christina is really similar to Zhang Hao; to use what Zhang Hao's mother said, that is: a dog's belly can't hide two taels of sesame oil!
Christina doesn't care about sunbathing or dating, it's true to show off to her family now!

Sure enough, Xixi immediately ran to Christina and jumped up and down: Mom is the best, and Mom caught a big fish.

As for Zhang Hao, he can't get close, because his mother caught that big fish!

The triumphant Christina of course wanted to take a few photos with this big fish. This was her trophy and she had to show it off.I used to be envious of some people who caught big fish and took pictures, now it's her turn!

Lunch is less salmon. Considering that this fish is not small, you can grill a little or fry it.

Christina still had more to say, and said with a little trepidation; "My luck today is really good. If I continue fishing, I will definitely have more harvest. I should catch such a big fish again, so that we can eat Yes! Man, you have a huge appetite, and this fish has a lot of head and head!"

After glancing at the over-excited Christina, Zhang Hao has nothing to say now; it is obvious that Christina is quite proud and confident, and she thinks that after catching a big fish, she can become the best fisherman. !
Zhang Hao also felt very happy, because Christina was quite happy now; with such a big fish harvest, it was enough to make Christina happy for a long time.

Even though Zhang Hao admits that Christina's excessive showing off is a bit 'hateful', he has to admit that it makes him feel happy. Seeing his family happy and happy, Zhang Hao will feel quite happy.

In fact, it wasn't just Christina who caught the big fish that was happy, the whole family was infected by the excitement of Christina, and the house was full of laughter.Especially Xixi, the little girl is now turning around her mother, because her mother is the most powerful!

Some seemingly insignificant things can make the whole family feel happy, because Zhang Hao's family are the kind of people who are easy to satisfy. They know how to appreciate life and enjoy life, so laughter and laughter are naturally indispensable at home.

Fishing is just a fun factor, and it's not the only thing that makes people feel happy at home.

For Zhang Hao, the things that can make him very happy include the smooth development of the ranch, which will make him quite satisfied, because the ranch has been continuously developed by him from scratch, which will give him a sense of accomplishment.

After blowing the whistle, Bawang, who was basking in the sun and grazing grass leisurely, ran over snorting; this was the tacit understanding between Zhang Hao and Bawang, and also their way of communication.

There is still no bit on the horse, so the Bawang can happily snort and shake his head; just look at Bawang's relaxed state, Zhang Hao can't even pull the rein firmly, otherwise Bawang wouldn't be shaking his head so comfortably.

After two months of recuperation, Bawang has recovered a lot. Now Bawang's limbs are well-proportioned and strong. After waxing and scrubbing, Bawang is no longer as sloppy as before. His body is black and shiny; An all-black black horse, the whole body is pitch black, without a single hair!

It's not so rare, but such a horse with no stray hair is still popular, pure!

Maybe some people don't think that Bawang is 'handsome', that's because compared to breeds like Arabian horses and Andalusian horses, Bawang is indeed at a disadvantage in terms of appearance, it is not the so-called "aristocratic" temperament, It is full of wild temperament!
The dark and bright eyes can explain a lot of problems, and those piercing eyes have been shining with two spiritual gazes.

With such a spiritual horse, it is no wonder that Zhang Hao tolerated some of its bad habits without any grudges.It can't be said that Bawang is smart, but more because Bawang and Zhang Hao hit each other very well, and he trusts Zhang Hao very much.

Greg is very envious of Zhang Hao having such a fine horse. No cowboy doesn't like horses; but having a smart and spiritual horse is every cowboy's dream.

What's more, this horse is full of cowboy temperament, wild and domineering. This is the horse a cowboy should ride!

Just pat Bawang on the neck and let him graze beside him; Zhang Hao has never restricted Bawang, because Bawang likes to be unrestrained. Far.

The old cowboy didn't stop just because Zhang Hao came, he still has a lot of things to do now, "Boss, if it's just a simple matter, go to your father, I'm very busy now."

Zhang Hao is not so narrow-minded, he knows that this is Greg's character, and also because he knows that this old cowboy is really busy now, because some pregnant cows have been brought back, and of course there are some calves that need Take care of.

"It's ok, I just came to check their health, it's not easy. Spring and summer are the times I'm most worried about, it will make these precious cows of mine sick."

Greg laughed, with a very flat expression, but also full of confidence, "Of course, I know how to take precautions. You should be very clear, this is an old cowboy with decades of experience, I will not Make a low-level mistake!"

Zhang Hao naturally knows that Greg is very experienced, but he will never slack off, "Of course, I know you are very experienced. But man, there are some things that you can't avoid if you have experience. Those damn bacteria and viruses are not ventilation. Or keep it dry and hygienic and avoid it, I have to keep an eye on them now, they're all worth the money."

Greg laughed and said with certainty, "Yes, they are indeed very valuable and will become more and more valuable. Look at these guys, they are now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, boss, you are going to make a lot of money!"

Chatted with Greg for a while, and then went to check the cows one by one; not just to see if they were sick, but also to see how the cows were growing.It's not that Zhang Hao doesn't trust Greg, an experienced cowboy, but that Zhang Hao believes in his own vision and strength.

It seems that there are a few cows that can be sold, basically there is no training value; it is estimated that they will not gain weight, the meat quality will not be improved, and it is impossible to be a breeding cow.Then it's better to sell it a little bit. Who told Zhang Hao's pasture that the forage is not rich enough now. These pastures need to be carefully calculated. Zhang Hao doesn't want to buy expensive high-quality pasture anymore.

Stan came over and marked the cows for sale; they wouldn't cost much, but I guess they'd sell for about a hundred thousand dollars a head.

Zhang Hao is still very confident, because the quality of these cattle is very good. These cattle are not the kind of cattle that are used for canning. They are high-quality Angus cattle that will go to supermarkets and high-end restaurants!
Another income, Zhang Hao thinks it is very good; in less than a year, those calves have been cultivated into adult bulls. I have to admit that the growth cycle is much shorter, and these cows are not the first batch of cattle to be slaughtered. Those cows are all semi-finished products!

And this time the cattle to be slaughtered are all calves bought by Zhang Hao back then, the difference is quite big!
Zhang Jianye also came over after he finished his work in the cow pen, "These cows are going to be sold? I think these cows can grow a little longer. If they are sold later, they will be worth more money, right?"

Zhang Hao clapped his hands, not as relaxed or playful as before, he looked very serious, because this is a business matter, "It's not worth it, and it won't grow much meat. If you have this energy, it's better to take care of other cows. A batch of calves and cows were shipped back. It is actually more difficult to take care of those calves and pregnant cows, and I have to carefully budget for pasture.”

Zhang Jianye laughed, and scolded angrily and amusedly, "Are you still such a thin account now? How much is a ton of pasture, you can save a little and get it right away! Our pasture has indeed just grown, and I will herd cattle." I dare not let them gnaw more on the grass, for fear of hurting the grass roots."

It will take some time for the pasture to fully mature, and it will also take some time for the herd to fully expand; Zhang Hao knows this very well, there is no rush, and he is also very patient.

Zhang Hao knows that his ranch has nothing to worry about, as long as it develops steadily; just like his horse farm, there is no need to worry about other things at all, as long as there is enough time, it is very likely to become a giant exist.

He has nothing to worry about, but for some people, this May has not been easy.

Maybe it’s because they didn’t run well enough on the racetrack, which caused their value to drop, or maybe it’s because some infectious diseases will spread in the spring. These are all very likely to happen. A place of worry, because these things are often outside their competence.

Zhang Hao's good opportunity came, this time it was not because he found a horse with a cheaper price; and the Belmont Stakes was not over yet, so some horse owners still wanted to make a last-ditch effort, and they hadn't given up yet.

Even if it's not horse racing, it doesn't matter; because for Zhang Hao, he has other places to prove his ability, he can easily pass when others find it extremely difficult, including making a name for himself and earning a lot of money.

Anyway, there is nothing Zhang Hao can't do; as long as he doesn't violate the law, as long as he doesn't go too far, Zhang Hao really works hard for his own little calculation.

(End of this chapter)

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