The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 707 The Great Immigrant

Chapter 707 The Great Immigrant

When the preparations for the military parade were in full swing, Jiang Chuan also issued an order for the aftermath of the war in Shuzhou.

The entire territory of Shuzhou is exempted from taxes for three years; in addition, the imperial court will allocate funds year by year to help the people of Shuzhou rebuild their homes; at the same time, people in the surrounding areas of Shuzhou are encouraged to go to Shuzhou to open up wasteland. In addition, the surviving scholars in Shuzhou can have government funds to go to the capital to take the imperial examination; the Ministry of Officials gives priority to selecting officials to serve in Shuzhou, and the imperial court will provide certain subsidies for officials serving in Shuzhou.

While the imperial court issued a series of preferential reconstruction policies for Shuzhou, it also called for encouraging merchants from all over the country to go to Shuzhou for business and trade, and exempt business tax for two years.If a person has made great contributions to the reconstruction of Shuzhou, the imperial court will not only publicly commend them in the Daming Newspaper and inform the world, but also allow their children to participate in scientific examinations.

This last item suddenly sparked heated discussions, and many great businessmen rushed to tell each other, talking about it, and the flame of hope was ignited in their hearts.

You must know that under the ancient tradition of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce, even poor children from peasant households with no roof tiles are still eligible to take the scientific examination. reserved.

However, the children of merchants have never been qualified for this kind of qualification, no matter how rich your family is, you are still not qualified.

Therefore, in many cases, businessmen are very rich and extravagant, but their social status is still very low.It is a luxury for them to pass the imperial examination and allow their descendants to enter the upper class.

Although there are also some other informal ways for the children of merchants to obtain the qualifications to participate in the imperial examination, such as placing their children incognito in the homes of qualified people, etc., it is not the right way after all.And once it is found out, the consequences are extremely serious, and it is even possible to ransack the family and exterminate the family.

Therefore, the biggest wish of rich businessmen is to have a real official in their family. This has almost become the obsession and heart disease of generations of wealthy businessmen.

Now that the imperial court suddenly gave them this hope, they were naturally ecstatic, and immediately became enthusiastic about going to Shuzhou to do business.

In life, what most people pursue is fame and fortune.These businessmen have been satisfied with the word "profit", so naturally there is only one word "name" left.What other name can compare to fame?
So businessmen are naturally flocking to it.

After the enthusiasm of the businessmen was mobilized, many headaches for the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry were solved.These wealthy businessmen often have strong transportation capabilities, and many of them have their own logistics systems.

It is far more efficient and cost-effective to use the commercial power of the market to import all kinds of urgently needed materials to and from Shuzhou than the transportation capacity organized by the imperial court.

Moreover, the imperial court has not lost anything, it is just a few places in the imperial examination, which is simply a few blows.

Although some Qingliu officials in the DPRK and China were dissatisfied with Jiang Chuan's use of the imperial examination quota to attract business and investment, and wrote a letter to criticize, Jiang Chuan scoffed and ignored it.

Letting go of the imperial examinations so that all classes of the people are eligible to participate, and maintaining class mobility is one of the important measures to alleviate social conflicts. Jiang Chuan has long wanted to do this.It's just that it's just an opening first to see the effect.

Of course, if he let go all of a sudden, it would definitely not have the same effect as it is now.Rare things are more expensive, and by releasing bait bit by bit like squeezing toothpaste, these businessmen will maintain enough vitality and motivation to cooperate with the imperial court's major policies.

At present, the population distribution on the mainland of Zhongzhou is that Jiangnan is the most densely populated, followed by the Central Plains, and then the southeast, northwest, Liaodong, Shuzhou and other southwestern regions have become the most sparsely populated areas.

If it is immigration, the general principle is to immigrate from densely populated areas to sparsely populated areas.The largest immigrant movement in human history was the forced emigration carried out by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, due to successive years of wars, people in many places fled to death, resulting in a large number of fields being barren and sparsely populated, resulting in the strange appearance of officials without people.

Fengyang, Zhu Yuanzhang's hometown, is a typical example. After the war, the population of Fengyang dropped sharply to only five people per square kilometer. Many places were full of weeds and thorns at a glance, and no one could be seen on the road for several days.

If you open the "History of Ming Dynasty", you will find that this phenomenon abounds in the late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties.

Known for its prosperity, Yangzhou had only 1357 residents in the third year of Longfeng (AD [-]).In the first year of Hongwu, Xu Da led his army to the Northern Expedition, passing through Hebei, and found that "the roads are all blocked and the people are cut off."In the early years of Hongwu, Chen Xiu, the magistrate of Jinan, played "Northern counties and counties, the land near the city is barren".In the third year of Hongwu's reign in Weihui Mansion in Henan Province, "there were less than a hundred natives, and the wells were desolate."

Until the 15th year of Hongwu, there were still officials who said: "The Central Plains is the heart of the world, a rich land, because of the lack of manpower, it has been barren for a long time."

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang said in the imperial decree: "After the chaos, the Central Plains is grassy and sparsely populated. The so-called land development and household registration increase are the urgent tasks of the Central Plains."

Faced with this situation, Zhu Yuanzhang used administrative power to organize the largest government-organized immigration activity in human history.

Zhu Yuanzhang organized a total of 1340 million immigrants, accounting for one-fifth of the country's total population at that time.This is unprecedented in the history of China and in the history of mankind.

"Ask where my ancestors are, Shanxi Hongdong Dasha tree." In most parts of the North China Plain today, there is a legend of the Dasha tree.This somewhat bizarre-sounding legend highlights the strength of Zhu Yuanzhang's immigration, and the strict and even harsh measures.

The thoughtful Zhu Yuanzhang was very successful in organizing immigrants.He is condescending, and according to the population density of various places, he determines the place to move out and the place to move in, organizes escorts by officials at all levels, and distributes a certain amount of seeds, food and agricultural tools to the relocated population so that they can quickly settle down after arriving in the new area. Root down, live and work in peace and contentment.

From a historical point of view, this mass immigration is a good thing that will last forever, with careful planning, orderly organization, and effective measures, which are remarkable.

But from the perspective of the people who migrated to the north, such a great migration was full of misery and bitter blood and tears.

According to folklore, at that time, in order to prevent people from escaping halfway back, a small cut was made on the little toe of the foot without registering one person. Therefore, most immigrants from Shanxi have heavy armor on the little toe; they were tied with long ropes along the way, and the officers and soldiers threatened the escort with knives and guns. hit the road.

Therefore, people have developed the habit of walking with their hands behind their backs. Even when they urinate, they have to report to the officer, and the soldiers untie their hands for convenience.Therefore, in all parts of North China, going to the toilet is called relief.

Zhu Yuanzhang's style has always been tough and domineering, no matter what he does.This big immigration is mandatory. Whoever moves will not move, how far to move, and where to move are all determined by the government.Those who understand must be implemented, and those who do not understand must still be implemented. The common people have no right to speak or know.

Shanxi has always been rich and prosperous, and there are few wars, so the population loss in the wars is not much, so it has become the largest population emigration.Nowadays, many people in North China, Northwest China, even Shandong, Anhui and other places have their ancestors from Shanxi.

Such forced relocation will inevitably make many old, weak, sick and disabled people fall on the way of migration.Therefore, it is a great thing for the imperial court and history, but for the people who were forced to relocate, it was a bloody and tearful experience.

Jiang Chuan knew something about this period of history when he was studying in his previous life.But as a long-term historical spectator, I just sighed in my heart and sighed that it was so.

But now that he himself is in the position of Zhu Yuanzhang back then, when he looks at this matter again, he has a very different feeling.

After much deliberation, the only word is admiration.

To be able to make such an unprecedented and unique migration, it must be an iron-blooded monarch like Zhu Yuanzhang.

However, although Jiang Chuan admired him, he did not intend to copy Zhu Yuanzhang's method.After all, many actual situations are different.

He also has an immigration plan in mind, but instead of forcing ordinary good people to leave their hometowns and move to other places by coercive means, he uses preferential policies and commercial means to attract people to migrate.

This process is definitely not as quick as Zhu Yuanzhang's, but the advantage is that it will not disturb the people's hearts that have just settled down.

Tax exemption, unclaimed land can be called a landlord, the selection of places in the imperial examination is biased, and the government provides subsidies and special care, etc. These are all policy measures.

On the other hand, Jiang Chuan turned his attention to the prisoners in the war.These captives include Manchu Tartars, Mongols, and captives under Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. The total number of these captives is nearly one million.

Although many of them have been incorporated into the army, and some have been resettled as civilians on the spot, there are still many working in specific farms in the army.

Once these people reach the working years in the future, they can become the targets of relocation.In this way, the potential threats of these people can be eliminated, and the vacancies in sparsely populated areas can be filled, which can kill two birds with one stone.

For the captives, it is already very good to have such an ending, and they dare not have other extravagant wishes.

There is a specific outline, and the details still need to be discussed and formulated by Liu Ji and other ministers.

In the imperial decree, in addition to promulgating various measures and policies for the post-war reconstruction of Shuzhou, Jiang Chuan also issued a commendation for Di Qing and all soldiers who participated in the war in the Southwest Theater. It will be implemented after the approval of the Dudufu.

In addition, Li Dingguo and Sun Kewang, who had surrendered to the imperial court in advance, praised them greatly, and ordered them to be General Guide, who will still serve under Di Qing's command.

When the general situation of the battle in Shuzhou had been decided, and the rest was nothing more than the end, news came from the Liaodong theater that the Fusang army had entered the Korean peninsula.

Tokugawa Hidetada, the general of the Tokugawa shogunate of the Fusang Kingdom, led 15 troops across the strait on thousands of warships, and landed on the Korean Peninsula in three groups. The defenders of the Baekje Kingdom were defeated and retreated steadily. Near Wangjing.

Wang Jing was besieged, and Baekje was in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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