The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 589 The Blindly Optimistic British Army

Chapter 589 The Blindly Optimistic British Army

Indeed, as Bai Mu expected, the British commander David has quietly mobilized the troops of the two armies together, and has moved forward for a certain distance.

Now just wait for the report from the vanguard reconnaissance battalion, and then they will speed up and rush to the city of Wenzhou.

"Report to the commander, Commander Hunter of the reconnaissance battalion has sent someone back." A soldier came to report.

"Great, I hope Hunter brought back good news." David smiled reservedly, and asked the soldier who reported the news to come over.

"Dear General David, we have successfully occupied the designated position and defeated an enemy who was trying to compete with us for the destination. However, Commander Hunt believes that the enemy will send reinforcements to attack soon, so I hope you can Hurry over with the main force as soon as possible."

It was a second lieutenant who was sent back to report.

Although David was a little surprised that the second lieutenant seemed to have a lot of sweat on his forehead, he thought he was tired because he ran too fast, so he didn't think much about it.

In fact, the truth is that the second lieutenant was sweating so much because he was afraid, because if he did anything wrong, the soldier following him would kill him on the spot.

The soldier was disguised by Zhong Haiyang, the squadron leader of the First Army Reconnaissance Brigade, wearing a British military uniform.

Among the British army, although most of them are blond and blue-eyed British, there are also some soldiers of other ethnicities, including those with yellow skin.

Therefore, Zhong Haiyang pretending to be a British soldier will not arouse suspicion, and the most important thing is that he is adaptable and understands English.

"Hante did a good job. I will give him and you a great credit. I heard that there are many beauties in the Jiangnan area of ​​Zhongzhou. When we occupy Wenzhou City and Hangzhou City, we can let your battalion give priority to the carnival and enjoy it. .The order is passed on, and the troops speed up and march towards Wenzhou City."

"I've even seen those beautiful girls in Wenzhou City waving to me. Haha..." David also abandoned his reserve at this time, and laughed triumphantly.

With his head down, Zhong Haiyang's eyes flickered, murderous intentions emerged, but they disappeared quickly, and an excited smile appeared on his face like other British soldiers, as if he was happy for the upcoming carnival.

After receiving the information from the front line, the British army suddenly accelerated their marching speed, and even some of their cavalry surpassed the large troops and rushed to the front.

There was a sense of blind optimism among the British soldiers at this time, and most of them believed that they would definitely achieve a huge victory this time.

The news they got from their superiors was that their opponents did not increase their troops, only more than 1 people, and they had to divide their troops to garrison, so they had an absolute advantage in strength in this battle, so basically there was no reason for this battle. What suspense.

Some of the soldiers even sang folk songs from home, at first one or two, then many joined in, and eventually a chorus formed.

This kind of scene doesn't look like a march before a battle, but a relaxing spring outing.

Zhong Haiyang, who was hiding on the edge of the team, watched all this with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Ignorant Britons, you know nothing about the cruelty of battle.

Finding an excuse, Zhong Haiyang dragged the British second lieutenant into the dense forest on both sides of the road.

The second lieutenant of the British Army looked at him coldly, and Zhong Haiyang, who suddenly pulled out his knife, looked terrified. Just as he was about to open his mouth to yell, Zhong Haiyang suddenly covered his mouth. Immediately afterwards, the sharp dagger pierced his heart. , his head softened, and he completely lost his vitality.

After slowly placing the body of the British second lieutenant on the ground, and covering it up with some weeds to ensure that he would not find it in front of him, Zhong Haiyang fled away without a sound.

He wanted to rush back to report and tell Bai Mu that the British had already been tricked.

During the march of the troops, it is very normal for soldiers to fall behind. There will be various accidental factors that cause soldiers to fall behind.

Therefore, after discovering that the two soldiers were missing, the British army didn't think much about it, and didn't even report it to David.

After all, they were still members of the reconnaissance battalion, and their main force was on the front line. Maybe they went to find their own troops, so the disappearance of Zhong Haiyang and the others did not attract the attention of the British.

After Zhong Haiyang slipped out of the dense forest, he found someone to meet him, and soon rode back to Bai Mu.

After Bai Mu learned that the British had been hooked, he smiled slightly and said, "Okay, well done. You go down and rest first. Let's recharge your energy and let the British be happy for a while."

The rain began to fall heavily. Although the rain in winter will not be as heavy as in summer, it is very cold when it falls on the body, and it will quickly take away the body's heat.

Although the British army also issued raincoats, the soldiers were still shivering in the icy rain.Even the vehicles transporting ammunition and luggage began to get stuck in the mud, and their speed was getting slower and slower.

The high morale that the British had raised at the beginning quickly passed away. The soldiers were all trudging through the mud. The singing disappeared, but the complaints became more and more loud.

"Damn the weather, it's terrible. How far is it from Wenzhou City?" David wore a raincoat and walked carefully on his horse. He looked up at the sky, cursed, and then asked the adjutant next to him .

"Your Excellency, there are still about twenty miles." The adjutant wiped the rain from his face, and checked the map tremblingly.

"Tell the boys, work harder. There is no way to rest in this barren mountain. After arriving in Wenzhou City, you can enjoy dry clothes and delicious food. And there will be countless beautiful hostesses for them. ’ David exclaimed.

The soldiers' morale was boosted by the scene described by David, and they continued to walk forward.

Although morale has risen a bit, David is a little worried.

This damn weather will make the gunpowder damp, and the muskets and even artillery in the hands of many soldiers may not be able to fire due to moisture.

But when he thought that this time his own side had the advantage in military strength, and God was fair, it would cause the same trouble to the enemy.

What David didn't know was that on the side of the National Defense Forces, the second regiment was sheltering from the wind and rain in Wenzhou City, roasting by the fire and drinking hot soup, very comfortable.

Even the First Army and the 47th Army, who were ambushing in the dense forest, built many wooden sheds to shelter from the rain because of the abundance of time. Drainage channels were also built around the wooden sheds with engineering shovels. The cotton coats were also thick, and raincoats were waterproof. , so it will not be as embarrassing as they are.

After trekking for two or three hours on the muddy official road, the embarrassed British army finally saw the city wall of Wenzhou City, and the soldiers began to cheer.

David looked at the outline of Wenzhou city on his horse, and smiled contentedly.

(End of this chapter)

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