Chapter 442 A Great Victory
This unidentified fleet is indeed a Japanese pirate fleet.

The Japanese pirates' lair is on an island about [-] nautical miles southeast of Weihaiwei.

But they were not the group of Japanese pirates who attacked Weihaiwei last time, but another group of Japanese pirates who were closely related to that Japanese pirate.

The Japanese pirates in this sea area are divided into several large groups, and they have no affiliation relationship with each other, and sometimes even conflict.So they all have their own turf.

But they belong to the same Japanese pirates, and they all know each other.

The Japanese pirates who attacked Weihaiwei last time came back comfortably, and robbed a large amount of property and women, which seriously stimulated other Japanese pirates.

Today, the Japanese pirates planned to come to Qingzhou to rob once.

The success of Weihaiwei last time gave these Japanese pirates a taste of the sweetness. There was almost no resistance along the way, and they saw that the order of the entire Ming Dynasty was broken and the power was empty. This environment was like heaven for them.

Although they are Japanese pirates, they have also heard about the current situation in Daming.Knowing that although the Ming Dynasty is currently in civil strife, the world is falling apart.But they also knew that there was a fierce King Qin in Liaodong. After entering the customs, he led the Dashun army that the Qin army had fought all the way, throwing away their helmets and armor, and fled all the way west.

They knew very well that if this situation continued, the entire Ming Dynasty would be reunified within a few years.Once that time comes, the situation in the world is stable, ZTE is hopeful, and the armament is strong, and the good days of these Japanese pirates will come to an end.

Therefore, they had to take advantage of the troubled waters when King Qin was fighting with the Dashun Army, so as to snatch more.

And they all knew that although the Qin army from Liaodong fought fiercely.But there are no sailors.After all, the Navy is not able to form an army by just pulling a group of people.

That's why they are confident that they will not encounter obstacles at sea.

And the attack on Weihaiwei last time did have a tentative accident in it.The exceptional smoothness of the result made them even more certain that the current Qin army did not pose a threat to them at all.

The Japanese pirates who were stimulated planned to launch a surprise attack as well.

The target of their dispatch this time is Lingshanwei, more than 100 miles south of their target Weihaiwei.

Like Weihaiwei, Lingshanwei was the residence of the guards when the Ming Dynasty was founded.

Later, with the collapse of the guard system, after more than 200 years of development, it gradually became a small city.

The population of Lingshanwei is around 1, which is almost double that of Weihaiwei.

That's because there is a good salt field near Lingshanwei.This saltworks led to the prosperity of Lingshanwei. Compared with Weihaiwei, the population is larger and the city is more prosperous.

These Japanese pirates have already inquired clearly, so this time they came prepared.

And this time the team was led by the second and third leaders of the pirates.

The second leader is actually a Ming pirate, and the third leader is a real Japanese pirate.

There were a total of more than 700 Japanese pirates on their seven ships this time. The reason why the number of people dispatched this time was not large was that there was no need to go to so many people, and the space left was to load the looted property and women.

Therefore, the main purpose of their ships is to carry, and the Japanese pirates did not plan to engage in naval battles with regular navy, so although their ships have artillery, the number of artillery is very small.

The few cannons on each ship are not so much used for defense as they plan to play a guest role as a pirate when they encounter passing merchant ships at sea.

So when they saw the navy unit approaching, they didn't think of them in the direction of the Daming Navy at all.

The Japanese pirates have been on the sea for so many years, and they know that the Daming navy has long been exhausted, and there is no possibility of ships appearing on the sea, and it is still so far away from the coastline.

They thought it was more likely that this fleet should be a merchant ship or a pirate, and they even had the idea of ​​robbing each other.

But these Japanese pirates did not expect that the other party's bright identity turned out to be the Daming Marine Division.When this made them puzzled, they finally began to feel vigilant.

But at this time, the Japanese pirates still don't believe that the armed fleet in front of them is the real Daming Navy. They even think that this fleet is a pirate pretending to be a Daming Navy, because they have done this before, to Robbing passing merchant ships.

So the leader of the Japanese pirates ordered the leading ship to fire to warn the pirate team pretending to be a navy.

According to their estimates, it only takes a few rounds of shells to pass.This pirate team will retreat in the face of difficulties.

Because it is now in this sea area.Almost all pirates are not easy to mess with, and the famous pirate Wang Zhi himself is also the leader of the pirates.

Therefore, it is generally safe to encounter pirates at sea.It's just that I didn't expect that the pirate team I encountered today would be so ignorant, so I planned to fire a few warning shots.

Unexpectedly, their warnings had no effect at all, and the opponent's ships swarmed up and surrounded them.

The regular navy faced the Japanese pirates' modified armed merchant ships, and they had an absolute advantage in numbers.

Although the Japanese pirate ships are slightly larger, in order to make more loading space, each ship has no more than ten cannons, but the Qin Army Navy has twenty cannons on each warship, and the shells Sufficient, so there is not much suspense in this battle,
In less than half an hour, the three ships headed by the Japanese pirates were hit by the Qin army's navy and caught fire, and soon began to sink. The Japanese pirates on board jumped into the water with shouts.

At this time, the leader of the Japanese pirates on the big ship behind finally knew that the fleet in front of him was extremely difficult to mess with, and it seemed that he was determined to destroy himself.

So they planned to turn around and flee, ordering the remaining three ships to stand in front to buy them time.

But they were headed against the wind, and the bigger the boat, the harder it was to turn around.

But the navy's ship was sailing with the wind, and quickly surrounded it like a pack of wolves.

Another burst of artillery fired, and the remaining three Japanese pirate ships were quickly destroyed and sank into the water one after another. There were struggling Japanese pirates everywhere on the water.

The commander of the first unit ordered two warships to salvage the Japanese pirates who fell into the water, and the rest of the warships surrounded the last remaining big ship.

Seeing that there was no hope of escape, the big ship finally waved the white flag helplessly, demanding to surrender.

At this time, the leader of the Japanese pirates on the big ship still didn't think that it was the Daming navy who destroyed his fleet, but still regarded them as a group of pirates who came out of nowhere.

So he planned to use Wang Zhi's name to negotiate with the other party after he surrendered.

Seeing that the opponent raised the white flag, the commander of the first division ordered all the warships to surround it, ready to fire at any time.

To capture the opponent's ship, either use the springboard to board the opponent's ship to capture personnel, and then control the ship.But this must be based on the fact that the size of the ships on both sides is not much different, so that the springboard can be stabilized.

Obviously, the navy's ships are much smaller than the opponent's ships. If they want to enter, they can only attack from their backs, which is obviously not good for their own side.And the commander took a fancy to this ship, so he chose the second method.

He ordered the semaphore soldiers to play the semaphore, and ordered the opponent to follow his own side, otherwise it would be sunk immediately.

In order to verify that the commander's order will be carried out decisively, the eight warships surrounding the large ship quickly launched a round of shelling around the large ship. The waves poured over the heads and faces of the Japanese pirates standing on the deck.

The leader of the Japanese pirates had no choice but to raise a semaphore and agree to follow the navy fleet.

Those Japanese pirates who fell into the water were salvaged one after another. As soon as they boarded the boat, they were immediately tied up and thrown into the hold.

The naval battle started suddenly and ended very quickly, and within an hour it was declared over with a complete victory for the navy.

At this time, the sun was about to fall into the sea level, and the light on the sea surface had begun to dim, and the commander also issued an order to return.

(End of this chapter)

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