The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 331 The Emperor Wants To Marry His Sister To This King?

Chapter 331 The Emperor Wants To Marry His Sister To This King?
Since the population needs to be migrated from Erlong Valley, the role of Erlong Valley's mother base will also be lost, so the General's Mansion in Erlong Valley is unnecessary.

Jiang Chuan sent someone back to Erlong Valley with his order to find Bai Mu who was guarding Erlong Valley, and asked Bai Mu to send all the people in the General's Mansion to Guangning.

Fan Sihai, who had been executed by Jiang Chuan, had his seven-entry and seven-exit courtyard confiscated by the government, and the largest house in eastern Liaodong became the property of the government.

Under the suggestion of Su Qin and Liu Ji, Jiang Chuan believed that it was not appropriate for Jiang Chuan to continue to use the magistrate's office as a place to handle affairs.So after weighing and considering, Jiang Chuan set up the Xingyuan in Fan Sihai's house.

Firstly, this house is idle, and secondly, this house is very big, with enough rooms and good specifications, suitable for Jiang Chuan to use as a palace in the future.

Although Hu Zongxian also mentioned in his letter to Jiang Chuan that he wanted Jiang Chuan to go to Shengjing and set up Xingyuan in the Manchu Palace.It's just that Jiang Chuan has no interest in living in the imperial palace, and Shengjing is too far away from the pass, which is not convenient for his strategy of entering the pass.

Seven days later, the busy imperial envoy finally arrived in Guangning.

The person sent to pass the decree turned out to be Huang Jin, the chief eunuch who held the pen and the most trusted person of the eunuch Wei Zhongxian.

Under Wei Zhongxian's urging, Huang Jin has been running low-key and fast since leaving the capital, pretending to be an ordinary business traveler day and night, not daring to rely on imperial envoys at all, for fear of being robbed by rebels or bandits along the way.

Now that the imperial court has been demolished and the city is constantly falling, the entire territory of the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the Ming Dynasty is only left in the land of Gyeonggi.

As a result, thieves and thieves have sprung up, and if these imperial envoys dare to play the banner of imperial envoys, they will definitely attract waves of robbers.

Even so, he also encountered three or four waves of bandits and robbers along the way.If it wasn't for the actions of the dozen or so Jinyiwei masters accompanying the escort, these imperial envoys probably would have died to reach Guangning alive.

Of course, after leaving Shanhaiguan, I never encountered robbers and soldiers again.And when they arrived in Datong City, after showing their flags, Li Yongnian, the general of Datong, sent a team of troops to escort the imperial envoy to Guangning.Among them were some members of the Black Ice Terrace from the Bai Jinxiu Sect.

After Huang Jin saw Jiang Chuan, although he was very surprised at his youth, he didn't dare to put on airs as an imperial envoy.

Huang Jin knew very well in his heart that he did not come this time to deliver a decree, but actually to ask Jiang Chuan for help.Save the life of the Ming Dynasty, save the life of the emperor, and save the lives of eunuchs who depend on the emperor to survive.

So after seeing Jiang Chuan, he has always been very respectful, and that respect is not even inferior to the way he treats the emperor.

When the decree was announced, Jiang Chuan didn't kneel because it was inconvenient to have armor on his body, and Huang Jin didn't dare to mention it.On the contrary, Jin Yiwei, who came from the capital behind Huang Jin, raised his eyebrows and his face was very ugly.

But after seeing those Jiang Chuan's personal guards standing on both sides who were staring at each other and exuding a fierce and murderous aura, they all swallowed back the scolding to their mouths, and according to Xiu Chundao's hands, they loosened a little.

On the contrary, Huang Jin was taken aback by the performance of these Jinyiwei. He was afraid that the recklessness of these guys would anger the decisive and only savior of the Ming Dynasty, His Royal Highness King Qin, and let himself lose his head. Each of these Jin Yiwei gave a few big mouths, and his hands were swollen from beating.

And after the beating, these Jinyiwei were ordered to plead guilty to Jiang Chuan.

As the chief eunuch of Bingbi, Huang Jin directly manages the Dongchang and Jinyiwei.It can be said that he is the immediate boss of these Jin Yiwei, and it is not a problem to beat them lightly, even if they are killed.

These Jin Yiwei were sobered up by Huang Jin's big mouth, and they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Jiang Chuan for mercy.

Although Jiang Chuan has a high position and power now, these Jin Yiwei, who are called the emperor's pro-army, are not worth mentioning in his eyes, so he didn't pursue anything at all, which greatly relieved Huang Jin.

The content of the imperial decree is basically the same as the news sent by the Black Ice Platform.The only difference is that the emperor even rewarded Jiang Chuan with 1 taels of silver notes, and also said in the imperial decree that he would marry his own sister, Princess Yongning, to Jiang Chuan.

This news startled Jiang Chuan, and after asking Huang Jin for the last time, he realized that the idea of ​​marrying his younger sister was improvised by the emperor, probably a product of a whim.

Jiang Chuan didn't think of this at all before, Lei was a little dazed by this decree, and he didn't speak for a long time.It wasn't until Huang Jin reminded him softly that he came back to accept the order.

He also figured it out, it was Emperor Ming who wanted to use a princess to further win him over, on the one hand to show his greatness, and on the other hand he wanted to use the princess to tie him down.

But the emperor wanted to marry his sister, that was his idea, and it was his own freedom to marry the emperor's sister or not.Now I am only a minister of Ming Dynasty in name, as long as I don't want to, no one can force me.

So in the end, Jiang Chuan accepted the imperial edict generously, and Huang Jin, who was sweating, was greatly relieved.

After announcing the decree, Huang Jin hastily and respectfully sent along with the imperial decree the court uniforms, regular uniforms, and leather flat uniforms that the emperor bestowed upon Jiang Chuan, a total of [-] sets of clothes. It was produced temporarily by the supervisor.

In particular, the four-clawed golden dragon made of gold silk on the royal uniform was so lifelike and mighty, it seemed to be about to take off through the sky at any time.

The biggest difference between the prince's robe pattern and the emperor's dragon robe pattern is that the emperor's clothes are embroidered with a five-clawed golden dragon, while the prince's is embroidered with a four-clawed golden dragon.

In addition to these clothes, there is also the golden seal of King Qin.The three-foot-square big gold seal is engraved with four large seal characters of "Qin King Zhiyin", which seems to be only a circle smaller than the seized jade seal of the Qing emperor.

In addition to these things, there are also things that the King of Qin used daily, such as gold melons, king flags, round fans, etc., and everything is available.

In fact, there are quite a lot of these things in the Ouchi Treasury, so you can just find them and use them.Only Wang Qi needs to be re-made.

In short, just the items given along with the status of the prince have pulled a full three carts.

However, Jiang Chuan didn't show much interest after seeing these things, which made Huang Jin feel uneasy.

He knew very well in his heart that these things looked rare, but in fact they had little practical benefit.Not to mention anything else, as a prince with real power, the imperial decree didn't even mention the matter of granting Jiangchuan's mansion.

To put it bluntly, what the emperor gave was just a blank check.

However, after Huang Jin spoke out about King Qin tremblingly, Jiang Chuan did not get angry or refuse as he imagined, but boldly said that the army would set off to King Qin in three days.

Huang Jin was greatly surprised and ecstatic by Jiang Chuan's straightforwardness, and hurriedly thanked Jiang Chuan a thousand times.

 Ask for a ticket before going to bed.My sister is getting married these days, and there are too many things. I am so busy during the day that I start coding at eight or nine in the evening. Please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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