The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 200 Skyrocketing reputation

Chapter 200 Skyrocketing reputation

In the dead of night, Jiang Chuan finally calmed down completely and began to check the changes and development of the fortress base during this period.

He first checked the popularity value and reputation value.The popularity value is currently maintained at around 65 points, which means that the people under his command are basically satisfied with their current lives.

Moreover, it can be seen from the data panel that the people are most satisfied with the four parts of external security, social security, food and taxation. The values ​​displayed in these four parts are all positive numbers. ; Food supply is positively divided into two points; taxation is positively divided into two points.

This data is normal. Jiangchuan defeated the Manchu and Ming armies one after another, and the sense of security of the people has increased significantly, so this value will appear.

In terms of social security, the last time the two villages killed more than 700 people at one time because of the private fighting with weapons, which greatly shocked the people, and the fighting incidents have basically disappeared since then.Even petty theft rarely happened, and the law and order in Erlong Valley can be said to be that they never pick up lost items on the road and never close their doors at night.In addition, Liu Ji arranged for the small officials of the Department of Civil Affairs to continuously publicize the decree in each village, and basically everyone in the common people can know the law and abide by the law, which is why the data is added four points.

The reason why the food supply is added two points is because Jiangchuan's supply from the fortress base and the food seized from Liaoyang City last time can only meet the basic needs of the people and guarantee that no one will starve to death.However, the diversity of food, such as increasing the supply of vegetables, chicken, duck and fish, cannot be satisfied for the time being, so I can only add two points.

In terms of taxation, because Jiang Chuan announced a three-year tax exemption, two points were added.According to previous experience, if you want to add four points to the tax, you must not only get tax exemption, but also need the lord to make a small gift to the people; Gifts do.

At present, with Jiang Chuan's financial resources, it is of course impossible to subsidize the people, and being able to be tax-free is already the ultimate in what he has done.You must know that maintaining a huge army costs as much money as you want, and there is no extra financial resources to supplement the people.

Other aspects such as sanitation, rat plague, and wild animal attacks are negative two points.It was a minus four for entertainment and alcohol.There are several other aspects with zero points, which means that it is neither good nor bad.

These aspects can also reflect the reality in the valley. For example, in terms of sanitation, it is not only because of some bad habits of the people, such as defecation and littering, but also because of constraints, such as many people have not developed the habit of bathing and drinking boiled water.

There are also medical issues. Although there are military doctors in the military, they are only good at treating trauma.He is not good at common and prone medical diseases.

Although Liu Ji also knows medical skills, it is not his main job, and he is busy with affairs every day, so it is impossible for him to be a doctor exclusively.

Of course there is also the issue of medicine.Many medicinal materials have to go to the pharmacy in the big city to buy them.

Moreover, crowd gatherings are prone to some epidemic diseases. In this world without antibiotics, once an epidemic occurs, it will be catastrophic.

Fortunately, from the very beginning, Jiang Chuan and Liu Ji were prepared to take some mandatory measures against this problem: for example, people must defecate at fixed points and bury them in time; develop the habit of drinking water that must be boiled; It must be discarded at a fixed point, and then set up a special person to bury it and so on.

For those who do not follow the rules, once they are discovered, they will be reprimanded by the village law official of the Department of Civil Affairs according to the circumstances, fined and reduced rations, punished with sticks, and even expelled from the valley.

As for taking a bath, there is no way to force it, after all, the conditions are limited.Even in the modern society of Jiang Chuan's previous life, it was impossible for everyone in the country to develop the habit of taking a bath.

Conditions vary greatly from place to place. Some people wash every day, or even two or three times a day, in areas with abundant water and richness in the south.The climate in the northern region is dry, and most people may have it once a week.In remote areas such as snowy areas, some people only bathe twice in their lives.Once at birth and once after death.

So there is no way to force this matter.

In terms of entertainment, everyone has a need for entertainment.The current conditions in Yanzhong can only meet the first and second needs of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, that is, the needs of life safety and food.

There is no way to meet the needs of entertainment and belief at a higher level for the time being.

Moreover, Jiangchuan launched a spring offensive after the beginning of spring next year, so these parties did not want to invest money and energy in construction.If the three cities in southern Liaoning are captured, the people in the valley will basically move into these three cities.

At that time, Erlong Valley will become a pure barracks, which can also be said to be Jiang Chuan's last retreat.

So now he only intends to meet the basic needs of the people, so that people don't have to worry about dying at any time, can have enough food, and have a house to live in, which is enough to make these people return to themselves.

The people of China have always had very low demands on those in power.However, such a low requirement has not been able to be truly achieved by several monarchs in the history of thousands of years.

However, Jiang Chuan has done it now, so it is enough for these people to return to him.

All of the above are achievements in civil affairs.

In terms of reputation, Jiang Chuan was surprised to find that his current reputation had exceeded [-] points after opening the data panel.

After carefully looking at the detailed data records, the prestige value of the daily rule is more than 2 points.And the last time he defeated Duoduo, cracked Oboi, and beheaded the captives, he earned more than 1 reputation points.

But this time Yuan Chonghuan was defeated, Hong Chengchou and Cao Bianjiao were captured alive, and nearly 1 Ming troops were captured, and more than [-] reputation points were earned. Obviously, defeating the Ming army did not earn as much reputation as defeating the Tartars.This made Jiang Chuan a little depressed.But if you think about it, you can understand that this is a guiding instruction given to yourself by the fortress base.

At present, clearing the Tartars is his main goal at present.

In addition, this time he was conferred a title by the Ming Emperor, and he also earned [-] points of prestige for himself as the commander-in-chief of southern Liaoning.Now this is also a guiding instruction, reminding oneself to make good use of the big tree that has not yet fallen in the Ming court.

In addition, the establishment of the Black Ice Platform, the promotion of Jiang's army and his own deeds in Datong, the control of the Datong Jinyiwei Thousand Households, and the win over the eunuch Li Jinzhong, etc., have more or less contributed a lot of reputation.

Seeing the more than 5 reputation points, Jiang Chuan was very excited.With these, a necessary condition for him to expand the army again has been met.

Of course, another necessary condition is money.Now the base does not have a penny of tax revenue, and all the food is used to support tens of thousands of troops and these tens of thousands of people, so if you want to have money, you have to sell the materials in the fortress base in the market in exchange for it money.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chuan opened the warehouse panel to check the material collection situation during this period.

 The first update arrives, and there are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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