Chapter 194

Li Jian brought over a black wooden tray with three three-legged bronze wine tripods on it. These things are not popular in this era, and they are antiques dug out by Jiang Chuan from Haidongqing's secret silver cellar. Just used it as a wine glass.

Jiang Chuan picked up the first wine cauldron, raised his head and shouted to the sky: "The first cup, I respect the soldiers who died for killing the Tartars, and may you live forever! Do it!"

After speaking, he slowly poured the wine glass under his feet.

Picking up the second wine cauldron, he said loudly: "The second cup, to all the soldiers who died in this war, may you last forever! Do it!"

He spilled the second glass of wine on his feet.

"The third cup, to all the Ming people who were killed by the Tartars on this land, may your souls rest in peace. Do it!"

Three glasses of wine were slowly sprinkled on the high platform to commemorate the lost lives.All the officers and soldiers of the Jiang family army, as well as the common people present bowed their heads solemnly, and the lead cloud in the sky was getting lower and lower, as if to match the solemn and heavy atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ji, Ran Wu, Bai Shan, Shan Jia and other high-ranking members of the Jiang family army all came forward to pay their respects.

When all the procedures were completed, a snowflake with six petals fluttered down from the lead cloud and fell into Jiang Chuan's palm.

Daming Jingrun's first snow in 27 years finally arrived.


In the Erlong Valley, the previous plaque of the General's Mansion has been replaced by the Marquis of Wu'an's Mansion, and it was still inscribed by Liu Ji, but this time, a serious plaque was made instead of just a wooden plaque to deal with it.

Now this old house of Haidongqing is no longer suitable as the residence of Marquis Wu'an. According to Liu Ji's words, the layout is too small and the specifications are too small to reflect the status and majesty of Marquis Wu'an.

Liu Ji suggested to build a new house for Jiang Chuan, but Jiang Chuan refused.Jiang Chuan's reason is also very simple. Wait until the three cities in southern Liaoning are taken down before talking about building the house. There is no need to engage in these formalisms now.

And building a house in this ravine, no matter how big it is, it doesn't feel like it's on the table.

It has been snowing for three days, and it is still falling now. The snow on the ground is so thick that it can cover your calves when you step on it. sounded.

The entire valley is covered in silver, and when you look at it, it is a vast expanse of white, which hurts the eyes of those who look at it.

Jiang Chuan had never been to the land of Liaodong in his previous life, and only in this life did he know how fierce the winter in Liaodong is.The snow is falling vigorously, as if it is endless, and the whole world is a vast expanse.

His previous hometown was an ancient city in a certain provincial capital in the west. Although it is also in the north, there are only two or three snowfalls every winter, and the snow can reach the ankles. .Compared with the snow in Liaodong, it is too petty to be on the stage.

Not to mention those people in the south who saw snow for the first time in their lives. If they saw such a heavy snow in Liaodong, they would probably be excited before they were frozen.

However, it is very annoying if there is too much snow. The snow in the yard has to be cleared constantly. If it is not cleared for a while, it will be a thick layer.

Bai Mu and Li Jian led a group of guards in thick cotton-padded clothes to clear the snow in the courtyard of the Hou Mansion. After a while, the snow fell so that everyone turned into a white-headed man.

It was getting cold, and the meeting hall outside couldn't stay anymore, so Jiang Chuan asked people to convert his study into a warm pavilion.

It is said to be a warm pavilion, but in fact there are two more things for heating, one is a kang, and the other is a stove.

The kang is something that almost every household in Liaodong today has it.Without this thing, it is impossible to survive this long and severe winter, or people will freeze to death.

Jiang Chuan is no stranger to heated kangs. He also grew up on heated kangs in his previous life.However, the heated kang in the northwest is not the same as the heated kang in Liaodong.

The kang in the northwest has a separate chimney, and the door of the kang is outside the house, so that the whole house will not be smoky when the kang is fired.There is also a stove, and a separate iron chimney is used to exhaust the smoke outside to avoid gas poisoning.

Of course, the gas poisoning here is not carbon monoxide poisoning, but carbon dioxide poisoning.

The heated kang in the Northeast is rather peculiar. A sealed chimney is used to connect the stove with the heated kang.When the stove is fired, the hot air goes down the chimney into the kang, and the kang heats up accordingly.

Moreover, the heated kang in the northeast must be matched with the fire wall, which means that the inside of the wall is hollow, and firewood is placed inside. When it is burned, the heat will quickly spread to the whole room, and the whole room will soon become It's warm as spring.

Jiang Chuan was sitting on a recliner at this time, holding a tongs in his hand and poking the fire in the fire door under the stove to make the flames more vigorous.There is a small earthen pot on the stove, and water is boiling in it, and it is steaming now.

He was wearing a loose white Yanju uniform, his face was very rosy in the warm indoor environment, and there was a faint smile on his face.

Liu Ji was sitting opposite him, also sitting on a bamboo recliner, holding a cup of steaming tea in both hands, talking to Jiang Chuan.

"My lord, according to our current measures, there should be no people freezing to death in this winter valley. Before the heavy snow, every household has built a kang and a stove. Although the fire wall has not yet been popularized due to time constraints, these basic It has been able to guarantee the heating of the people. And the coal you let the prisoner camp dig from the back mountain is almost enough for heating this winter."

"That's good. This is our first winter in Liaodong. No matter how strict the laws and regulations are on weekdays, we must let the people feel the real benefits of following us. No one will freeze to death this winter, no one will starve to death. With tangible benefits, the people are more willing to follow us. The warehouse is honest and knows the etiquette. The righteousness of the country. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, this is also the meaning. The economic base determines the superstructure.”

Jiang Chuan said while turning on the stove.

Liu Ji naturally understood Jiang Chuan's previous words, but he was confused by Maslow's and economic foundation behind him.

Jiang Chuan talked smoothly, and after he finished speaking, he saw Liu Ji's bewildered face, and only then did he realize that he was a little confiscated.

The thick door curtain was lifted suddenly, and a charming figure in a plain jacket, wearing a white lying rabbit on her head, and a white rabbit fur cloak flashed in. It was Qi Xuan.

Qi Xuan stood at the door, looked at Jiang Chuan with a smile and said, "Master Hou, guess who is here?"

Jiang Chuan was stunned, and looked outside the door. Qi Xuan completely opened the door curtain again, and a chill came in, but there was a pretty white figure standing at the door, looking at him with his lips pursed.

 The first update arrives.There are two more.

(End of this chapter)

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