The thief of the fortress dominates the world

Chapter 192 Rectifying the World

Chapter 192 Rectifying the World
Before the teacher's army returned to the Erlong Valley, Jiang Chuan saw from afar that the flat ground in front of the valley entrance was crowded with black and white people.Almost all the people in the valley who could be mobilized ran out to watch the grand occasion of the army's division.

A group of fine cavalry galloped towards the army, and it was the left behind general Bai Shan who came to meet Jiang Chuan and his party with people.

"Bai Shan welcomes the master to win the class!" Bai Shan rode his horse to Jiang Chuan, got off his horse and knelt down on one knee and said loudly.

"Excuse me." Jiang Chuan was in a happy mood at the moment, seeing everyone with a smiling face. It could be said that the horseshoe disease in response to the spring breeze was proud. Although the cold wind of early winter was blowing on his face, he still did not freeze the smile on his face.

"My lord, I will guide you in the end." Bai Shan shouted loudly, then got on his horse, and led a hundred elite riders behind him to the front of the army as a guide, and walked slowly towards the crowd at Taniguchi.

When they got close to the crowd at Taniguchi, Bai Shan shouted loudly: "Marquis Wu'an, the victorious squadron of the southern Liao army, the common people avoid it."

A hundred cavalrymen behind them also shouted loudly: "Marquis Wu'an, the Liaonan Commander-in-Chief is the victorious squadron, and the common people stay away!"

The shouts of 100 people made the bustling crowd slowly quiet down, and retreated to both sides, giving way to the passing road.All the people looked at this slowly approaching army with awe and curiosity.

The last time the common people saw such an oversized Jiangjia army brigade was after the defeat of the Qing army.

This time, it was after the defeat of the Ming army, so many people were amazed, and a strong sense of pride spontaneously arose in their hearts.

To use a common saying, because this is the army of our common people.

For the Ming army, especially the Daming frontier army that has been defeated repeatedly, these ordinary people don't have much affection.After all, the Ming army at this time didn't talk about fish and water conditions between soldiers and civilians, and often harassed the people from time to time when they came out to patrol and fight.

This kind of army naturally cannot get the support of the people.

Many of the people who joined later had never seen such a grand military appearance. All of them held their breaths, nervously and curiously watching the solemn and mighty soldiers in black clothes and black armor passing in front of them, and their crotch. The tall and majestic war horse with a fluttering mane kept tsk-tsk admiring sounds from its mouth.

Invisibly, the fluctuations in people's hearts caused by the killing of 700 people last time were gradually suppressed.

Under the guidance of Baishan, the army gathered in the open space in front of Taniguchi, and arranged them in black square formations according to the ratio of half of the troops drawn from each battalion.

The rest of the troops escorted all kinds of weapons, supplies, grain and grass captured, as well as the prisoners of the Ming army, directly into the valley.

Soon, nine black phalanxes were formed on the open space, like nine swarthy pine forests, immovable as mountains, exuding a strong mighty and murderous aura.

In the center of the open space, a wooden platform about ten feet high has been built. On the platform, three huge flags are flying against the cold wind of early winter, making a crackling sound.

Among the three banners, the first one is the Jiang family army banner with gold characters on a red background, and a golden tiger roaring on the hill is embroidered on the banner, which is of course a simple tiger.

The second side also has gold characters on a red background, with four big gold characters "Wu'an Hou Jiang" embroidered on it.

The third flag is still gold on a red background, with five golden characters "Liaonan Zongbing Jiang" embroidered on it.

The last two flags were made overnight after Baishan, who stayed behind in Erlong Valley, received the news.

Today's stance is not about holding a prisoner offering meeting. After all, these Ming army prisoners are different from Tartar captives. Jiang Chuan will absorb and assimilate these people in the future. Among them, Jiang Chuan intends to recruit elite soldiers and generals into the army.

Today's ceremony is also Liu Jiti's suggestion.

Although the previous Jiang family army had repeatedly defeated the Tartars, they were wild in terms of origin.Using Jiang Chuan's previous life term to explain that he belonged to the guerrilla army, not the regular army.

A guerrilla, no matter how powerful you are in combat, you will inevitably make a nasal sound when you let others hear it.

Although the Ming Dynasty is now said to be crumbling and precarious, the airs are still there after all. After more than 200 years of rule, the Ming Dynasty is still synonymous with orthodoxy in the hearts of the people.

This is also the reason why the Manchu Qing Dynasty had been established for decades, and the people of the Ming Dynasty still called them Tartars, and few people called them the Qing Army or the Qing Dynasty. This is the orthodox psychology of the Central Plains Dynasty at work.

If Jiang Chuan wants to recruit more talents and attract more people in the future, he must have a serious reputation.

At present, there is no way to earn this title by oneself, and one can only ask for it from the Emperor of Ming Dynasty.With this title, no matter what you do in the future, it will be justified.

For example, in the original history, no matter how great Li Zi's achievements were, he established the Dashun Kingdom and became the emperor. In many people's minds, he was still a bumpkin and a bandit leader. This label might not be able to be removed throughout his life.

No matter how weak and cowardly the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty was, it was still the orthodox regime of the Central Plains Dynasty in the hearts of ordinary people. This is the importance of legal authority and status.

Jiang Chuan has been tossing around in Liaodong for so long. First, he really wanted to beat the Tartars, and second, he did so in the name of orthodox.

Just like during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, any vassal state that wants to stand on its own as a state or its monarch wants to be king must be canonized by the Son of Zhou.Even if the Zhou royal family had become a symbolic decoration at that time, it still needs to go through this formality.

Without the canonization of the Zhou royal family, your vassal state is strong and prosperous, and you are the crown of the monkey in the eyes of others.

Of course, the means are quite different.Some vassal states were really weak and wanted to be kings like others, but the royal family of Zhou refused to agree, so they threatened and blackmailed them in various ways, forcing the emperor of Zhou to canonize him.For example, in the state of Song where there was a Song Xianggong who became a joke for more than 2000 years, the later kings became kings.The same is true for Zhongshan, a mountainous country with a radius of only a few hundred miles, which became a joke at the time and was eventually destroyed by a big country.

However, some vassal states attracted the attention of the world because of their national strength. Zhou Tianzi took the initiative to send people to persuade his monarch to become king, such as the state of Qin.After Qin Xiaogong and Shang Yang's 20-year political reform, Qin's national power has grown rapidly, making the six countries of Shandong fearful.

After the death of Qin Xiaogong, his son Yingsi became the king.Two years later, Zhou Tianzi and the six kingdoms of Shandong personally sent envoys to Qin to persuade Yingji to become king, and he was King Huiwen of Qin.

When your strength is reached, if you don't become the king, others will feel embarrassed to become the king, and I'm afraid they will become your target.

The same is true for Jiang Chuan, who is trying his best to create a world and a prestige, so that the Emperor of Ming Dynasty can take the initiative to confer titles and officials on himself, and give himself a serious name.

Now, he did it.

Therefore, today's ceremony is actually a name rectification ceremony, announcing to the world that I am Jiangchuan, and the Jiang family army will officially enter the stage of competing for the world with a brand new identity.

 The first update arrives.Yesterday, the old cat broke his promise, thinking that he could stick to the fifth shift, but in the end he found that he couldn't stay up all night, and when he got older, he really couldn't compare to the younger brothers.Today's update is a bit late because I went out to eat and shop with my family during the holidays.I saw that some brothers were afraid of my eunuch when they posted book reviews. Don’t worry about this, it doesn’t exist.Lao Mao is the man who wants to win the perfect attendance award.However, the past two days are indeed very tired, and the backache is severe, so the promise of five shifts a day mentioned two days ago may not be fulfilled every day, but at least three shifts will be done.If you are in good physical condition, you must watch the fifth watch.In addition, I forgot yesterday: Special thanks to the "Fat Mouse 99" brother who tipped [-] starting coins yesterday, thank you old cat!Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, thank you for your support in the past few months, and wish you all a happy holiday and a happy family!

(End of this chapter)

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