rebirth, romance, space

Chapter 252 253 Habits

Chapter 252 253 Habits
In my previous life, when I was bored, I also fantasized about the life of a star. Is it really like the intrigues published in entertainment news magazines?Or are there endless parties and endless drinks, running around the world like a spinning top every moment of every day?I never thought that being a star is a career in itself, maintaining exposure so that everyone can remember your face is the most important and basic.Of course, people remember that it is also polarized, either like it or hate it.

Through the window of the minibus, I looked at the flashing street scene, and occasionally I could see the advertising posters taken by myself and Qin Rong.The self in that smile is not forced, but his mouth is slightly raised, his eyes are hazy and unfocused.In fact, I'm not suitable for laughing like this. It looks like I'm laughing and crying, um, I should have a crying face.A heart-shaped face like mine should smile and bend its eyebrows to be considered warm, even if it is not smiling like a flower, it is not annoying.

But Qin Rong was different, she smiled brightly, even if she grinned to reveal her lovely white and tender corn teeth, it made people think that she should be like this.She and I obviously have exactly the same face, but because of the relationship between soul and temperament, it makes people feel so dissimilar.She is like fire, like the warm winter sunshine, like a bright sunflower... only she is not like the cold moonlight.This kind of her is very fond of her no matter whether she is young or old, but I am not. Even after living for two lifetimes, I still don't know too much about the world.Maybe I can make an excuse that I don't know how to get along with people, but the real reason is just that I am afraid of having too much contact with people.

Not leaving, and no reason to go abroad.In the past, it can be said that it was out of nothing that I had a falling out with my mother, and I used it to escape my recognition that this world is no longer the one in the previous life.He also took care of his cousin and the others by the way, and even cultivated their childhood sweetheart relationship with Chen Jinghua, planning to make do with each other when they grow up.

He and I had established a romantic relationship in Guangcheng. After we separated from Guangcheng, I didn't contact him again.When I occasionally think of him in my heart, the corners of my mouth will be raised to show a sweet smile, and then it will disappear.When he called, I mostly didn't listen. I just stood beside Qin Rong and listened to him talking to her. Then Qin Rong handed the phone over to let me listen, and then I waved my hands to avoid it.

I was a little ashamed of our night in Guangcheng, and I felt very embarrassed when I calmed down. I have lived two lifetimes, why can't I change my heart when his eyes meet?So I didn't answer the phone out of shame, but I missed him a little in my heart.

Me and Qin Rong, this is not very popular, right?Although I have to fly back and forth to attend those brand events, but most of them stay in Hong Kong City and hold meetings with the new album cooperation team all day long. Of course, those shopping mall activities that earn extra money are not left behind.But even so we still have a few days of personal time each month.I will go shopping with my friends in Temple Street, eat authentic food for supper, and buy trinkets and so on.Of course, the friend is Qin Rong's classmate and good friend, and they can be regarded as ordinary friends after playing together a few times.It's just that I'm not used to the way of leisure when I'm too young, so I always have the habit of taking a minibus alone from one side of the port city to the suburbs on the other side.

Looking at the life in and out of the window, and the strange street scene that always feels unfamiliar.With a cheap MP3-sized radio bought for a few dollars in her ears, she listened to the pleasant voice of the host of the traffic music radio station, smoothly broadcasting the road conditions and her personal favorite songs, whether popular or not.Occasionally, I also imitate the scene in the movie, hold stocking milk tea in my hand, drink a few sips from time to time, pretending to be like my favorite scene.

I don't know if it's because I have a long lifespan, so everything is a leisurely attitude.Obviously, I am an impatient person in my bones, and I will know that I have to be prepared in advance for everything I do.I didn't have the habit of taking a minibus for a ride like this in my previous life.After all, I have changed. I always thought that I was still in the same place in the previous life, but I have already changed beyond recognition without knowing it.

(PS: This picture was coded in an Internet cafe. After moving home, I was disturbed by neighbors every night and couldn’t sleep all night. I got up at five o’clock and walked to find an Internet cafe near my parents’ house... I dare not go back too early, I’m afraid Parents asked, more and more regret moving out to live alone, more and more want to move back to live with parents...)
(End of this chapter)

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