Chapter 723 Response (3)
An Ran breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said solemnly, "Master Zhan, please stand up!"

Then, she said: "His Royal Highness is in Nanyang, and his whereabouts are uncertain. It is not easy to find him. I will send someone to assist Mr. Zhan. With His Royal Highness's unique contact signal, they should be able to find His Highness faster."

Mr. Zhan immediately took orders and said, "Yes! This subordinate prepared overnight and set off early in the morning!" To go to sea, there are a lot of things that need to be prepared, and the time in one day is already very short.

An Ran nodded and said: "Master Zhan has worked hard, Master Zhan please get up."

Mr. Zhan sat back, and An Ran continued to say: "King An is disloyal and unfilial. Since he even dared to poison the emperor, he should have already made plans to burn the boat. This time, his plan is intertwined. If we don't deal with it properly, It is very possible for him to succeed."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, His Royal Highness is famous far and wide, and all the officials and common people of the Sui Dynasty praised him. King An will go against the law, even God will not let him succeed!"

An Ran sighed softly and said, "If King An spreads the news of His Highness's accident in Nanyang, what do you think will happen?"

When everyone heard this, their expressions all changed.

If it was really a conspiracy by King An, even if they were careful, King An would let people spread the news.The key point is that the crown prince did not return from the sea, and there is no way to refute the rumors. Everyone is realistic. I am afraid that the people in the court who originally favored the crown prince will change their direction.

"Your Majesty, why don't we directly expose King An's conspiracy, so that no one will dare to support King An! We can lead troops into the capital and let King An be executed..."

"Yes, let's expose King An's conspiracy before His Highness comes back! His Highness has a very high prestige among the people and in the army. As long as you stand up and shout, the world will obey! Maybe not If we lead troops into King Jingqin, King An will commit suicide and apologize!"

What a wonderful wish!It's a pity that this is just a wish, An Ran sighed, and only hoped that they would always trust her so firmly.

"That won't work." An Ran shook her head, and when everyone was quiet, she suddenly got up and said with a serious face, "King An used poison to control the emperor, and the purpose is to justify the emperor's order to change him to the crown prince, and then succeed to the throne smoothly. If we expose his conspiracy, he is likely to jump over the wall to poison the emperor. We cannot put the emperor's safety at risk."

When everyone heard this, they all became ashamed.They only thought about how to keep the position of His Highness the Crown Prince, but completely forgot about the life and death of the Emperor.

"Therefore, King An's conspiracy cannot be made public for the time being. Moreover, we must return to Beijing as soon as possible to help the emperor detoxify and rescue the emperor!"

Everyone nodded after listening.

"It's still the empress who thinks carefully!"

"Your Majesty, this is filial piety!"

Among the countless praises, of course, there are also voices of worry.

"If King An's conspiracy cannot be made public, what if the emperor encounters difficulties?"

"Yeah, the situation in the capital has a lot to do with it. Who can go back and take charge of the overall situation?"

Ling Yun went up to ask for orders: "Your Majesty, let your subordinates take Mr. Yue back to Beijing!"

An Ran nodded and said: "Okay! In this case, I will entrust the affairs of Beijing to you."

Then, Wang Jinwen suddenly stepped forward and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is not here now, and the safety of you and the little prince is of utmost importance. I am worried that King An will do something to the empress and the little prince. I implore the empress and the little prince for the time being." Avoid it."

Without waiting for An Ran to answer, the others echoed one after another: "Master Wang is right, this matter must be guarded against! Master Ling has returned to the capital, who will protect the empress and the little prince?"

Master Zhan said: "Why don't you ask your majesty to stay temporarily in our Navy Division? Although I have left, there are still more than 5 people in our Quanzhou Navy Division. The empress and the little prince should be safe."

"It's true that there are many people in the navy, but who knows if there is any gap for King An? I think that the empress still needs to be careful."

"Yes, why don't you quietly move somewhere to recuperate and wait for His Highness to return."

Facing the enthusiastic suggestions from his subordinates, An Ran readily agreed, "Okay, for the sake of the little prince, I will go to Ryukyu to live temporarily!"

"Ryukyu? Also good!"

Everyone thought it was good.Ryukyu is lonely overseas, even if King An knew about it, he might not be able to find the place where the empress lived in seclusion.

Everyone dispersed overnight and prepared separately.

When An Ran went back, Bao'er woke up, did not see her, and was crying.

An Ran picked him up, sighed lightly, and said, "You look like this, how can my mother leave you? Sigh!"

Although it was her mother's voice and breath, Bao'er clearly noticed that today's mother seems to be a little weird.He held his mother's face in his hands, moved his lips together and kissed it a few times, and sweetly called out twice: "Mother, mother, kiss!"

An Ran looked at her son's big black and white eyes, raised the corners of her lips, kissed him on the cheek, then rubbed her head against his son's chest, making him giggle.

An Ran took the opportunity to teach him: "Bao'er, sometimes mother has something to do and can't stay with you all the time. Therefore, Bao'er woke up earlier and didn't see mother." An Ran spoke very slowly, and she didn't know if he understood.

Bao'er really didn't quite understand, these words were still too deep for him to understand.

An Ran explained again: "What Mother wants to tell Bao'er is that even if Mother is not around for a while, she will return to Bao'er after a while. Mother will always love Bao'er the most, and will never leave Bao'er. do you understand?"

Bao'er seemed to understand, but he understood a sentence: Mother will always love Bao'er the most...

"So, if Bao'er wakes up next time and doesn't see mother, don't be afraid or cry. Mother will come to hold Bao'er after finishing the work. Bao'er is a good obedient child, isn't she?"

Bao'er understood the latter sentence, clapped her hands and said, "Bao'er, be obedient..."

An Ran smiled and kissed Bao'er again, expressing her encouragement and love.She knows that it takes a long time of training for the child to understand, but she has confidence in Bao'er.

The matter was urgent, and Ling Yun took Yue Chaocheng back to Chang'an the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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