Chapter 405
"You, you actually even..." Lied to the Empress?Gu Wanniang's eyes widened, but she lowered her voice and said, "Aren't you too courageous?"

An Ran hurriedly comforted her mother and said: "Mother, don't worry, we have successfully passed the customs. The Queen didn't say anything." An Ran thought, even if the Queen doubted it, they can still say that they had sex first and came later in the middle of the night!Anyway, one of the parties involved, King Ping, gave perjury, and what is false can be said to be true.

Gu Wanniang breathed a sigh of relief, and asked curiously: "Have you met the emperor in the palace? Is the emperor very strict?" Although Gu Wanniang is an ordinary woman, the awe and curiosity of ordinary people towards the emperor are similar.

"The emperor is not strict at all." An Ran shook her head and said in a pleasant way, "The emperor is very kind. When my daughter first called him the emperor, he was not happy and asked me to call him the emperor father just like your highness. He also came with us to the Taiyuan Palace." I watched me serve tea in the harem, and then we went to have lunch together in Concubine Hui's palace."

Gu Wanniang thought, since even the emperor treats her well, her daughter should have nothing to worry about at her husband's house.The royal family is not like ordinary families, and the daughter-in-law does not need to set up rules to serve the mother-in-law every day. The daughter only needs to enter the palace on the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year to greet her. This is better than ordinary families.The implication is that Gu Wanniang does not actually agree with her daughter marrying into the royal family, she just thinks that King Ping has affection for her daughter, and her daughter is willing and cannot refuse.

Gu Wanniang felt joyful and relieved when she thought that her daughter had finally come to the end of all hardships and was indeed living well.Just thinking of her deceased husband, she couldn't help sighing: "If your father knows under the spring, he will be very happy to know that you married such a good husband. He has always loved you so much... By the way, remember later Go and offer incense sticks to your father."

An Ran looked at her mother so dejected, and really wanted to tell her that my father was actually still alive, but for the safety of my father, and for the future happiness of my parents, she endured it.

At the end of Shenshi, Yang Yan sent someone to remind him that it was time to go back.An Ran bid farewell to her mother, sister-in-law and cousin.

Yang Yan and An Ran boarded an ordinary carriage outside the Chuihua Gate, and Ling Yun led a few people to quietly go out through the side door, taking a detour back to the palace, and asked Dugu Kai to lead someone to drive the princess, who represents the identity of the Ping Palace, back the same way. Go to the palace.

On the carriage, An Ran talked about his cousin Wei Xiuqin, and said to Yang Yan: "Brother, my cousin is a good girl, she is beautiful, and she comes from a scholarly family, do you have someone suitable?"

Yang Yan said with a smile: "Many of my subordinates are still bachelors! It's just that most of them are not from high backgrounds, and their current official positions are also low. However, the future should be good."

An Ran smiled and nodded and said: "It's okay if you don't have a high background or a low official position. Cousin shouldn't be the kind of person with shallow eyes. It's just that the soldiers are too dangerous now, and I don't know what my cousin and uncle think. I am Forgot to ask this. How about asking my cousin to come back in two days to ask? Ah, why don’t I post a post asking my cousin to come to the Palace the day after tomorrow!”

Yang Yan said: "It's better to invite my cousin to come to the palace."

Not long after Yang Yan returned to the palace with An Ran, he got the news that the princess's car driven by Dugu Kai was assassinated shortly after leaving Zhao's house, and the two rounds of arrow rain left the carriage riddled with holes.Fortunately, Dugu Kai was on guard and didn't have to defend the carriage desperately. Although some people were injured, they were not fatal.

Hearing this, An Ran couldn't help being afraid for a while.

Yang Yan put his arms around her, stroked her back lightly, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

An Ran nodded in front of his chest, then raised her head to look at him, her eyes were slightly moist.She said: "Brother, as long as I think about how many times you have been assassinated like this every year for more than ten years, I feel scared." If my brother couldn't escape, wouldn't they...

Yang Yan touched her face and said: "Don't be afraid, brother is not something they can hurt. You see, this time and last time, brother is fine. It's just taking this opportunity to make the emperor hate them even more. It's a pity They pretend to be smart, and they can't even think of that."

An Ran frowned and said: "Why don't they understand that assassinating you again and again will make the emperor feel disgusted? They just can't think of an upright way to deal with you, they can only use these plots to assassinate you, just want to do it once and for all. Moreover, you always give them a bad They are naturally not reconciled to the illusion that they are about to succeed at one point, and they always think that they will succeed next time, and it will be useless for the father to be angry when the time comes, so they will get deeper and deeper."

"It's still you who understand me." Yang Yan held An Ran's waist, lowered his head and pressed her forehead against her forehead, with a somewhat smug smile.

Showing weakness to the enemy can not only lure the elder brother and the second brother to make mistakes, but also win the sympathy of the father.In terms of other ministers, why was King Ping assassinated frequently?Isn't it because of his outstanding ability and integrity that the first prince and the second prince feel threatened and feel ashamed?Even the first prince and the second prince knew that they were inferior to the third prince. Does anyone need to talk about the third prince's talents?In this way, the impression that the third prince was the most talented and virtuous among the princes was quietly engraved in the hearts of the courtiers and the emperor.

After dinner, Yang Yan called Dugu Kai and asked him to count and report all the low-ranking officers in the general who had not yet married.

Dugu Kai asked suspiciously: "What? The prince wants to help us marry a wife? Or Miss Jing?"

Yang Yan said solemnly: "My concubine has a cousin who was married twice when she was in her hometown, but the groom had accidents before the marriage. The villagers were ignorant, so they rumored that she was destined for Kefu, so they wanted to find someone in Chang'an. You I know that this king does not believe in this. My fate is up to me! How can I be influenced by a fate? However, you still have to make it clear to people that if you believe in this, you don’t need to report your name.”

Dugu Kai hesitated for a moment, then asked again: "Wangfei's cousin, but the girl Wei whom I met at Zhao's house today?" Of course, he must pay close attention to the safety of the prince and concubine.

When Yang Yan heard it, he couldn't help but gave him a meaningful look: "Yes, that girl. She is the daughter of the concubine's uncle, and she is also a girl from a scholarly family. The group of big men in the military service took advantage of them. Why? ?What's your opinion?"

(End of this chapter)

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