The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 305 Killing Father and Enemy

Chapter 305 Killing Father and Enemy (3)
But in Guozijian, the sound of the Sui Dynasty is naturally a hot topic at present.Although Anqi used to be low-key, he was very popular with people, and he had an inseparable relationship with Wang Jinwen, so he naturally had a certain degree of popularity.Later, when everyone saw that he had become the chief bookkeeper of Prince Ping's Mansion and one of the chief editors of Great Sui Zhiyin, they respected him even more.Many Guozijian students even showed him their works, asked him for advice, and hoped to show their faces on the Voice of the Sui Dynasty.

An Qi has inherited Zhao Shihua's smooth communication skills, and he is gentle and patient with any classmates. He registers and accepts all the manuscripts, and takes them back to read them carefully with Yu Wenyao, Yuan Yitao and Wang Jinwen, and keep the useful ones. If it cannot be used, state the reason and send it back, with a tactful and sincere tone.Therefore, those who were retained were happy, and those who were rejected were also very happy to see the opinions and seal of the editorial department of Tai Sui Zhiyin.

When he came to Guozijian last year, He Zhiyan, known as Luzhou's number one talented scholar, was also in Guozijian.He was more excited than the others after watching the Voice of the Sui Dynasty, and he also submitted his poems for submission.An Qi really didn't want to see He Zhiyan, but for the sake of His Highness Prince Ping, he could only hide his jealousy and dislike for He Zhiyan, and treat him equally.

It has to be said that He Zhiyan still has intelligence and intelligence, especially in poetry and songs.After preliminary screening by An Qi and Wang Jinwen, among all the manuscripts, He Zhiyan was the one with the best poetry.

An Qi didn't want to see He Zhiyan, so he asked Wang Jinwen to deliver the draft notice.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Jinwen came to He Zhiyan's classroom, he happened to hear him bragging to others: "Don't you believe me, I have really seen the words of that real Yunmeng, I'm sure it's her! She is not very Taoist What! She is actually a..."

Before He Zhiyan could say the word "woman", he was called out by the dark-faced Wang Jinwen.

In the evening, someone discovered that He Zhiyan had been beaten to death and thrown into the sewage ditch outside the bathhouse...

He Zhiyan was studying at the Imperial Academy in the capital, under the care of He Ying, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, who was the third rank of his uncle.He Minglang's third uncle has already served in Honglu Temple, and now he has a son, He Sen, who is serving as the Yousi Chancellor in Dali Temple, a fifth rank.Now the He family's officials in Beijing are just the two of them, so they naturally have close contacts. Hearing that He Zhiyan was beaten to death in the Imperial College, the two rushed back immediately.

After listening to He Zhiyan's entourage, the two vaguely realized that this matter was not simple. You must know that it is impossible for ordinary people to beat people like this in the Imperial College without being discovered.They all wondered if He Zhiyan had offended some great nobleman in the Imperial College, and worried that if He Zhiyan really had something wrong, he would not be able to explain it to his parents, so they hurriedly wrote back to their hometown Jiangyang, and at the same time wrote to He Minglang in Yongchang Mansion.

But Cui Yi left the capital and ran straight to Jinzhou.

He was indeed the one who brought people dressed as robbers to rob and kill Zhao Shihua.Speaking of Zhao Shihua, he was just a small person, but the Lu family was rejected by the emperor because of his affairs, and seven or eight officials of the Lu family were dismissed and investigated at one go. The son of Shanglu's family was killed when he was passing through Jinzhou on his way back to Beijing, and all these blames were placed on Zhao Shihua.

In fact, Kang Wang's family knew that these things were mainly done by the second prince and members of the Li family. Zhao Shihua was just a trigger, but the struggle between the second prince and the Li family could not be put on the table at all.Therefore, Zhao Shihua, who at that time could barely be regarded as a small figure in the line of the second prince, was ordered to kill him.

Back then, Cui Yi personally led people to kill Zhao Shihua, and it was he who sent people to make things difficult for the Zhao family.It was also for this reason that Cui Yi went to Jinzhou to investigate with such a glimmer of hope.Is it possible that Zhao Shihua was not dead?

Back then, they pretended to be robbers and robbed and killed Zhao Shihua who was following the caravan. Generally speaking, they were quite successful.The only variable is Zhao Shihua himself.

Zhao Shihua has been a farmer for nearly ten years. Naturally, he is not the kind of weak scholar. He is very good at running, and sometimes he can grab something to resist a half-movement.In the end, he was injured and fell into the Daning River and was washed away by the water. They did not find the body.

But Cui Yi's purpose was to kill Zhao Shihua, if he didn't see anyone alive or dead, how could he report to the higher authorities?So, under Cui Yi's suggestion, they found a corpse similar to Zhao Shihua's figure among the merchant guards who were traveling with them, found Zhao Shihua's baggage from the carriage, and changed the corpse into Zhao Shihua's clothes.After the wild dogs bit him, they put his identity documents into the arms of the corpse.Therefore, Zhao Shihua was definitely "dead"!

In fact, Cui Yi sent people to search for two or three days on both sides of the Daning River.At that time, he felt that Zhao Shihua himself was injured and the river was cold, so Zhao Shihua would definitely die if he fell into the river!But now he really hopes that Zhao Shihua is not dead...

Cui Yi sat alone in the woods where he killed people, remembering how dazzling and charming she was when he saw An Ran here for the first time.If he had known earlier that he would meet that girl, perhaps he would not have picked up the First Prince's Fei Yuwei back then.

Cui Yi thought about what that girl said, what did he do with Kang Wang in the past ten years?Sending spies to find out all kinds of news, coercing and luring the central and local officials, plotting to assassinate the second and third princes... Does what he does really make sense?Could it be that Cui Yi will be such a despicable and shameless villain in the history books in the future?

If Zhao Shihua didn't die, would the little girl forgive him?
If Zhao Shihua is really dead, what should he do?
Not long after, the second issue of The Voice of Sui came out.

As usual, Yang Yan sent the hardcover edition just printed to the palace for His Majesty the Emperor to review on the first day.

There is an article in this issue that makes Yang Hao very excited. It is "My Father" written by Yang Yan.The father emperor described by Yang Yan is wise and wise, diligent in government and loving the people, not fond of women, not greedy for enjoyment, and not fond of great achievements.Yang Yan did not use many gorgeous words to praise Emperor Qifeng positively, he only wrote from some small things:

"While many people are still immersed in sweet dreams, my royal father has already started to go to court..."

"After the imperial court is over, it is often the end of the hour or even the middle of the hour. At this time, the father returns to the Qinzheng Palace for breakfast. I have advised the father several times to eat something early to pad his stomach, otherwise it will affect his health. However, my father said that the emperors of all dynasties only had breakfast after they dispersed, not to mention that the civil and military ministers of the Manchu dynasty all went to the court hungry, so as the emperor, he naturally had to lead by example..."

(End of this chapter)

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