The lady escaped marriage and became addicted

Chapter 120 The prince's heart, the best mother-in-law

Chapter 120 The prince's heart, the best mother-in-law (3)
Both Qian Ying's nanny and the girl thought that Mrs. Wang was deliberately trying to harm her own girl, but Qian Ying didn't believe it and reprimanded both the nanny and the girl.

That night, when she went to pay her respects to Mrs. Wang, she was hesitant to ask her mother-in-law if she forgot something, but she couldn't open her mouth.But she didn't want Mrs. Wang to take the initiative to ask her how An Shu's dowry was prepared. Qian Ying was about to talk about her difficulties when Mrs. Wang suddenly patted her forehead and said with a look of sudden memory: "Yeah, you Look at Mother's memory. Mother said that she would give you all the private server money she had saved over the years, but she forgot. You are honest and sincere. If Mother forgot, you should remind Mother. Good boy, these Did God make you anxious? Wait a minute, mother will go get it now!"

After a while, Mrs. Wang came back with the money she had saved.

It looked like a big bag, but it was tightly wrapped with a piece of blue floral cloth.Mrs. Wang carefully placed this burden in Qian Ying's arms, and said sadly: "This is all my mother's savings over the years, you don't have to save it, you can spend it as you like."

Qian Ying didn't expect it to be so heavy, how could she hold it?It was the nanny who came forward to pick her up in time so she didn't fall down.

"Okay, it's getting late, you should go back and rest too! You've been exhausted these days, mother doesn't feel bad, our brother Nan will feel bad too. Hehe!" Mrs. Wang gave the money and sent it away Ying went back.

"Mother, how could you make fun of your wife like this?" Qian Ying hadn't consummated the marriage with Annan yet, she was thin-skinned, she blushed when she said that, stomped her feet and ran out.

However, when she returned to the room to unpack the package, she was stunned.

The burden is very heavy, and it is full of money, but there are only more than 20 taels of silver in it, and the rest are copper coins, and the total amount is less than 50 taels of silver...

Qian Ying didn't know what to do, she was so anxious that she was about to cry.

The nanny knew at a glance that Mrs. Wang was plotting against her daughter, and asked Qian Ying to go to Mrs. Wang immediately to clarify.Giving 150 taels of silver, just want their girl to conjure up a dowry of more than 300 taels, which is too black-hearted.She has lived for decades, and she has never seen a mother-in-law who calculates her daughter-in-law's dowry like this!

"But, Mother has already said, this is all her savings, where can I get the money?"

"Should I sell those things I bought? At least I can get some money back."

Qian Ying shook her head. She bought them all and put them at the second uncle's place. How could she have the nerve to sell them again?
Wang was afraid that Qian Ying would hate her because of this, so she always acted like she didn't know the price, and often asked her: "I heard that everything in the county is expensive, and I don't know if the money is enough. But mother is useless. All these years , I managed to save such a little money... If the money is not enough, you can ask your second aunt to go, and now she is in charge of the house, and it is said that the girl in the family is married, and the dowry should also be paid by her."

Qian Ying knew about the Zhao family's situation.Everything in the Zhao family is now earned by the second uncle, who is generous and raises the whole family together.It can't be said that the second uncle is generous, they can have the cheek to ask the second uncle and aunt for money!For the first time, Qian Ying disagreed with her mother-in-law's words.Listening to her mother-in-law, why does she think her mother-in-law is so shameless?

The next day, Qian Ying inquired about Gu Wanniang's intentions from the side, and knew that the family's expenses were high, and the second uncle refused to accept the land from the elders, so the family really didn't have any extra money for the elder sister's dowry.Therefore, she is not ashamed to mention her own affairs.

In the end, this dumb loss was swallowed by Qian Ying herself.

But he said that since the emperor saw Zhao Shihua's test paper, he had taken a fancy to him, and suddenly issued a secret order to have someone investigate Zhao Shihua's details.

Near the end of the year, Yang Hao got the results of the investigation.Seeing Zhao Shihua's refusal to accept land from landlords and squires, he couldn't help but feel moved and appreciated.

Since the establishment of the imperial examination system, in order to encourage children from poor families to study and take the scientific examination, there has been a policy of no taxation for the candidates.The imperial court originally thought that it would not be easy for children from poor families to study, and it often took all the strength of the whole family to support a scholar, and worried that they would not even have the money to go to Beijing to catch up with the exam, so this decree came into being.

Unexpectedly, once those poor children stand up and pass the exam, they will wantonly accept the land from the gentry, make profits from it, and put the court's taxes into their own pockets.Over the past few decades, the country's fertile land has become less and less, and taxes have naturally declined.If it weren't for the rapid development of commerce, the revenue from commercial taxes has increased year by year, and the imperial court has to build a river embankment, and there will be no money for disaster relief in disaster years.

In contrast, although this Zhao Shihua also accepted Toutian, he was extremely measured and always kept the national interest at heart.Yang Hao became more and more curious and valued this person, which was the first time in Yang Hao's nearly 20 years of emperor career.He actually paid attention to a Juren who was born in the Han family, fearing that no one would believe him.No one knew what was going on in Yang Hao's mind. He felt that this Zhao Shihua had to be trained, maybe he was a prime minister...

Because the new county magistrate had to report to the Yamen before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhao Shihua returned to the county with his family and Annan on the twelfth day.Qian Ying also came to the county in the name of buying a dowry for her sister and lived with An Ran.

After Gu Wanniang knew that the Wang family had entrusted Qian Ying with purchasing the dowry, she inadvertently sighed: "Your second uncle refuses to accept other people's land, and the family is really not well-off now. The second aunt has no choice. I just collected 300 taels of silver for your mother, but I don’t know if it’s enough. In fact, I know the Xu family is rich. Even if we buy your sister a dowry of 1000 taels of silver, it won’t be enough when we get to the Xu family. But no matter what Said, Sister Shu is always the first daughter of our Zhao family to get married, we can't be wronged, we have to do our best to be worthy of her. Alas, if it was not the Xu family that was chosen, but the poor scholar Son, the dowry of 300 taels of silver is already very generous..."

Qian Ying wanted to cry when she heard this, and only then did she realize that she was really being tricked by her mother-in-law.

On the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, the new county magistrate, Lord Lu, arrived.

Zhao Shihua, as the Juren of Hejiang County and the master of the former county magistrate, naturally wanted to greet him.

Mr. Lu's name is Jian, and his style name is Chenxing. He looks like 27. He has no family members, but only four beautiful maids.It is said that Mr. Lu was born in one of the eight great families of the Sui Dynasty, the Lu family. He became an official through recommendation and did not take the imperial examination.

(End of this chapter)

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