Chapter 582 Zhou Yang's Versailles Bible!

Looking at the smoke in front of his eyes, Lu Ziang smiled slightly.

"It seems that they are planning to enter the safe zone from us." Liu Qiangdong said beside him.

"Yes." Lu Ziang nodded, "This time they are not as lucky as last time.

This time, without that woman to give them a good idea and carry a burden, they don't even think about breaking through our block. "

While talking, Lu Ziang and the others were also ready to mount their guns, just waiting for Zhou Yang and the others to start running poison.


"The poisonous circle has begun to shrink, Ye Shen and the others have to run away!" Haruko looked at the OB screen and explained in a tone as if she was actually there.

"Ye Shen and the others lost a lot of smoke, but the AG team has been preparing for a long time, and obviously they don't intend to let the King's Landing team easily run into the poison circle!"

After Xiao Hei's voice fell.

It's too late to say.

Zhou Yang, who lost enough smoke, planned to use the cover of thick white mist to enter the safe zone, because the poison circle was about to shrink.

"Get ready to run poison, fill up your drink." While talking, Zhou Yang drank a bottle of painkillers and energy drinks on his own.

After several people filled up their drinks, and greeted them, Zhou Yang also rushed out of the warehouse in an instant.

Almost the moment he rushed out, the four members of the AG team who had been staring at this place frantically pulled the triggers of their guns.

Even though Zhou Yang was very surprised, he was still shot, the character screamed, and his blood volume dropped a little.


Many of Zhou Yang's fans at the scene also became nervous. Don't look at them, they would shout "kill the night god and grab the lotus leaf" or something.

But when the critical moment came, I was still very worried about Zhou Yang!
"No way, Night God shouldn't be able to fall down here, right?"

"Yeshen's domestic competition is submissive and passively beaten, and in the world competition, the gods block and kill the gods, and strike hard!"

"Ye Shen can no longer keep a low profile, it's time to show his true strength!"

"No matter what, you have to get the World Championship tickets first!"

"Originally, Lu Ziang is enough to be a stinky fart. If he is allowed to eliminate Ye Shen, it is estimated that this kid will look at people with his nostrils in the future."


Chen Yuan was also very worried, the little girl was afraid that her good brother would be eliminated halfway.

In addition, the same is true for the lotus leaves in the background.

She cared about her man, and the fingers holding the microphone were too hard, causing the knuckles to turn white.

In the corner of the auditorium, there was a person who seemed a bit out of place with the cheers on the scene.

This person was wearing a peaked cap, which covered most of his face, but his eyes were fixed on the OB screen, showing a trace of nervousness.


"Night God was shot!"

Haruko in the commentary seat saw this scene and immediately yelled, "But it's not a big problem, Ye Shen has already rushed into the smoke that was laid just now, and the AG team can't see it inside!"

As soon as her words fell, Xiao Hei also answered, "Ye Shen and the others didn't rush over in one go, but entered the smoke range, and after they were safe, they chose to continue throwing the smoke forward.

Although the speed of entering the circle is a little slower, it is very safe! "


Relying on such operations, Zhou Yang and the others slowly moved forward bit by bit.

Although the AG team kept shooting and was able to hit indiscriminately, it was not fatal at all and was not knocked down.

"My God, how many smokes did Ye Shen and the others pick up?"

Looking at the smoky scene in the OB screen, Haruko exclaimed again.

"I just counted it in my head, and from what I saw, Ye Shen lost about seven smoke bombs by himself!" Xiao Hei echoed.

"Ye Shen brought so many smoke bombs, which means that he must have very few bullets." Haruko couldn't help but said,

"Don't forget, Ye Shen has a classic Versailles Bible." Xiao Hei said with a smile.


Every professional player and every professional team has a Bible. For example, why don’t you in the League of Legends next door open your big game!
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds also has similar biblical speeches, the most classic of which is the sentence that Zhou Yang said in an interview before.

That was what Zhou Yang said when he was interviewed by Angela during the group stage of the S3 World Championship.

At first, it was Angela who asked Zhou Yang why he only brought a small amount of ammunition during the game, and Zhou Yang answered in this way.

"In fact, as long as the gun is accurate and only hits the head, five bullets can kill a person.

Although there are as many as 100 people in the competition, you can't meet them all, so as long as your marksmanship is accurate, you don't need to bring too many ammunition, one hundred rounds is enough! "

It was such an answer, Zhou Yang's confidence in his debut at the World Championships, coupled with his super good looks, that made Angela, the dedicated host of the World Championships, instantly fall in love with him.

He even kept saying that for the sake of the friendship between the players in the two major regions, I voluntarily married Ye Shen.

In fact, Zhou Yang was also quite depressed. He knew that this would happen. When he was interviewed, he didn't pretend to be arrogant. He just kept a low profile.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world, so Zhou Yang also has a very headache when facing Angela with golden waves.


the other side.

There is the AG team.

Seeing that Zhou Yang and the others were about to rely on this stupid method to safely enter the safe zone, Lu Ziang also became a little anxious.

He set up the M24 and stared straight ahead.

It's a pity that in the magnification mirror, the sight is blocked by the thick white mist, and the people inside can't be seen clearly at all.

So he can only pass the edge of the smoke and see if he can find opportunities from where the smoke is thinner.

Lu Ziang was very serious, without blinking his eyes.

At this time, Zhou Yang and the others were already very close to the safe zone, and the poison circle was about to catch up.

"Not to mention, although Ye Shen and the others' method is a stupid method, as long as they can safely enter the safe zone, it is a good method!
Of course, this was the only way Ye Shen could use such a method of consuming smoke bombs.

If it was another team, it is estimated that there would not be so many smoke bombs at all.

After all, only Ye Shen has the confidence to carry only a hundred rounds of ammunition in his backpack. "

In the commentary seat, Haruko said with a smile.

"Don't be so full of words, it would be bad if something goes wrong at the last minute." Xiao Hei slightly teased, and by the way, enlivened the explanation and the atmosphere of the scene.

"Don't worry, it's only a few steps away, there is a reverse slope not far in front of Ye Shen and the others.

As long as they enter the safe zone and move quickly, the AG team will have nothing to do with them in a short time. "

Just as Qingzi was saying this, in the OB screen, Lu Ziang suddenly shot!


(End of this chapter)

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