Five consecutive draws at the beginning, I created a triple crown dynasty!

Chapter 514 No. 1 in the Asian server, a high-tech player!

Chapter 514 First in Asian server, high-tech player!

No matter how well a person does, there will always be black fans.

Just like Morrison's live broadcast room at this time, many people took the opportunity to send barrage in an attempt to disgust him.

Compared with Morrison, Zhou Yang's barrage immediately erupted like a volcano after the fast, precise and ruthless shot!

"666, as expected of Ye Shen, even Lao Mo is no match for him!"

"To be honest, Lao Mo is still old after all!"

"The era belonging to Morrison has passed, and now is the era belonging to Night God!"

"But this is not the World Championship after all. I hope that Night God can also defeat Morrison in the World Championship!"


Seeing that many people excitedly began to buy presents, Zhou Yang also signaled them to spend rationally.

Wei Wei waited for a while, and after making sure that no one was coveting the airdrop, Zhou Yang decisively took the contents of the airdrop into his pocket.

After Zhou Yang picked up the airdrop, he instantly had an AWM on his body, which can be said to be the most powerful sniper rifle in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

With the three-level suit in the airdrop and an AWM, Zhou Yang didn't care what was in Morrison's box.

With AWM in hand, he just wants to find someone to kill him now!

Time passed minute by minute.

Although this was a high-end round, as the scope of activities in the safe zone became smaller and smaller, the number of people in the upper right corner kept decreasing.

And Zhou Yang seemed to be possessed by the god of death, as soon as the AWM sounded in his hand, someone would definitely be killed by a headshot.


"Fuck, AWM is indeed the strongest sniper rifle, it's really terrifying!!!"

"Let me tell you the truth, it's not enough for Ye Shen to operate with hands, you have to have a keyboard and a computer!"

"Ye Shen has fired a total of six shots since he took the AWM, and ended up taking six kills. Is it really a child with one shot?"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for Ye Shen, I would have definitely thought it was a cheat when I saw it, so I'll report it first!"


Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Chen Yuan also came up beside him, "Brother, your marksmanship is so good, can you teach me?"

"No!" Zhou Yang shook his head decisively and refused.

Are you kidding, what level do you have, don't you have ABCD numbers in mind, and let me teach you?

What do I teach?By mouth?


"Because you're so good!" Facing Chen Yuan's question, Zhou Yang said straightforwardly.

"Brother, how many times have I told you that I'm not good at cooking, I'm just so good that it's not obvious!" Of course, Chen Yuan would not admit that he was good at cooking, and clamored to learn skills together in a double row.


Zhou Yang refused again, what a joke, double rowing with this little girl is equivalent to carrying a time bomb with him!
Just when Zhou Yang rejected his little princess without hesitation.


A crazy swiping kill suddenly appeared in the upper right corner!

"+Q78454248 used M416 headshot to kill DOUYU, 77658..."


"+Q78454248 used M416 headshot to kill HUYA, 26578..."


"+Q78454248 used M416 headshot to kill QIE, 336485..."


"+Q78454248 used M416 headshot to kill..."


This crazy scene made the people in the live broadcast instantly boil.

"Fuck, isn't this a proper fairy?"

"What god? This is a high-tech user!"

"Can you stop slandering others, isn't it just a few headshots? If you play well, you just hang up?"

"Isn't this the guy with the number one name in the Asian server? His name seems to be promoting his cheating group?"

"Is the matter of gamers called hacking? This is clearly proof that our country's technology is ahead of other countries, okay?"

"It's broken. Although Ye Shen killed Lao Mo, he will still be sanctioned by the power of technology!"

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Zhou Yang was also very puzzled.

Because he helped Nie Xiaoyu design a very perfect anti-cheating system, and he even updated it once.

In return, Nie Xiaoyu specially applied for an anti-cheat commemorative skin for him, but Zhou Yang gave it to Chen Yuan as a birthday present.

Since then, cheating has rarely appeared, or it is still lingering, but after all, it is not as rampant as before.

But now, why did cheating suddenly start to be so unscrupulous again?

Relying on the number of family members?

And most importantly, since someone can still open and cheat, it means that the anti-cheating system that I helped design for Nie Xiaoyu must have a problem again.

But the problem is, as long as the original code is not leaked, this kind of problem should not occur.

Just as Zhou Yang was thinking, he saw a figure flash past in front of him and fired two shots at his position.
"Whether this person is a cheater or not, let's put it aside for the time being. The most urgent task now is to get rid of him. Regardless of whether the opponent is a cheater or not, as long as he is an enemy, the only way to choose is to win him."

While talking, Zhou Yang showed a confident smile.

So what if it's really a plug-in?

It's not that I don't have the experience of Zhu Xian.

With this in mind, Zhou Yang hurriedly found a bunker and hid himself.

Although the cheat is very strong, it is not invincible. If you find the right opportunity, you can still kill it with a headshot!
And the other party obviously knew Zhou Yang's location a long time ago, and after shooting provocatively, he also hid behind the bunker.

In the final analysis, cheating is human control after all, as long as it is human control, there will be mistakes, so Zhou Yang is not in a hurry.

And the other party was also more cautious, especially after seeing the AWM on Zhou Yang's body, he became even more cautious.

Because just now he saw the horror of this AWM through the upper right corner, not ten people died under the AWM, but five!

This made him subconsciously think whether he would meet his peers, so he subconsciously became careful.


At this time, there is a relatively flat lawn between the two, without too many obstacles, and the respective bunkers of the two sides are just a thicker tree.

Zhou Yang, who didn't know whether the other party was really strong or a technology player, also had a testing mentality, so he slipped a little bit by manipulating the character.


As a result, just as Zhou Yang poked his head out from behind the tree, a 98K gunshot rang out in his ears.

next second.

Zhou Yang heard the character he manipulated let out a scream because of being shot, and the blood volume that was originally full dropped a lot in an instant!

And the third-level head picked up from the airdrop lost more than half of its durability under this shot, and it turned red!

Fortunately, it is a third-level head. If it was a second-level head, it would have become a box now.

If Zhou Yang was still thinking about whether the Asian server No. 1 that this fan said was really capable or a technological player, then this shot basically allowed him to confirm it.


(End of this chapter)

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