The Almighty Queen's Online Cultivation

Chapter 335 [335] Tracing back

Chapter 335 [335] Tracing back (two more)

When Yan Jinghong rushed to grandpa and grandma's house, Grandma Fang was unconscious, and her brows were tightly frowned, as if trapped by some nightmare.

"What's wrong with grandma?" Yan Jinghong was originally in a happy mood, but seeing this scene, his heart sank.

Mr. Fang also frowned, "Your grandma and I were having dinner, and she suddenly said that she seemed to have sensed something. I was very happy at first, but it didn't take long for your grandma to pass out, and she hasn't woken up until now. .”

"Are there any other abnormalities? Have you consulted a doctor?" Yan Jinghong was also confused about this situation.

"The doctor has already seen him and said he is asleep, but he can't wake up no matter how much he screams. The situation is very wrong." Mr. Fang called the doctor immediately. After all, when the first few people woke up, no one was unconscious. Awake.

"As for the abnormality, I can feel a very chaotic aura around your grandma. It really looks like when the spiritual source is awakened." It is precisely because of this that Mr. Fang found Yan Jinghong and came back immediately.

Yan Jinghong felt it quietly, and had the same feeling and judgment as Mr. Fang. Grandma should be awakening the spiritual source, but for some reason, she would be in a coma.

"The spiritual source of grandma's awakening may be quite special." Yan Jinghong can only make such a guess, "Let's wait a little longer, grandma will be fine."

"Alas!" Old Master Fang sighed very worriedly.

The two families of Yanfang arrived one after another, and they stayed outside the house together, waiting for Mrs. Fang who was awakening, and they waited for a whole night, which was very difficult for the two families of Yanfang In the end, even Gu Yinglai, who was far away in the far north, rushed back in a hurry.

"Ah, grandma is awake!" Yan Jinghong kept guarding grandma for a moment, until finally she woke up.

The first time Mrs. Fang woke up, her eyes were not blank, but a trace of panic!

"Jinghong! I, I..." Mrs. Fang saw that Yan Jinghong was by her side, and held her hand tightly, calling Yan Jinghong's name in a very urgent tone, as if she had a thousand words Want to speak up.

"Grandma, I'm here, what's the matter with you, don't worry, talk slowly if you have something to say." Yan Jinghong touched grandma's hand comfortingly, with a hint of spiritual power in his gentle tone.

Mrs. Fang was still very anxious, "Jinghong, I saw it, I saw a lot."

"What did you see?" Yan Jinghong guided patiently.

Mrs. Fang calmed down a little in this familiar voice, and let out a breath slowly, "I saw the space crack, and you were taken away by the space crack at that time."

"At that time? When I traveled through?" It turned out that it was really a space crack, and she had guessed it a long time ago.

"Well, time and space are changing, the way of heaven is unstable, the world is about to change, and you are a chess piece that bears the opportunity in this change." Mrs. Fang's voice is a little heavy, and there seems to be an inexplicable feeling Charm, "But no one can manipulate your unexpected chess piece, only you can choose the future path."

"So what is the spiritual source of your awakening? Do you know the secret of heaven?" Yan Jinghong asked with some emotion, every word of grandma seemed to confirm her guess.

"My spiritual origin is called Traceability, which means tracing back to the source. It's not that I can know the secrets of heaven, but that I can deduce the future from some subtle points, and the accuracy rate is extremely high." Mrs. Fang herself did not expect that, It turned out to be such a special spiritual source.

Yan Jinghong's eyes lit up, and he asked with great anticipation: "Then can you see the future?"

But when she heard such a question, Mrs. Fang's face changed, and she returned to the anxious look just now, "The way of heaven is unstable, and a catastrophe is coming, we have to be prepared!"

"A catastrophe is approaching? How is this possible? Shouldn't it be the arrival of a new world?" Yan Jinghong asked in amazement, this was not what she had expected!
"Drought and floods, torrential rains and tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes... I saw a lot." Mrs. Fang's voice was full of vicissitudes of powerlessness, "But I can't do anything."

Yan Jinghong hugged her grandmother, "Grandma, don't think so, the prophet is not a mistake, you can't feel guilty about it!"

"I know, I know everything." When Mrs. Fang said she knew, she shook her head slowly, obviously still feeling very uncomfortable.

But this kind of discomfort is also understandable, after all, no matter who knows all this, it will not be easy.

"Jinghong, the new world you mentioned will come, but any new things need to be conceived during the period of labor pains, and we can't change this law." It is precisely because we can't change that we feel sad.

"Even if it can't be changed, we have to prepare as much as possible." Yan Jinghong said firmly after hearing her grandmother's explanation.

Since her expectations are good, no matter how many difficulties there are, she has to persevere!
At this time, the rest of the people also entered the bedroom, but there were too many people, and most of them were still standing at the door.

Yan Jinghong explained to everyone: "Grandma has successfully awakened the spiritual source, and the spiritual source is very special, let grandma rest for a while, we will talk outside later."

About half an hour later, Yan Jinghong helped his grandmother to the hall, and everyone was anxiously waiting.

"Grandma's spiritual source is tracing back, which means tracing back to the source. Its function is probably..." Yan Jinghong introduced the role of spiritual source to everyone instead of grandma, and Mrs. Fang would also add a few sentences appropriately during the period.

After about ten minutes, the faces of the whole family became serious.

"Ah Zhen, can you confirm the time and place of these disasters?" Mr. Fang asked seriously.

Mrs. Fang shook her head, and said with disappointment: "The time is very recent, the location is very vague, and the details are not very clear."

"Then all we can do now is to prepare supplies and wait for the battle!" Mr. Fang looked at everyone, "Since the big guys are here, they all come up with ideas. Since we know about this, we can't pretend we don't know !"

Yan Jinghong affirmed: "Of course we will do our part, but it is the country that can make comprehensive arrangements for this kind of thing."

In the face of a huge disaster, only the country can respond in time and make the most effective control. The power of any individual is small.

Grandpa Yan also agreed: "Jinghong, please contact your Grandpa Qu and let him get ready!"

"Okay, I'll contact Grandpa Qu right now!"


(End of this chapter)

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