Chapter 575 What a fate!

King Bei'an was not reconciled, but he had to be reconciled, the suffocation made him go crazy!
Staring at Xia Xinxin, she said viciously, "Alright, alright, alright, Chen Lanxin, I wish you and the Prince Regent will grow old together, have a son early, and have a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

I want to marry the Prince Regent, huh...

That will never be easy!
If he could marry the Prince Regent casually, the Emperor's uncle wouldn't be without a princess by now!

He waited for her to be teased and abandoned by the emperor's uncle, and then come back to beg himself with tears of repentance!

At that time, let alone a flat wife, he won't even want to be a concubine!

King Beian thought fiercely, his face was full of veins.

Xia Xinxin seemed to be unable to see his anger, and said with a smile, "Brother Chenglin, thank you for your blessing."

King's Landing...

Can't she hear the irony he said!

He wanted to utter a harsh word, but Xia Xinxin saw the figure of the regent over there, stood up abruptly, and called delicately, "My lord..."

Then the flowers and butterflies swooped over.

King Bei'an...

King Pingyang...

The daughter really wants to change after seeing a different person, so she won't fall in love with her anymore!

good very good!Hahaha……

Beian Wang's handsome face turned green and turned into a smoldering mess.

He was so angry that he wanted to kill these two dogs and men, but the reality was that he still had to prepare a feast for them!
Far away, Jun Zhihan saw Xia Xinxin rushing towards him, his eyes twitched.

He is here, and he won't run away again, what is she doing running so fast!
Can you still look like a little girl!
She was slandering in her heart, but the corners of her lips were slightly hooked, and there was a nice smile on her face.

Just standing tall and tall under the flower tree, waiting for the little girl to rush over.

Xia Xinxin jumped over, and said with a smile, "My lord, we meet again, it's really destined!"

"Well, if you say yes, there will be."

Jun Zhihan smiled, and took her for a stroll in the garden.

Princess Bei'an looked at the two of them from a distance, and felt affection between the corners of their brows and eyes.

How long have the two known each other, why are they so close?
Is there really love at first sight in this world?

Princess Bei'an watched from afar, with mixed feelings for a while.

Princess Lanxin changed her mind, she should be happy that the prince finally doesn't have to marry another woman, but she is not very happy either.

Because it's not that the prince doesn't want to marry, but the girl doesn't want to marry.

This girl is unwilling to marry, and there are thousands of other girls, as long as the prince wants, they can still marry others.

The vows made in the beginning of the whole life, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, have long since become empty.

Her heart was already dead.

Don't expect, no expectation, no disappointment!

Princess Bei'an raised her head, looking at the sunset clouds above her head, the moist heat in her eyes was slowly suppressed.

As a princess, she didn't even have time to cry sadly. She lowered her eyes, resumed her usual demure and dignified appearance, and continued to arrange the banquet.

As the sun sets, the rays of the sunset shroud Bei'an Palace.

The palace was bustling with people coming and going.

The gongs and drums are starting to heat up, the strings are filled with strings, the clouds support the moon, the lanterns are hung high, and the colorful silks are flying.

The banquet was held in the garden, and a group of ministers had already entered the venue with their families.

There are colorful clothes and laughter everywhere.

Well, many aristocratic girls came.

A group of ministers from the border towns, those who have girls of the right age in their homes, brought them to the dinner tonight.


(End of this chapter)

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