I am super giant

Chapter 208 Champion

Chapter 208 Champion
Peja bowed her head, listlessly.If it wasn't for the consideration of image, he even planned to get up and leave.

Ray Allen's eyes became brighter and brighter, he didn't know what to think, and suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "I see, this guy definitely didn't want to shoot super long-range three-pointers on a whim, but he already had a lot of shots." training."

Just at this time, Billups turned his head and asked James: "You have always said this, what do you mean?"

"Ye Feng has always been like this. His usual three-point training is to shoot from a distance of one meter from the three-point line, and sometimes even farther."

That's right, Ray Allen's judgment was very accurate. Ye Feng didn't shoot ultra-long three-pointers on a whim, but had already undergone a lot of training.

In this world, no one's success comes easily, it is all obtained by a lot of sweat, and the same is true of Ye Feng's ultra-long three-pointer.

Mark Price, the previous record holder in the three-point contest and a star of the Cavaliers, said with a smile: "This kid no longer bothers to compare with his opponents, but challenges himself. In terms of three-pointers alone, he has He is the best, and his future achievements will definitely surpass me, even Thunder Miller and Ray Allen are not as good as him."

Yes, this is Ye Feng's idea.

He doesn't care about winning the three-point contest.

Challenging yourself and making progress is what matters.

For the fourth point, Ye Feng still made five out of five shots.

Every time he scored a goal, the fans at the scene called out the score in unison. The scene was very spectacular. The "Big Bird" Bird who won three consecutive championships did not have this kind of treatment.

After four points, Ye Feng scored 24 points, and the championship has been secured.

But the game has to go on.

At the fifth point, Ye Feng's battle continues.

The first ball, whoosh!

"25 points!"

All the fans shouted in unison, and even many people stood up from their seats.

The second ball, whoosh!

"26 points!"

There are more fans standing up!
The third ball, swish!

"27 points!"

Throughout the Staples Center, more than 2 fans stood up.

The fourth ball, swish!

"28 points!"

While shouting the score, all the fans felt their Adam's apples rise and fall, and their mouths felt a little dry.

Some nervous, some anticipation.

Because they know that they are about to witness a great record, a record that can never be broken.

Ye Feng picked up the fifth and last ball, flower ball.

The audience was silent and quiet, this was the moment when Ye Feng was alone.

The basketball flew from his hands, and then fell steadily into the hoop like the previous 24 times, stirring up white waves and making a very pleasant sound of hitting the net.

30 points, success, Ye Feng did it.

But this time, no one is counting for him, because everyone is crazy.

Fans huddled together, jumping, roaring and laughing
James and Boozer rushed onto the court with a group of NBA players, surrounded Ye Feng, lifted it above his head, and threw it again and again.

Ye Feng also smiled.

In an instant, his calm state of mind was completely shattered, and his blood rushed to his head, roaring with everyone.

This is the charm of basketball, which has a strong appeal and fascinates people.No matter how stable a person is, his blood will unknowingly warm up.

After landing, Ye Feng's emotions still did not dissipate, he beat his chest again and again, and yelled at the fans, feeling no pain at all.

The fans also yelled at Ye Feng, going crazy with excitement.

"Uncle, Ye is very calm on the surface, but he is not a calm person in his bones. He has blood hidden in his heart, but it is not easy to arouse it. Once aroused, he is more fanatical than others."

Avril Lavigne is very intimate with Ye Chengfang, and Ye Fengcheng seems to accept it calmly.

"The heart has the Tigers, fine sniffing the rose!"

Ye Chengfang nodded and said a sentence in Chinese, but Avril and the others couldn't understand it.

Gradually, Ye Feng's mood stabilized, and the fans also quieted down.

Looking at everyone, Ye Feng couldn't help raising his fist and making a fist bump.

The whole audience cooperated very much, they raised their fists at the same time, and bumped into Ye Feng from a distance.

It was only a few seconds, but the sales department of Under Armor was overjoyed. This is simply the best advertisement, the best publicity!
After that, it was the awards ceremony.

The league was ingenious and invited Mark Price to present the award to Ye Feng. This move won unanimous praise from the fans.

Mark Price is Ye Feng's previous record holder in the three-pointer contest, he is the core of the Cavaliers, and he is a legend in the league.

To receive the trophy from him has a lot of meaning.

James sat aside, feeling a little regretful.

Is it really right for me not to participate in the dunk contest?If I also participate in the slam dunk contest, will it become a good story?For example, taking over the slam dunk contest championship trophy from Carter or something.

But James is different from Ye Feng. He has a huge business team behind him, and any decision cannot be made by him alone.

In short, after the 2004 All-Star Three-pointer Contest, there will be no more three-pointer contests.

There is a saying in the media: After Carter, there will be no dunk contest; after Ye Feng, there will be no three-point contest.

Ye Feng and Carter have been mentioned above the same level.

Some people even think that Ye Feng is stronger than Carter.

Although Carter's dunk is extremely gorgeous, as time goes by, fans in the future will not remember him, and young fans may not necessarily know this person.

But no matter how many years later, people will always remember Ye Feng's record in the three-point shootout contest. He made 25 of 25 shots in two rounds, and scored a perfect score of 30 points twice, without losing any of them.

It was an unbreakable record, at least according to the rules at the time.

The slam dunk contest that followed was supposed to be the finale, but it seemed dull.

One is Carter's presence.

After he participated in a slam dunk contest, the fans would not be excited to watch any slam dunks. How can a human being be compared to a demigod?We've all seen half-human, half-god performances, who would be excited by a human performance?
One is the existence of Ye Feng.

Compared with the coquettish and eye-catching three-point contest, the slam dunk contest is too far away.

In the end, Jason Richardson of the Warriors failed to hit the three consecutive championships, and missed the opportunity like Peja.

Fred Jones from the Pacers upset and won the final championship.

In the afternoon, Ye Feng participated in the community activities organized by the alliance.

NBA teams often organize such community activities. One is to increase the positive energy of the NBA and create a good image; the other is to get in touch with fans and increase popularity.

For example, walking into the school to interact with young fans, taking care of the elderly, planting trees and so on.

Following a group of superstars, Ye Feng's popularity is obviously much lower.So Ye Feng was also very conscious and took the initiative to be at the back of the team.

However, when meeting some Chinese fans who came here specially for him, Ye Feng was also very cooperative, taking photos, signing autographs, and interacting with them all.

February 2th passed slowly, and February 15th followed.

This is the most important day of the NBA All-Star Festival and the most anticipated day for fans.

The All-Star Game is finally here.

(End of this chapter)

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