my battlefield my company

Chapter 267 It Was Really Him

Chapter 267 It Was Really Him
After the machine guns on several commanding heights on the German forward positions all misfired, the Allied forces immediately attacked across the board and launched a fierce attack across the river.

"Da da da……"

The machine guns on the Allied positions began to ring again.

The soldiers moved forward one after another, carrying down the Allied machine gunners who had just been killed and injured by the German heavy machine guns. The shooting formed several barrage interception zones to cover the Allied forces to build bridges and cross the river.

Major General William C. Leigh, commander of the 101st Airborne Division, ordered:
"The engineers continued to build bridges, and all the swimmers in the 3th Regiment of the 306rd Airborne Brigade, who were in charge of the main attack, went into the water first and rushed across the river, at all costs.

All the attacking troops who were ready on the shore launched a quick attack, taking advantage of the fact that the machine guns on the commanding heights of the German positions were destroyed, and the backup machine gunners had not yet had the opportunity to fill their positions, quickly took the commanding heights occupied by the Germans and turned them into their own use. .

Order all the firepower on both sides of the river to be fully fired, suppress the firepower of the German army hidden in the small building on the opposite bank, and cover the attacking troops to cross the river. "

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz, who was still angry and furious one second before and wanted to send the ZG Independent Company to the International Military Tribunal, was staring at the binoculars the next second. At the commanding heights, an explosion pattern was set off from west to east.

Just now, the series of explosions on the German positions quickly stopped Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz's bleeding heart.Just now, seeing his attacking troops falling down row by row, his heart was not only bleeding, it was almost broken.

In surprise, Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz subconsciously looked up at the foggy sky, and said in surprise, "God bless! Is it my allied air force who came to help?"

As soon as he said this, he immediately regretted his lack of experience.

The sky was foggy and dark, and the visibility was so poor, how could a plane come to help.

Moreover, there was no roar of engines in the air, let alone the whistling of planes passing by at low altitude.

Sure enough, behind Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz, several lieutenants of the 101st Airborne Division let out low laughter.

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz couldn't tell which of the officers were laughing amidst the cannonade, grenade, and gunfire, but he could tell it was jeering.

Just now, Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz did not pay attention to Major General William C. Leigh, the commander of the 101st Airborne Division, and some officers of the 101st Airborne Division were dissatisfied. When the Allied Air Force came to help, the officers laughed on purpose.

The laughter was soft but guaranteed to be heard by Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz.

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz quickly changed his words and said: "No, no, no... It's not the sound of planes. These damn explosions misled my hearing. It should be the artillery fire from the rear of our army who came to support and destroyed the A German machine gun emplacement.”

But he immediately realized that he might have guessed wrong again this time, because there was no sound of shells whizzing past behind him, only the roar of German Tiger tanks and Panther tanks on the other side of the river.

Moreover, it is impossible for the shells to be so accurate, and every shot landed accurately, in the middle of the three German machine guns.

An officer who rose from a low-level non-commissioned officer to a major said: "Judging from the series of explosions on the opposite German position, it should be the explosion of their Type 24 wooden-handled grenade. But I can't understand why the German grenade would explode for no reason. What about automatic explosions, and from the west, one by one, at intervals, and the explosions to the east?"

"Could it be that there are our soldiers in the trenches of the German army? Could it be that the soldiers of the Independent Company and the E Company did a good job?"

After the other officer finished speaking, he immediately denied his judgment.

"However, this is not right. Even if our soldiers break into the enemy's trenches, it is impossible to explode the German grenade in this way. After all, if the grenade is fired in such a small space, it will die with the enemy.

Moreover, it is impossible to grasp the timing of the explosion so accurately.

The time intervals between the explosions of these twenty or so grenades were very even, not even half a minute in total. Even well-trained soldiers could not achieve such accuracy. "

The major said: "There is a possibility that someone exploded these German grenades with a sniper rifle.

But who has such marksmanship, who has such accuracy, who can blow up dozens of machine guns and harvest the souls of nearly a hundred German soldiers within half a minute? "

As soon as the major's words came out, everyone paused for three seconds.

General William C. Lee said: "If the grenades on the German positions were really blown up by sniper rifles, then I believe that there is only one person in the world who can do it. He is the major company commander of the Chinese Independent Company, Yan Zhi."

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz twitched his mouth: "Is the person you are talking about Yan Zhi from the Chinese Independent Company?"

Major General William C. Lee nodded: "I have seen this major's marksmanship, and I think many people present have seen it too. I believe that if some grenades on the German army's positions were really hit by sniper rifles and exploded, then the world will Only Yan Zhi can strike with such precision!"

At this time, the thick fog above the battlefield was thinned by the thermal energy of guns, cannons, and grenades on both sides, and visibility gradually improved.

Suddenly, an Allied officer holding a telescope exclaimed in surprise: "Look, on a small three-story building about 470 meters behind the commanding heights of the German army, there is an officer of our army. M1903 sniper rifle."

Everyone looked at the opposite side with binoculars.

Sure enough, on a small three-story building, an officer of the Allied Army was standing, holding a gun at this time, bombarding the German machine gunner in front of him repeatedly.

The major looked at Yan Zhi through the binoculars and exclaimed in a low voice: "Oh my God, it really is him. I once heard his soldiers say that under the fire of his sniper rifle, within 800 meters, there is no one The enemy can live"

"Oh my God, it really is Yan Zhi, the major company commander of the Chinese Independence Company."

General William C. Leigh, commander of the 101st Airborne Division, exclaimed.

"Sure enough, he used a sniper rifle to flatten the commanding heights of the German army. President Roosevelt was right. He exchanged 2000 million U.S. dollars for this major and company commander in the year of China's independence. He really made a lot of money. !"

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz put down his binoculars when he heard this, and looked at Commander William C. Lee with surprised eyes: "What? We exchanged 2000 million U.S. dollars for the major company commander of the Chinese Independent Company? And it is Someone that President Roosevelt personally wanted?"

"Yes, that's him." Major General William C. Leigh looked at Yan Zhi who was holding a sniper rifle and observing the battlefield, "Your 29th Airborne Division was able to land on Omaha Beach unscathed, most of the credit is here Yan Zhi On the Major, if he hadn't led the independent company to kill the artillery regiment deployed by the German army on Omaha Beach, the casualties of the Allied forces would have increased dozens of times."

At this moment, the sniper rifle in Yan Zhi's hand fired a 7.62×63mm Springfield bullet, which accurately hit a Type 24 wooden handle grenade on the waist of a German machine gunner.


The German machine gunner, together with his deputy, flew into the sky with the machine gun.

"God! It really is him."

At this moment, the Allied officers holding binoculars said almost in unison.

Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz's eyes widened even more, and his mouth became O-shaped.

(End of this chapter)

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