my battlefield my company

Chapter 264 Disastrous Consequences

Chapter 264 Disastrous Consequences

Last night, General Omar Bradley, who commanded the First Army, ordered the 101rd Brigade of the 29st Airborne Division and the 3th Airborne Division to launch an attack on the German army on the opposite bank at three o'clock in the morning, because the Allied troops landing in Omaha were getting more and more If the 101st Airborne Division and the 3rd Airborne Brigade cannot quickly break through the positions defended by the German 702nd Infantry Division, once the Germans calm down and launch an air strike on Omaha Beach, it will be disastrous for the Allies as a result of.

However, due to the heavy fog at three o'clock in the morning, it was easy to accidentally injure one's own people. Therefore, General William C. Lee put off the pressure and postponed the attack time until dawn. The entire 101st Airborne Division and the 3rd Airborne Brigade had prepared all offensive weapons and offensive schemes.

But no one thought that the Germans launched a sudden attack on the positions of the 101st Airborne Division without warning.

The 702nd Infantry Division of the German Army, which was almost defeated, received the order of Marshal Rommel to stick to it. All the trenches and foxholes on their positions were for defensive purposes.

This caught the 101st Airborne Division a little off guard. They performed many sand table games on how to attack, but they never thought that the German 3000nd Infantry Division, which was disabled and had only 702 troops left, would take the initiative to attack.

Major General William C. Leigh heard the complaints from Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz outside the door, and yelled that the Chinese army lost the chain and disappeared at a critical moment. He could only pretend that he hadn't heard anything. Enter the war room, order the engineers to build a simple bridge with all their strength, and all the troops are ready to attack the German positions at any time.

Now, General William C. Lee is also a little puzzled, why two or three hours later, the independent company led by Yan Zhi and the E company successfully crossed the river, but there is no news yet.

According to the previous plan, they should pull out several commanding heights on the German forward positions before dawn.

Now that the Germans had tanks to attack the Allies, General William C. Leigh had no time to argue with Brigadier General Mariano Rivera La Paz.

Now is not the time for bickering, let alone vindictiveness.

The Germans have tanks, which no one predicted. If they do not attack now, the entire army will be hit by German tanks violently and in all directions.

If you want to cross the river to attack, you must first build a bridge on the river.

The howling shells from the German Tiger tanks and Panther tanks roared one after another on the Allied positions, setting off a wave of heat. Many soldiers were killed in the explosion while they were sleeping, and some soldiers were trapped to death in the burning room. .

After being hit by the tank fire, the small buildings lit up into the sky, illuminating the entire night sky. Even such a thick fog, under the burning fire of many small buildings, turned into hot water vapor, In the process of diverging into the air, the mist from the heights was dispersed and turned into drizzle, which sprinkled from the air, arousing the smell of blood again.

At first, the Allied forces were a little stunned by the sudden bombing, but years of training allowed them to establish effective defense and counterattack after a moment of shock.

The communications soldiers of the division headquarters shuttled back and forth in the artillery fire, conveying the division headquarters' combat orders to the regiments and battalions.

The division headquarters ordered to build a bridge and attack the German positions.

More than 100 light and heavy machine guns of the Allied forces fired violently at the simple German bunkers on the opposite river bank, blocking off three barrage blocking areas to cover the engineers to build bridges.

The bullets fired by more than 100 machine guns, like golden raindrops, formed a fan-shaped attack barrage in the dense fog, weaving into a large net. In just a moment, the fog on the river was wiped out. The heat energy emitted by the golden fire-coloured bullet was thinned out, and the hot steam came out, which was very spectacular!
The sound of cannons, machine guns, rifles, grenade explosions thrown by soldiers on both sides of the river, and the screams of wounded soldiers instantly rendered the cruelty of the war to the fullest. The bloody smell permeated in the smoke, like an invisible The devil has taken away one young and vigorous life after another.

In these three fan-shaped barrage interception zones, all the German troops were overwhelmed by the fierce firepower, and the machine gunners could only hide under the bunkers and did not dare to raise their heads.

A few machine gunners wanted to disturb the barrage interception zone just now. As soon as they raised their heads, the steel helmets were blasted into a hornet's nest by the brutal bullets, and the skull was overturned and fell to the side. His face was pockmarked and unrecognizable, and he didn't even have time to let out a scream.

The engineers and soldiers of the Allied Army carried all the materials that could be used for bridging, such as wooden floors and door panels that had been prepared, and bags filled with sand, gravel and soil. Under the cover of machine guns, they bent over and ran towards the river.

The river is not wide, the water flows slowly, but the river is very deep, which is why the Allies want to build a bridge.There are many soldiers who were born in the north and cannot swim. They will definitely die if they enter the deep water. Moreover, the cold weather makes the soldiers jump into the cold water. It is estimated that some of them will be cramped by the freezing river water before they can swim to the other side. , sank to the bottom.

The engineers carried bags full of sand and threw them into the river at the location selected in advance, trying to build a simple bridge on the rapid river for the troops to pass quickly.

As long as some Allied troops cross the river first and hold back the enemy's firepower on the other side of the river, the Allied forces can build more simple earth bridges on the river.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly, at a commanding height of fire power slightly behind the German forward position, more than a dozen MG42 general-purpose heavy machine guns rang out and fired wildly at the Allied machine gun positions.

The MG42 general-purpose heavy machine gun is the nightmare of many Allied soldiers. They are demons on the battlefield, butchers in offensive and defensive warfare and positional warfare. Amazing, it is the spiritual pillar of the German army on the battlefield. Whenever they hear the sound of MG42, the German devils will immediately cheer up. They feel that with such a powerful weapon as their backing, they can take advantage of the firepower.

Veterans of the Allied Forces are most reluctant to hear the devilish sound of MG42. For them, this is the sound of the devil, the sound that comes out of hell.

"All, all, all, all..."

Immediately afterwards, the brutal sound of more than a dozen MG08 Maxims roared like small cannons, launching an overwhelming attack on the Allied machine gun position.

The German army knew that the barrage interception was powerful, so their commanding heights were fully fired, and they wanted to break the barrage interception established by the Allies.

The cruelty of MG08 Maxim is world-famous. It once shot and killed 1 British soldiers in one day of combat, leaving it with the notoriety of "tyrant".

Since the commanding heights occupied by the German army were built by huge boulders by the sea, it was a natural barrier in front of the German army. The German army lay prone inside and fired outwards, so there was almost no need to worry about being hit by bullets from the opposite bank.

Compared with the German army with huge stones as a barrier, the Allied machine gunners were almost exposed, and suffered heavy losses under the frenzied strafing of the German army MG08 and MG42.

Immediately, the Allied forces used more than 100 machine guns to try to block the barrage interception zone, which was broken by the machine guns on the commanding heights of the German army.

All the Allied engineers who built the bridge lost the protection of the barrage interception zone.

A few seconds later, the machine gunners deployed by the German army by the river emerged from the trenches and fired wildly at the Allied engineers.

The Allied engineers who built the bridge by the river were almost unarmed in order to quickly build the bridge. After they suddenly lost the protection of several barrage blocking areas, they became lambs killed by the German devils at will.

For a time, the Allied engineers who built simple bridges on the river bank suffered countless casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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