Chapter 203
Zhao Han also knew that although they belonged to one faction, they were also divided into one faction. For example, Changsun Wuji supported the prince, while Fang Xuanling supported the third prince Li Tai. Because of the existence of a family, they were unanimous to the outside world, and now His Majesty is in good health, so Changsun Wuji and the others did not have any major conflicts.

This is also the reason why Changsun Wuji exterminated Fang Xuanling's family when Li Zhi became emperor in history. But since Zhao Han appeared, all this has changed. However, Changsun Wuji found that Zhao Han was too powerful. If he was an enemy of him, he would definitely lose. This was the last thing Changsun Wuji wanted to see, so Changsun Wuji would help Zhao Han in this way.

Zhao Han said: "It doesn't matter to me who will be the prince and who will sit in which seat. I'm not interested in this. Besides, your majesty is so healthy now, so don't worry about it. As for who will be the emperor in the future, I feel that Li Chengqian is better than Li Tai." More suitable, Li Tai is a bookworm to put it bluntly, do you think he is suitable to be the emperor? Besides, it is His Majesty's decision on this matter, well, I am leaving."

After Zhao Han left, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what to say. Fang Xuanling stood up and said to Changsun Wuji: "Master Changsun, what Xiaohan said is right, let's not worry about it." Now, as for who sits in which seat, we don't care, it's up to your Majesty to decide, I'll go first, let's have a drink or two when we have time."

The eldest grandson Wuji asked curiously: "Lord Fang, you belong to Li Tai's school. If it is true what An Xiaohan said, which position the crown prince takes, you are not worried that the crown prince will trouble you? Or are you..."

Fang Xuanling walked out and said: "Haha, I belong to Zhao Han's group, no matter who sits in which position, I'm fine, so I won't be in Li Tai's group from now on."

Changsun Wuji understood the meaning of Fang Xuanling's words, that is to say, in the future there will be no prince faction or Li Tai faction, but Zhao Han faction in the future, because no matter who sits in which position, the families of their faction will not Decline, so they will no longer fight among themselves.

"Let's go to the old goblin at night." Changsun Wuji said, "I want to go drink with that old goblin, how about it? Are you going?"

"Haha." Fang Xuanling said: "The old man will definitely be there. I'll see you tonight, my eldest grandson."

After Fang Xuanling left, Gao Shilian said, "Have you really decided? Didn't you talk to Mr. Fang today..."

Changsun Wuji waved his hand and said: "Master Fang is right, no matter who sits in which position, as long as it is from Zhao Han's faction, nothing will happen. If Zhao Han is not interested in that position, this Li family will change." People, this Zhao Han is too powerful, he can overthrow the country with anything, it is an irrational choice to fight against him, the family will end sooner or later, and Xiao Han has a way to make people live longer, the higher the status The more I am afraid of death, so as long as Zhao Han is around, our family will not collapse, so I made this decision."

Chai Shao said at this time: "Master Zhangsun is right, this kid Zhao Han is getting stronger and stronger, but this kid has no interest in power at all, as long as we cooperate well with him in business, our family will not decline."

Everyone nodded, expressing their agreement with Chai Shao's statement. At this time, Gao Shilian said: "It seems that I'm going to the old goblin's house tonight to ask for a drink, haha."

Zhao Han felt that he had nothing to do when he left the eldest grandson's mansion, so he planned to go to Li Chengqian's mansion to have fun, and now everyone he knew in Chang'an went to Xingyangzhuang.

Zhao Han drove towards the Prince's Mansion on a motorcycle, and when Zhao Han came to the Prince's Mansion, the housekeeper saw Zhao Han coming, hurriedly ran to Zhao Han, bowed his head and said, "Master, why are you free to come to the Prince's Mansion today? Are you looking for the prince? This old servant will take you in."

Zhao Han followed the butler to the inner house, walked into the study and saw Li Chengqian sitting on the desk reading a book, even Zhao Han didn't notice it when he came over, the butler coughed.

It was only then that Li Chengqian came to his senses. He looked up and saw that Zhao Han was coming. Li Chengqian put down his book, stood up and said, "Brother-in-law, why are you here today? Do you need anything from me?"

Zhao Han was also polite, took a stool, sat down and said, "I'm bored, come and see what you are doing, it seems that you are working hard, yes, I believe you are a good prince."

When Li Chengqian heard Zhao Han's words, Li Chengqian was very excited. He also knew whether he could sit in a position. Zhao Han's words were very important. Ever since Li Tai became Zhao Han's disciple, Li Chengqian had always been afraid of Zhao Han. Supporting his younger brother Li Tai's position, now that Zhao Han said that he can be a good prince, it means that Zhao Han supports him to be this prince, how could Li Chengqian be unhappy.

Zhao Han said angrily: "Look at how promising you are, your younger brother Li Tai is a nerd, he doesn't know where he sits and how he was played to death by those officials, well, don't worry about it all day long, as long as you Just like your father, I will always support you, okay, don't talk about it, I came here today to play with you, what's the fun?"

Li Shimin's number is just which position Li Chengqian and Li Ke are qualified to sit in, but if Li Ke sits in any position, Datang will set off another bloody storm, and the people will be unlucky in the end. Zhao Han doesn't want to see this scene. One thing is that Zhao Han is afraid of trouble, and he doesn't want to get involved in such a thing, so Zhao Han supports Li Chengqian to be the crown prince. As for his hobbies, it should be caused by his temperament change after his leg was broken, but now he has his own , even if his leg is broken, I can heal him well.

"Hey." Li Chengqian said with a smirk, "How about I take my brother-in-law to the Zuihonglou to have fun? Chang'an City is not interesting, and other places are not interesting."

Zhao Han waved his hand and said, "No, I'm not interested in any place at all. Is there any other place?"

"Where..." Li Chengqian thought for a while and said, "Well, I don't know. When I go out, I go to Pingkangfang or Laifulou to drink. I have never been to other places."

"It's really boring." Zhao Han said disappointedly: "Forget it, I'll go to the palace to find His Majesty, just to discuss something with him, that's enough, you can continue studying, I'll go first."

After Zhao Han finished speaking, he planned to go to the palace to find Li Er, to discuss something with him, and at this time Li Er was sitting on his dragon chair listening to the report from the hidden guard, and after the dark guard finished speaking, Li Er opened his mouth to speak : "What you said is true? No lies?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, there is no lie in the humble position, everything that the humble position said is true."

Li Er nodded and said to the hidden guard: "Okay, you go down and continue to do your work. You did a good job today. I named you the captain. Work hard, and I will not treat you badly."

"Yes, thank you Your Majesty for the reward, I will definitely try my best to do my job well."

(End of this chapter)

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