Chapter 160

On the top of the mountain, Yue Fei looked at the army on the other side with a telescope, and sneered endlessly.

"No wonder Prime Minister Zhuge and the virtuous king suggested attacking Tubo directly. The other party's eldest grandson, the old fox, didn't even think about being the vanguard. It seems that he wanted to take advantage of it? With such a commanding ability, it's ridiculous to want to win!"

"Immediately send an order! Order the first and third regiments to enter Doma in an all-round way, control the Jishishan area, and use all your strength to press down to the Sun Bo area!"

"Decree, the second regiment and the sixth regiment, outflanking and controlling the Jinsha River Basin."

"The Golmud garrison advances forward and takes Qiang Tang!"

"The Herald!"

"In!" The herald at the side responded immediately, taking notes quickly with a pen and paper in his hand.

Yue Fei's eyes were cold and stern: "Notify the air force immediately and fully assist the three defense forces to carry out air strikes every hour."


As orders were issued one after another, all parties began to move.

The border area is left alone for the time being. Changsun Wuji's support troops have not yet arrived, so he dare not act on his own.

But Tubo was interesting, it was already in chaos, the army supporting Changsun Wuji exceeded [-] but couldn't get out, it wasn't that there was no way out, it was because they ran into Yue Fei's troops before sending out troops and attacked wildly.

Just like cutting leeks, one after another, there is no chance to fight back.

The second and sixth regiments attack in a stepped manner, outflanking the left and right sides.

According to the order, the two regiments must do their best to win the Jinsha River Basin, but this is just a coincidence
As soon as the Sixth Regiment arrived at Sun Bo's left wing, they encountered the Tubo troops. They fought and fled from both sides, and then fought back and wandered around, fighting jungle guerrilla warfare in this desert.

Inexplicably, the Sixth Regiment entered the Jinsha River Basin.

However, the Second Regiment was very unlucky. They broke up from the middle of the Jinsha River and ran to Bowo.

From the map, from Tuyuhun as the source directly to Medog, an arc-shaped blockade line has been completed. Even if Changsun's army suppresses the border, it is useless. If this line of defense cannot be opened, the army will not be able to enter!
And there is one last place that Medog has not won, and that is the nest!

The garrison troops in the nest were in a panic. There were only three thousand soldiers and horses, and the equipment and weapons were almost invisible. Except for the dozen single-shot rifles, there might not be enough bullets.

They quickly built border fortifications, dug pits, dug tunnels, built wood, stone, and metal triangle horses, and built several lines of defense.

But there is no retreat!

It can be seen that they also know that it is useless to run, and they can only fight desperately.

Maybe the four tribes can enter Lishui and come around to support.

They think too much, the Lancang River is blocked, and they still want to enter Lishui?

Yongchang is a sales base that Lingzhou bought from Changsun's family a long time ago, and actually has its own security force.

It is said that it is a security guard, which is composed of elite soldiers, who can go to the battlefield with weapons.

500 people directly blocked the junction between Yongchang and Lishui. The four tribes were completely blocked, and there was no other way to go out except Haidao.

However, the seaway is the territory of the Pyu country, and if you go to sea without permission, you will be killed.

So it formed a situation where the four tribes were blocked.

This is the situation on the west side of the battlefield.
And it is more interesting in the north. Inner Mongolia is a vast area, and there are Shanyu Dufu and the Inner Mongolian government in charge.

This is the real first military region, an area where millions of troops are stationed.

It is hopeless to go around North Korea by land, but you can go to the sea area. Beisha City is blocked by the navy Zhang Pengfei, so you can only start from Xiongjin City. With the approval of the Tang Dynasty Court, you can enter the Dengzhou area and go directly to Songzhou along the Henan Road.

This road is very far away, and even if you reach Songzhou, it's just as useless as not being able to enter the Tubo area.

Because the information of various forces is blocked, it has been a few days before the latest news is delivered.

The army was still on the way, when he heard a piece of news, he was completely paralyzed
Lingzhou's 3 troops attacked Tubo, and together with [-] troops stationed on the Tubo border, it took only [-] troops for about a week to block the entire Jinchuan, Lancang River, Yongchang, Luowo and other places, forming an arc defensive line.

The Tubo army was blocked on the west side of the country, unable to get out, and the four tribes had no way to support them!

Looking at the latest information, it was already two days ago.

Changsun Wuji was extremely angry, his face gloomy like water, "I have seen Qin Mu's plan for a long time, that Yongchang seems to be selling goods, but it is actually a garrison point!"

"It's too late to discuss this now, Father. At that time, we had no choice but to refuse. Now there is only one place where we can break through, and it depends on whether the other party is willing or not!"

Changsun Chong looked serious and looked at his father.

Of course Changsun Wuji could hear the meaning of these words, the so-called breakthrough point was the court of Chang'an City.

Because of the special area, extending in all directions, it is possible to enter Qin Mu's jurisdiction directly from the three states, and the effect of launching a large-scale war is faster than going around and raiding.

The biggest problem is that doing so will cause all parties to fight, and no one knows what will happen at that time!

"Say, what's the matter?"

Changsun Wuji, who was getting angry, waved his hand and asked the servants to speak quickly.

"My lord, Taiwei Gao came to visit and said he wanted to meet you in person!"

"Gao Shilian?"

Upon hearing the name, Changsun Wuji was taken aback for a moment, what does it mean that this old thing came here?
After thinking about it, I happened to want to discuss with the imperial court, but I didn't expect to come to the door in person.

"Take him to the living room, I'll be right there."


When the people left, Changsun Wuji immediately looked at his son: "Chong'er, organize an army immediately. The previous plan must be useless. Cover up and keep some of them. The rest will be transferred to Xingzhou to cooperate with all parties."

"Father, do this." Chang Sun Chong was a little puzzled: "If Lingzhou suddenly launches an attack, our rear will not be able to defend it, right?"

"Hmph! No matter how powerful Qin Mu is, he doesn't have the guts. Gao Shilian came to me in person. He must have wanted to use the area around Chang'an as an excuse to put forward some conditions so that the enlarged army can enter Qizhou and other places. However, the situation is urgent now. If If the conditions are right, it’s fine if you agree!"

"It's father, I'll make arrangements right away."

The living room of Changsun Mansion.

Tang Guo Taiwei Gao Shilian and Changsun Wuji discussed how to deal with the sudden changes in Tubo.

But the topic changes as we talk about it
As if these were nothing, the two discussed how to divide the interests of Lingzhou after the victory.

It's a good thing that the desire to win is strong, but whether he can win is another matter. It seems that Qin Mu really has no way to get out of this siege.

Gao Shilian was smiling all over his face, holding a teacup and slowly tasting it.

"Lingzhou has a strong industry and prosperous business, but the development time and background are too short and insufficient. Maybe we can't defeat each other alone, but if we join forces, Lingzhou will definitely die!"

(End of this chapter)

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