Chapter 114 New Material Manufacturing

Qin Mu was overjoyed, since he said so, it meant there was something going on.

However, there is a prerequisite that needs to be addressed.
"The basis for your project is to develop 'high-speed steel'. This thing is very important not only in the production of armaments, but also in other metal cutting issues."

"High-speed steel?"

Hearing what Qin Mu said, Chai Xinghuai was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the document and looked at it carefully.

During the process, Qin Mu didn't bother.

for a while.
"King Xian, this material is very difficult to manufacture, especially in the process of quenching and tempering, and the temperature must be controlled. Our current high-temperature furnace cannot even guarantee a stable temperature of 850 degrees. Defective!"

"Don't worry, if you have a clue, then do it, as long as you can make it and use it, it will be improved slowly."

Those who can support scientific research in this way are probably the only ones in the entire Tang Kingdom.

Chai Xinghuai is very happy that he can have such luck.

"King Xian, I'll go back and organize the project to discuss and make a plan."

"Wait, do you estimate how much money this project will cost?"

"Around 1000 million!"

What the hell!

Qin Mu is dumbfounded, this is the Tang Dynasty, 1000 million is too low for this kind of research and development in modern times, but 1000 million in this era is 1000 million silver!
"That. Recently, the finances are tight, can it be streamlined?"

"Research is needed to draw a conclusion. It will take up to five days. I have a good plan and I am looking for King Xian to review it."

"Okay, you go."

When it was time for people to leave, Qin Mu sighed.

The bigger the territory, the more places to spend money.

Lingzhou was the most expensive place in the entire Tang Dynasty.
According to financial statistics, tens of millions of funds are consumed every month from Lingzhou Research Institute and other institutions!

Sometimes urgent projects cost a lot of money!
Think about it, the current salary of an ordinary worker is calculated according to the highest, 150 yuan a month, which is 150 taels of silver.

How many years will it take to transfer tens of millions of funds, and the scientific research institute can spend it all in a month, and it is still very careful!

Qin Mu's mind is in a mess
Looking at the design and manufacture of ships on the desktop, it really costs money to start building warships and merchant ships!


The war in Tubo became more and more anxious, and Yue Fei's army deliberately controlled the direction and speed of attack.

There was no idea of ​​directly seizing the city at all, and even the constant harassment made Tubo unable to rest at all.

Tubo was short of domestic resources, its external trade was blocked, and its interior was chaotic.

Twenty states imported goods frantically, and even started the practice of bartering.

If things go on like this, the whole of Tubo will probably be hollowed out!
The power of industrialization is extremely terrifying!
Even in such a smooth situation, Qin Mu was not idle, and immediately called a meeting with the ministers.

There is only one purpose, which is to reduce casualties to a greater extent and make Tubo even more miserable!

"I don't know, everyone, what do you think of the word 'material temptation'?"

He glanced at the officials and asked casually.

A group of people frowned slightly, and they didn't seem to understand the question very well.

"Your Majesty, I believe that material means the objective reality that exists independently of people's consciousness and can be reflected by people's consciousness. From the perspective of folk consumption, it means that people have money and the market commodities are diversified. Letting them develop a more dependent and joyful state, in the long run, will erode the attitude that should be maintained."

"That's very good, and the word I put forward is also the first step in dealing with Tubo!"

The ministers are still puzzled.

Qin Mu smiled, "Using material to lure and corrupt their young and strong personnel, encourage them to despise, despise, and further openly oppose their original ideas and concepts, especially the mentality of the empire's monarchs and ministers, and create the most craziest feelings in their hearts. interests and opportunities.

Then, encourage them to carry out various practices that will plunge the people into chaos, so that the bottom forces in these countries will not be ashamed of superficiality and vanity, and must destroy their hard-working spirit that they should have! "

After listening, everyone gasped.

This approach is no less than the invasion of various schools of thought during the Warring States period. At that time, there were good and bad. It can be said that as long as one success can destroy the spiritual power of the entire country!

As people from Lingzhou, they naturally don't want to see this kind of thing happen, but they are merciless in the face of the enemy.

"Your Majesty, I believe that it is necessary to reduce the trade price, even lower than that of the twenty states!"

The person who spoke was Lin Quan, and he had a lot of experience in doing this kind of thing.

Qin Mu nodded, "This is exactly what I'm thinking about. If we want to overwhelm them materially, we must let them afford money, but we must limit the types of goods, as long as they are suitable for use in war. The price discussion will be discussed later."

Immediately afterwards, he put forward several ideas.

Every one made the officials feel terrified!

If King Xian was their opposite, there would be no chance of fighting back!
Article [-]: We must do everything possible to do a good job in publicity, including books, newspapers, gossip, etc., so that they yearn for our basic necessities of life and education.

The most important thing is to vigorously promote religious beliefs such as "Buddhism, Taoism, and Lama" that are banned in twenty states.

Article [-]: From time to time, create some trivial matters that are calm and unrestrained, and let their people discuss it openly.

In this way, the factor of division is planted in their subconscious, especially to find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities to split the Tubo area, split their ethnicity and feelings.

Create new and old hatred between them.
Speaking of this, Qin Mu looked serious: "This is a strategy that must be taken seriously and cannot be ignored. We must do everything possible!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Liang was somewhat puzzled.

"My lord, although our strategic goal is to develop the economy and train new fighters through war, we can clearly annihilate Tubo in one fell swoop. Wouldn't it take a lot of trouble and money to do so?"

"This must be done, and this is also an experiment, an experiment in a special war. The mode of war is not only a meeting between Taoists and soldiers, but also a secret battle, and we must ensure that we stand on the moral high ground!"

He went on.

"Article [-]: In any case, we must promote "industrial development", identify opportunities, whether large or small, tangible or intangible, and launch the "business transformation plan" as soon as possible. We must constantly ask their imperial court to pay attention to the free development of business and human rights.”

When it comes to human rights, it reminds him of before he was reborn.

This word, like a soft knife, challenges the consciousness of the people of all countries at all times.

(End of this chapter)

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