Chapter 943
Dong Ziqiang also wanted to go back, but he was stopped by several tall Americans when he reached the intersection.

Those few people obviously don't speak Chinese, just stop him from opening his mouth, and they can speak a bird's language.

Dong Ziqiang couldn't hear clearly either. He didn't think about the conflict, so he just stood there and spread his hands: "I don't know."

He was like a repeater, after repeating it several times, the other party obviously lost his temper, reached out and pushed his shoulder cursingly.

Dong Ziqiang was already a little angry at this time, but he still clenched his fists and did not cause trouble again.

Those few people saw him like this, but thought he was easy to bully, took another step, and pushed him hard again, a few customary curse words appeared in their mouths, which Dong Ziqiang could understand a few words.

Seeing the look of disdain on the other party's face.

Dong Ziqiang's anger was also slowly rising, and when he was almost unable to control himself, a shout came from behind him: "Stop! go away!"

The person who spoke was from the organizing committee. He drove away the foreigners with a very tough attitude, and then looked back at Dong Ziqiang speaking blunt Chinese: "Hurry up and go back!"

"Thank you."

In fact, Dong Ziqiang didn't quite understand his babbling words mixed in Chinese and English, he only understood one sentence and thanked him.

Then, he found the coach who was discussing something with him, and followed him back to the hotel.

When I went back to the meeting, Yan Ruyu's face was not pretty. Dong Ziqiang didn't know what happened at first.

As a result, they called Dong Ziqiang aside alone after they finished their meal at night.

Dong Ziqiang saw that the faces of the people in the whole room were a little strange, so he couldn't help but also darkened.

Yan Ruyu who was sitting next to him pulled him to the other side, and after he sat down, he raised his head to the people in front of him and said in a low voice: "I don't care what you think now, but my team members will definitely be fine. No matter how many times he is tested, I believe the results will be the same, however, I don't think we should be treated like this!"

"Xiaoyan, don't get excited, calm down first. We don't want to be so harsh on our own athletes, but you have to see the situation clearly now."

The one who spoke was a coach from the Huaguo Organizing Committee, named Zhang Yiran.

Zhang Yiran was older than everyone else, his hair was already grizzled, his face with Chinese characters was tense, and his face was so blue that black water was almost squeezed out.

After saying this, he seemed to be suppressing his emotions, and after sitting for two deep breaths, he looked up at Dong Ziqiang again: "Xiao Dong, you are a young man, and it is also the first time you have come to participate in this event. The game, your performance today is really amazing, and we are also very proud of you."

Dong Ziqiang had already seen too much at the beginning of wanting to rise first, and he had already realized something unusual when he came in. At this time, someone said this, and he immediately corrected his attitude, putting his hands on his knees , sat upright and looked at the group of people in front of him, "You don't have to worry about my emotions, I am a professional athlete, I have heard of many things in China, I will control my mentality, no matter what Everyone can explain things clearly, and if I can cooperate, I will actively cooperate.”

His words finally made many people here breathe a sigh of relief.

"In that case, I'll just say it straight."

Dong Ziqiang's good attitude made them collectively heave a sigh of relief, and after looking at each other, they all looked back at Dong Ziqiang.

"Your training performance is amazing, and it has also attracted the attention of the organizing committee. They asked you to re-examine."

"There's no problem with that."

Dong Ziqiang had also heard about these things early in the morning, so he had already prepared himself in his heart.

Seeing that he was in a relaxed state, those people frowned slightly, and someone reminded in a low voice: "You may not know what state you are going to retest now, I hope you... If they ask you to do something later, you don't want to do it You can directly refuse, and then explain to us, don't be afraid!"

"I know, don't worry, I have heard of these things before, and I am ready."

Dong Ziqiang was indeed calm. He didn't think retesting would have much impact on him. No matter what, the people from the competition here should not hurt his body.

"Then... you can go there now."

Seeing him so calm, those few people didn't know whether to persuade him or praise him.

Dong Ziqiang stood up cooperatively, Yan Ruyu twisted his face and took him over for inspection.

It was a small room not much bigger than the lounge, and it was all closed, the windows were closed and obviously sealed with scotch tape, as if to guard against something.

As soon as he entered, the light inside was extremely dazzling. Dong Ziqiang stretched out his hand to block it, and then heard someone speaking in English, as if to tell him not to be so uncooperative.

Dong Ziqiang couldn't hear clearly, but the interpreter who followed him was conscientious, and expressed his appeal to the side seriously: "We have always cooperated with the inspection! I hope you will respect our athletes. We have no problem. You can no longer treat us with this attitude when you have no evidence!"

"Stop talking, let's start checking now." The organizing committee gave only a cold reply to their request.

After Dong Ziqiang came into contact with their attitude, he suddenly understood why the previous group of people looked so ugly.

This kind of treatment is really annoying.

Fortunately, apart from this, they did not make other excessive moves.

In terms of testing, they seemed a little violent, especially when drawing blood, the action was fast and the pressure was heavy. His arm was already bruised, but it just made him uncomfortable. Facing this unfair treatment, Dong Self-improvement appears to be calmer than anyone else.

But it was his attitude that made the indifference he suffered even more serious.

This attitude even spread to players from other countries. From the second round, Dong Ziqiang almost stopped talking to anyone.

But despite this, his grades are getting better and better.

"What's going on? That person..."

After entering the finals, Dong Ziqiang still ranked first in the overall ranking.

Dong Ziqiang had won the first place before, and his subsequent results have always been good, but this time compared with before, especially in a place like the United States, it is too eye-catching!
(End of this chapter)

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