Back to 70s: My husband, you are under arrest

Chapter 937 Don't Have Too Much Pressure

Chapter 937 Don't Have Too Much Pressure
In this trial, in addition to the talents sent out by their team, there are also young people from all over the country.

Therefore, the competition is fierce.

This group of people came here to win a ranking.

Everyone tried their best to perform, especially these outstanding players who are not members of the national team, and hoped to use their own abilities to gain a better chance for their future.

At this time, he was extremely excited.

Dong Ziqiang and others, because they are natives of the imperial capital and players of the national team, received some special treatment, and because of this little bit of special treatment, they also became the focus of other people's attention.

However, something as outrageous as the big flower arm before did not happen again.

Dong Ziqiang also tried his best on the court.

Although he made some mistakes in one of the items, overall, he was worthy of his strength.

In the end, Dong Ziqiang directly entered the round robin.

As soon as the game was over, the people from the competition committee had already found it.

"I can see that your condition is very good, Xiao Dong, don't put too much pressure on you, after all, you are still young, and you have plenty of opportunities to show yourself."

They probably wanted to talk to Yan Ruyu about something, but Yan Ruyu had been with Dong Ziqiang all along, so they just praised Dong Ziqiang by the way.

Dong Ziqiang responded with a smile, he is also more skilled in these back and forth.

He could see that the people from the competition committee wanted to talk to Yan Ruyu.

After Dong Ziqiang was polite for two rounds, he took advantage of the situation and proposed to leave, "Then you guys talk first, I still have something to do, let's go out first."

"Be careful yourself."

Yan Ruyu knew what he was going to do, and she always had a big stone in her heart.

Up to now, she can't control it any more.

Dong Ziqiang nodded with a smile, and he seemed to be in good condition.

Yan Ruyu sighed, and then turned back to continue talking about business.

When the people from the competition committee discovered the situation and wanted to ask a few questions, Yan Ruyu also prevaricated one by one——

Regarding the matter of Zhang Qianqian and Yun Jin, Yan Ruyu didn't think it was necessary to make it known to everyone.

Dong Ziqiang came out of the competition venue and was startled when he saw the commotion outside.

The scene of heavy traffic can not be seen anytime and anywhere.

At the end of the game, some people are happy and some are sad.

However, in Dong Ziqiang's view, all this has nothing to do with him.

With his handbag in his hand, he walked to a corner, took out his cell phone, looked at it thoughtfully for a few seconds, and called Zhang Qianqian's father.

The connection over there was fast, as if they were waiting for his call.

Hearing Dong Ziqiang's voice, Zhang's father also breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm done with the game, uncle, where are you? Let's meet and talk about it in detail."

"Okay, okay, I've already found a good place, are you finished the game? It's at the entrance of the gymnasium now, right?"

Father Zhang said in a hurry, even flattering in his tone.

This made Dong Ziqiang really uncomfortable. After nodding his head and saying yes, he heard the horn honking from behind him. Looking back, it was Zhang's father who drove directly to him.

Father Zhang rolled down the car window to signal him to get in the car. It seemed that he had been by the side the whole time and had been waiting at the door.

Dong Ziqiang was so uncomfortable that he almost wanted to run away immediately, but somehow he held back and got into the car.

Zhang's father took him directly to a very luxurious star-rated restaurant in the city center, and the location had already been reserved.

When he arrived at the position, Dong Ziqiang was a little embarrassed.

When he came over, he sent the address to Yan Ruyu, just in case.

As Dong Ziqiang walked, he memorized the layout here.

The two were a little surprised when they arrived at the reserved location. Dong Ziqiang thought that Zhang Qianqian would be in the private room, but after entering, he found that Nuo Da's private room was empty.

The waiter served the food quickly, and there were a lot of dishes, obviously not enough for the two of them.

Dong Ziqiang didn't move his chopsticks either, just sat beside him, waiting for Zhang Qianqian's father over there to say to the waiter, "It's ready, you go out first, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

After Father Zhang finished speaking, Dong Ziqiang asked, "Uncle, is there anyone else here?"

"Ziqiang, don't be so restrained. Today, I mainly want to have a chat with you two alone. Come, let's talk while eating. Don't worry, there is no one else, just the two of us."

At this time, Zhang's father showed a kind of acquaintance unique to adults.

Dong Ziqiang was slightly relieved by his assurance that if someone else really came, it might be really difficult to deal with.

Even so, Dong Ziqiang still didn't move his chopsticks, just sat beside him.

Zhang's father urged him two more times before Dong Ziqiang put the vegetables in his own bowl with a normal face and did not move again.

He didn't drink, and Zhang's father didn't pour himself any wine. He only slowly picked up the teacup after taking two sips.

"I also know that this matter may not be suitable for me as an elder, and I can't force the relationship between you young people, also see Qianqian like that..."

As he said, he sighed deeply, "As a father, I want to apologize to you first. She may have done some wrong things before. I figured it out, but I still don't know how to say it..."

When Father Zhang spoke again, the expression on his face was already a bit ugly.

Zhang Qianqian's recent state at home is really unbearable for him, but he only has such a precious daughter——

Zhang Qianqian didn't eat or drink at home, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind, and she was close to collapse.

After he and Zhang Qianqian's mother tried their best to get him to see a psychiatrist, the feedback they got was not optimistic.

Mental illness can be cured if it is pathological, but it is very difficult to treat a pure person like her who can't get out of the dead end by herself.

Doctors are not gods, and not all kinds of diseases can be cured. In the end, they just prescribed medicine to let her go back to self-regulation. After the secretion of hormones in her body is normal, try to chat with Zhang Qianqian to see if she can untie her heart. Knot.

But Zhang Qianqian didn't take the medicine at all when she went home after being prescribed the medicine. As soon as this matter was mentioned, she went crazy, grabbed the medicine and threw it out of the window.

Because of this incident, Deng Siwen also visited Zhang Qianqian twice. Zhang Qianqian was willing to talk to her, but his temper would be violent if he didn't say a few words.

There is also a connection between the two parents of the Zhang family and the Deng family. After all, Zhang's father didn't want to offend the two families because of this matter, so he could only politely refuse every time Deng Siwen came over, and refused two or three times. Just took advantage of the opportunity and said that I was going back to go abroad to go to school, and didn't bother me any more.

But Zhang Qianqian's condition is getting worse.

Seeing Father Zhang sighing, Dong Ziqiang raised his eyebrows slightly, but did not speak, waiting for his next words.

(End of this chapter)

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