Back to 70s: My husband, you are under arrest

Chapter 551 Who gave you a face?

Chapter 551 Who gave you a face?
Ren Huiqing exploded in an instant, regardless of whether she was outside or not, she pinched the second daughter's ear and began to scold, "You don't even know what to eat for your own son, so you come over to me over and over again to be hypocritical. Ning Lai, who gave you that?" Your face? Huh? Dong Ziqiang, you have never cared about it since you were a child, okay! Don’t care if you don’t care! Laoxiao and Sanya will help you take care of the children every time they come back from school. You have to be prepared for your child not to get close to you."

Ning Lai grinned hoarsely and begged for mercy, blushing and lowering his head.

She grew up so big, it was the first time she was scolded by her mother outside like this, and she was immediately ashamed.

The woman just yelled "Mom" and was beaten up the next second!

Ren Huiqing half-closed her eyes, and continued sharply: "You were brought up by me and your dad anyway, and you lack the love of your parents? You're just like Lu Guoyi, just like Lu Guoyi."

"Mom, I don't."

"No? Ning Lai, even if you get married, I'm the one who gave birth to you! I know in my heart whether I'm biased or not. If Dong Ziqiang hadn't become an athlete, and hadn't gotten a noun, would you still be working like this? Don't try to argue, you are I was born, I know exactly what you are like."

Before Ning Lai had time to say a word, his mother slapped him all over the face.

Well, most importantly, she has nothing to say.

Ren Huiqing was about to die of anger!

She pinched her daughter's ear and walked to the Ning's ancestral hall, cursing as she walked: "I have taught you since childhood that sisters and brothers should be united, and don't do things that make sisters divorced. Look, what you did after you got married , Which one has the face to bring it out? Dong Ziqiang was not very popular with you before, so he has been raised by me since he was a child. Your in-laws haven’t said anything yet, but you are showing off! I don’t know I thought it was your Huo Shu's daughter! Our old Ning family can't afford to lose this person, from today onwards, you will kneel in the ancestral hall for me, and you are not allowed to go!"

Ren Huiqing ordered Ning Lai to enter the Ning family ancestral hall, and none of the Ning family dared to intercede.

Of course, few people in Ningjia Village talked about it.

Ren Huiqing had already given an explanation on the surface. She felt that her daughter had done something wrong, so she quickly resolved the unreasonable troubles of the second daughter, and let Lin Baicai see Lu Guoyi and his family thoroughly, so she went back to cook while humming a ditty she composed herself.

If those who are not afraid of death discuss it, then don't blame Ren Huiqing for not giving face.


It was already afternoon when Lu Qingyao went back after the meeting.

As soon as Lu Qingyao walked into the alley, he met Ning Xiaobao, Ren Dongliang and a strange lesbian who were walking this way.

Ning Xiaobao was the first to see Lu Qingyao with sharp eyes, and raised his voice, "Brother-in-law."

Lu Qingyao looked for the sound, his expression moved slightly, and he raised his voice lightly. He stood in place and waited for them to walk in before asking, "Xiaobao, Dongliang, who is this?"

He glanced at the lesbian walking beside Ren Dongliang.

Ren Dongliang smiled innocently, "This is my partner, from the Hong Kong City side. We have just talked about it for a few months. I plan to take it back when I go back in two months. I will show it to my mother. Brother-in-law, what do you think of her? My third sister will Like it?"

In the eyes of Captain Lu, the most beautiful thing in the world must be his own wife.

Therefore, he directly ignored Ren Dongliang's previous question, and went straight to the last question: "Your third sister should be back, take it in and have a look."

As he spoke, he strode towards his home without looking at the reactions of the people behind him.

The woman next to Ren Dongliang asked puzzledly: "Comrade Ren Dongliang, why do you want to ask your third sister what you mean when you are with me?"

Ren Dongliang explained with a dry smile: "You don't understand, my status in my family is worse than that of a dog. My mother listens to the third sister the most. If she likes you, it's not worth mentioning from my mother."

It was also the first time Mu Xiaoyu saw such a family, raised her eyebrows in surprise, and continued to ask, "How many older sisters do you have?"

"Well, there are five of them who can walk in."

"The five positions are all the same?"

Mu Xiaoyu is determined to be the pillar.

If he dares to nod, she will break up!

I have never seen my family ask my sister-in-law to nod. What if my sister-in-law is difficult?She doesn't want to marry into it and suffer.

No matter how much she loves this man, she should not wrong herself!
Ren Dongliang raised his hand to touch the woman's head, smiled and shook his head, "Don't be nervous, that's what my third sister is like."

"I remember you said that your third sister is a cousin, why does your mother listen to her opinion so much?"

Ning Xiaobao who was walking in front of the two interjected, "Because my third sister is amazing."

Ren Dongliang kicked over without thinking, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled and explained: "Don't listen to this kid's nonsense, since he was a child, he was full of trains! None of his words are credible! The reason why my mother loves my third sister the most, um, should be because she was smart in everything since she was a child." Well, especially the first college student in our family to be admitted to a university, but he didn't get in later! Ning Xiaobao and I were able to get in later, and it was because of the turmoil that my father asked me to get in."

With such an explanation, Mu Xiaoyu understood.

At that time, I was admitted to university, and indeed, um, I was very capable.


"Then is your third sister easy to get along with?"

The corners of Ren Dongliang's mouth twitched, "There's no way to define this. My third sister will definitely be very kind to you, but to me... Well, in short, if my third sister hits me, you can help stop it."

Mu Xiaoyu heard cowardice from Ren Dongliang's mouth, but with a smile on his lips, it seemed that his feelings were very deep.

Ning Xiaobao said at the right time: "Ren Dongliang, you are enough! You already have girlfriends, and I haven't talked about them yet. If you take them back, wouldn't our family be the main target of attack?"

Ren Dongliang suddenly realized: "Yes, that means I am safe."

The two brothers were fighting and fighting, while Mu Xiaoyu watched from behind, with yearning in his eyes.

Ning Qing just woke up and was sitting in the yard washing clothes.

After a while, Ning Xiaobao and Ren Dongliang were heard making noise.

As soon as she wiped her hands and was about to open the door, she saw her husband push the door and walk in, followed by no one, and asked suspiciously: "I heard the voices of Lao Xiao and Ren Dongliang just now, why? Didn't you come back with you? "

Lu Qingyao nodded, "It's in the back."

Ren Dongliang and Ning Xiaobao hid outside the door. Hearing what his brother-in-law said, they could only show up and walk in.

Ren Dongliang smiled helplessly: "Brother-in-law, can't you help us cheat my sister? I also want to give my sister a surprise."

When he and Ning Xiaobao approached, he stopped his voice, thinking that he would suddenly appear in front of his sister and give a big 'supernatural event'.

Lu Qingyao said blankly: "You may have been frightened."

My wife is still quite timid. If the two younger brothers partnered to scare the older sister, they should be taught a lesson.

Ning Xiaobao choked, looked at her sister in a daze, and then at her brother-in-law who went straight to the stone table to drink tea, feeling tired everywhere.

There is a brother-in-law who is vigilant and protective of his wife, and his life is completely dark.

Ning Qing half-closed her eyes, these two bear brothers, knowing that she has an easily startled physique, are they going to trick her?
She raised her hand and was about to knock on the heads of her two younger brothers. They were really not big or small!
As soon as the woman raised her hand, Ren Dongliang begged for mercy, "Sister San, I really have a surprise for you."

With that said, he ran out the door without caring about anything.

Ning Qing glanced at Ning Xiaobao hastily, and asked coldly, "Ning Xiaobao is so courageous! You know you scared me? Huh?"

Ning Xiaobao laughed dryly, "Of course not, I, I, I..."

As he spoke, he moved out of the door, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he pointed out: "Third sister, look, Ren Dongliang has returned with his partner."

Ning Qing stared suspiciously at the dryly smiling Ning Xiaobao, and followed his hand to look over——

A pretty girl followed Ren Dongliang and walked over with a shy smile.

The anger in Ning Qing's heart subsided, and she smiled politely, "Hello, please come in."

With a smile on her face, Mu Xiaoyu looked at the third sister Ren Dongliang was most afraid of——

There is no one in the standard north, standing there without speaking, extremely elegant.

At this moment, Ning Qing saw her smiling politely, and studied her with a sizing eye.

Mu Xiaoyu was inexplicably nervous, "Hi, sister."

Ning Qing nodded with a slight smile, and warmly invited: "Come in and sit down, stay for a while and finish your meal."

Mu Xiaoyu raised her heart and nodded, "Thank you, sister."

Ning Qing shook her head, turned around and said to her husband: "Husband, you will call the compound later and say that we will not come if we have guests today."

Lu Qingyao nodded in the same way, and asked after thinking: "What kind of food do you need to buy?"

Because he and Ning Qing didn't live here for a long time, they didn't grow any vegetables and went directly to the vegetable market to buy them.

"potato and beef……"

After thinking about it for a while, she said what she was going to cook tonight.

Seeing Lu Qingyao looking at Ning Qing tenderly, Mu Xiaoyu whispered to Ren Dongliang, "I thought your brother-in-law would always talk very little, but I didn't expect him to look at Third Sister and talk differently from others."

Ren Dongliang heard the words and said with a smile: "My third sister is also very tender. She has great ambitions, and she is willing to wash her hands and make soup. This is what I envy the two of them the most."

When he said this, his tone was extremely serious.

(End of this chapter)

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