Chapter 1008 Melting Ice
On the bus, Tan Xiangdong helped Huo Yue keep away from the crowded people. After getting off the bus, he just wanted to go back to the hotel to take a shower.

Looking at the back of him leaving in a hurry, and still patting the dust on his arm from time to time, Huo Yue also felt a little sour for no reason.

Huo Yue shook his head, and just staggered home.

After taking the medicine to cool off the heat, she lay on the sofa, took the ice pack that Wen Mu gave her, put it in the refrigerator for a while, took it out and put it beside her, and immediately felt much more comfortable.

Wanting to get something to eat, I stood up, feeling nauseous again.

I searched around in the refrigerator, but couldn't find anything I wanted to eat. Instead, when I was watching TV, I saw the advertisement of Huamei above, and I couldn't help swallowing.

It was still early, she thought about it, and went out to the supermarket to buy two packs after a stroll.

When I walked to the side, I also noticed the sour green apples. I tried it and found that the taste was just right. I was about to buy two. An old lady next to me complained: "It's so sour, I still take it out and try it!"

"Sour?" Huo Yue suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Huo Yue took two packs of Huamei and went to check out. There were women's products on the side of the cash register. Huo Yue realized that it was already the middle of this month, and her period was always on time, but now it has been postponed for half a week.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but thump, and suddenly thought of a bad guess.

Huo Yue slept anxiously all night, woke up the next morning, and deliberately looked at her lower abdomen when she was getting dressed, it was still flat, with some flesh growing.

She has been busy with class recently, and she eats on time. In fact, it is normal to put some meat on her body. She reached out to pat back the extra belly, but she was afraid when she waved her hand halfway, so she could only put it down resentfully.

Huo Yue picked out a piece of clothing at random, and went to the museum distracted.

She retched from time to time along the way, and she began to hide it carefully, trying not to show herself strange.

Flipping through the calendar that came with her phone, she finally decided to go to the hospital for a careful examination on Saturday.

She got off the bus and walked into the museum. After walking two steps, she saw Tan Xiangdong standing at the entrance from a distance, obviously waiting for her.

Huo Yue looked at him and felt bored, but it didn't seem to be Tan Xiangdong's fault. After nodding and reluctantly greeting him, he went to the classroom.

Tan Xiangdong saw that her expression was wrong, and he didn't get an answer when he asked a question. Looking at the sky outside, he thought that Huo Yue was still suffering from heatstroke, so he went outside and bought her a bottle of sour plum juice.

But when he came back, he saw that Su Yuan had already made it to Huo Yue's side without hesitation.

Su Yuan has also been here several times in the past few days, and he always sits in the back row.

Tan Xiangdong followed Huo Yue, but he really didn't have a chance to come over, and he was already suffocating in his heart.

At this time, Tan Xiangdong was not there, and Huo Yue seemed a little uncomfortable. He hurried over and handed her a piece of paper: "What's wrong with you, your face is too ugly, are you sick? I still don't want to go to class today." , go to the hospital to have a look?"

Huo Yue felt a little guilty when she heard this, she turned her head and forced a smile, so she had no choice but to continue to use the excuse of heatstroke.

Before she could speak, she was blocked by a huge shadow.

Turning around, she happened to meet Tan Xiangdong's concerned gaze and dodged suddenly.

Tan Xiangdong frowned tightly, and grabbed her wrist: "You didn't feel well yesterday, it's better not to go to class and take you to the hospital."

"Okay, okay, I'm really fine, I just suffered from heat stroke! I went to our small clinic downstairs to see it yesterday, so don't worry about it."

Distraught, Huo Yue suddenly shook off Tan Xiangdong's hand.

Both Su Yuan and Tan Xiangdong frowned, looking at her strangely.

Seeing her reluctant appearance, Su Yuan sighed and patted her on the shoulder: "Then be careful yourself."

Originally, he wanted to say a few more words, but Tan Xiangdong was already watching, so he didn't have a chance, so he had to ask a few more words, and finally only left the pack of tissues.

Annoyed, he walked to the back seat, sat down on the seat and opened the book angrily.

Someone beside Su Yuan came over curiously and poked him with an elbow: "Who is that person? I think they are just like lovers these days. Could it be her boyfriend?"

"What are you talking about?" Su Yuan glared at him angrily.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Liu Qi curled his lips indifferently: "Xiaoyue has not had a good appetite recently, and she is still nauseous and retching, maybe she has it!"

"Fuck you." Su Yuan cursed, knowing that this person was joking, so he didn't take it seriously.

None of them noticed and were looking back at them.

(End of this chapter)

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