Assist Xianggong to seize the throne: concubine body six children

Chapter 464 Is it sympathy for me that I am dying

Chapter 464 Is it sympathy for me that I am dying (10)

Xiangsi sat up straight, turned her face to the inside, and said slightly angrily, "Every time I talk about Long Shangxue, you will get angry, but you also promised to find Long Shangxue, I don't know if I can wait until then , if there is no settlement between me and Long Shangxue, I will die without peace of mind. If you are still angry, I can't say anything, just let you go."

As she spoke, Xiangsi coughed violently, until her face turned pale.

Long Shangyang glanced at her, pulled her arm close to him, patted her back lightly with one hand, and said helplessly, "If it weren't for your face, I really can't believe that you are sick. You can get ten sentences out of one sentence, didn't you just come out of Suiyuan and your temperament is very smooth? Now you have revealed your original form?"

"Don't bother me, my lord." Xiangsi coughed and said, twisting her body to prevent him from patting her back, Long Shangyang had no choice but to compromise, "It's too hard to call for battle, you write a letter and I send someone to Jinhe, if that girl The general will write you back when he thinks about you."

Xiangsi was stunned, covered her cough and looked at him, with indescribable complexity in her eyes.

Long Shangyang couldn't help but said, "What's the matter? This is already my biggest limit, it's absolutely impossible to fight."

"You said you wouldn't give me a choice, and I remember every single word." Xiangsi said slowly, "Why do you agree to say a few words now?"

"Finally found that I treat you well?" Long Shangyang continued to pat her on the back rhythmically, "I understand now, you girl can only follow along, and you can show me a straight face by refuting a few words with you." .”

This is also the reason why she can't procrastinate any longer... She doesn't want to owe anyone, not a single one, she just wants to find Long Shangxue.

"Is it sympathy for my dying?" Xiangsi blurted out, and Long Shangyang yelled in a low voice, "I've been bored in the room all day, thinking wildly. Can you get up? Write a letter, and I'll send it over immediately."

Xiangsi's eyes lit up immediately, and he supported him to get up, Long Shangyang laughed, "I think I really need to find something for you to do so that you can be energetic."

Xiangsi smiled lightly, "Then you can let go of Yuecheng for a walk, wherever you want."

"Less is too small."


10 is over, good night everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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