future nationals

Chapter 7 "Future Citizens" The Prelude to the Fall of Night

Chapter 7 "Future Citizens" The Prelude to the Fall of Night
"Future Citizen"

Chapter 7 The Prelude to the Fall of the Night
From the morning sun to the sunset every day, it must have given the world a bright day, but it has to set in the end.Sunset not only brings night, but also welcomes a new round of light, which is the law of nature.

The lights are on, and night falls.House told Ryan that tonight Cherry will hold an exchange meeting with representatives of entrepreneurs in L City.Ryan guessed her intentions and decided to participate and listen to everyone's voices.

"Boss, you don't really need to come forward for this matter. Wolfe and I can just stay here. You maintain a big platform every day, and you need to worry about the interpersonal relationships. I don't want to disturb you." Cherry said to Ryan at the moment they met at the venue.

"I've worked hard on you recently, Cherry, you are very capable, everyone admires you very much. I'm here tonight, if you have any conflicts, you can come to me to relieve your pressure. I also happen to listen to everyone at a close distance Voice." Ryan patted Cherry on the shoulder, and two different styles of power were transmitted and interacted through the hands and shoulders.

Within half an hour, the representative entrepreneurs and key figures of L City arrived one after another, and the exchange meeting officially started.

The process of the exchange meeting was designed to be simple and efficient, with only three parts: Cherie's opening remarks, entrepreneurs' free speeches, and WM members' concentrated answers and summaries.

Cherry's opening remarks were concise and wonderful, and the core words were thanking for support and cooperation and imagining a bright future.The focus of this exchange meeting is the second part, which is mainly to let the representatives of entrepreneurs in L City express more, in order to get their most real ideas, and to stimulate all problems. Through this centralized communication method, strive for a and solve it.Improve efficiency and remove obstacles.

The representatives of entrepreneurs took turns to speak.

The first group of speakers mainly reflected on various problems arising from the incorporation of companies that are not ranked in the top two in various industries during the transition period.They are mainly a kind of reluctance in their hearts, and the biggest emotion is unwillingness.After all, every entrepreneur starts his own company and brand from scratch, and has achieved certain achievements and development within a period of time, and some of them are very likely to be able to do better and better, and even become their own A leader in the industry or field.I am reluctant to give up the career I created, and I don't want to easily put down my own banner that I have erected with hard work and hard work.This is a knot in their hearts, and it is a completely understandable difficulty to accept.

The second group of speakers mainly entangled with the so-called social status and lifestyle and the worries and gaps that may converge with ordinary people.I feel a little uncomfortable thinking that I will have to face the same choices and live a similar life as the employees who used to work for me, and even very likely to suddenly be inferior to them all of a sudden.

The third group of speakers mainly raised various questions and puzzles on behalf of the top two companies in various industries.They showed obvious anxiety and lack of confidence in the sudden and explosive increase in scale and responsibility.Some of them worry that the management will not be able to keep up; some feel that their enterprises are not ready for all kinds of preparations that must be made for sudden expansion; Liquidation, differences in raw material procurement and production standards, etc., etc. various practical issues...

Ryan sat quietly in his seat, listening to everything attentively.Whenever someone speaks, he adjusts his sitting position so that he faces the speaker as much as possible.He has an extraordinary memory, and his brain itself is the notebook and pen that Barana and Cherry usually use to take notes. He has deeply immersed everyone's speeches in his mind without missing a single word.

Time flies, and before you know it, more than two hours have passed.After Cherry repeatedly asked three times if there was anyone to speak but did not respond, the exchange meeting entered the third session, where the participating WM members made concentrated answers and summaries.This link was originally intended to be completed by Wolfe.Before the meeting, Ryan asked Cherry to make adjustments, and he would do it.During the opening remarks, Cherry had already announced this adjustment to everyone in advance.Perhaps because of the presence of Ryan, the speeches of the entrepreneurs lasted longer and involved more content, and some of them even greatly exceeded Cherry and Wolf's previous assumptions and imaginations.

"First of all, please allow me to express my most sincere thanks to you on behalf of our nation and the long-term and strong future of our country!" Ryan stood up and bowed deeply to all the participants. "I believe that everyone can come today because they have basically understood the deep meaning of our reform through our various publicity media, and have received initial approval from everyone. You are all doers, and you have listened carefully to everyone's opinions just now. In the speech, many very detailed questions raised by everyone represent that everyone wants to do the best of this common thing like doing their own business, otherwise they will not show so much anxiety, Worries, doubts, puzzles, or expectations show that everyone, like our WM members, cares and cares about the smooth progress of this matter."

"Everyone's reluctance and unwillingness to start a business, I think this is a pioneering spirit and entrepreneurial spirit worthy of admiration, and it is also a precious asset that any country and nation needs; Treat it with a broader mind and more profound wisdom. The country is made up of everyone’s small family, and the country is also a large enterprise formed by the integration of every small business we created. Countless us The national brand created by ourselves together supports the biggest brand of the whole country. Before we were doing our own companies and brands, we were actually building the big brand of the country together; now we want to completely integrate our own brand into the country. Among the biggest brands, they are also working together to make a good brand of the country in a new form. And what the country in the new form can bring to us will definitely be more abundant than our own efforts.”

"Gold shines everywhere, it shines no matter what, and it can't be buried. We don't have to worry about whether we will live better than others. The answer must be yes. As an entrepreneur who has always been independent and pioneered Or, our abilities in all aspects, including mentality and wisdom, have become stronger and more mature in the long-term real struggle. We will not be defeated under any competitive conditions, and naturally there is no competition. Bad situation."

"As for the sudden surge of pressure and responsibility for the top two in various industries during the transition period, I think it should first be transformed into a sense of pride and honor that is fully trusted and recognized by the country. In fact, this is the greatest degree of affirmation. Because you You have achieved the top two in your industry and field. Our country fully believes that you have this ability and level, and you can show more exquisite skills on a larger stage. In [National Partners] and [National Tasks] System] system, the human resources of the whole society will be allocated optimally. We are all people who have been in business for many years, and we all know that there are all reasons for people. The problem of people has been solved, and the needs of the whole society Naturally, there will be no shortage of extraction and collection, and the capital turnover of operations will definitely not be a problem. Moreover, various standards are also unified, and all industries will strictly implement them. There will be no quality problems like uneven products. Instead, we should focus our efforts on continuously improving product quality and service levels, so as to provide all people with better quality and more competitive prices. products or services to make everyone’s life more comfortable and satisfying.”

"I'm very glad to have this opportunity to communicate with you on the spot. Today's time is limited, so I won't say more. For more detailed and personalized questions, you are welcome to come to our office to chat with me at any time. I am very willing to become more intimate with you. Friends or partners, I also hope to get your guidance and advice on the special professional issues of each industry."

"Finally, I want to say that as entrepreneurs, we all know that if we want to do something, especially if we want to do something well, there will definitely be challenges, difficulties, problems, etc. The process of constantly solving problems. Let's enjoy this process together..."

In a burst of applause that lasted no less than half a minute, the exchange meeting came to an end.

After walking out of the venue and seeing off all the participants, including other members of the WM team, Ryan, Cherry, and Wolf walked into the parking lot together, and the three exchanged glances without speaking.They all know that the prelude has already begun and the real challenge has just begun.

They each got into their own cars, followed by three roars from different engines...

(End of this chapter)

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