future nationals

Chapter 32 "Future Citizens" promotes integration and aims at the world

Chapter 32 "Future Citizens" promotes integration and aims at the world
"Future Citizen"

Chapter 32 Promoting integration and aiming at the world
Today is a very meaningful day. L City, as a pilot city for the reform and transition period of [National Partners] and [National Task System], was initiated by the Federation of Industry and Commerce, and the Entrepreneurs Alliance convened representatives of outstanding entrepreneurs from all over the country to visit L City Investigate the agenda.After a busy morning of sign-in and reception, after lunch, the gathering of talents officially kicked off.

The assembly meeting was presided over by Bird, the president of L City Federation of Industry and Commerce, Bell, the political representative, Ryan, the founder of the [All People] model, and Xibo Hesi, the local entrepreneur representative who is undergoing the pilot city operation of the [All People] reform and transition period in L City Necker and others were invited to attend this event.After this afternoon's assembly meeting, entrepreneurial elites from all over the country will stay in L City for a week, and use a combination of official and private unannounced visits to fully experience the promotion and operation of various aspects of the pilot cities during the transitional period of change. The current situation of the city provides an immersive reference and reference for the comprehensive implementation of reforms in various cities.

Still in line with the principle of simple and efficient communication, after President Byrd made a brief welcome speech, the assembly meeting went straight to the theme, and Ryan made a propositional speech to the representatives of entrepreneurs present at the meeting.

"Good afternoon, colleagues! I am very glad to be here with senior businessmen and elites from all over the country to feel and share the value and significance of [National Citizens] reform. I can gain the love and trust of future citizens and take on the leadership of change. I am personally honored to take on such a heavy responsibility. Regarding the benefits that this reform can bring to our country-people relations, I believe that you have already heard about it through the continuous publicity of various media in the past year and the word-of-mouth of people around you. Now that we have a certain understanding, we won’t go into details here. Since it is a grand gathering of entrepreneurial elites from all over the country, our main focus this time is on the business sector.”

"As we all know, our country is in a favorable period of economic prosperity, and the rise of domestic business leaders is the most core and essential driving force. All of you, as the navigators and helmsmen of outstanding enterprises in all walks of life across the country, Whether the goal is clear and clear, with a broad and long-term vision; whether we can base ourselves on the overall situation and work together is of decisive significance in terms of whether our country's overall economy can achieve sustainable and sound development, the country's long-term stability, international status and influence, etc. .”

"As the founders or leaders of their respective companies, each of you must more or less question or even reject the great integration of various industries promoted by the [National People] reform. There are various reasons for this, such as the originality complex and selfish desires. And reason, this is normal, after all, we are still human beings, we are just animals that have reached the top of the planet’s food chain through various tools and means, etc. It is understandable. However, when we put aside our so-called The role of entrepreneurs and the aura of success should not be ignored or forgotten. We are more important than the citizens of a country. As a member of the future citizens, especially those who have become elites who have been favored by society, we have to shoulder the responsibility Let us work together to realize the mission and important task of national prosperity and long-term strength!"

“Our [National People] reform is doing great integration of enterprises in various industries. Only two or three leading enterprises in each same industry are kept nationwide, and the information, resources and talents of other enterprises in the same industry are integrated into this. In terms of two or three points, it is to forge the sharpest sword and point directly at the world! In addition, in the future, there will be dynamic competition between the two or three sharp blades in each industry in our country, so that we can actually provide products or The real quality of service is compared in reality, and regional division is carried out in accordance with the laws and habits of talent flow, so that elite talents from all walks of life in our country can give full play to their greatest energy and value in a more adaptable and comfortable life. Say it in your heart In other words, all of you here now have a good idea. In the entire international environment, how many companies and brands can really show our future country? As we have been striving on the road to becoming a powerful country, we should And integrate our wisdom and energy to work together to forge powerful national brands in various industries, participate in the competition of enterprises in various industries around the world, defeat all opponents in other countries, and occupy a place!"

"We should take our goals and vision out of the country, look to the whole world, and take the international market covering all countries as a place for us to display our talents and talents. For this reason, we must let go of our own originality complex, abandon personal selfishness and Selfish desires, speak with everyone's true talent, wisdom and ability, and judge the competition with the actual ability, strength and growth potential of each enterprise in every industry in our country. Who has the qualifications to lead the industry as a leader in this industry? The past performance, development status and momentum are clearly presented at a glance; if some of us do not have such qualifications, we should accept integration without reservation and willingly, and use the information we have, Contribute resources and talents, etc., integrate into the leading enterprises in this industry, form a more powerful and outstanding enterprise with more competitiveness and development prospects, and jointly create a more popular and well-known household name in the world. The national brand of the future country."

"The entrepreneurial elites of our country are the pillars and backbone of the entire future country. After the [National People] reform, they no longer have to sweep the door, and they don't have to fight each other. They have become partners in our own country; In the field of the industry, on a platform that is larger than the small gate and courtyard in the past, while giving full play to your wisdom and talents, you can enjoy more dividends from making the cake bigger with elite talents from all walks of life; At the same time, with more free personal time, there will be more things that can be done and can be done. For example, by accepting various tasks issued by the [All People] system, you will have the opportunity to display more of your strengths and talents; for example Pay attention to the inheritance of the country's follow-up talents, and cultivate more outstanding young generations; such as better caring for relatives and lovers, and better running our family; such as continuously learning various skills, constantly improving and perfecting ourselves...etc. Etc. When a brand-new system and its rules can bring us more and greater personal benefits and a more comfortable and satisfying life, this closer relationship and connection with ourselves will prompt us to become more and more If we put our heart and soul into it, the situation will be far better than what we have experienced before and at present. Now we all take care of the harvest of our own one-third of an acre of land, and because of the cruel competition between each other and the robbing of the same industry in China All kinds of limited resources, etc., often make ourselves physically and mentally exhausted and in a difficult situation, and even have no time to take care of our families, making it difficult to live the life we ​​really want.”

"My colleagues, let us completely open our hearts, broaden our horizons, work together, and accelerate integration. Dedicate all our talents and abilities, and gather together to form a stronger and more competitive energy field. Based on the future, look to the future The world, let's create a broader living space and a better future life for our future citizens together! May our [National Partners] and [National Task System] reforms be able to gain more from everyone in the coming days With the understanding and support of the whole country, we will use each of us's willing internal drive to accelerate [the whole people] change and cover the whole country; let us work together to promote integration and point to the whole world!"


After Ryan's speech, the whole venue burst into thunderous applause.

Next, Mr. Bell once again expressed his firm support on behalf of the political circles; representatives of local entrepreneurs in L City, such as Hippo and Snake, shared with you the various aspects of their participation in the transitional period of [National] reform from the beginning to the present. What I have experienced during the promotion of the pilot work includes all the realities and mental journeys in various aspects of career and life.

The whole assembly meeting was simple in form but profound in meaning, running through the theme of Ryan's speech.Promoting integration is aimed at the whole world, and the [National People] reform will not only bring new relationships and roles between the country and the people as a whole family in the future, but also simplify all aspects of the country in the future with the freedom and internal drive inspired by all the people. Governance will not only allow future citizens to have more opportunities to do what they love and live the life they want...it will also have a profound impact on the structure of the entire world.

(End of this chapter)

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