future nationals

Chapter 29 "Future Citizen" Relatives must send it in person

Chapter 29 "Future Citizen" Relatives must send it in person

"Future Citizen"

Chapter 29

"Oh my god, we actually booked four tickets to the same city at the same time. We always thought that everyone would be sent to different places to complete their respective tasks..." House in his office looked at the plane ticket he had just received. Internal mail, muttered to himself.

"Ding dong~" House's cell phone received a message, he turned on the screen to check, it was from the boss, the content was: Have you received the internal mail?After booking the air tickets, inform everyone to gather at the office earlier and tell me the next time. I will drive you to the airport.

"WM", House quickly confirmed the reply.

After noon, Ryan, who had just finished lunch with Bell, came to the office alone.I happened to meet Eagle in the office corridor.

"Boss is here?" Eagle and Ryan greeted.

"Well, is everyone there?" Lane said.

"Yes, they are all there." Eagle replied.

"Let everyone come to my office." Ryan said, walking towards his office.

"WM," Iger confirms the reply.

One minute later, six post-1s team leaders who followed Ryan to City L gathered in Ryan's office.After everyone took their seats, Ryan began to say: "Brothers and sisters, this may be the last time seven of us are together in the near future. Before the four of us leave, I have two words to tell you. The first sentence is about your Master, I repeat again, no matter where you are with them, you must maintain communication and contact, learn from their strengths and strengths, and resolutely put an end to any words and deeds that are detrimental to our overall interests, and everyone supervises and promotes each other; the second sentence , continue to maintain efficient communication within the team, especially those who travel far and stay behind, continue to cooperate closely and collaborate efficiently to complete every task together, and we also supervise and promote each other among ourselves. The above two aspects appear Any questions and related situations must be reported to me as soon as possible, did I make it clear?"

"WM", two "mutual supervision and promotion" were pointed out by Ryan and put on the table, everyone was clear about it, and collectively confirmed the reply.

"It's almost time. Let's go. I need to give special attention to the four of you. Let me tell you on the way. Wolfe and Barana take care of your home." Ryan stood up, and the four people who were about to go away briefly said goodbye to the two people who stayed behind , followed Ryan to the door...

On the way to the airport, Ryan drove the car himself, House sat in the passenger seat, followed by Fox, Eagle and Cherry.

"Did you think that the four of you would go together to act together?" Ryan asked.

"No, I'm surprised." House, who was closest to Ryan, answered on behalf of everyone.

"Boss, if you have anything special to say, just say it." Cherry, who was sitting directly behind Ryan, said.

"It's not a special confession, just like before, team fighting." Ryan went on to say: "Starting today, your four-person group must form a full integration, and follow the main points marked on the national city strategy map sent to you with the attached transfer order." Cities, in principle, each city should not exceed one week at most, and solve all relatively major core issues according to the actual local conditions. Taking L city as the base point, gradually advance from near to far, and do a good job in [National] All the preparatory work before the overall replication of the model. The person in charge of each city and all the people who can provide you with help and support are included in the transfer order; the special tasks combined with each of your strengths are also explained in detail. If there is any situation or special problem, please feel free to contact me and keep in touch.”

"WM", four people confirmed the reply at the same time.

"Also, we must pay attention to changing with the times, know how to adapt, and never completely copy the operating experience of L city; the situation of each city will be slightly different, and we must make corresponding countermeasures based on the actual situation of each city. I am looking forward to seeing each of you grow more..." Ryan said earnestly.

"Don't worry, boss! In the morning, the four of us discussed the transfer order of each of us. We did some pre-judgment analysis in advance, and also made relevant necessary preparations. For example, my system trial account and the opening of operation training. ’ Fox responded.

"The media propaganda across the country has never stopped, and all the popularized information and common sense, etc., are basically understood by the people of each city. Compared with the pioneering work we carried out in L City at that time, it is better. It’s a lot. Do more targeted online and offline activities and events, etc., and continue to strengthen.” Eagle said confidently.

"Don't forget to go to each city to attack the intersection first, and find the intersection that can get twice the result with half the effort. Start with the organization or person at the intersection, mobilize all available resources and contacts, stimulate the internal driving force of the localized crowd, and exert human-to-human transmission The greatest strength. In the form of local people advocating the people, create a situation where all the people are soldiers and act together..." Ryan continued to ask.

"Well, I will sort out and reshape the entrepreneur alliances in each city again, and integrate enterprises from various industries in the same city. There is also a financial compensation plan prepared in advance and effectively promoted..." Cherry said, While looking carefully at the transfer order saved on the phone.

"The body is the capital of the revolution. We should pay special attention to diet and exercise, try not to get sick and stay healthy." Ryan said with concern.

Ryan's words made the car a little silent. Everyone looked at their boss and suddenly felt a little strange...

Ryan at this time made everyone feel like his parents sent him to kindergarten and brought him a big apple; the boss who had been very tough and even cold-blooded in front of them for many years before became particularly soft and kind warmth.

When the car drove into the parking lot of the airport, Ryan was the first to get out of the car and went to the trunk to move out the luggage for everyone, "I have something to do, so I won't go in. The four of you take good care of each other, especially Cherry, the three of you Brother, take good care of her; when you arrive, report to me that she is safe."

"WM", after everyone took turns hugging Ryan, the three men picked up all the luggage, and the group of four set off for the country...

(End of this chapter)

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