future nationals

Chapter 20 The increasingly popular task of "Future Citizen"

Chapter 20 The increasingly popular task of "Future Citizen"
"Future Citizen"

Chapter 20 The increasingly popular task
"Mission" has unknowingly become the most popular word in the region of L city in the future country.

Under the overall planning of social resources, all visual media such as floors and street signs in streets and alleys are full of "tasks".

All TV, newspapers, magazines, computers, mobile phones, shopping malls, elevators, etc. that can be displayed, and even the daily communication between people are all "tasks".

"What mission did you discover today?"

"What task did you choose today?"

"What tasks did you complete today?"

"Is the task you did easy to do?"

"How did you get paid for that mission?"

"What task are you going to choose next?"

"What are your plans after finishing the current task? Take a few days off or plan to go somewhere?"


In all the educational institutions such as elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, universities, and various training schools in L City, teachers will combine various tasks that have been released by the specific [National People] system and may be released in the future when teaching, and provide targeted information to each school. Children of different ages are taught and explained from the shallower to the deeper.Only those teachers who were originally engaged in educational work and have qualification certificates and working experience have the qualifications to accept educational tasks. According to the initial ratings entered into the system based on the statistical results of public opinion big data from students and parents in the past, they are respectively With different specific qualifications, you can accept the teaching tasks issued by the corresponding rated schools.Under the [All People] system, the competitive incentive system of the whole society is becoming more and more optimized and intense.Only good teachers are qualified to teach relatively better students; if each student wants to be taught by a relatively better teacher, he must learn the culture and skills required by the stage at different stages of schooling, and use excellent If the score is promoted to a higher rating, there will be more schools that are qualified to recruit famous teachers to teach in the future.Similarly, such a model will also motivate teachers to continuously improve themselves.

The people in the society, the more tasks they choose and accept, the better the degree of completion, the higher the degree of specific or special contribution...the priority and reward when accepting each task, and the enjoyment of various social free benefits Qualifications, etc., will be richer.

The laws of nature are brought into full play under the [National People] system. It inspires people to demand and improve themselves with higher standards all the time. If you don’t understand, you can ask, if you don’t know, you can learn, if you don’t, you can learn. What doesn't work can work... As long as you make yourself better and more diligent, you will most likely realize the value of life you pursue and live the life you really want.

City L in the future country, as a pilot city for the reform of [All People's Partners] and [National People's Task System], all the people in its jurisdiction have taken the lead in experiencing a new life of freedom.The whole system is also relatively fair in terms of the treatment of each person's different choices and contributions in society, as well as the risks, pressures and social responsibilities they have assumed.

All the entrepreneurs who chose to start a business before received corresponding financial compensation from the state according to the ranking and development level of the company in their industry.With the money in hand, entrepreneurs can choose not to invest any more, keep it for themselves and enjoy life, and then re-select and continue to accept various tasks released in the system every day to obtain new income and become a freelancer; they can also re-invest Become a partner with a specific shareholding ratio in a leading company that has integrated all large and small entities and their resources in the industry in which you are engaged, and receive dividends on a regular basis; , has the priority to choose the tasks issued by the leading enterprises in this industry.These entrepreneurs who have taken risks and challenges independently and struggled in the ups and downs of the business world, after receiving corresponding rewards or compensation, of course, they can also choose not to accept any tasks in the next life, and do nothing ; But the premise is that they need to measure whether everything they have now is enough to satisfy the life they want to live in this life or to realize their pursuit in life. This is the freedom of each of them.

Practitioners from all walks of life who chose to work before, according to the cumulative internal performance evaluation results of their companies and special contributions to society, etc., received severance remuneration from their companies and the country respectively, and became independent freelancers.It is gold that always shines and can never be buried.Through continuous selection and continuous completion of various tasks issued by the [National People] system, the cumulative personal ratings will be built in the big data of the system with actual talents and abilities; gradually increasing the ratings will allow them to accept the priority of tasks, The rewards for meeting the task completion standards and various social free benefits, etc., have been treated more and more reasonably to their satisfaction.Of course, with the wealth accumulated through continuous completion of tasks, they can also independently choose to invest in one or several leading companies in various industries at the same time, obtain partner status, and share dividends.At this point, all future citizens have equal opportunities, which is also one of the connotations of [National Partners].

Previously, it was difficult to find suitable opportunities to display their talents due to information asymmetry, and people who could not live independently due to limited personal ability, or who needed to receive special protection, etc., the [All People] system released tasks of different types and degrees of difficulty. Free training of specific skills for various tasks, or more focused on strengthening the basic social welfare security system and so on to provide effective assistance.Especially during the transitional period of change, convenient on-site workstations have been set up in various areas of the city, for people who temporarily do not have the conditions and ability to select and accept tasks in the online system, they can complete tasks that suit them offline and get corresponding rewards on the spot.


In the current stage of City L, almost all the citizens seem to have become members of Ryan and his team who are leading the work of pilot cities during the transition period of change.Everyone is an executor, and everyone is also a propagandist... The expansion power of "person-to-person transmission" is like the infinite spread of bacteria, the fastest and most efficient communication medium of "word-of-mouth", plus all aspects of information in the entire city The integration and coordination of resources, etc... an explosive trend and trend is sweeping the whole city.

"Mission," Lane emphasized the meaning of the word at a meeting of WM chapter leaders in various cities across the country.Before the [National People] system is officially replicated to the whole country, each city should take the most effective measures or forms according to the characteristics of its region and culture, so that the local people can gradually accept and adapt to the freedom of "task" Life style: Let the "task" be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and be recognized by the people as widely as possible, so that it becomes their natural living habits.

From L City to the entire future country, "tasks" are becoming a trend, becoming more and more popular...

(End of this chapter)

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