farmer legend

Chapter 155

Chapter 155

A tourist stepped forward to pour out half a bottle of water himself. He smelled a spicy smell that rushed into his mind, making him almost faint.

"It smells so spicy!"

Because of his inexperience and unexpectedness, his eyes were so hot that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

His words were echoed by everyone, but Tang Shenyuan couldn't help laughing out loud. The people of Honghe Village were not in a hurry, as long as the tourists didn't rebel, they knew that the sprayers were not filled with pesticides.

"Seeing is believing, ears are not hearing, what you say makes sense!" Tang Shenyuan said to Tang Guang'an: "Fourth brother, pour some water out and let everyone see if it contains pesticides!"

"Hehe, it's soaked in chili, can it be less spicy?" Tang Guang'an laughed.

"What? Chili water?"

"Yes, there are onions and garlic in it..."

Although the tourists were surprised, they could still recognize the condiments such as chili, onion and garlic, so they knew that what Tang Shenyuan said was really not lying to them.

"What is this for, to spray pepper water on vegetables?" The tourists were confused. Could there be some secret in it?
Because I have never heard of pepper water being used to irrigate vegetables. Is this why the vegetables in Honghe Village are so delicious?Some tourists came alive, should they sell this secret to others?

"Brother Tang, why do you spray pepper water on the vegetables?" A tourist spoke more politely than before.

"Didn't you notice the strangeness of these dishes?"

"Wow, why are these vegetables withered and yellow? What we eat is emerald green..." The tourists found that the vegetables were turning yellow.

"Is it sick?" said a girl.

Although she doesn't know how to grow vegetables, she knows that plants will turn yellow or even wither when they get sick.

"That's right, these vegetables are all sick... Are the vegetables and leaves on your ground covered with bugs?"

"Wow!" Tang Shenyuan's words exploded in the crowd of tourists like a bomb.

"Bugs, how scary!" Some tourists, especially girls, who are afraid of bugs jumped three feet high, "These bugs are so disgusting!"

Tang Shenyuan said: "It is to kill these little bugs that we spray pepper water!"

However, at this time, the focus of tourists' concern is no longer on the bugs——

"Sick vegetables, can I still eat them?"

"Is it necessary to apply pesticides when you are sick?"

"I said it's not pesticides but chili water!" A young man wearing glasses corrected.

The tourist who was corrected by him suddenly felt dull, and retorted: "Of course I know it's chili water, but shouldn't pesticides be used when vegetables are sick? How do you spray chili water?"

He thought that before Tang Shenyuan could answer, other tourists had said it.

"If pesticides are used, it is not a green vegetable..."

"Yes, that's it! No pesticides!"

The tourists talked a lot, but Tang Shenyuan was withdrawn from the center of the topic, which made Tang Shenyuan feel very speechless. Nima just looked like he was going to eat people, but now they are scolding each other, which makes people very speechless. .

"Are those other sprayers also filled with pepper water?" asked a very gentle young man.

This young man is a law student, his name is Gao Gao, and his favorite is Sherlock Holmes. He has always wanted to be a great detective like Holmes, so he likes to break the casserole and ask the truth.

"Uh, no!" Tang Shenyuan said.

"Ah? It's not chili water, could it be..."


"Didn't you just say no to pesticides?"


Tourists are bombing again, feeling cheated again.The world is so dark, the earth is too dangerous, why not!
"It's not pesticides either!" Tang Shenyuan said again.

"What's that?" Gao Gao poured out a little, and suddenly a stench came to his nostrils, "Isn't this the smell of medicine? Isn't it a pesticide?"

After saying this, everyone's eyes on Tang Shenyuan changed. It turned out that it was like this. He was almost fooled. It turned out that he even took a cover. He knew that someone would come over at this time. If he was found, he could use the sprayer filled with pepper water You have lied to everyone, but the real situation is that you are using pesticides!

"Unforgivable!" Well, the person who said this must be a fan of Anime Today.

"It's too insidious. It really is that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot high. Fortunately, Gao Gao discovered their true colors..."

"I believed what he said just now, and I thought it was really spraying pepper water! I'm so stupid, really..."


The tourists have a lot to say at this time, but the general central idea is to criticize Tang Shenyuan and Honghe Village for being unscrupulous merchants, selling green vegetables at high prices to unsuspecting consumers to obtain high profits... criticizing the ideological education of contemporary society If you don't do it well, people, especially businessmen, are morally corrupt, harming others and benefiting themselves...

Tang Shenyuan was dumbfounded by what the tourists said, you have too much imagination, hey hey hey, the one over there who took off his pants...don't spray shit!Don't eat that mouth wiper over there...

So dirty!
Tang Shenyuan didn't speak, Oolong, Tang's father and Tang's mother couldn't take it anymore, they were almost scolded to tears.As the village secretary, Tang Qinghua had no choice but to stand up and say:

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet..."

The tourists knew that the Tang Qinghua who spoke was the secretary of Honghe Village, so when they heard him yelling to calm down, everyone calmed down slowly to hear what he had to say, and to see if he still wanted to quibble?
And Gao Gao was ready to criticize. As long as the other party said something wrong, he immediately stood up and called on everyone to boycott the vegetables in Honghe Village, and even appealed to the masses to close their eyes and stop coming to Honghe Village to avoid being fooled again...

"That is neither chili water nor pesticides, but the water soaked in neem leaves..." Tang Qinghua explained to everyone why the water soaked in neem leaves should be used to spray vegetables, because the water soaked in neem leaves can kill insects!
If it is said that officials are sloppy, what Tang Qinghua said in his heart was heard from Tang Shenyuan, but what he said was much more beautiful and convincing.

But that Gao Gao heard something different, he said:
"Why does the neem leaf kill insects? Does it mean that the neem leaf is poisonous? Otherwise, how can it kill insects?"

Just now he was "spirited" by the neem tree leaf water, but at this moment he still has lingering fears about that thing, and he will never let go of a chance to refute his resentment.When everyone heard what he said, they suddenly felt that Gao Gao seemed to be trying to confront Tang Shenyuan and the others, and they all agreed with his words, asking Tang Shenyuan and the others to explain clearly, otherwise they would not dare to eat their vegetables in the future.

"That's right, this neem leaf is poisonous..."


As soon as Tang Shenyuan uttered the word "poisonous", the tourists immediately exploded, whispering to each other, saying that they finally knew the truth, and finally understood why the vegetables they ate before were so beautiful, like emeralds.How can we grow such beautiful vegetables if we don't use pesticides?At this time, tourists who thought they knew the truth finally couldn't help but post Weibo and post to tell their relatives and friends not to come to Honghe Village again, let alone believe in green organic vegetables!

Everything is fake!fake!fake!
Tang Shenyuan looked at the somewhat out-of-control crowd, and couldn't help crying or laughing. What's the matter with these people, why do they explode every time he gets to the point before he finishes talking?

"Don't worry, everyone, listen to me, okay?"

"What else is there to say?" "Yes, I'm leaving now, I feel like there is no love in the world..." "Liar!" "..."

No matter how angry everyone was, Tang Shenyuan said with confidence: "The leaves of the neem tree are indeed poisonous, but they are not very poisonous. They can be used as medicine after being used! ... and the neem tree poison is a natural toxin, and it will decompose after a period of time. , will not cause harm to the human body..."

When Tang Shenyuan said this, a few clever tourists took out their mobile phones to search online, and soon found the answer. Tang Shenyuan was right!
I only heard Tang Shenyuan continue to say: "This method was told to me by a highly respected old professor. There will be no problem! And there is no way to use this neem leaf water this time. After this pest plague, we will not use it again. Use it, I hereby assure you!"

"Okay, we trust you once!" "Since there is no harm, let's let you go!" "It turned out to be a misunderstanding. By the way, Brother Tang, can you explain clearly before doing things in the future, otherwise misunderstandings will easily occur! ""..."

Well, listening to the tourists' words, Tang Shenyuan relaxed and felt helpless at the same time, you are right, I am wrong in everything... Well, you are the God of Wealth, you have the final say!
"It's getting late, tonight on the beach of the reservoir, in order to celebrate this misunderstanding, I invite everyone to have a barbecue!"

"Oh yeah! Brother Tang is mighty!" "Brother Tang is the most handsome!" "Unexpectedly, there is such a benefit in going out for a stroll! A meal for nothing..." "You foodie..." "..."

Now that the misunderstanding was resolved, they continued to play.Tang Shenyuan watched the tourists leave one after another. He told Oolong to pay attention to the situation of the bugs. If there was anything to report to him at any time, he would tell his parents and go to prepare for the barbecue tonight.

At this time, Tang Qinghua told Tang Shenyuan that there would be a fishing competition the day after tomorrow and asked him what the rules were.

Tang Shenyuan didn't understand this, so he told Tang Qinghua to do it himself, and he would go and see it when the time came!Fishing competition, he remembered the bet with Dong Xiyu that time...

"I almost forgot, the bet has not been fulfilled yet! No, I must remind Xiyu later to let her fulfill the bet... Well, I am looking forward to it!"

"Ah Qiu! Who is missing me?" Dong Xiyu rubbed Xiao Qiong's nose and said to herself.

"Hehe, stinky!" Her best friend Ah Feng jokingly said, "Of course it's Tang Shenyuan!"

"Isn't it normal for your boyfriend to treat you like that?"

"Hmph!" Dong Xiyu pretended to be disdainful, but she was actually very happy.

At this time, Ah Feng leaned over and said: "Is that Honghe Village beautiful? Take me to play when I have time..."

(End of this chapter)

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